Posts Tagged ‘The BOPAC Report’

Lt. Col. Lakin to Face Court Martial – American Thinker – Navy Seals Prosecution – Rep. Burton – American Soldiers – Tortured Duty Tortured Mission – The BOPAC Report

April 13, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


I'm Sure There Are Many Soldiers Living This Nightmare. It's Time For The Joint Chiefs of Staff to Step To The Plate and Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin! Don't Be Military Sheep.

Between Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin’s likely Court Martial, Commander Kerchner’s struggle for truth, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick’s recent arrest, and the prosecution of three Navy Seals just doing their jobs – I’m finding it hard to understand why anyone would voluntarily serve in today’s military.  Our military is doing great work overseas but it is certainly not defending ‘our’ freedoms at home under Obama.  Obama bows to every two-bit dictator in the world and at the same time alienates our friends – shaking his finger at the Canadian Prime Minister and disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu at every opportunity.

I served as an In-Flight Electronics Technician on P-3’s in Jimmy Carter’s military and I thought I was serving during the time of the lowest military morale in history.  However, before all is said and done, those serving Obama’s military are going to find themselves waking in the middle of the night in a sweat wondering if they did or didn’t do the right thing.

Early this year, I wrote an article that I hope every military man and woman will seriously consider – and then reconsider if you will stand with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.

The article American Soldiers – Tortured Duty & Tortured Mission’ is at the end of this post.

You guys and gals continue to be in my prayers every day!!

From The American Thinker:

April 13, 2010

Lt. Col. Lakin to face court martial

Thomas Lifson

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, MD is to face a court martial for his refusal to obey deployment orders, pending proof that it is a lawful order, issued by a commander in chief who meets the constitutional requirements of office. Dr. Lakin explained his refusal in an article published April 8th on American Thinker. The American Patriot Foundation writes:

Army doctor Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin yesterday met with his brigade commander, Col. Gordon R. Roberts, who proceeded to read LTC Lakin his Miranda rights , and who informed LTC Lakin he had the “right to remain silent” because LTC Lakin is about to be charged with serious crimes. Col. Roberts was at age 19 awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the only recipient of the nation’s highest honor currently on active duty in the Army.

LTC Lakin had previously been ordered in writing to report yesterday to Ft. Campbell, KY and then on to deploy for his second tour of duty in Afghanistan. Lakin refused to obey these orders and instead came to work yesterday morning at the Pentagon. Late yesterday afternoon he was confronted by his brigade commander.

Before the meeting was over, LTC Lakin’s Pentagon Access Pass had been revoked, and his laptop computer was set to be confiscated.

The message to LTC Lakin is clear; through official channels, he was informed yesterday that he will shortly be court-martialled for crimes (specifically, missing movement and conduct unbecoming an officer) that for others has led to lengthy imprisonment at hard labor.

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Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!

From WND:

Officer to Army: Bring it on!

Refusing to deploy without eligibility answers, misses due date at Fort Campbell

Posted: April 13, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A decorated Army surgeon who is refusing to follow orders because of the president’s decision to conceal documents that could show his eligibility to be commander in chief is telling the military to bring it on – by missing a deployment due date yesterday at Fort Campbell, Ky.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing imminent court-martial charges in the wake of the Army’s demand he report for a Middle East deployment, and his decision to refuse orders until there are answers to questions about President Obama’s eligibility.

“He has been informed through official challenges that he will be charged soon with missing movement and conduct unbecoming an officer,” according to a statement released last night to WND.

The information was from Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, who is acting as a spokeswoman in the case involving Lakin….Continue Reading


Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? It's all part of Obama's script in the tiresome and dangerous play - “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

From The Colorado Independent:

‘Colonel Birther’ spokesperson: Lakin accepts consequences of search for truth

By Joseph Boven 4/12/10 6:05 PM

For the first time since declaring his intention to disobey orders to deploy to Afghanistan because he is not convinced Pres. Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States, Greeley native Lt Col Terry Lakin returned to his “duty station” today, the position he holds at a Pentagon medical clinic. Spokesperson Margaret Hemenway said Lakin reported to the clinic and that he has been refusing to obey not just orders to deploy but all military orders.

“I think we will just have to wait and see; it’s only speculative as to what they are going to do with him. Obviously if you have questions whether the president and commander in chief legally has the job, then all orders become unlawful– if there is no assurance whatsoever that [Obama] is actually a natural-born citizen according to the Constitution, and of course no one has seen an original birth certificate,” she said.

Talking to Denver talk-radio host Peter Boyles, a fellow skeptic on the matter of the president’s citizenship, Hemenway said Lakin is steadfast in his position.

“He walked [into the Pentagon] this morning. He is resolute. He is ready for whatever consequences may befall him and he is in search of the truth. His spirits are good. He feels very strongly about what he’s doing. His conscience is strong. He believes we need to know whether our president is lawfully in the job or not,” said Hemenway….Continue Reading

 Navy Seals Prosecution –

When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

Rep. Burton condemns decision not to fully exonerate Navy SEALs

Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:00 am

INDIANAPOLIS – Rep. Burton issued the following statement after the Navy dropped several charges against two Navy SEALs who are accused of mistreating terrorist mastermind Ahmed Hashim Abed, the man believed to be responsible for the infamous mutilations of four American contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004.

“I am extremely disappointed by the decision announced yesterday. While dropping some of the charges against Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe and Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas is a small step in the right direction, it is only a small step.

“I have said repeatedly that what is happening to SEALs McCabe, Keefe and Huertas is completely wrong. They signed up, not only to serve their country, but to do so in the most dangerous capacity provided by our government. The commanders gave these men a mission, and they executed it. They risked their lives to capture a brutal terrorist, and in their success, likely saved the lives of countless others.

“Not unexpectedly, the captured terrorist, a top al-Qaeda leader, followed his own training manual and complained of poor treatment by his captors in the form of a punch to the stomach and a cut lip. I find it infuriating and unconscionable that the three SEALs are now undergoing court martial as a result of those allegations. Instead of medals and commendations, our heroes are being met with twisted jurisprudence. This sends a backwards message to our men and women in the military who are charged with carrying out dangerous missions and must often use aggressive force in dealing with al-Qaeda and the Taliban….Continue Reading

American Soldiers – Tortured Duty & Tortured Mission

Saturday, 02 January 2010 16:12

Written by Zach Jones

The Whys and Whats Becoming Harder to Answer?

Families that honor military service are spread all across this nation. I grew up in one. Even as a teenager in the sixties, I remember knowing that freedom wasn’t free. My father had served in Patton’s 3rd Army, fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and served as a guard at the Nuremberg War Trials. How could I not know the price of freedom? WWII, now that was a just war. Everyone knew it. Everyone knew the war had to be won at all costs because failure clearly meant tyranny and death for an entire people, the Jewish people. Everyone knew, even the media knew the Whys and Whats. Why they were fighting? What they were fighting for? They knew the cost of winning and losing! And, victory wasn’t a dirty word.

However, my brother and I served in the United States Navy during a time in America’s history dominated by numbing callousness, selfishness, and indifference. The loss of the Vietnam War brought about by the media and endless protests of duplicitous, naïve dreamers and schemers; the festering pain of Watergate continuously exploited by politicians in D.C., the good but lacklustre caretaker President Ford portrayed as a bumbling stumbling fool on Saturday Night Live, the My Lai massacre and Lt. Calley’s conviction not quite distant enough to avoid its stench, and a war/corruption weary people’s vote for change promised by Jimmy Carter all marked this period. Amazingly, like today, Carter’s change didn’t live up to expectations. Instead it brought gas lines, high inflation, 20+ percent interest rates and high unemployment – despair.

And the military was not spared in the mid 70’s. My awareness was that Carter was always attacking their budgets, minimizing the Soviet/communist threat, and interfering with matters that should have been left with the military, like his pardon of draft dodgers. Like closing GITMO, that action was certainly more of an appeasement to the far left than anything else. Democrats have been courting them for a long time.

Not unlike today’s media, the 70’s media reported much of their “news” in ways that portrayed the military, its leadership and contracting in the worst possible light. At the time, having credibility, it did appear as though reporters were merely following “the story” where it led. You know, paying homage to the type of Journalism that revealed the dirt in Watergate. But, considering the corruption of today’s media, I’m probably being too kind. The price of every screw, hammer and ladder was held up as symbols of systemic corruption. And just like today, the broad-brush criticism and vilification drifted through the ranks to land on the individual soldier.

The cloud of post Vietnam warmonger shame continued staining the uniform in the minds of many Americans. The 70’s media and Jane Fonda had done a good job of mixing up the good and bad guys, buying time for the Vietcong. I suppose they weren’t comfortable with the concept of winning either. Thankfully though, Carter’s dreadful economy and gas lines were overwhelming and required most of the media’s attention. The vast majority of those who did love the military were tired and let down by Nixon; and those who had been in the streets had their guy in Oval Office. So almost everyone seemed to be trying to turn the page. And with that turn of the page, the American soldier seemed to be all but forgotten. The soldier’s duty to protect and defend remained but the camera’s glare was gone. That’s my memory anyway.

Carter’s negative effect on military morale and cohesion was palpable. The lack of any real resolve or credibility was clearly visible. His handling of the Iranian Revolution and the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini were abysmal. It was weird, we were training Iranian pilots at Naval Air Memphis in 75 – a couple of wrong moves by a weak President and poof, 52 Americans were being held hostage for over a year.

