Posts Tagged ‘Natural Born Citizen’

Natural Born Citizen – Kabuki Dance of Deception being played by those in the legal and academic communities – Glenn Beck and Rick Santorum on Marriage – The BOPAC Report

January 6, 2012

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

Two interesting articles that expose the kabuki dance of deception being played by those in the legal and academic communities to support a stretch, rewriting of the original meaning of the term ‘natural born citizen’ for your consideration.

January 6, 2012

Academia Shrugs: Obama’s Citizenship and the Presidency

By Cindy Simpson

The obstacles in Barack Obama’s path to the presidency have been overcome, or covered over.  Rather than merely avoiding the contentious question of Obama’s “natural born” eligibility, America’s academic establishment has muffled discussion on the inextricably related issue of citizenship law in our country, in the greater context of immigration reform.

The first instance of academia’s cloak-throwing was noted in an American Thinker article which described the revision made by Professor Larry Solum to his scholarly paper that addressed Senator McCain’s eligibility, “Originalism and the Natural Born Citizenship Clause.”  The original version was published in 2008.  Without saying it explicitly in his footnote of explanation, Solum’s revision implied, subtly, that he also supported the eligibility of Obama, with his one citizen parent instead of two — yet Solum did not include citations or references that defended his rationale for the change, nor has he published papers since that discussed this aspect of the issue.

Solum’s unsupported rewriting was mentioned again in the more recent article, “The Great American Memory Hole.”  That column also described the strange and related story of “JustiaGate” — the “mangling” of text and citations, for approximately a three-year period beginning mid-2008, on Justia’s database for 25 Supreme Court decisions that directly cited the particular case of Minor v Happersett.  It so happens that Minor contains a succinct definition of “natural born” citizenship (essentially, born in the country to citizen “parents,” plural) that attorney Leo Donofrio contends represents binding precedent.  In addition to the anomalies noted at Justia, Donofrio discovered a complete block of relevant text missing from Ex Parte Lockwood at Cornell — a case that Donofrio argues further proves his assertion that Minor‘s statements on citizenship are binding precedent vs. dicta.

Cornell’s Professor William Jacobson countered that Justia is not utilized by “practicing lawyers,” but it is revealing to note that both Jacobson‘s Legal Insurrection blog and the WSJ Law Blog, for example, recently and frequently link to Justia’s Supreme decisions, and that Google searches often list Justia as a top hit — reinforcing the reality that Justia’s Supreme Court database does indeed maintain a significant voice in the court of public opinion. 

Shortly after Donofrio’s findings and further claims regarding the precedent set by Minor, Professor Jonathan Turley published a post by contributor David Drumm entitled “Holdings, Dicta, and Stare Decisis.”  The last sentence of Drumm’s post refers to the Wikipedia article on Minor as further support for his assertion that the “natural born” comments are dicta; however, that particular Wikipedia entry was revised only a couple of months ago (soon after Donofrio’s assertions) to include the very paragraph that Drumm cites.  Comments on Drumm’s post now number over 1,300, bearing witness to an ugly war that continues to rage among anonymous commenters.  The revision history for the Wikipedia entry reveals similar battle scars.

“In the Spirit of Truth,” Donofrio has, via his “Natural Born Citizen” blog, invited other attorneys to directly challenge his assertions:

The definition of natural born citizen in Minor v. Happersett is binding precedent;  Ex Parte Lockwood acknowledged Minor as precedent for the definition of federal citizenship; and the statements in Minor fit the description of precedent established by the Court in Ogilvie Et Al., Minors v. United States.

Will any accept the offer, or, along with other legal academics, will attorneys continue the “bizarre birther intellectual dance” described by Jacobson that sidesteps reasonable questions of law and spins around only the infamous birth certificate?….

AND this article is included because it answers the question of why.

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

January 6, 2012

The Heart of the Clause 5 Issue

By Bruce Walker

… What if Obama, to take his case as an example, was really the son of a man who was a natural-born American citizen?  The more we poke into this area, the murkier it can get.

So why does the Obama birth certificate issue still matter to so many people?  It has much less to do with how we read the Constitution than it does with Obama hiding key documents and probably lying to the American people.  What if Obama had said from the beginning something like this?

“I think I was born in Hawaii, but honestly, I can’t be sure; I was a newborn at the time, and my mother moved around a lot.  I cannot even say for sure who my father was — just as most of us cannot know who our father with absolute certainty.  But I believe that I am perfectly eligible to be president, and I will gladly open any records in my power to open.  I ask over the next 60 days that every constitutional professor and lawyer discuss and debate this issue.  I hope, after we have gone through this process, that the issue can finally be put to rest.”

Would we still be discussing his qualifications to be president?  Certainly not.  The problem with Obama — and this is a crucial distinction from the eligibility of Rubio or Jindal — is skullduggery and mischief, not constitutional eligibility per se.  We need to keep that sneakiness the vital point in our Article I, Section II attack.  Rubio and Jindal are not hiding anything from us.  No one is accusing them of lying to the American people.

Honest differences about what the Constitution means are qualitatively different from maliciously concealing facts which relate to constitutional issues.  Honest differences of fact on issues like paternity are also qualitatively different from concealing relevant information.  Obama, so typical of all leftists, is hiding evidence and very likely lying.  That is our issue.  That is also a winning issue with the American people…

As I was about to post these I read a quote that seems perfect for the Obama ‘natural born citizen’ discussion:

“When truth is not given complete freedom, freedom is not complete.”

Václav Havel, the first president of the Czech Republic and a prominent figure in its struggle for democracy during the communist era, passed away on December 18th, 2011…

See also:

2012 Elections –

As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Will the 2010 Turdado reappear in 2012?

I just heard Glenn Beck talking about the spat Rick Santorum got into with a few students about gay marriage and I think I need to repost an article written a year or so ago about marriage that supports Glenn Beck’s position.  Rick Santorum is correct in posing the questions he did about how far marriage might be extended.

Marriage is the Domain of the Church and God –

Market Risk is the Domain of Individuals and Business –

Neither is the Domain of the Federal Government.

This morning I heard Glenn Beck talking briefly about gay marriage, civil unions and the possibility that triad couples (between more than 2 people) could soon start demanding the same rights. After I finished rolling my eyes, I began thinking about the issue and quickly came to the same opinion that I hold concerning gay marriages and marriage in general.  Marriage is an issue for the church, consenting adults, and God.  If there are some churches that recognize gay marriages, fine (as long they are between freely consenting adults).  If there are some churches that recognize marriage between more than two people or communal families, fine (as long as they are between freely consenting adults).  I’m not in the religion or morality business as long as actions don’t hurt others or infringe upon their rights.

Why in the world is the government, any government, state or federal, in the business of sanctifying or recognizing any marriage?  It has always been clear to me that when government makes it possible for people who are “married” to have benefits and rights (social security or medical decision making) different from “non-married” people, it is a violation of both the equal protection clause (14th Amendment to the Constitution) and the prohibition respecting the establishment of religion (1st Amendment to the Constitution). 

Social Security benefits accruing to surviving spouses are probably the main reason people are upset about the federal government not recognizing gay marriage in general.  I agree completely that gay and single couples both have a legitimate right to be upset.  Where does the idea and definition of marriage come from?  It comes from the church. (Particularly churches of the Judea/Christian tradition.)

In this country, the Christian church’s biblical interpretation that marriage is only between one man and one woman is engrained in literature and history as the rule.  However today, there are churches that recognize and perform marriages between couples of the same sex, transgender persons, and even between a man and a woman.  So, when official government process bestows benefits to those individuals who are in “traditional marriages”, the definition of which was establish by the Judea/Christian beliefs, there is clearly a preference being made for one religion’s or church’s definition of marriage over those found in other religions or churches. 

When government goes down the “we benefit you, but not you” path; it sure seems like government is either involved in establishing a particular religion or government is not providing equal protection and opportunity for “single” individuals who wish to consolidate and share their resources as “partners” or “significant others” the same as “traditionally married” people.  Government should either benefit people equally or don’t benefit anyone.

It seems so easy for the federal government to remedy the social security surviving spouse benefit problem.  All the Social Security Administration would need to do is to have a provision for the pooling of social security earnings and benefits.   If Joe and Mary, or Joe and Sam, or Joe, Mary, & Jane said to the government that we want to pool our social security contributions from this date forward, then every participant’s individual social security contributions would be pooled and the sum would be divided by the number of people involved and that amount would be credited to each person’s individual social security earnings account.

This would allow the stay-at-home mom or dad to make contributions to their individual social security account as if they were “working” (half of the family’s income would be credited to each person in the relationship).  It would work the same way for gay couples or communal families.  Each person in such an arrangement would have some measure of protection vis-à-vis social security.  There would be no surviving spouse benefit because they would have their own social security. Primary income earners or those with a bigger income could direct part of their social security contributions to another’s account because they are committed to the other person (or people) and/or recognize the value of another person(s) non-monetary contributions such as raising children, gardening or taking care of the house.

I would think that most people would not have a problem with such a restructuring of Social Security because the government would be recognizing the limits of its power by saying we are not going to involve ourselves with the definition of the term marriage.  Marriage is within the domain of the church, the consenting individual(s), and their God.

It amazes me that the government doesn’t try harder to stay out of the business of limiting the rights of individuals more.  It seems like politicians want division so they can play each side off the other and maintain their grip on power.  Every time the government and politicians get involved in anything they create fear and uncertainty; and then use that uncertainty to their own advantage.  One only needs to look at the current financial mess that the economy is in.

Obama likes to say that he inherited the mess and he is only doing what has to be done.  However, the truth is that he and many Democrats in Congress share a great deal of the blame for the economic mess and Obama is using this crisis to get his political objectives accomplished.  The entire mess can be traced back to when government (mostly Democrats, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd) decided it wanted to get into the business of setting up regulations that created opportunities for groups like ACORN to pressure banks into lending to people who were not able to afford mortgages. This led to many of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s problems; which coupled with packaging these sub-prime assets into financial bundles and selling them round the world; it caused the global house of cards to collapse.

The government was trying to manipulate business RISK principles and it backfired.  Banks wound up being in the position of making risky loans that could be sold to the government (or guaranteed) and the bank’s RISK of losing its own money was greatly diminished.  It’s a lot easier to play fast and loose with other people’s money. 

Market Risk is the Domain of Individuals and Business.

Now, people are getting excited that the stock market appears to be signaling the end of the crisis.  Think again.  The news of the past few days paints a much bleaker picture.  Consider the following:

With passage of Obama’s budget, the government will have to borrow almost 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year.

The Federal deficit will be greater than 1.8 trillion dollars this year.

Social Security and Medicare financial projections have been revised to reflect that they are going broke sooner than expected.  Medicare is already losing money by the truckloads and Social Security will be sending out payments faster than money coming in by 2016. That’s only 7 years away! Congress is not only spending money like drunken sailors but they are also so afraid of risking the votes of senior citizens that they are unwilling to effectively address the Social Security/Medicare problem.  (That’s the problem with creating dependency for voter loyalty, the bill always comes due.  Then it comes down to who can be blamed.  With the American media’s proclivity for supporting Democrats, blame usually finds it way to Republicans regardless of facts to the contrary.)

Last week, the Treasury auction went poorly and Treasury yields soared.  This means that the government has to pay much more interest on the amounts they are borrowing.

This week, the government was buying their own securities to bring the yields back down some.  Where are the funds coming from to for the Fed to do all this buying?  They have the printing presses running overtime.  This will, in the not too distant future, damage severely the value of the dollar and cause a substantial rise in inflation.  The price of everything will go up and foreign countries will be reluctant to purchase our debt to keep the charade going.

China, who holds a great deal of our debt, will be looking for treasuries paying higher interest in order to entice them to purchase more debt. 

The more the government prints money out of thin air, the more the dollar’s value will be affected.  There will more money available to buy the same number of goods – causing inflationary pressure. Demand will likely take a downturn once consumers figure out they need to be protecting bank balances.  However, with a decline in dollar’s value, it means that many goods will cost more to produce because the materials required for production will cost more. Therefore producers will either need to raise prices, lower profit margins, lower labor costs (lower wages and/or cut jobs), and/or relocate to areas where the costs of production (taxes etc.) are lower.  However, even with these actions, consumers may not buy at higher prices (or even current prices) and businesses will go under.

So why are stock going up?  I believe that many people are being led to think the crisis is ending by Obama and the media and they want to be in on the bull market.  I also believe that many people are moving out of U.S. Securities because the yields are relatively low right now, some stocks price/earnings ratios look attractive comparatively and some investors are starting to believe that Treasuries are too risky and could collapse in the future.  I think people are buying stocks because they feel like they are buying something tangible like buildings, machinery, etc.   I bet buyers are looking at companies that don’t have high debt to equity ratios.  Stocks just look better than most of the other choices right now.  Now is the operative word because once interest rates on government securities are forced to rise to 6 or 7%, a lot of investors will shift back trying to stay ahead of the calamity that’s nearly certain to come.  This amount of debt and planned taxation is not sustainable.

This crisis can only be overcome by returning to sound economic principles now.  Congress and Obama must stop trying to spend and tax our way out of this. The media needs to be telling the story of how to work toward healthy long term economic fundamentals and not just promoting Obama’s plan.  Obama’s massive stimulus is a short-term feel good illusion; but like social security, the bill will come due.