The loss in Vietnam, Watergate, protests in the streets, President Ford, President Carter, hard ball politics and a deepening economic crisis were conspiring against the military. We were not immune to the tumult. It was like a powerful magnet kept our compass spinning. Drugs seemed to be everywhere in the military and military discipline a nearly foreign concept. To be fair, after Vietnam, many military officers were not that gun ho. (I suppose some had begun to believe that Vietnam was an un-winnable shameful mistake – maybe some felt that everyone should be forgiven their part- including draft dodgers – some were just tired of it and decompression, down time was what the American soldier needed. Who knows?)

To illustrate how bad it was – in my squadron (I was an In-Flight Electronics Tech), when one of our P-3’s was scheduled to be washed, it was not unheard of for the wash crew leader to provide a few lines of cocaine to speed up both the process and the morale. Officers seemed willing to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. We were lucky no one ever got hurt. (Remind anyone of the PC military leadership today?)

Come to think of it, the “cold war” with the USSR (which was fairly hot then) was probably one of the main forces that held together our sense of “duty” and “responsibility” during the Carter years. The soldier’s duty to protect and defend always remains. But at any given time, the military is more – or less capable and the junior soldier accepts it as he or she finds it. What choice do they have? (I joined when I came of age and was expecting to find the military my older brothers served in. But – it was very different.)

It was a perfect storm that had brought us Carter Presidency. And with it’s battered and bruised image, the United States military seemed to have a hell of time riding out that storm until President Reagan could put his hands to the reigns. Reagan’s zero-tolerance drug testing came along after I got out and things started turning around rather quickly according to my brother. I believe the foundation that President Reagan built (or rebuilt) continues to serve soldiers today and will not be easily surrendered by the military leadership.

Well, hopefully it won’t.

It’s one of my regrets concerning my military service that Ronald Reagan was not yet President. If evil were there, Reagan would have seen, heard, spoke about & done something about it. He didn’t close his eyes and hope evil would go away. I checked a dozen or so years ago with another In-Flight tech I served with about some of the guys (friends) in our electronic shop and learned that 3 had done some jail/prison time and 1 had gone through rehab. Problems usually don’t just go away.

As a young enlisted man at that time, I went with the flow because…because I was a kid, had never been out of the country, military was not my career and I didn’t know shit from shinola. The military and the flow of the military felt much bigger than I was. But, I loved the mission and flying was where I wanted to be. Who knows, if Reagan had been there, I might have retired from the Navy.

See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil is not a command structure that serves the military or the individual soldier well. Neither is going with the flow.

But it’s the military leadership, the career guys and gals, who have a shot at controlling or changing the flow. Yes, sometimes they fail, but it’s their job to address the issues. It’s especially egregious when they, like politicians, just won’t see or acknowledge that something is becoming a problem – when they don’t want to get ‘their’ hands dirty or risk jeopardizing ‘their’ career paths. Two words – Ft. Hood.

And so I come to write this conflicted accolade to today’s American Soldier.

Tracking submarines, keeping tabs on ships, flying cover missions, no matter the whether, joint exercises, injuries and casualties, doing the mission, doing my duty were what kept me most grounded in the military. It answered the Whys and Whats for me. It was when politics, drugs, alcohol and all the BS disappeared and one knew Why they were serving, What they were protecting and how much it could cost. I knew, understood and believed down deep that I was protecting freedom, the Constitution and my family. As corny as that may sound, it made it worth doing – no matter how flawed.

Soldiers serving in the first few years after 9/11 must have had an incredible sense of the Whys and Whats that carried them through each and every day.

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Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty – Atlas Shrugs – Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Seeks Evidence of Obama’s Eligibility – WND – U.S. Congressional Representative (Democrat) Worries Guam May Tip Over – Hot Air – Filing Deadline for Larry Sinclair – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

April 1, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Where's the documentation that proves that Obama is a 'natural born citizen'

We need to keep this story going strong!  Real courage needs to be saluted and supported.

Army ‘showdown’ at eligibility corral

Top doctor refuses orders, tells Obama to show birth certificate – ‘if you have 1’

Posted: March 31, 2010

By Joe Kovacs
© 2010 WorldNetDaily


A top-ranking, highly decorated officer in the U.S. Army says he’s now refusing all orders until President Barack Obama finally releases his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

“I feel I have no choice but the distasteful one of inviting my own court martial,” said Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an active-duty flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey’s pilots and air crew. “The Constitution matters. The truth matters.”

“For the first time in all my years of service to our great nation, and at great peril to my career and future, I am choosing to disobey what I believe are illegal orders, including an order to deploy to Afghanistan for my second tour of duty there. I will disobey my orders to deploy because I – and I believe all servicemen and women and the American people – deserve the truth about President Obama’s constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief.

“If he is ineligible, then my orders – and indeed all orders – are illegal because all orders have their origin with the commander in chief as handed down through the chain of command.”

In his video message now posted on YouTube, the 18-year veteran personally pleads with the president to stop withholding the key document which would put to rest many of the doubts that continue to linger more than a year into Obama’s term. …Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? Talking to you Ben Nelson.

Larry Sinclair’s filing fee deadline is quickly approaching!  The date donations are needed by is April 19, 2010.

  From CitizenWells:

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair, Filing deadline, Obama challenge, Obama impeachment, Larry Sinclair book, Larry Sinclair for Congress

March 31, 2010

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail…Ancient Proverb

I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night. He reminded me that the deadline for his receiving contributions for the Florida district 24 congressional election filing fee is April 19, 2010. He also wanted everyone to know that without the filing fee, there will be no running for Congress in November. Larry is receiving coverage from some of the big MSM players now. If you cannot contribute, help spread the word. There is strength in numbers.
Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone to expose the truth about Barack Obama. He has been doing so for well over 2 years. His continued presence in the Florida congressional race will bring even more attention to Obama’s past. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine Larry Sinclair in Congress. All of you who want Obama impeached. Sinclair will do what he says. Larry will do everything in his power to get Obama removed from office. Contributing a few dollars seems like a small price to pay for this. Larry has paid the ultimate price.

To help Larry Sinclair and this country, donate here.

More info on Larry Sinclair and his run for Congress…Continue Reading


ChiBama Politics –


Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.

What?  Heaven help us! And these are the people who will be in charge of Health Care? Rep. Hank Johnson needs to find a porch and rocker!

 From Hot Air:

Dem congressman: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over

posted at 9:55 pm on March 31, 2010 by Allahpundit

Via Weasel Zippers, a clip that’s destined to be viral by tomorrow morning. Even so, go easy on him. Yes, he was an Iraq defeatist, and granted, he demagogued Joe Wilson’s outburst in the scummiest way imaginable, but he’s also a guy with a serious illness that affects his mind (“he regularly gets lost in thought in the middle of a discussion”). Although if that’s what’s going on here, a polite question for Madam Speaker arises: What’s he doing at these hearings instead of resting?…Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

Americans need to be on guard every day, every minute, and every second with the Obama Administration. 

 From Atlas Shrugs:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bolton: Nuclear Treaty Threatens American SovereigntyThe crucial existential idea of national sovereignty is under assault around the globe in virtually every realm of Obama’s policy.

Bolton expands upon this in the foreword of my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America — have you ordered it yet?

John Bolton, critical of the  New START, is correct in urging us to pressure politicians on sovereignty issues. “We have to insist on getting clear answers from candidates for Congress, from incumbent members of Congress, from the presidential candidates as we get into the presidential season in the not-too-distant future,” Bolton said, “to make it clear that we view sovereignty and the preservation of American sovereignty as a high priority.”

Bolton belongs in the White House.

If you missed the live broadcast of Ambassador John R. Bolton on Protecting National Sovereignty in the Age of Obama, click on the link.

In an address at the Heritage Foundation John Bolton claims that national sovereignty is undermined by the partnership between the United Nations and the Obama Administration. Bolton argues that policies made under the U.N. impose a foreign influence that weakens America’s ability to govern itself.

Bolton Suggests Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty

Accuses Administration of ‘Stunning Naivete’

Bolton, an influential conservative foreign policy official for decades, accused the Obama administration of harboring “a very different view of American sovereignty than a long line of presidents, certainly since Franklin Roosevelt.” Relying on portions of quotes by senior officials and an undefined category of people he characterized as the “international left” and the “academic left,” Bolton said the administration attaches a “near theological significance” to the power of international institutions whose actions threaten the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution. …Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

 From WeThePeopleUSA:

Decorated Military Officer Invites His Own Ct. Martial

Posted by JeanWTPUSA on March 30, 2010 at 11:30pm

From Family Security Matters:

Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born Citizen

Margaret Hemenway

A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his chain of command and his Congressional delegation to force President Obama

to release his original birth certificate.  He is the highest ranking officer to go public over this controversy and in late February, was notified that he is subject to near-term deployment to Afghanistan…. 

From JagHunter:

Army Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Washington Leadership has ‘Flatlined’ – Family Security Matters – Guess Who Is In The White House – Atlas Shrugs – Ben Nelson Responsible for Job Losses in Nebraska – Tea Party in SearchLight Nevada – Harry Reid – The 10 Year Treasury Canary – The BOPAC Report

March 27, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –

When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

I wonder if Glenn Beck has done any second-guessing about his decision to ignore Obama’s lack of evidence that he is a ‘natural born citizen’?  Yes, there would have been some rioting in the streets because of Obama’s deception but it would have passed when the whole truth came out.  I wonder if the Judges who have been so afraid of this political hot potato are ashamed of their lack of courage to demand truth?  They could have sparred the American people Obama’s distructive march to socialism.  

I for one feel vindicated about the wisdom of the Founders’ inclusion in the Constitution of the ‘natural born citizen’ requirement to serve as President.  Had Glenn Beck, weak kneed Judges and others stood up and demanded proof that Obama was eligible to serve as President, we would have been spared years of future struggle to undo the harm Obama is doing to America.  Obama is the reason the Founders included the provision.  He has conflicted allegiances to this country.

Article II, Section 1 requires anyone serving as President to be born a citizen of the United States to parents who were both citizens of the United States at the time of the candidates birth.

I salute the Founders for their wisdom and I remind all others that Obama has yet to prove he is a ‘natural born citizen’.  Calling Obama on this issue is the quickest way to undo the damage because everything he has done could be stricken.  Say goodbye to government run car companies, government run healthcare, radical judical appointments and threats to our rights and liberties.

Maybe now that a majority of America is waking up, it is time to revisit this issue.

From Family Security Matters:

March 27, 2010

Washington Leadership has ‘Flatlined’

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Since healthcare is the issue du jour, it is only fair to describe that Congressional and White House leadership has FLATLINED – there appears to be a pulse but negligible brain wave activity. I have to admit up front that I am no medical doctor but, then, do we have to be medical professionals to understand what is happening in Washington? In watching the daily news, I have come to the conclusion that our government seemingly cannot solve any of our problems. Not prone to being negative in my outlook, it is apparent that we are falling further into national collapse and nearing chaos.

The gigantic bureaucracy created at all levels of government now seems paralyzed in their endeavors to streamline government and spending. Yes, America, you are watching while Washington burns before your eyes. What does a country and its citizens do as their nation continues to collapse? What are you going to do? The Declaration of Independence states:

“To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect Happiness.”

We cannot permit the current leaders in the White House and Halls of Congress to continue in their efforts to lead us down the road of Progressive Socialism. This is the current battle we Constitutionalists face and we must be aggressive in our efforts. Demanding the resignation of corrupt officials by the people of this country is required before more damage is done.

The oath is simple and reads:

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Sadly, we have seen them violate their oath. Fraud, lying, and corruption are rampant and some have engaged in treasonous activities, and they effectively thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest bidder.

The Articles of Confederation were replaced with the Constitution, which granted the federal government enough authority to cultivate, promote and secure the Blessings of Liberty. The balance of authority and individual liberty was understood. Power was confined to that which was enumerated in the Constitution with a certain and meaningful intent for check and balances.

Lincoln issued this warning in his inaugural address,

“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most valuable and sacred right – a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.”

We are a representative republic, not a democracy. “Rising up” means non-violent revolution. The people must “rise up” from the grass roots; we must think of the greater good. We are limited in the peaceful transfer of power…resignation, elections, and impeachment….Continue Reading

Ji’Obama’had –

Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? It's all part of Obama's script in the tiresome and dangerous play - “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

Remember the warnings I made in ‘Who Will Be Sleeping In The Lincoln Bedroom, In January 09?‘ – Well, they are coming true.

From Atlas Shrugs:

Friday, March 26, 2010

WHITE HOUSE EXPOSED: Farrakhan, Ayers, Wright, Sharpton, Jackson are in da houseThere are consequential, disturbing revelations to be found when flipping through the visitors list at the White House. Bill Ayers is there no less than three times, Louis Farrakhan at least once, but there is also a separate visit for his family, and the infamous hater Jeremiah Wright is there at least five times (four times under Jeremy, one under Jeremiah). Contemptuously, Farrakhan’s visit is tagged as “MEETING WITH SCIENCE CLUB MEMBERS”…Al Sharpton is there twice, and Jesse “hymietown” Jackson is a regular (six times).

It bears noting that despite solid evidence that Obama was tight with these haters, inciters and revolutionaries and traitors, he distanced himself from them during the campaign and outright lied about his ties to them. Mr. Ayers, for example, was dismissed as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” and “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know.”

Obama lied about his friends and nefarious colleagues because he he knew that his connection to them was deadly….Continue Reading

Ben Nelson in Turdnado’s Path –

As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? Talking to you Ben Nelson.

Ben Nelson is one of very few walking turds in the entire state of Nebraska.  Therefore, it’s critical to get him out of power before he stains everyone else living there.

End of student loan program will mean job cuts at Nelnet

By MATT OLBERDING / Lincoln Journal Star | Posted: Friday, March 26, 2010 4:35 pm

Congressional votes Thursday to end federally subsidized student lending by private companies will mean job cuts at Lincoln student loan company Nelnet, a company spokesman said Friday.

“We are very disappointed by this political news,” said spokesman Ben Kiser. “We believe it is poor public policy that will eliminate a part of our business and result in job losses in our community.”

Kiser declined to give any details about the scope of the cuts, although he said they will occur over the next several months. Nelnet employs about 2,100 people, including more than 800 in Lincoln.

The provision to end the Federal Family Education Loan Program and to channel all federal student lending directly through the government was tacked on to the controversial health insurance overhaul legislation.

The Senate voted 56-43 in favor of the bill Thursday, and the House followed suit later in the day, voting 220-207 to end the program.

In addition to ending federally subsidized loans through private lenders, the bill also would increase Pell grants to needy students and send more money to community colleges and historically black colleges….Continue Reading

Sen. Harry Reid in Turdnado’s Path –

The Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis with Obama Health Care Reform.

The only solution is to REPEAL this bill, Obama Care. If we, America, are to avoid bankruptcy, there is no other choice.

If you align yourself with turds, you will get flushed.

Day of Tea Party events set to kick off in Reid’s hometown

By Kyle Hansen (contact)

Saturday, March 27, 2010 | 2:05 a.m.

Thousands of people are expected to descend on the tiny town of Searchlight today for a noon rally against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The rally in Reid’s hometown, 55 miles south of Las Vegas, is the first stop on a Tea Party Express tour. It begins when a caravan leaves Laughlin at 10:20 a.m. for the noon rally at a sand and gravel pit near U.S. 95 and Coyote Mine Road.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is scheduled to speak at the event…Continue Reading

ObamaNomics –

Obamanomics, ObamaCare, ChiBama Politics, Climategate, NavySealGate - All Leading to Socialist America! But will it lead to discovery regarding "natural born citizen"/ Birth Certificate issue?

The yield on the 10 year Treasury is like the canary in the coal mine.  It foretales of bad things to come.  It’s rise is indicative of underlying inflationary pressure brought about bad government policies such as job killing taxes and policies (ObamaCare, Cap and Tax, monitizing debt, printing money out of thin air, etc.).  Some have been getting excited about the stock markets rise as being a sign of growing health of our economy.  They are wrong. It is rising because there is no other place to put money.  Because people are going to the stock market for gain, treasuries that pay next to nothing are unattractive as an investment.  So many investers are selling their older treasuries and putting money elsewhere.

The more debt and uncertainty Obama creates, the more new Tresuries will need to pay to attact investors, which will create higher debt in the form of interest servicing for Obama.  Instead of cutting taxes to increase revenue to pay these debts, Obama will raise taxes and make the situation even worse.  If America’s sovereign credit rating is ever down graded, we are done.  

Recently, the problems in Greece, Spain, Portugal have bought the US a little time by making America look more secure than it actually is.  However, time and irresponsible fiscal policies will come home to roost and Obama will not be able to shift the blame.

Supply fears start to hit Treasuries

By Michael Mackenzie in New York and David Oakley in London

Published: March 26 2010 19:18 | Last updated: March 26 2010 19:18

The bond vigilantes are finally flexing their muscles. A long period of stability for the US government bond market showed signs of cracking this week as a lack of investor appetite for new debt sent the benchmark 10-year yield to its highest level since last June.

For more than a year, analysts have been warning that record sized debt sales by the US Treasury were at odds with a 10-year yield sitting comfortably below 4 per cent. This week, the yield on 10-year notes jumped from 3.65 per cent to a peak of 3.92 per cent on Thursday. On Friday it was 3.87 per cent.

Falling inflation, rising unemployment, the housing market slump, the Federal Reserve’s policies of a near zero overnight borrowing rate and its purchase of up to $1,700bn in bonds have all helped keep Treasury yields near historic lows.

But this week the mood shifted as yields for $118bn of new US debt were much higher than forecast, sparking overall selling of Treasuries. Sentiment also deteriorated in the UK bond market after the government’s budget ahead of a general election expected in May failed to resolve doubts over future spending and debt reduction.

The term “bond vigilantes” was coined in the 1980s when bond investors pushed up long-term yields to force central banks into taking action to curb inflation. This time, bond investors are less worried about inflation: they are fretting about huge fiscal deficits and the looming bond supply needed to finance them….Continue Reading

Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

From CitizenWells:

Health Care Bill unconstitutional, Constitutional expert speaks out, Michael Connelly, Obama Administration power grab, Congress no authority, US Constitution

March 27, 2010 ·

Health Care Bill unconstitutional, Constitutional expert speaks out

Michael Connelly is a constitutional expert….

From Hot Air:

A Word to the Weary

posted at 8:40 am on March 27, 2010 by Doctor Zero

I get a lot of email from people who ask if the final degeneration from capitalism to collectivism is now inevitable. Entitlements are never repealed, after all, and we just got saddled with a back-breaking entitlement, piled atop a national debt that was already crushing us. It seems like it would take a miracle just to undo the damage Barack Obama has done in a single year… and that would just get us back to where George Bush left us. Dependency, unemployment, economic contraction, and socialist politics are a perpetual-motion engine of national decline….