The media should encouraging Tea Parties instead of attacking them.  The media needs to tell the truth about Obama and his real objectives.  The media needs to investigate & report factually about Obama’s eligibility issue, Rezko, Ayers, Larry Sinclair’s allegations, Obama’s associations with ACORN, and the numerous other issues and scandals from Obama’s past. Before America can come together, these questions must be addressed fully. The media generated Obama “fairy tale” must stop because America’s future is at stake. The media needs to tell the truth and report the news.

We need to support companies like Ford who are not feeding off tax payers and taking direction from self-serving politicians.  Boycott companies like GM, Chrysler, Citigroup and others who undermine ingenuity and lead America to mediocrity.

Neither marriage nor market risk should be within the domain of the Federal Government.

Keeping with the Glenn Beck theme:

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Worried-Yet The Barack "The Borg" Obama Collective is coming! Resistance is Necessary to Save America from Mediocrity and Less Liberty!

American Thinker



Dr. Kate’s Review

Drudge Report

Hill Buzz

Jefferson’s Rebels

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Military Times

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

The Marco Rubio Cube of Ambition, Principle, Politics, Duty, Constitution and Moral Relativism – The BOPAC Report

August 31, 2011

The BOPAC Report


Worried-Yet The Barack "The Borg" Obama Collective is coming! Resistance is Necessary to Save America from Mediocrity and Less Liberty!

The Marco Rubio Cube of Ambition, Principle, Politics, Duty, Constitution & Moral Relativism

Many decent Americans are beginning to find themselves facing something that if it happens must culminate with a vital but troubling individual action in 2012.  One American in particular, who clearly loves his country, ought to be tied in knots inside by that something. That particular American is Senator Marco Rubio and that something is the possibility that he might be selected as the running mate for the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Unless one has been living under a rock or getting their news only from the mainstream media, everyone should be aware of the problem Sen. Rubio, through no fault of his, has.  Unfortunately, Sen. Rubio is probably not a Natural Born Citizen as is required by the Constitution to be President or Vice-President.

If I were Sen. Rubio, I would certainly be tied up inside. If he’s not, then that’s a problem.  Had Sen. Rubio never gone to law school, never studied the Constitution, never served as an intern in Congress, or had never taken an Oath to support and defend the Constitution then maybe he could be excused if he’s not conflicted.  However, he has done all of those things and should hold himself to a higher standard.  So if he’s not conflicted, that speaks volumes about his ethics, morals, ambitions and respect for the Constitution and Rule of Law.  Personally, I believe he is conflicted – but has managed to compartmentalize and assuage his doubts and concerns by craftily working the Rubio (Rubik) Cube to arrange and rationalize most of the parts of his world and outward appearances to suit him.  I’m sure the power players will be telling him that everything looks fine; it’s no big deal.

However, one group of cubes that support Senator Rubio cannot be lined up so neatly is that of the millions of Americans who understand that the Constitution has a requirement that the President be a Natural Born Citizen and that there are legitimate questions and issues about what that means.  They understand that the media and both Parties would be satisfied if the Natural Born Citizen requirement would just go away. It’s clear that the players are pulling out all the stops to equate ordinary citizenship to natural born citizenship without going through the Amendment process.  However, most know that to be a natural born citizen requires that both of a candidates’ parents must have been American citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth in the U.S.  But even if the good Senator can manage to make the outward appearance his world look acceptable he should be left with a hodgepodge of internal doubts, conflicts and betrayals lingering to tarnish his possible service. However, there is a solution to Senator Rubio’s cube.

Given that the term Natural Born Citizen was not defined in the Constitution and courts have recognized that jurists must look outside the document to gleam the meaning and intent, there exists legal arguments that can be made urging the Supreme Court to refine the common historical definition of who is a Natural Born Citizen to incorporate situations the Founders may not have considered and that would not undermine the Founders’ concern that the President must have his or her sole allegiance directed to the United States.  Thus the Court would not be changing the definition but merely clarifying it.  It wouldn’t help Gov. Jindal but might help Senator Rubio.

The situation is the special case of the United States’ involvement and responsibilities to the people of Cuba in the early 20th century.  

Lame Cherry argues on her blog:

…Marco Rubio’s parents … Mario was born in 1927 and Oria born in 1931 were fully under the US protectorate status as much as Barack Hussein Obama sr. was under British Mandate status making him British.

This was further cemented in President Fulgencio Batista joining the allies in World War II in declaring war on Japan and Germany in December 1941 with Cubans fighting in concert with Americans in that global conflict.

The Rubios are not some post Castro globalists. The Rubios willingly came to America when afforded the opportunity…

Whether or not the Supreme Court would chose to interpret the term Natural Born Citizen to include the special situation of parents born under United States protection and clearly having no loyalty to the current dictatorship of Cuba is not the issue for Sen. Rubio.   The real issue is will Sen. Rubio respect the concerns of millions of Americans who are concerned that the Constitution is being treated as an impediment to the ambitions of politicians?  Will he seek a declaratory judgment from a federal court that indicates that Sen. Marco Rubio is indeed a Natural Born Citizen?

We understand that the Democratic candidate, Mr. Obama, will and has used every resource available to him remain in the Oval Office.  He has been described as a moral relativist; and as such, can justify or rationalize just about anything he does. One could justify everything from drone attacks, targeted assassination, infidelity, hiding school records and even Larry Sinclair’s allegations.

We understand that about Obama; but we do not want our candidate to be one whose life is based on lies, deception, and rationalizations.  We want someone we can be proud of.  Sen. Rubio can be that person if he squares his shoulders and faces the problem and doesn’t rely on Obama’s groundwork of deception.  He might just find a court in a mood to dispense justice and clearly define the term.

Not only does Sen. Rubio have this personal ethical problem to deal with, he is creating a serious ethical/moral conflict in each and every one who believes in their duty to honor the Constitution, especially when they go into the voting booth.  And it is not fair for the Senator to put his problem upon each of us.

If he does, then each one of us will have to examine our own ethics (always advisable), look at the consequences of another Obama term to further degrade America, consider the consequences to the Constitution of another 4 years of constant undermining, consider the lessons we are teaching our children and then try to rationalize our way into pulling the voting lever.  Many of us want to pull the lever for Senator Rubio but it would be nice not to need a shower afterwards.

Moral relativism is basically the idea that there’s no ‘real’ right and wrong; it’s culturally taught behavior; it’s situational ethics; it’s the context of ethical decisions; it’s outcome focused; it’s okay if I say it’s okay.  It’s relative. It’s BS.  If one knows something is wrong and they need to rationalize their action because they really want to do it, it degrades their principles and society in general.   It’s the mores that give rise to unsustainable entitlements and dependency. It’s desensitization to ethical and unethical conduct.  It’s the rioting mobs in Great Britain – it’s Donald Young’s murder – it’s the Jihad mentality and those obvious to it, and in the extreme it’s the fertile ground that gave rise to the holocaust and Rwanda. It leads to decay of both persons and societies.