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Providence- is it God or government? Dr. Keyes – Ji’Obama’had – Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb – Dershowitz – The Handout Herd – IRS is Coming to Steal From YOU! Ron Paul – Kerchner & Apuzzo – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

March 23, 2010

The BOPAC Report

2010 Year of the Turdnado –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? If you voted yes on Obama's Socialist takeover of health care, don't say you haven't been warned.


Dr. Alan Keyes is a true American hero and all around great guy!

Providence- is it God or government?

March 22, 2010

Between now and the midterm elections in November, the battle for the constitutional liberty of the American people will be decided. From day one, Obama’s behavior and that of his factional cohorts, has confirmed that the “change” they intend to impose on the United States is a change of regime- from a constitutional government that recognizes and respects the sovereignty of the people to an elite party dictatorship that imposes its will regardless of their consent.

Though some are still blind enough to believe that Obama is the cause and focus of this battle, others are finally waking up to the reality that Obama is simply an historical figurehead. He embodies the spirit of elite domination that transcends contemporary lines of party and ideological division. As that astute observer of history Alexis de Tocqueville realized, the United States of America emerged as part of a general movement in which the people as a whole challenged the rule by domineering elites that had been the invariable pattern for government throughout human history. Tocqueville thought that the special circumstances of the Americans, with respect to geography and politics (in the broadest sense), as well as moral and intellectual character, made their assertion of self-government the most promising salient of this democratic movement, which is to say the most likely to produce a stable result, reasonably consistent with justice and basic human decency. Something of the outward luster of human ambition would be lost, but the general material and spiritual contentment of humanity would be well served.

It’s fair to say that until the present day the results far exceeded Tocqueville’s expectations. Keep in mind that Tocqueville was no cheerleader for democracy. He understood its inherent dangers, including especially tendencies that combined the dissolution of natural social institutions (like the family) with a taste for the concentration of political power. This portended a gradual elimination of intermediary human agencies, which would leave isolated individuals helplessly subject to the irresistible power of one pervasive and controlling tyrannical power. Tocqueville saw hope for democracy in America precisely because the religious character, and the social and political habits of its people, worked to mitigate democracy’s decline toward tyranny.…Continue Reading

Ji’Obama’had –


Teleprompter holds Whitehouse Protocol Classes. Will Obama bow at Larry Sinclair's meet and greet in Florida?

 Is Obama Neville Chamberlain?

MARCH 23, 2010

Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb

Neville Chamberlain was remembered for appeasing Germany, not his progressive social programs.


The gravest threat faced by the world today is a nuclear-armed Iran. Of all the nations capable of producing nuclear weapons, Iran is the only one that might use them to attack an enemy.

There are several ways in which Iran could use nuclear weapons. The first is by dropping an atomic bomb on Israel, as its leaders have repeatedly threatened to do. Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president of Iran, boasted in 2004 that an Iranian attack would kill as many as five million Jews. Mr. Rafsanjani estimated that even if Israel retaliated with its own nuclear bombs, Iran would probably lose about 15 million people, which he said would be a small “sacrifice” of the billion Muslims in the world.

The second way in which Iran could use nuclear weapons would be to hand them off to its surrogates, Hezbollah or Hamas. A third way would be for a terrorist group, such as al Qaeda, to get its hands on Iranian nuclear material. It could do so with the consent of Iran or by working with rogue elements within the Iranian regime.

Finally, Iran could use its nuclear weapons without ever detonating a bomb. By constantly threatening Israel with nuclear annihilation, it could engender so much fear among Israelis as to incite mass immigration, a brain drain, or a significant decline in people moving to Israel.

These are the specific ways in which Iran could use nuclear weapons, primarily against the Jewish state. But there are other ways in which a nuclear-armed Iran would endanger the world…Continue Reading

 ObamaCare(Mess) –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


The following article lays out the reality that the Handout Herd wants you to ignore.  I don’t agree with everything Mr. Jones says but the name of his site does reflect the direction America is heading. 

From Alex Jones’ Prison Planet:

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

Only thing that will repeal Obamacare will be bankruptcy of the United States, warns Congressman

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 22, 2010

Texas Congressman Ron Paul warns that last night’s passage of the health care reform bill will prompt the government to hire thousands of new IRS agents who will be used to steal money from taxpaying Americans to fund the new program.

Paul also told Fox News that the passage of Obamacare will only be repealed once the United States enters bankruptcy as a result of its exploding national deficit and runaway spending.

“Any time a government tries to give you a service or something of substance, they have to steal it from somebody else, so the whole process is immoral because it’s based on government theft, that’s why they’re hiring 16,000 more new IRS agents, because they have to steal more money,” stated the Congressman, referring to an analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee that found “Up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses,” under the health care bill.

Paul said that the passage of Obamacare will precipitate a deepening of the economic crisis that will be “defined by the destruction of the dollar,” meaning government won’t be able to pay for anything….Continue Reading

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!

Good Luck Commander!

Update from CitizenWells:

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010, Appeal Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument, Charles Kerchner, Attorney Mario Apuzzo

March 23, 2010

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010

I received this a few hours ago from Charles Kerchner, lead plantiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“Kerchner v Obama Appeal Reply Brief and Oral Argument Request Filed
I have completed filing the Kerchner Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument. These documents may be accessed at the indicated links. All parties have completed filing all briefs and now we just need a decision from the Court. We will now wait and see if the Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants my request for oral argument and if so when the oral argument will be. If oral argument is granted, it will take place at the United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit, U.S. Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The courthouse is located right across the street from Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell….Continue Reading

Democratics Better ‘THINK’ – Aretha Franklin Lyrics – Generic Congressional Ballot – Reading Tea Party Leaves – Jonah Goldberg – ObamaCare – ObamaNomics – 3000% Discount to Employers – Second Amendment – ‘NBC’ Ad – Kerchner/Apuzzo – The BOPAC Report

March 17, 2010

 The BOPAC Report 

2010 Election –

As Aretha Franklin says: You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me - Yeah, think (think,think), let your mind go, let yourself be free!

As the old Aretha Franklin song ‘Think’ lyrics go: 

You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free 

Democrats had better THINK! 

Generic Congressional Ballot 

Republicans Lead Democrats by 10 in Generic Ballot, Highest Lead Yet 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 

Republican candidates have now stretched their lead over Democrats to 10 points in the Generic Congressional Ballot, their biggest lead ever in nearly three years of weekly tracking. The GOP has been leading on the ballot for months. 

The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 35% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent. Voter support for GOP congressional candidates increased slightly from last week, while support for Democrats fell two points. …Continue Reading 

Tea Party –

Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets. Add Sen. Ben Nelson to the list of those to flush out of the Senate.

Reading tea party leaves 

Members have been portrayed as anti-intellectual and anti-elitist, but their goal is a system that reflects the Constitution and the precepts of limited government. 

By Jonah Goldberg 

March 16, 2010 

If you read the Op-Ed pages these days, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the GOP and the conservative movement have been taken over by know-nothing mobs, anti-intellectual demagogues and pitchfork-wielding bigots. There’s no omnibus label for this argument, but it’s a giveaway that a person subscribes to it if he or she describes the “tea party” movement as “tea baggers,” an awfully telling bit of condescension from the camp that affects the pose of being more high-minded. 

The case against the tea party movement is constantly evolving. Initially, they were written off as “astroturfers,” faux populists paid by K Street lobbyists to provide damaging footage for Fox News’ Obama coverage. Then, they were deemed racists who couldn’t handle having a black president. 

But now that the movement or, more broadly, the Obama backlash is so widespread…Continue Reading 

Natural Born Citizen –

Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!

The struggle for truth continues: 

Monday, March 15, 2010 

New Ad – Obama Flaunts the Constitution – 15 Mar 2010 Issue of Wash Times Natl Wkly – pg 5 


New Ad – Obama Flaunts the Constitution – 15 Mar 2010 Issue of Wash Times Natl Wkly – pg 5 

Commander Kerchner makes a statement in this new ad concerning what he believes was an absolutely incredulously lame legal brief filed by the DOJ lawyers for the putative president Obama on March 8th because it shows the total disregard for the Constitution of the United States held by the Administration and his subverted Department of Justice. The DOJ should be standing up to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and honor the oath they took to do so, instead of defending the constitutionally ineligible usurper putative president in the Oval Office, Mr. Obama, and helping him hide his true legal identity and all his early life records. Obama was born a British Subject. How can a person born British be eligible to be President and commander of our military? He cannot. A person born a British Subject, and a dual-Citizen at best, is NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the USA which is the Article II eligibility requirement in the U.S. Constitution for the person who would be President.  See the new ad for more information. 

Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress 

ObamaCare –

Well Maybe Obama's Obamacare will save money? But it will suck to be old!

ObamaCare is not about reforming healthcare.  It’s about taking control of a fifth of the US economy.  It’s a stepping stone to greater and greater control over all our lives.  I don’t know about you but I like have control of my own life. Thank you very much. 

Key Dem: Using ‘deem and pass’ health plan is ‘wrong’By Jordan Fabian – 03/16/10 11:53 AM ET 

A plan that would allow House Democrats to bypass a direct vote on the Senate’s healthcare bill is causing “discomfort,” a key centrist Democrat said Tuesday. 

Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), a member of the Blue Dog and New Democrat Coalitions, said that the plan to pass the plan using the so-called “deem and pass” procedure is “wrong” and unpopular among his constituents. …Continue Reading 

…“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistakes of the health insurance mandate on a national level, they will bankrupt this country within four years,” Cahill said. … 

Cahill is the Massachusetts Treasurer. 

From the Boston Herald: 

Cahill rips governor on health care plans 

By Jessica Van Sack
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 – Updated 11h ago 

Treasurer Tim Cahill ripped Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama this morning for health care initiatives that the independent gubernatorial hopeful alleged will “bankrupt the country in four years.” 

“Last week Gov. Patrick criticized me as ‘missing in action’ on the issue of health care in Massachusetts,” Cahill said. “In reality, I’ve been critical of Gov. Patrick’s implementation and management of the Massachusetts universal health care program for a long time.” 

Cahill alleged the governor has “spent like we’re in a booming economy at a time when we’re experiencing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” 

“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistakes of the health insurance mandate on a national level, they will bankrupt this country within four years,” Cahill said. “It is time for the President and the Democratic leadership to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan that does not threaten to wipe out the American economy.” 

Cahill’s call for a new plan resembled the statement made during US Sen. Scott Brown’s insurgent campaign…. Continue Reading 

For our children and grand children’s sake, we must keep up the pressure to kill this bill. 

CNN: ObamaCare opponents 11 votes away from killing the bill 

March 16, 2010 by Allahpundit

I maintain that whip counts are worthless, but (a) the GOP has the same count and (b) since we’re probably headed for a bitter defeat this weekend, we should enjoy our illusions of hope while we can. 

Feel the nomentum. Can you feel it? 

Five more House Democrats said Tuesday that they will vote against Senate health care legislation, which puts opponents of reform just 11 votes shy of the 216 needed to prevent President Obama from scoring a major victory on his top domestic priority… 

A total of 27 House Democrats, including nine who supported the House plan in November, have indicated that they would join a unified Republican caucus in opposing the Senate plan, which passed in that chamber December 24 with the minimum required 60 votes… 

Of the 39 Democrats who voted against the House plan in November, 17 have indicated that they will vote against the Senate plan as written, 11 remain uncommitted, and nine did not return repeated calls for comment

One member, Parker Griffith of Alabama, became a Republican in December. An additional member, Rep. Eric Massa of New York, resigned his seat last week. 

If the reports tonight are true, Kucinich will be a no-to-yes flip tomorrow. Even so, all we need are 11 of the 19 undecided Dems who hated this thing enough to vote no on the House bill way back in November? Granted, the Senate bill is kinda sorta more fiscally conservative than Pelosi’s bill was (no public option, for starters), but the political climate is more toxic now too. Eleven seems … possible, especially with the phones melting down. …Continue Reading 

Anti-ObamaNomics –

Obamanomics - It's a Crap Shoot!

 Where are the Blue Dog Democrats? 

Gov. Christie budget plan unveils big cuts and layoffs 


TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie unveiled a $28.3 billion state budget plan Tuesday that includes deep cuts in spending on property tax rebates and aid to municipalities, schools and colleges, as well as the layoffs of thousands of state workers. 

“This plan requires sacrifice by all New Jerseyans. But it is a shared sacrifice. And while holding the line is difficult today, it is necessary for a better tomorrow,” Christie said. 

“The watchwords of this budget are shared sacrifice and fairness. Individuals contribute, businesses sacrifice, local governments tighten their belts, and we end our
addiction to spending,” Christie said. “Everyone comes to the center of the room — we
jump off the cliff together to stave off certain fiscal death for the hope of economic salvation tomorrow.”…Continue Reading 

ObamaNomics  –

(It’s not fuzzy math, it’s idiotic math.) 

Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

What an idiot!  100% reduction would mean employer pays nothing. 

Rush Limbaugh gives more details: 


RUSH: Audio sound bites.  This is Obama yesterday in Strongsville, Ohio.  This whole appearance yesterday was filled with lies, falsehoods, untruths, even another sob story about some person unable to get health care. “Yeah, she can’t be here today because she’s so sick.” The reason why she wasn’t there is she’s in the hospital, being treated at no charge!  Anyway, this is just one thing Obama said. 

OBAMA:  How many people are getting’ insurance through their jobs right now? Raise your hands?  A’right. Well, a lot of those folks, your employer, it’s estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000%, which means they could give you a RAISE! 

FOLLOWERS: (cheering) 

RUSH:  Three thousand percent premiums are going to fall! Three thousand percent!  Now, there were only 200 people that showed up yesterday.  I don’t know if that’s all that were interested or that’s just the number they could find that were not opposed to health care.  But let’s just look at some numbers here. Let’s apply some numbers here to this 3,000% reduction in premiums.  I’m just going to pick a random number here to use. Let’s say the employer pays $4,000 in health care premiums for an employee.  If his premium went down 100%, he would save $4,000, all right?  If the premium went down 3,000%, that’s a savings of $4,000 (100%) times 30.  That equals $120,000, which means that if Obama’s number is accurate here, that health care will allow employers to give people a raise because their premiums will go down 3,000%. That means the employer will make a $120,000 profit on each employee’s health care insurance once Obamacare is passed.  Now, you can buy a lot of unicorns for $120,000, and you can buy a lot of idiots for $120,000, but that’s what he said. (doing impression) “Employer, eh, 3,000%! He could give you a raise.”  Well, they’re not going to get any raise.  This is bogus, 3,000%?  The health care companies are going to be giving employers 120 grand per employee?…Continue Reading 

Second Amendment –

Pretty soon only the tyrannical members of our government and criminals will be the ones with guns! Protect the Second Amendment to the Constitution with everything you have!

The Eggman is exactly right in his analysis over at ammoland. 

No More Gun Rights and No More Gun Control 

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
Tags: Gun ControlGun Owner ControlGun Owner RightsGun RightsNAGRNRASCOUTS 

No More Gun Rights and No More Gun Control
By TheEggman 

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Let us know and you can see it here. 

Virginia –-( I am constantly reading on the Net and in the media about so-called “gun rights” and “gun control.” 

Some examples; 

“The final briefs seeking to shape the Supreme Court’s coming decision on the reach of the Second Amendment’s protection of gun rights suggested Friday that states might be free to violate other parts of the Bill of Rights…” 

“The National Association for Gun Rights, often referred to as “NAGR”, was founded to assist the growing movement of pro-Second Amendment organizations, especially state-level gun rights groups. 

“The National Rifle Association is the largest gun rights lobbying organization in the United States.” 

On one hand, we preach that guns are mere machines, inanimate objects and tools. On the other, we appear to be attempting to give ‘rights’ to these inanimate machines. 

I submit to you a request; that we remove the phrase “gun rights” from our vocabulary and replace it with the more human, and more accurate, “gun-owner rights.” 

The First Amendment does not guarantee rights to printing presses as machines; it guarantees the rights of people to use printing presses, radios, televisions and the Internet without restriction. 

The Second Amendment guarantees no rights to guns themselves, as they are mere machines. However, it does guarantee the right of the people to keep and bear them…Continue Reading 

Other Team FOCOA News – 

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 

CNBC’s Jim Cramer Says ObamaCare will “Break the Federal Budget”; Lead to “50%-60% Tax Rates” – Video 3/16/10


…Forty-three percent (43%) have a favorable view of Chrysler, with just nine percent (9%) very favorable. Forty-seven percent (47%) view the bailed-out automaker unfavorably, including 16% with a very unfavorable opinion. 

Ford is the most popular of the five automakers included in the new survey. Seventy-three percent (73%) view Ford favorably and just 18% unfavorably. This includes 34% with a very favorable opinion and five percent (5%) who see the company very unfavorably.  

Sixty-six percent (66%) have a favorable opinion of Honda, including 25% who view the carmaker very favorably. Honda is viewed unfavorably by 26%, with just eight percent (8%) very unfavorable. 

The other bailed-out Big Three automaker, General Motors, is regarded favorably by 57% and unfavorably by 37%. These findings included 20% with a very favorable opinion and 11% who view GM very unfavorably. …

Boycott General Motors and Chrysler!


CitizenWells Announcement – Larry Sinclair – Help Get Him On Ballot – HillBuzz Revelation – Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner on WGTK 970 Sunday – Second Amendment Wyoming – WND – The BOPAC Report

March 13, 2010

The BOPAC Report 

Second Amendment –


Pretty soon only the tyrannical members of our government and criminals will be the ones with guns! Protect the Second Amendment to the Constitution with everything you have!

Every State needs to stand up if they want to have any say about how to live their lives. Good for Wyoming. 

State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules 

2 years in jail also possible for agent enforcing U.S. regulations on firearm 

Posted: March 13, 2010
12:20 am Eastern 

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily 

Wyoming has joined a growing list of states with self-declared exemptions from federal gun regulation of weapons made, bought and used inside state borders – but lawmakers in the Cowboy State have taken the issue one step further, adopting significant penalties for federal agents attempting to enforce Washington’s rules. 

According a law signed into effect yesterday by Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal, any agent of the U.S. who “enforces or attempts to enforce” federal gun rules on a “personal firearm” in Wyoming faces a felony conviction and a penalty of up to two years in prison and up to $2,000 in fines. …Continue Reading 


Natural Born Citizen –

'bring forth the documents' - America needs more than a birth certificate to prove Obama is a 'natural born citizen'. 

Announcement from Mario Apuzzo – Maybe he will design a tie clip to wear similar to the one above. 