Rationalization and consideration of the relative badness of outcomes may be necessary sometimes in situations such as war to protect others and their freedoms, in defense of one’s life, etc. but it should make one upset.  It’s supposed to do that. Unfortunately, many today treat morality and ethics as a game – the ME game. It may be a game but it is not without real victims.  Ask the spouse of an unfaithful partner or someone wrongfully imprisoned or the Chinese mother who finds out she’s pregnant with her second child.

Former Candidate Alan Keyes summed it up nicely in a recent article:

…I imagine such relativism works out pretty well for some folks. It always has. After all, moral relativism is simply the self-righteousness of the wicked masquerading as profound intellectual insight…

I don’t want to be forced to be working on ethics Rubik cube in the voting booth. I for one do not want to vote for someone who would intentionally cause me to have to rationalize my vote, twisting my principles upside down, compromising my ethics, undermining the Constitution, degrading my vote.

But given what’s at stake should Obama win – I probably will.

I will then take a shower and hope someone has the resources to file suit in an effort to defend the Constitution.


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

American Thinker


Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

The Jag Hunter

The Post Email

United States Constitution

Staff Sergeant Daryn Moran’s Journey – Refusing Obama’s Illegal Orders – The BOPAC Report

August 15, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Staff Sergeant Daryn J. Moran’s Journey –

In the basement of the United Universal Church of Obamboozle, Captain Taqiyya (Obama's alter ego) makes a sacrifice of a Tea Party Terrorist.

Unfortunately, Daryn J. Moran is choosing to following in Lt. Col. Lakin’s footsteps.  I admire his courage, but given the fact that the upper echelons of power (military included) are turning their heads, I fear his action will be in vain.  I think it would take an entire Platoon refusing Obama’s illegal orders before the Joint Chiefs would take any action whatsoever other than to allow the sacrifice another brave soldier on Obama’s alter to the death of truth.

Are there 30 or 40 men and women in our military willing to say, ENOUGH?

From CitizenWells:

Staff Sergeant Daryn Moran refuses orders, Obama birth certificate eligibility, Landstuhl Germany, Obama is a criminal

Staff Sergeant Daryn Moran refuses orders, Obama birth certificate eligibility, Landstuhl Germany, Obama is a criminal

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine

Howard Coble, members of Congress, military officers, I hope that you are paying attention.

Another patriot has stepped forward.

From the Birther Report August 14, 2011.

“Air Force Staff Sergeant Refusing Orders Until Obama’s Eligibility Dealt With”

“Here is the email from Air Force Staff Sergeant Daryn Moran,
My name is Daryn J. Moran. I am a SSgt in the USAF stationed in Germany.

I called Pastor Manning of the Manning Report just recently (Youtube video posted below) to share my concern for our country. Boils down that I have not gone in to work last Thurs. and Fri. First time I was AWOL in nearly 13 years. Until B. Obama provides a birth certificate which stands up to professional examination, not even mentioning the seriousness of the fact that his father was never an American, I no longer serve the Armed Forces or take orders.

Basically, I’d rather follow Mr. Lakin, the ex-Army officer who went to Ft. Leavenworth, into war against our real enemies….Continue Reading

Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin and Staff Sergeant Daryn Moran’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Go to your Chaplin, write letters to editors of your local newspapers, write letters to the Military Times, call your Congressional Representatives, talk to your JAG Office, Tweet, contact the Joint Chiefs.  It will take many to defend the Constitution.  Hillary used to say it takes a village to raise a child.  It will take a dedicated Platoon or Company to raise the Constitution to its rightful place. 

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

Rolling Over in the Tomb of Unknow Soldiers!

American Thinker


Dr. Kate’s Review

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Military Times

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

The Jag Hunter

The Post Email

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

World Net Daily

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

U.S. Supreme Court Precedent Discovered Regarding Natural Born Citizen by Leo Donofrio, Esq. – Obama Fails Test – The BOPAC Report

June 22, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

Attorney Leo Donofrio has reexamined the case law regarding the term ‘natural born citizen’ and in a long detailed analysis has reached an interesting conclusion.   I noticed the article last night, it’s long but worth a read.


The title of this article is correct.  After having completed a more thorough review of the relevant US Supreme Court cases discussing the Constitution’s natural-born citizen clause, I have discovered precedent which states that a natural-born citizen is a person born in the jurisdiction of the US to parents who are citizens.  Read that again.  I said precedent, not dicta.  The precedent holds that Obama is not eligible to be President of the United States.

Up until the publication of this report today, all discussion of the natural-born citizen issue (from both sides of the argument) agreed there had never been a precedent established by the US Supreme Court, and that the various cases which mentioned the clause did so in “dicta”.

Dicta are authoritative statements made by a court which are not binding legal precedent.

Black’s Law Dictionary defines “precedent” as a “rule of law established for the first time by a court for a particular type of case and thereafter referred to in deciding similar cases“.

Precedent that must be followed is known as binding precedent.  Under the doctrine of stare decisis, a lower court must honor findings of law made by a higher court.  On questions as to the meaning of federal law including the U.S. Constitution, statutes, and regulations, the U.S. Supreme Court’s precedents must be followed.

It can no longer be denied that there is controlling US Supreme Court precedent concerning the definition of a natural-born citizen according to Article 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution.  I predict satori will overcome those of you who have labored over this issue.  This is not a remote obscure reading.  It is, when revealed, a clear undeniable holding and binding precedent established by the highest Court of our nation which specifically defines an Article 2 Section 1 natural-born citizen as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens.

Therefore, Obama – according to US Supreme Court precedent – is not eligible to be President.


The direct US Supreme Court precedent is stated in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875).  Furthermore, the precedent stated in Minor is consistent with other US Supreme Court cases – both before and after Minor – which discuss the natural born citizen issue.  While that part of the holding in Minor regarding woman’s suffrage was superseded by the 19th Amendment – which Constitutionally established a woman’s right to vote – the rest of the case is good law.  And the remaining precedent stated regarding the definition of “natural-born citizen” – with regard to Article 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution – is still binding upon all lower courts.

Therefore, lower court decisions – such as the holding in Arkeny v. Governor of the State of Indiana – which have misconstrued the US Supreme Court’s holding in Minor v. Happersett are wrong.  Below, we will review what the Indiana Court of Appeals had to say and explain why they got it wrong.  But first we must revisit Minor v. Happersett….Continue Reading

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?


Jefferson’s Rebels

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

The Post Email

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Is Glenn Beck Complicit in Undermining the Constitution of the United States and Will Donald Trump undo the damage? – The BOPAC Report

April 28, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

Is Glenn Beck Complicit in Undermining the Constitution of the United States and Will Donald Trump undo the damage?

Well, well, Obama has released a document that is meant to put to rest the so-called ‘birther’ issue.   On April 27, 2011, Mr. Obama released a document that is purported to be his long form birth certificate.  While I can’t attest to the authenticity of the document, the document produced does confirm a fact critical to one aspect of the eligibility issue. Many involved have for years now tried to focus the American people, and those charged with protecting our freedoms and founding documents, on the aspect dealing with exclusion from Presidential eligibility those having the potential of conflicted allegiance to the United States.

Thanks to Obama’s disclosure, his father can now be presumed to be Barack Hussein Obama, born in Kenya and thus a British subject(There has been interesting speculation that that might not be the case.) Now, should the media so choose (Glenn Beck included), our attention could rightfully turn to the question that goes to the heart of the Founder’s concern and the reason they included the provision in the first place.  Can a person (Obama) with the potential of conflicted allegiances vis-à-vis an admitted lack of unity of exclusive U.S. citizenship at the time of birth meet the requirements of Presidential eligibility under the Constitution?

The contention of many lawyers/experts studying this issue has been that the Constitution requires a Presidential candidate must have been born to parents (2) who were U.S. citizens at the time of the birth.  However, there are also experts who take an opposite position that having only one parent who was a citizen at the time of birth would suffice.  (Even the expert, Prof. Chin, relied upon by CNN and other left wing media has indicated the existence of differing views regarding who can be a Natural Born Citizen.)   So let’s take a serious look at the issue and take the appropriate action.  If the concerns of the American people have changed since the founding regarding this issue, then let’s get started on the Amendment process. However, let’s not allow thuggery in the media and by the major political parties impose their elitist views and consequences on the American people.

As all who have been closely following the issue of Obama’s probable lack of eligibility know – it has (from the beginning) been marginalized, ridiculed, mischaracterized, and intentionally made to appear that everyone raising legitimate questions were/are ‘birthers’ (those suggesting that Obama was born in Kenya).  And yes, Glenn Beck joined early on the media’s barrage of unjustified denigration targeting those merely asking eligibility questions.  Others, such as Politicians, have been trying as hard as they could to dance on the head a pin to avoid a complete discussion of the eligibility issue.  (I’ve suggested before that Republicans might have an interest in side stepping the issue in order to keep the door open for Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Jindal in the future.)  Thank you Donald Trump for having the balls to step up and do what you have (so far) to force Obama to present some modicum of documentation. 

Like I said above, the “long form birth document” does aid in the discussion of the ‘natural born citizen’ issue by naming Barack Obama, Sr. as Obama’s father.  It does not prove that Obama is a “natural born citizen”.  However, it took a lot of courage for Mr. Trump step up and ask the questions he did, knowing full well the attacks he would suffer. 

Unfortunately for Mr. Trump, having taken the first brave step, more questions and/or tests of honor and character await his attention.

Are you brave enough to ask the remaining questions or has your demand to see the long form birth certificate served some other motive?

Will you turn your vast attention and research abilities to the question of who can and can’t be a ‘natural born citizen’?  (May I suggest contacting Mario Apuzzo, Esq. and/or Leo Donofrio, Esq.?)

Given that Lt. Col. Lakin (the man who refused to follow possible unlawful orders unless Obama simply release his long form birth certificate) is still serving a six month sentence in a military prison, will you demand that Obama grant Lt. Col. Lakin a full pardon and an opportunity to resign from the military with honor?  (This question makes one wonder what type of man could allow a highly decorated military officer to be sent to prison when all that was required to prevent it was to release the document.

Will you continue to demand the release of the numerous other documents that Obama wants to keep hidden?  Obama’s refusal to release such common documents reflects negatively on his character and indicates he has a lot more to hide from an American populous growing more and more suspect of his character and allegiances. 

Back to Glen for a moment –

I believe Mr. Beck to be a very intelligent man, who has from the beginning been fully aware of the legitimacy of the eligibility issue and fully capable of understanding the legal issues involved. Many (myself included (by email)) have made sure that Glenn and/or his staff received the pertinent information/links related to this issue.  Why Glenn has chosen to aid the MSM media in its successful effort of boiling the issue down to one denigrating word, ‘birthers’, only Glenn can answer. 

We (the hundreds of thousands who are constantly in Glenn’s crosshairs) continue to try to support Mr. Beck because he does provide the American people a valuable service by providing information the MSM wants desperately keep hidden or misrepresented.  However, it’s becoming more and more difficult when Glenn (the man who says he reveres the Constitution) constantly chides those committed to the entire document, which includes the Presidential eligibility requirements.

Of course Glenn won’t or can’t admit it now (so he certainly won’t apologize for it), it is clear to many that Glenn has been unwittingly assisting Mr. Obama and his ‘one world’ friends in pushing the Presidential eligibility provisions of the Constitution off the gangplank.  I assume that Mr. Beck on some level believes that his actions were/are meant to protect the parts of the Constitution he believes in, but who is he to make such choices for the American people? 

The questions still remain:

Who can and can’t be a ‘natural born citizen’?

Will Donald Trump have the courage to see through what he set in motion and help save the Constitution from the damage that Obama (with Glenn Beck’s unintended support) is doing to it?


Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Lame Cherry

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

Real or Fake?

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Trump Was Right – He’s Now Asking About ‘Natural Born Citizen’ – Larry Sinclair – The BOPAC Report

April 11, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Remember the injustice Larry Sinclair suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Hmmm. Interesting.  Raising my nose to the air, I think I get the faint scent of a lawsuit.

Dr’s & West Virginia University Hospital-East Administrators Apologies Not Enough

Written By: Administrator – Apr• 09•11

Today we received a copy of an “amendment” Dr. Liza Hiles (right) (WV has no Medical License on file for Dr. Hiles) wrote and had placed in Larry’s medical records after being contacted over her and two other Dr.’s multiple reports where they stated Larry was diagnosed HIV+.  According to Dr. Hiles amendment she did discuss it with Dr. Timothy DeVine (left). Dr. Hiles amendment is simply not enough nor is the letter (also received today) from Marilys Gilbert, WVUH-East Director of Quality and Risk Management where the hospital apologizes for the diagnosis but at them same time implies it is possible Larry is HIV+.

After publishing 

Dr’s Falsely Diagnosed Larry HIV+ Based On Claims of Sheriff Deputy???

Mrs. Gilbert and WVUH-East Jefferson Memorial Hospital Administrator Christina Coad both visited this site and archived the article. The below shows both Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Coad archiving the page…


Natural Born Citizen –

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

Trump is Right and is Now Turning to the Real Issue – What is a ‘Natural Born Citizen?’