Friday, March 12, 2010 

Atty Mario Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner will be on Les Naiman Show, WGTK 970, Louisville KY, hosted by Les Naiman, Sunday 14 Mar 2010 10:30 PM EST 

Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner will be the featured guests on the Les Naiman radio show, WGTK 970 in Louisville KY, hosted by Les Naiman, on Sunday, 14 March 2010, 10:30 PM EST. Some topics to be discussed: 

~The defendant’s (Obama & Congress et al) Opposition Brief recently filed with the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA for the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al lawsuit and the forthcoming appellant’s (Kerchner et al) Reply Brief.
~Continuing efforts by the Plaintiffs to educate the public and promote knowledge about the merits and constitutional legal issues involved in this lawsuit in the national print media via full page ads placed in the Washington Times National Weekly edition. See examples at:  …Continue Reading 


Awakenings –


When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

Both my parents were Democrats. However they would not recognize what has happened to their Party.  The folks a Hill Buzz have made a hard but necessary decision.  Where are the ‘centrist Democrats’ reclaiming their Party? Today’s Democratic Party is not a Party to debate with – it’s a Party to STOP! 

If you are reading this, you are the Resistance 

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized 

It’s a very emotional day here at Buzzquarters. 

Not sure what triggered it, but we fully accept today that the current government in Washington is completely mad and hellbent on destroying this country. 

We do not believe it’s possible for the Left to ram their Healthcare Rationing bill through Congress, but we believe they will indeed try every insane trick they can conjure to attempt it. 

Absolute all-out political war needs to be declared on every Democrat in office if they do not rise up against the madness of their own party and put a stop to this immediately. 

A national, coast-to-coast, Resistance needs to form and mobilize in this country, rising up from the Tea Party movement itself and take back this government at the ballot box in November….Continue Reading 

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –


Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Special Announcement from CitizenWells about Larry Sinclair! 

Larry Sinclair for Congress, Update, March 13, 2010, For want of a nail, For want of a dollar, Obama and Sinclair, Truth about Obama, Obama thugs, Florida district 24 election……  


…..March 2010
For want of a messenger

Whether or not you believe Larry Sinclair’s allegations of a drug and sex encounter with Obama in November 1999 (and how could you possibly not believe it now). Whether or not you like or agree with Larry Sinclair. Larry Sinclair was a huge catalyst for questioning Obama at a time when Obama was getting little scrutiny.
Larry Sinclair is running for Congress, unaffiliated, in Florida District 24. Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone on this planet to expose the truth about Barack Obama. Sinclair has not backed down from incessant attacks and death threats from the Obama camp. Sinclair has had his Social Security Disability benefits threatened twice and was even arrested on trumped up charges by Joe Biden’s son, Beau. The arrest happened at the conclusion of Larry Sinclair’s press conference at the National Press Club in 2008. 

For Want of a Nail
For want of a few dollars.
I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night.
He sent me the following:
“If I pay the $6,960.00 by the deadline I WILL be on the ballot and then our message will be covered.  The media is not going to give much coverage to any candidate until the qualifing for the ballot is met.
The two companies that process campaign contributions for us charge 6% from each contribution.  I am ready to take on Kosmas and any Republican candidate in this Congressional race, but if we do not get the support we need to meet the requirements to get on the ballot I will not be able to.
People say they are tired of the career politicians.  A simple fact of life is the career politicians and political parties have all the money they need to pay fee’s to get their candidates on the ballot.” 

2010 Qualifying Dates
Noon, April 26 – Noon, April 30, 2010
*Note: Qualifying papers will be accepted beginning April 12, 2010, pursuant to Section 99.061(8), F.S.
U.S. Senator
Representative in Congress (all districts)
State Attorney
Public Defender
The following fee’s are for 2010 candidates. 


Partisan                                        No Party Affiliation 

U.S. Senator                              $ 10,400                                                         $ 6,960 

U.S. Representative 


I know that you all are weary of being solicited for money. I understand. That is why this needs to remain a grassroots movement. If 4,000 people only give $ 2.00, the goal will be achieved. I am asking for your time. Help spread the word. Let’s get thousands, if not millions of people involved. Tea party folks, I am asking for your help. Larry Sinclair will continue to help keep Obama accountable. He will also help keep government accountable. 

National Debt Higher Than White House Says – William Shatner Sees Value In Gun Ownership – Pentagon Shooter Was a Democrat – Hawaii Department of Health Conspired to Protect Obama – Natural Born Citizen Research From Mario Apuzzo – The BOPAC Report

March 6, 2010

The BOPAC Report  

Obamanomics –


ABC Series ‘V’ – A Story of the Obama Administration. One of Michele Bachmann’s protesters knows the truth!


Can you say double-digit inflation and a continuing union strangle hold on America’s future?  

National debt to be higher than White House forecast, CBO says  

By Lori Montgomery   

Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 6, 2010  

President Obama‘s proposed budget would add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, congressional budget analysts said Friday. Proposed tax cuts for the middle class account for nearly a third of that shortfall.  

The 10-year outlook released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is somewhat gloomier than White House projections, which found that Obama’s budget request would produce deficits that would add about $8.5 trillion to the national debt by 2020.  

The CBO and the White House are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year — a post-World War II record at 10.3 percent of the overall economy — and $1.3 trillion in 2011. But the CBO is considerably less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits would never fall below 4 percent of the economy under Obama’s policies and would begin to grow rapidly after 2015.  

Deficits of that magnitude would force the Treasury to continue borrowing at prodigious rates, sending the national debt soaring to 90 percent of the economy by 2020, the CBO said. Interest payments on the debt would also skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period. …Continue Reading  

Second Amendment & Larry Sinclair–


Pretty soon only the tyrannical members of our government and criminals will be the ones with guns! Protect the Second Amendment to the Constitution with everything you have!

Boldly going where no man has gone before, William Shatner stars in youtube video displaying the art of negotiation with thugs. I think it’s an oldie but it’s definitely a goodie. I found this over at Jeff Rense’s site. Mr. Rense has for a long time given Larry Sinclair an opportunity to be heard concerning his allegations of drug use and consensual sex with Obama.  


Media Bias and Tea Party –

Carrying Obama's Water! Birth Certificates, firing Inspector General Walpin, Obamanomics, Obamacare, corruption, etc. etc. etc.


Just for the record, the Pentagon shooter was a registered Democrat  

March 5th, 2010 | Author: Josh Painter  

Whenever some whack job commits a violent act, the Obamunist media tries to spin the story that the perp is somehow a “right wing extremist” and then attempts to tie him to the Tea party movement. It happens every time. They did this with Joseph Stack, who flew his airplane into the IRS building in Austin, even though in his suicide note, Stack dissed capitalism and quoted the father of communism Karl Marx.  

Now they’re doing it again with Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell. The Christian Science Monitors’s screaming headline: “John Patrick Bedell: Did right-wing extremism lead to shooting?” The Associated Press: “Angry anti-gov’t writing linked to Pentagon gunman”. Anyone who is angry at the government, in the view of the statist media, must be a Tea Partying right-winger.  

Fortunately, the new media is around to act as a watchdog on the old. Michelle Malkin rains on their parade of prevarication:  

Thirty-six-year-old John Patrick Bedell’s voter registration records in Hollister, CA are available for any journalist before he/she goes off and labels him a “right-wing extremist.”  

Guess which party he registered under in 2005 and was actively registered under as of 2008?  


Had they been interested in the truth, the statist media could have checked this out for themselves….Continue Reading  


ChiBama Politics – 


Where's the documentation that proves that Obama is a 'natural born citizen' - see the list below.

 I never thought I would live to see the day when our government at every level cannot be trusted. Where is the media?  

Hawaii Department of Health has conspired against the public for 5 months  


by Sharon Rondeau  

The U.S. Constitution is being burned as the Hawaii DOH continues to hide the truth about Obama  

(Mar. 5, 2010) — Among the documents which The Post & Email Legal Fund recently acquired with the financial assistance and support of the readers of this e-Newspaper, shocking evidence has been found which apparently indicts officials of the Hawaii Department of Health for conspiracy to deprive U.S. citizens of their constitutional right to due process.  

The incriminating evidence was found in an inadvertent disclosure of emails between Ms. Janice S. Okubo, Communications Director for the Department, and Kenneth David, Supervisor of the Vital Statistics Office.  

It appears that David took it upon himself to do background checks on those making UIPA requests and on that basis suggested to Okubo to deny responding to their lawful requests for the release of government documents, requests which they made on the basis of the grants of rights of access accorded them by the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA).  

Following this email exchange, the Department of Health discriminated against citizens whom it perceived to have “a hidden agenda.” The term “hidden agenda” was coined by David to refer to citizens who questioned Obama’s legitimacy to hold the office of president: a clearly political view, on which basis they could not be lawfully denied access….Continue Reading  


Natural Born Citizen –


Obama's New Commander-In-Chief Uniform to Battle Low Morale in Military! Will Obama wear it to Navy Seals Prosecution?


Another must have from Attorney Mario Apuzzo when debating who is or is not a ‘natural born citizen’.  

Obama – Maybe a Citizen of the United States but Not a Natural Born Citizen

The question which has gripped our Constitutional Republic is whether putative President, Barack Obama, is eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the Military. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of our Constitution provides that: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” Despite the fact that Article II itself, and when read together with Articles I, III, IV and Amendments Eleven, Fourteen, Fifteen, Nineteen, Twenty-Four, and Twenty-Six, clearly makes a distinction between a “Citizen of the United States” and a “natural born Citizen,” when it comes to deciding whether Obama is eligible to be President under Article II, many incorrectly interpret a “Citizen of the United States ” to be the same thing as a “natural born Citizen.” With these two clauses not having the same meaning, the proper eligibility question is not whether Obama is a “Citizen of the United States.” Rather, the correct inquiry is whether Obama is a “natural born Citizen.”  