Trump has been right in bringing up Obama’s eligibility/natural born citizen issue, the ‘birther’ issue.  No one else (at this point in time) has the clout or the guts to tackle it. No other politician or ethical reporter will cover this issue in any depth because the Political Correctness (PC) police have been out in full force intimidating all who might dare to raise any questions. They’ve been very successful too. That’s why ‘birther’ is the name everyone associates with it; and why most associate the meaning the name implies – not born in Hawaii. No independent thought necessary! However, it is an issue that needs to be addressed, if for no other reason that we have military men and women fighting around the world at Obama’s beck and call

And the high stakes game, it appears will have a few more hands to play.

The issue with Obama’s eligibility (regardless of what the media is trying to lead you to believe) not only involves the place of his birth but also his conflicted allegiances vis-à-vis the citizenship of his father.

Unfortunately, there is no Supreme Court decision that I know of where the Court addresses the specific question (in a case where it is factually necessary to the facts and issue presented) of who can and can’t be a Natural Born Citizen, other than in the penumbra of discussions/historical presentations in cases involving ordinary and/or naturalized citizenship. 

However, the relevant writings/common understandings that were available to the Founders and the ones that have been suggested that the Founders relied, suggest (see article by Prof. Solum – ‘Originalism and the Natural Born Citizen Clause’) that to be a natural born citizen requires being born in country to parents (2) who were citizens at the time of the person’s birth.

Further, the significance of the Constitutional provision containing both the terms ‘Citizen’ and ‘Natural Born Citizen’ clearly indicate there is a difference in meaning in the two.  This has been recognized in several cases and writings.  The reasons for inclusion of the Presidential eligibility restrictions are also recognized as being the need for and/or fear of a person becoming President who did not have complete/sole allegiance to the new nation. In your heart of hearts, do your perceptions of Obama’s actions and ideology validate the Founders’ concerns?  For me, the answer seems obvious.

Did you see that Trump had a meeting with a group that included a Rep. from Arizona and gave out some homework?  In that meeting, Mr. Trump asked for information regarding the term “natural born citizen”. Only the Donald can assign research as homework and not have to pay for it.  Once Donald Trump receives the information asked for, he will then be in a position to force the main street media’s hand; and call them on their decision to cut the public out of considering the Obama eligibility issue in any meaningful, thoughtful way.

Simply labeling everyone asking questions ‘birthers’ is neither meaningful nor thoughtful.

Keep in mind that, Trump also has his mother’s naturalized citizenship status as a possible springboard should he decide to file a suit for a Declaratory Judgment indicating he (Trump) is eligible. 

That’s an ace in the hole that only Trump has!

Get your Popcorn ready!  Trump has sent investigators to Hawaii and is collecting his assigned homework. There are more hands to play!

Commentary –

If Gen. George Patton were still around, I would bet that he would be standing shoulder to shoulder with Lt. Col. Lakin!

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.


Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

American Thinker


Dr. Kate’s Review

Lame Cherry

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

Talk Wisdom

The Post Email

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Representatives of Georgia, Your Time to Stand Up is Here – Presidential Eligibility – Natural Born Citizen – Open Letter to Georgia -The BOPAC Report

March 14, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

No person Except a Natural Born Citizen - Lt. Col. Lakin Remains a Political Prisoner

An Open Letter to Representatives in Georgia Regarding GA HB401 Presidential Eligibility

Dear Representatives of Georgia:

This morning I was thinking about the courageous actions of Lt. Col. Lakin, my service in the Navy in the 70’s, and the men and women currently serving in the United States Military.  Naturally, this led to the many questions regarding Obama’s refusal to voluntarily provide sufficient documentation to establish his eligibility to serve as President and Commander-In Chief. 

Regardless of what I was thinking or believe today, the main reason Obama should rush as fast as he can to provide every document, timeline, explanation, birth certificate, etc., – whatever is needed – is to prevent possible damage to the memory of those serving bravely today!  No one wants historians to decide to attach an asterisk whenever they discuss the service of those in today’s United States military!

The last two posts by Mario Apuzzo, Esq. have been urging support for the GA HB401 Presidential Eligibility proof bill and for it to be effective for the 2012 Presidential election cycle.

I join Mr. Apuzzo and urge support for this bill and for it to be effective for the 2012 election.  It is past time to end this ‘end round’ the Constitution.

It is clear that many millions of Americans are losing faith in their government, judicial system and this “President” because of this issue.  Everything points to a lack of ethics, principles, and courage on the part of politicians and judges. I expected this from politicians but (as a former Criminal Defense Attorney) it hurt to see the judiciary fail in their duty to defend the Constitution for political reasons.  I pray you support this effort for transparency and support of the rule of law.

Doing nothing to correct injustice, or putting action off to a time when not so much scrutiny might come, is not reflective of courage or principles.  Many have already put asterisks on the service of many of today’s politicians; but thankfully, such cynicism has not attached to those serving in the military.

However, several important questions could exist today in the minds of many in the military because of failures of those sworn uphold the Constitution in the civilian world.

Has my military service been tarnished by Obama’s lack of transparency regarding is eligibility to be Commander In Chief? What do older Veterans think of my service? Are my friends, family, and veterans putting an asterisk on my military service?

Could the following changes to one of the most important documents given to servicemen or women at the end of their service become a possibility in the future?  (In reality- or merely in the minds of many ordinary Americans?)

Suggestion –

Because of the existence of a strong likelihood that Obama is not eligible to serve as President, the following is instruction is suggested for inclusion in the military’s DD-214 manual.

The Character of Service for all DD-214 forms issued for service from January 19, 2009 to January 19, 2013 will only read:

  • Honorable But* – This Particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position – but the Joint Chiefs, Senior Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military.
  • Under Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Under Other than Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Bad Conduct But* – See Honorable But*
  • Dishonorable But* – See Honorable But*
  • Uncharacterized But* – This particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position but the Joint Chiefs, Flag Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military. (Note: This designation is appropriate if the person completing the DD-214 feels terms such as Honorable, Bad Conduct, Dishonorable don’t apply because of the likelihood of that all military were following ‘unlawful orders’.)

The main question is why does Obama continue to hide his records that might establish he is a ‘natural born citizen’? Why does he continue to withhold documents that establish he was born in the U.S. to parents (2) who were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth? Why not do it for the military in the trenches?

 (Readers: Time is of the essence if you would like to add your voices, especially those serving, because the decisions could come this Wednesday.)

Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

Talk Wisdom

The Post Email

…We are urging Americans to appear on the sidewalk, Tuesday 15 March, in front of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Criminal Division, 500 Indiana Ave. N.W. in Washington, D.C. by at least 8:30-9:00 a.m. to support Theresa, enter the courtroom and to bear witness to what occurs.  This a fight for us all and Theresa implores you to be there…

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Historical Definition of Natural Born Citizen in Congress – Leo Donofrio – T-Shirt Ideas for Obama’s Visits – Larry Sinclair New Book in time for 2012 Election – The BOPAC Report

March 10, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

Leo Donofrio, Esq. continues to hit the books to provide America a more informed understanding of the term ‘natural born citizen’. Mr. Donofrio concludes at the end of his article:

“You have a voice.  You have freedom of speech.  You have access to your federal and state representatives.”

I realize those in the military don’t have the ability to be as vocal as the rest of us, but if the Constitution is to be changed by whoever happens to be in power willy-nilly (without proper consideration, debate, consensus), then America is on the fast track to diminished freedoms.

The House of Representatives Definition of “Natural Born Citizen” = Born of citizen “parents” in the US.

…During a debate (see pg. 2791) regarding a certain Dr. Houard, who had been incarcerated in Spain, the issue was raised on the floor of the House of Representatives as to whether the man was a US citizen. Representative Bingham (of Ohio), stated on the floor:

“As to the question of citizenship I am willing to resolve all doubts in favor of a citizen of the United States. That Dr. Houard is a natural-born citizen of the United States there is not room for the shadow of a doubt. He was born of naturalized parents within the jurisdiction of the United States, and by the express words of the Constitution, as amended to-day, he is declared to all the world to be a citizen of the United States by birth.” (The term “to-day”, as used by Bingham, means “to date”. Obviously, the Constitution had not been amended on April 25, 1872.)

Notice that Bingham declares Houard to be a “natural-born citizen” by citing two factors – born of citizen parents in the US.

John Bingham, aka “father of the 14th Amendment”, was an abolitionist congressman from Ohio who prosecuted Lincoln’s assassins. Ten years earlier, he stated on the House floor:

“All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians.(Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 1639 (1862))

Then in 1866, Bingham also stated on the House floor:

Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.(Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

No other Representative ever took issue with these words on the floor of the House. If you read the Congressional Globe to study these debates, you will see that many of the underlying issues were hotly contested. However, Bingham’s definition of “natural born citizen” (born of citizen parents in the US) was never challenged on the floor of the House.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s holding in Wong Kim Ark did not address Presidential eligibility, nor did it define “natural born citizen”…

…The definition of natural born citizen as stated on the House floor = born in the US to parents who are citizens. It’s not like those cats were incapable of correcting each other’s mistakes. Since no Supreme Court case ever stated a different definition of “natural born citizen”, and no Represenative ever challenged Bingham on this point, the House definition stands and officially remains unchallenged as of today. If the House wants to change this definition, let them bring the issue to the floor now and properly debate it.

Until then, call it the House of Representatives definition as offered by the father of the 14th Amendment who was never challenged upon it.

Don’t let history be rewritten by propagandists. The evidence is mounting on a daily basis that the current Commander In Chief is not eligible to hold the office of President. You have a voice. You have freedom of speech. You have access to your federal and state representatives…

I heard that recently the Obama regime has been worried schools are not applying for his presence at their graduation ceremonies in sufficient numbers.  I have a suggestion for those adventurous seniors who might want to give Obama a welcome he deserves. How about wearing a T-Shirt under your gown with a message.  If successfully accomplished, he or she may be able to spin this into T-Shirt business to make a little extra money this summer.

Here’s a few suggestions for the front or back of your shirt. I’m sure there are hundreds  you can create.

Mr. President do you remember Inspector General Walpin?

Remember the injustice Inspector General Walpin suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Mr. President do you remember Larry Sinclair?

Remember the injustice Larry Sinclair suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Mr. President do you remember Donald Young?

Remember the injustice Donald Young suffered.

Mr. Obama do you remember Lt. Col. Lakin?

Remember the injustice Lt. Col. Lakin suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair has always been under threat from Obama's minions for daring to disclose allegations of sex, drugs, and other things involving Obama. Take Care Larry.

Good news coming from Larry Sinclair.  A little present from Larry in time for the 2012 Election?

Sinclair Starts Work on Second Book: “When One Man Stands”

Written By: Administrator – Mar• 08•11

Larry Sinclair has begun work on his second book tentatively titled “When One Man Stands,” as his follow-up to his first book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

His second book will give an even more detailed and personal look into Larry’s life before meeting Barack Obama, including revelations into his childhood as well as more detailed look into what Larry has been subjected to after standing up to tell the truth about Barack Obama. The book will include more emails, photos.

The book “When One Man Stands” is planned for a mid summer 2012 release date.

Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step


See also:

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

America’s Military May Have to Amend DD-214 to Account for Serving Under Obama due to Questions About His Lack of Eligibility – The BOPAC Report

March 4, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

I was thinking about the courageous actions of Lt. Col. Lakin this morning, my service in the Navy in the 70’s, and today’s brave men and women serving in the United States Military.  I have many questions regarding Obama’s refusal to voluntarily provide sufficient documentation to establish his eligibility to serve as President and Commander-In Chief.  Regardless of what I was thinking or believe today, the main reason Obama should rush to provide every document, timeline, explanation, birth certificate, etc., whatever is needed – is for the possible damage to the memory of those  bravely serving today!  No one wants an asterisk attached to today’s military volunteers DD-214!

Did you hear about this possibility?

Because of the existence of a strong likelihood that Obama is not eligible to serve as President, there’s a new suggestion for inclusion in the military’s DD-214 manual being circulated.

The Character of Service for all DD-214 forms issued for service from January 19, 2009 to January 19, 2013 will only read:

  • Honorable But* – This Particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position – but the Joint Chiefs, Flag Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military.
  • Under Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Under Other than Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Bad Conduct But* – See Honorable But*
  • Dishonorable But* – See Honorable But*
  • Uncharacterized But* – This particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position – but the Joint Chiefs, Flag Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military. (Note: This designation is appropriate if the person completing the DD-214 feels terms such as Honorable, Bad Conduct, Dishonorable don’t apply because of the likelihood of that all military were following ‘unlawful orders’.)


See also:

Additionally, I am reposting my recent addition + one  to the Public Policy Polling questions.



Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step


The following recent poll is from Public Policy Polling:

PPP surveyed 400 Republican primary voters nationwide from February 11th to 13th. The

Survey’s margin of error is +/-4.9%. 


Q11 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the

United States?

Yes………………………………………………………… 28%

No …………………………………………………………. 51%

Not sure …………………………………………………. 21%

Q14 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,

somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat

conservative, or very conservative?

Very liberal ……………………………………………… 1%

Somewhat liberal …………………………………….. 5%

Moderate………………………………………………… 15%

Somewhat conservative……………………………. 41%

Very conservative ……………………………………. 39%

That means that 72% of Republicans are not sure if Obama was born in America. How will the Republican candidates handle these results without alienating their supporters? How will Glenn Beck handle this result while continuing to urge America to be true to the Constitution?

In a recent American Thinker article, the perfect Republican response was provided.