Most probably recognize that United States citizens are created either at birth or at the moment of naturalization. The former is a native (using that term in its modern sense and not in the sense that the Founders used it) and the latter is not. Most probably also recognize that a naturalized citizen is not eligible to be President. But what many fail to recognize is that the event of birth has two natural elements which always have and always will be present in every birth: (1) the place where one was born and (2) the two parents who procreated the child. Hence, some also fail to understand that there are two types of born citizens, one being a born “Citizen of the United States” and the other being a “natural born Citizen.” Under current law, a born “Citizen of the United States” is one granted that status under the 14th Amendment or Congressional Act (e.g. Title 8 Section 1401), both of which consider either (1) being born on United States soil or (2) being born to at least one United States citizen parent sufficient conditions for being granted the status of a born “Citizen of the United States.” Never in our history has the United States Supreme Court or the Congress ever required that one needs to satisfy both of these conditions in order to be a “citizen of the United States.” But as to a “natural born Citizen,” we have a different story.  

To understand what an Article II “natural born Citizen” is, we have to revert to the Founding era to determine what the Founders and Framers intended that clause to mean. In analyzing what meaning the Framer’s gave to the “natural born Citizen” clause, we must remember that they wrote the Constitution in the historical context of having won a Revolution and in having to constitute a new society. They were inspired by and found justification in the political philosophy of natural law and the law of nations and not that of the English common law in going forward with that Revolution and they relied on that same law when defining national citizenship. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution grandfathered all persons to be eligible to be President who were “Citizens of the United States” at the time the Constitution was adopted. These persons would have been adults who were born in the colonies, children born in the new states, or adults inhabiting or naturalized under the naturalization laws in either place, at the time that the Constitution was adopted, provided they all adhered to the American Revolution. Justice Gray in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898) explained that under English common law that prevailed in the colonies these original citizens included persons who were born in the colonies or new states to alien parents. These original citizens, whether born in the country or out of it, were all naturalized to be “citizens of the United States” by simply adhering to the American Revolution. The Founders in Article II grandfathered these “citizens of the United States” to be eligible to be President, provided that they were such at the time of the adoption of the Constitution which we know occurred on September 17, 1787. The grandfather clause is obsolete today.  

The Founders themselves, being born prior to independence were subjects of the British Crown and to other foreign sovereigns but adhering to the American Revolution became part of the first “citizens of the United States.” All being born in the colonies before the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776 to British parents, the first seven Presidents were born subjects of Great Britain (born subject to a foreign power) and therefore needed the grandfather clause to make them eligible to be President. …Continue Reading       

Obama is Eligible to Serve and ‘Birthers’ are Vindicated? – The BOPAC Report

February 9, 2010

The BOPAC Report:

Obama is Eligible to Serve and ‘Birthers’ are Vindicated? 

Two days ago I read an American Thinker article that challenged my current thinking. The result – I may have to acknowledge the possibility that Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’ and therefore eligible to serve as President.  If either possibility presented in the article proves true and a few loose ends are tied up concerning Obama’s mother, I will be forced to stop referring to Obama as Obama and begin referring to him as President Obama.  Time will tell if ‘facts’ come out that beckon such a change.  Jack Cashill’s presentation is very compelling, but will journalists and historians use their gravitas to drive the final nails in the eligibility issue coffin?

I do so want to turn away from the eligibility issue temporarily and focus on the cliff Obama is taking America over. Did you see that a majority of Democrats have a favorable view of Socialism?  That’s going to be a main focus of the 2010 battle for Independents because spending, taxing, personal responsibility, voter dependency, federal debt, job creation, technological innovation and the role of government are all intimately intertwined with it. The reality is that November is fast approaching and every effort needs to be made to stop Obama’s socialist objectives.

But, because Presidential eligibility is such a bedrock issue, it’s almost impossible for those of us who care deeply about the Constitution and the rule of law to turn away based solely upon political calculations.  Something has to be added to the calculation to tip the scales. If real journalists could find documentation verifying Mr. Cashill’s suppositions, I’m sure most of us challenging Obama’s eligibility would fall away satisfied because there would in fact be a there there.

As much as it has been denied and misconstrued, determining the ‘truth’ has always been the objective regarding the ‘eligibility’ question for the vast majority of those trying to look behind the Obama curtain.  The media can name call and ridicule each and every one who has questioned Obama’s eligibility to serve as President. (‘We’ certainly didn’t choose the moniker ‘birther’.) They can maliciously imply that each and every question we raise involves some race-based angst or worse. They can manipulate public opinion. They can even shape the public’s understanding of the Constitutional requirements for the Presidency. It’s not right, it’s not true, it’s not journalism – but they can do it.  What they can’t do is rewrite history to say there wasn’t (isn’t) a ‘there, there’ regarding Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States.  What exactly the ‘there’ is hasn’t been discovered.  Obama knows – but he’s not cooperating.

Let’s be honest, don’t you think objective legal historians/researchers looking at the facts, the circumstantial evidence, the testimony of his grandmother, the news reports from years earlier, the actions of Obama (withholding documents from the public, spending vast sums in legal fees, etc.), the ‘founders’ understanding of the term ‘natural born citizen’, the reasons for the Constitutional provision, the actual limitations of what can be proven from Obama’s online ‘Hawaiian birth certificate’, the lack of on point court decisions talking about the term ‘natural born citizen’, the differences in meanings for the terms ‘citizen’ and ‘natural born citizen’, etc., etc. – would realize that it’s almost a certainty that legitimate issues of some type exist?  It may take historians many years to acquire the documentation that will vindicate the ‘birthers’.  But rest assured, this issue is important enough that some historian will continue to pay attention.  I wonder if a book is being out-lined at this very moment, maybe a few law review articles?

But seriously, looking at the big picture, is the status quo really the best situation for Obama?

Everyone knows that there’s a huge secret being kept. You know it. I know it. Orly Taitz knows it. Larry Sinclair knows it. Ahmadinejad knows it. Netanyahu knows it. Hu Jintao knows it. It’s like your driving on the interstate; you see a car pulled over with a police car on its bumper, lights flashing. As you drive past, you see one passenger toss something in the bushes when the State Trooper approaches the driver.  You don’t know exactly what’s up but you know something is.

Right now the situation is that a substantial number of Americans cannot ethically recognize Obama as President. How can that be good for America? How can that be good for the military?  Given that Obama has done nothing except post a document of limited evidentiary value online, how can anyone expect the concerns of Americans to be allayed? 

The reason Obama is fighting this so hard, spending so much, is because he knows the outcome is a crapshoot.  Taking the facts in a light most favorable to Obama, it still requires the judge(s) to find that Obama was born in Hawaii and that the meaning of the term ‘natural born citizen’ is either American citizenship equals ‘natural born citizenship’ or being a ‘natural born citizen’ requires only one of Obama’s parents to be an American citizen by birth or naturalization at the time of Obama’s birth.

Such an interpretation by the courts would necessarily require activist judges who believe that the Constitution is a living breathing document that changes with the times. Fortunately, the American justice system is not there yet because that would make the Constitution subject to the political whims of judges and politicians. Nevertheless, if such a decision did occur most Americans would live with the result. 

Additionally, such a decision outcome would vindicate the ‘birthers’ because the Constitution had to be stretched beyond its original meaning and that would be the ‘there’.  It would give Obama what he wants.  But, it would be the crapshoot of his life!

The other factual possibility that could establish Obama as a ‘natural born citizen’ brings us back to the American Thinker article – the existence of a secret so big that it jumps right over the inconvenient problems arising from the citizenship of Barack Obama, Sr.

The nice thing about this possibility is that (for me) it explains a lot if true and it vindicates the ‘birthers’.  And to top it off, it follows the principle of Occam’s razor.

… When competing hypotheses are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selection of the hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities while still sufficiently answering the question.…

It acknowledges the common sense desire a parent would have to make sure baby Obama has American citizenship and family legitimacy. It also recognizes that a parent would not have been worried about making sure Obama was a ‘natural born citizen’ because it is not realistic to think that a particular child will grow up to be President.

It makes it possible to imagine how and why the CIA and FBI appear to be covering for Obama.

It partly explains why Hillary Clinton, John McCain and the Republican Party didn’t raise the issue. What politician would risk raising such a possibility without absolute proof? (Gov. Jindal’s situation may have factored in for Republicans and for far left Democrats- effectively eviscerating one more parts of the Constitution is a progressive’s dream.)

It exposes how judges might have been persuaded to do a kabuki dance to avoid getting to the merits of eligibility cases and being forced to make the choice of wrongly expanding the meaning of ‘natural born citizen’ to avoid rioting in the streets or expose a huge secret.

It also partly explains why Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Hannity are being so reluctant to fully address the issue.  However, if the possibility of an election-changing secret is true and Glenn Beck did not reveal it, did Mr. Beck aid the Progressives in gutting the meaning and force of Article 1, Section II of the Constitution?

It explains why the media is going so far out of their way to misdirect and vilify those asking questions. (Not they needed a lot of arm-twisting to go – given their coverage of John Edward’s affair/love child and Larry Sinclair’s allegations of cocaine use and sex with Obama in 1999.)