…“For Huckabee going forward — if he still has a political career — and for all Republicans, if asked about the citizenship issue, please answer as follows:

“George/ David/ Chris etc–if there is ignorance” abroad, as you suggest, it is because of your collective failure to investigate the background of Barack Obama.  The truth is we know more about George Washington’s early years than Obama’s…  

I would like to see PPP, Rasmussen, Gallop, etc., conduct another poll with the following questions asked.

Do you have a son, daughter or spouse serving in the United States Military?

a)      Yes

b)     No

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of Democrats as well – the percentage of Republicans with sons, daughters, or spouses serving in the military would be somewhat higher.

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of all liberals, moderates and conservatives as well – the percentage of liberals with sons, daughter, or spouses serving in the military would be extremely low.


If you have a son, daughter or spouse in the military, how would you describe yourself?

a)      Very liberal

b)     Liberal

c)      Moderate

d)     Conservative

e)      Very Conservative


What is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Any ‘naturalized’ citizen of the United States.

b)     Any person born on American soil.

c)      Any person born on American soil to parents who were Citizens or Naturalized Citizens of the United States at the time of the person’s birth.

d)     Don’t know because the Supreme Court has not clarified the definition of ‘Natural Born Citizen’?

e)      Don’t know? 

Do you believe that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Yes

b)     No

c)      Don’t know

d)     Don’t care


Why do you believe that Obama fails the test of Presidential eligibility contained in the Constitution?

a)      He was not born on American soil.

b)     He was born on American soil but his parents at the time of his birth were not American Citizens (native born or naturalized).

c)      I don’t know enough of Obama’s birth narrative to make the determination.

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care

f)       He doesn’t

If you have doubts about Obama’s birth narrative, do you believe that your son, daughter or spouse in the military is following ‘unlawful orders’ and/or violating the Oath they took when they enlisted?

a)      Yes

b)     Probably

c)      No

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care

If someone in the military has doubts about Obama’s eligibility to serve and/or questions regarding the legality of his orders, what should he or she do?

a)      Resign if possible

b)     Talk to legal counsel on base

c)      Talk to Chaplin

d)     Suck it up and pretend it doesn’t matter

e)      Refuse Orders that originate with Obama

f)       Write their elected Representatives

g)     Write anonymous letters to the editors of newspapers explaining situation

h)     Write Obama

i)       Wait until 2012 and work to remove Obama

Do you believe that anyone serving in the United States Military is have his or her service tarnished by Obama’s refusal to provide documentation that would conclusively establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, as opposed  to an ordinary citizen?

a)      Yes

b)     No

c)      Don’t know

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair has always been under threat from Obama's minions for daring to disclose allegations of sex, drugs, and other things involving Obama. Take Care Larry.

Mr. Sinclair is busy with his defense in a lawsuit brought against him. As a former criminal defense attorney and member of the ACLU, I was/am very interested in Larry’s recent post.  The ACLU used to be an organization I believed in. However today, they are nothing more than partisan hacks.

Commentary –

Glenn Beck was right according to the New York Times.

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.


United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

PPP Republican Birther Poll – I have a few more Questions – Unknown Eye Witness Allegations Support Larry Sinclair’s Story – The BOPAC Report

February 16, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

The following poll is from Public Policy Polling:

PPP surveyed 400 Republican primary voters nationwide from February 11th to 13th. The

Survey’s margin of error is +/-4.9%. 


Q11 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the

United States?

Yes………………………………………………………… 28%

No …………………………………………………………. 51%

Not sure …………………………………………………. 21%


Q14 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,

somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat

conservative, or very conservative?

Very liberal ……………………………………………… 1%

Somewhat liberal …………………………………….. 5%

Moderate………………………………………………… 15%

Somewhat conservative……………………………. 41%

Very conservative ……………………………………. 39%

 …Continue Reading Complete Poll

That means that 72% of Republicans are not sure if Obama was born in America. How will the Republican candidates handle these results without alienating their supporters? How will Glenn Beck handle this result while continuing to urge America to be true to the Constitution?

I would like to see PPP conduct another poll with the following questions asked:

Do you have a son, daughter or spouse serving in the United States Military?

a)      Yes

b)     No 

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of Democrats as well – the percentage of Republicans with sons, daughters, or spouses serving in the military would be somewhat higher.

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of all liberals, moderates and conservatives as well – the percentage of liberals with sons, daughter, or spouses serving in the military would be extremely low.

See and for some analysis.

If you have a son, daughter or spouse in the military, how would you describe yourself?

a)      Very liberal

b)     Liberal

c)      Moderate

d)     Conservative

e)      Very Conservative


What is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Any ‘naturalized’ citizen of the United States.

b)     Any person born on American soil.

c)      Any person born on American soil to parents who were Citizens or Naturalized Citizens of the United States at the time of the person’s birth.

d)     Don’t know because the Supreme Court has not clarified the definition of ‘Natural Born Citizen’?

e)      Don’t know? 

Do you believe that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Yes

b)     No

c)      Don’t know

d)     Don’t care


Why do you believe that Obama fails the test of Presidential eligibility contained in the Constitution?

a)      He was not born on American soil.

b)     He was born on American soil but his parents at the time of his birth were not American Citizens (native born or naturalized).

c)      I don’t know enough of Obama’s birth narrative to make the determination.

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care 

f)       He doesn’t 

If you have doubts about Obama’s birth narrative, do you believe that your son, daughter or spouse in the military is following ‘unlawful orders’ and/or violating the Oath they took when they enlisted?

a)      Yes

b)     Probably

c)      No

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care 

If someone in the military has doubts about Obama’s eligibility to serve and/or questions regarding the legality of his orders, what should he or she do?

a)      Resign if possible

b)     Talk to legal counsel on base

c)      Talk to Chaplin

d)     Suck it up and pretend it doesn’t matter

e)      Refuse Orders that originate with Obama

f)       Write their elected Representatives

g)     Write anonymous letters to the editors of newspapers explaining situation

h)     Write Obama

i)       Wait until 2012 and work to remove Obama 

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

The following article was posted a few days ago at

Because it seems to support the allegations of Larry Sinclair, it’s better to post it late than never.

The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama?

A shocking tale of Barack Obama’s behavior following a high profile Chicago gathering of Democratic Party elites shortly before Obama won election to the Illinois State Senate.

From The Ulsterman:  This story came to me via a message to my Facebook account.  Upon reading what the author had to say, and doing some preliminary investigation to attempt at least partial corroboration, I have finally determined, following what appears to be both a sincere and earnest request, to publish this recollection of what they say they saw from Barack Obama and a now deceased man who was in Barack Obama’s presence that night.  The following is their recollection in its entirety – no editing has been done.  I leave it to the readers to determine for themselves the validity of what the author of this story claims to have seen….Continue Reading

 See also:

Commentary –

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.



Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Glenn Beck was right according to the New York Times.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

The Post Email


 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.