And finally, it vindicates the much-maligned ‘birthers’ because there is a there there.  Either Obama is not a ‘natural born citizen’ and is not eligible to serve as President or Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’ and every other part of his life is a ‘natural born lie’/deception.  (As more and more Americans are discovering.)

Regardless of outcome, ‘birthers’ will be vindicated. 

Notwithstanding ‘birther’ vindication, it remains essential that we know the truth because though the actions and non-actions of the media, courts, talk-radio, and politicians – Article I, Section II of the Constitution has been weakened (eviscerated) for future elections unless individual States require Presidential Candidates to present proof of theirs and their parents’ citizenship.

Sorry, I haven’t given specific details about the American Thinker article’s revelations. To briefly mention the actual details doesn’t do justice, given that Jack Cashill has done such a nice job of laying it out.  It’s a must read.



Thank you for considering this article!

I think the next phase has to be turning to State Legislatures to require proof of eligibility. Such legislation may stop Obama from attempting another run for which he may well not be eligible and protect Article II, Section 1.

…Notwithstanding ‘birther’ vindication, it remains essential that we know the truth because though the actions and non-actions of the media, courts, talk-radio, and politicians – Article I, Section II of the Constitution has been weakened (eviscerated) for future elections unless individual States require Presidential Candidates to present proof of theirs and their parents’ citizenship….

Hopefully some of you will write your State legislators. Feel free to copy any article on my blog if it can aid in your efforts.

Stress the need for 3 birth certificates. One from the candidate and 2 from parents (or proof of naturalization)! Candidate’s parents have to have been US citizens at the time of his or her birth.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

Navy Seals Prosecution: Victory for Terrorists – USNavySeals – Copenhagen Report Card – Telegraph – US Military Force Must Be Option With Iran – Dream On – Iran Bans Reformist Daily (Pay Attention Rush Limbaugh) – The BOPAC Report

December 21, 2009

The BOPAC Report

Navy Seals Prosecution –

Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult! Navy Seals surely won't change their oath! It will be a cold day in hell before Gov. Palin gets one.

I think about our Navy Seals being persecuted by the Obama Administration everyday and it makes me question why anyone would put him or herself in such danger knowing Obama and the Chain of Command do not have their backs.  Not only do they not have their backs, the Obama Chain of Command appears to be intentionally putting roadblock after roadblock in the way of these dedicated Americans (Seals, CIA, FBI, Military). 

How long will America’s best be willing to endure such treatment at the hands of Obama?


Charging of Navy SEALs: A Victory for Terrorists

Posted December 21st, 2009 by USNavySeals

The charging of the three Navy SEALs is a small win for terrorism. For all we know, there may be terrorists who are secretly laughing their head off over the fact that the military is sanctioning their men by the word of a terrorist who may have murdered and mutilated American citizens. If the tables had been turned and it was an American who suddenly fell into the hands of a terrorist group, would he have been accorded the same “courtesy”?

This is probably the very reason why Lesson 18 of the Al Qaeda manual specifically states that “brothers” should complain about being maltreated in prison. These people have already read through the American psyche it seems, and expected this very reaction. What we may have done here by proceeding with having these Navy SEALs brought to court-martial – after undoubtedly going through hell and high water simply to get this guy alive – is prove all the more that what these terrorists have written in their manual actually works. They were right, after all….Continue Reading

Climate Change & Climate Gate –


Climate Rascals - Climategate - Al Gore is pulling "science" out of his butt.

Copenhagen climate summit: report card How the Copenhagen Climate Accord measures up.

By Louise Gray, Environment correspondent in Copenhagen
Published: 8:00AM GMT 21 Dec 2009

Global warming: The Accord agrees that global temperature rise should stay below 2C (3.6F). A tangible acheivement but less ambitious than some would have hoped. 5/10

Reducing greenhouse gases: The treaty did not include any numerical targets for cutting pollution. 0/10 …

Overall: The Copenhagen Accord is merely a UN decision that has no legal standing and there is no timetable to turn it into a proper treaty. 1/10

Read Complete Article

Ji’Bama’had –


Hillary's 3am Call vis-a-vis the Omnipresent Teleprompter to Obama!

A U.S. military option against Iran? With Obama? Dream on!

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad completely understands that Obama is not going to do anything militarily to stop development of nuclear weapons.  Ahmadinejad has watched Obama persecute America’s CIA for not serving cookies when interrogating terrorists and the Navy Seals for possibly giving a major terrorist a fat lip.  I’m sure all of America’s enemies are rolling on the floor laughing and wondering who’s side Obama is on.

No one seriously believes that Obama’s Socialist America would do anything to help Israel survive the coming storm of a nuclear Iran.

Top US officer: Force must be option for Iran


WASHINGTON — Military force would have only limited effect in stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons but must remain an option, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday.

Baghdad shows no signs of backing down in the standoff over what the United States and other countries say is its drive for a nuclear bomb, Adm. Mike Mullen, the top U.S. military officer, told his staff in an annual assessment of the nation’s risks and priorities.

“My belief remains that political means are the best tools to attain regional security and that military force will have limited results,” Mullen wrote. “However, should the president call for military options, we must have them ready.”…Continue Reading

Obama Run Media –


Net Neutrality's Goal is State Controlled Media and Information

America Needs a Fair and Objective Media! Climategate, Navy-Seal-Gate, Larry Sinclair Gate - bias is everywhere.

I hope Fox, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Hannity and everyone else giving views that are in opposition to Obama take notice of what is happening in Iran.  It’s coming to America soon if Obama has his way!  Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro and Obama are peas in a pod united in the knowledge that a “free press” cannot be tolerated if people are to be kept in the dark and fed crap.  You can’t have prime rib available if all you give people is crap.  They will eventually rebel.

Iran bans another reformist daily, warned reformist news agency Posted on : 2009-12-21 | Author : dpa
News Category : Middle East

Tehran – An Iranian press watchdog on Monday banned another reformist Tehran daily and warned the reformist news agency ILNA against reporting about opposition groups and their activities. The ISNA news agency reported that the daily Andisheh’e No (New Thought) was banned “for working outside the regulations of press law.” No further details were given.

The reformist Tehran daily, Hayat’e No (New Life), was closed down earlier this month on the same charges.

ISNA further reported that the labour news agency ILNA, which is close to the opposition, was warned by the Culture Ministry, in charge of local and foreign press, not to report about opposition groups in general and the Green Movement in particular. …Continue Reading

ObamaCare – Cult Loyalty Triumphs Over What’s Best For America – ClimateGate – Copenhagen Chicken Littles Lay Egg – Iran Takeover of Iraqi Oil Well – UFO In Russia? – The BOPAC Report

December 19, 2009

The BOPAC Report

ObamaCare – Cult Loyalty Wins Over What’s Best for America –


Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult! Ask Sen. Nelson does he have a tattoo!

 Are the any Democrats that will put America’s interests over their own or their Party?  Right or WRONG – it’s Sen. Nelson’s Socialist Democratic Party now.

Sen. Ben Nelson to announce support for health-care bill

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 19, 2009; 9:07 AM

Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.), the final Democratic holdout on health care, was prepared to announce to his caucus Saturday morning that he would support the Senate reform bill, clearing the way for final passage by Christmas.

“We’re there,” said Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), as he headed into a special meeting to announce the deal.

Democratic leaders spent days trying to hammer out a deal with Nelson, and worked late Friday night with Nelson on abortion coverage language that had proved the major stumbling block. But Nelson also secured other favors for his home state.

Asked if he was prepared to support the bill, Nelson said, “Yeah.”


Climategate – Copenhagen’s Shabby Science –


Climategate! Obama's Climate Data Collection Team Collecting Data for UN!

There’s an interesting article and analysis on BBC News this morning.  The article’s good but the summary chart of the Copenhagen Deal says it all.  Basically, Copenhagen’s Chicken Little hens of a coming climate disaster laid an egg – maybe a scrambled one. 

Surely now they will to go back and start over with their data analysis with opposition scientists at the table.  ClimateGate clearly shows that these “climate scientists” have a credibility problem.  No – they’ll keep sweeping everything don’t like under the rug.

Climate summit: Where’s the beef?

 By Paul Reynolds


  • No reference to legally binding agreement
  • Recognizes the need to limit global temperatures rising no more than 2C above pre-industrial levels
  • Developed countries to “set a goal of mobilizing jointly $100bn a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries”
  • On transparency: Emerging nations monitor own efforts and report to UN every two years. Some international checks
  • No detailed framework on carbon markets – “various approaches” will be pursued

Updated: 06:40 GMT, 19 December

Read Article


Iran Takeover of Iraqi Oil Well –


Teleprompter holds Whitehouse Protocol Classes. Obama preparing for bow to Iran!

It seems Obama now has another of those tests that Joe Biden warned about last year.  I suppose Obama will take guidance from his “Protocol Office”.

Diplomatic solution sought over Iraq oilwell

Iran has called for a diplomatic solution after 11 of its soldiers were accused of seizing an oilwell inside the territory of Iraq.

By Telegraph reporter and agencies in Baghdad
Published: 1:00PM GMT 19 Dec 2009

The alleged incursion pushed up oil prices and raised fears of fresh conflict between the neighbours, who fought a long and bloody war in in the 1980s in the area where the well is situated.

Baghdad has claimed that 11 Iranian soldiers took over the well in a disputed border area. There are no US troops based in the vicinity.

Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi-Qomi met Iraqi government officials to discuss Baghdad’s charges of an incursion….Continue Reading

 Off Topic but Interesting –