Posts Tagged ‘Leo Donofrio’

Is Glenn Beck Complicit in Undermining the Constitution of the United States and Will Donald Trump undo the damage? – The BOPAC Report

April 28, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

Is Glenn Beck Complicit in Undermining the Constitution of the United States and Will Donald Trump undo the damage?

Well, well, Obama has released a document that is meant to put to rest the so-called ‘birther’ issue.   On April 27, 2011, Mr. Obama released a document that is purported to be his long form birth certificate.  While I can’t attest to the authenticity of the document, the document produced does confirm a fact critical to one aspect of the eligibility issue. Many involved have for years now tried to focus the American people, and those charged with protecting our freedoms and founding documents, on the aspect dealing with exclusion from Presidential eligibility those having the potential of conflicted allegiance to the United States.

Thanks to Obama’s disclosure, his father can now be presumed to be Barack Hussein Obama, born in Kenya and thus a British subject(There has been interesting speculation that that might not be the case.) Now, should the media so choose (Glenn Beck included), our attention could rightfully turn to the question that goes to the heart of the Founder’s concern and the reason they included the provision in the first place.  Can a person (Obama) with the potential of conflicted allegiances vis-à-vis an admitted lack of unity of exclusive U.S. citizenship at the time of birth meet the requirements of Presidential eligibility under the Constitution?

The contention of many lawyers/experts studying this issue has been that the Constitution requires a Presidential candidate must have been born to parents (2) who were U.S. citizens at the time of the birth.  However, there are also experts who take an opposite position that having only one parent who was a citizen at the time of birth would suffice.  (Even the expert, Prof. Chin, relied upon by CNN and other left wing media has indicated the existence of differing views regarding who can be a Natural Born Citizen.)   So let’s take a serious look at the issue and take the appropriate action.  If the concerns of the American people have changed since the founding regarding this issue, then let’s get started on the Amendment process. However, let’s not allow thuggery in the media and by the major political parties impose their elitist views and consequences on the American people.

As all who have been closely following the issue of Obama’s probable lack of eligibility know – it has (from the beginning) been marginalized, ridiculed, mischaracterized, and intentionally made to appear that everyone raising legitimate questions were/are ‘birthers’ (those suggesting that Obama was born in Kenya).  And yes, Glenn Beck joined early on the media’s barrage of unjustified denigration targeting those merely asking eligibility questions.  Others, such as Politicians, have been trying as hard as they could to dance on the head a pin to avoid a complete discussion of the eligibility issue.  (I’ve suggested before that Republicans might have an interest in side stepping the issue in order to keep the door open for Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Jindal in the future.)  Thank you Donald Trump for having the balls to step up and do what you have (so far) to force Obama to present some modicum of documentation. 

Like I said above, the “long form birth document” does aid in the discussion of the ‘natural born citizen’ issue by naming Barack Obama, Sr. as Obama’s father.  It does not prove that Obama is a “natural born citizen”.  However, it took a lot of courage for Mr. Trump step up and ask the questions he did, knowing full well the attacks he would suffer. 

Unfortunately for Mr. Trump, having taken the first brave step, more questions and/or tests of honor and character await his attention.

Are you brave enough to ask the remaining questions or has your demand to see the long form birth certificate served some other motive?

Will you turn your vast attention and research abilities to the question of who can and can’t be a ‘natural born citizen’?  (May I suggest contacting Mario Apuzzo, Esq. and/or Leo Donofrio, Esq.?)

Given that Lt. Col. Lakin (the man who refused to follow possible unlawful orders unless Obama simply release his long form birth certificate) is still serving a six month sentence in a military prison, will you demand that Obama grant Lt. Col. Lakin a full pardon and an opportunity to resign from the military with honor?  (This question makes one wonder what type of man could allow a highly decorated military officer to be sent to prison when all that was required to prevent it was to release the document.

Will you continue to demand the release of the numerous other documents that Obama wants to keep hidden?  Obama’s refusal to release such common documents reflects negatively on his character and indicates he has a lot more to hide from an American populous growing more and more suspect of his character and allegiances. 

Back to Glen for a moment –

I believe Mr. Beck to be a very intelligent man, who has from the beginning been fully aware of the legitimacy of the eligibility issue and fully capable of understanding the legal issues involved. Many (myself included (by email)) have made sure that Glenn and/or his staff received the pertinent information/links related to this issue.  Why Glenn has chosen to aid the MSM media in its successful effort of boiling the issue down to one denigrating word, ‘birthers’, only Glenn can answer. 

We (the hundreds of thousands who are constantly in Glenn’s crosshairs) continue to try to support Mr. Beck because he does provide the American people a valuable service by providing information the MSM wants desperately keep hidden or misrepresented.  However, it’s becoming more and more difficult when Glenn (the man who says he reveres the Constitution) constantly chides those committed to the entire document, which includes the Presidential eligibility requirements.

Of course Glenn won’t or can’t admit it now (so he certainly won’t apologize for it), it is clear to many that Glenn has been unwittingly assisting Mr. Obama and his ‘one world’ friends in pushing the Presidential eligibility provisions of the Constitution off the gangplank.  I assume that Mr. Beck on some level believes that his actions were/are meant to protect the parts of the Constitution he believes in, but who is he to make such choices for the American people? 

The questions still remain:

Who can and can’t be a ‘natural born citizen’?

Will Donald Trump have the courage to see through what he set in motion and help save the Constitution from the damage that Obama (with Glenn Beck’s unintended support) is doing to it?


Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Lame Cherry

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

Real or Fake?

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Historical Definition of Natural Born Citizen in Congress – Leo Donofrio – T-Shirt Ideas for Obama’s Visits – Larry Sinclair New Book in time for 2012 Election – The BOPAC Report

March 10, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

Leo Donofrio, Esq. continues to hit the books to provide America a more informed understanding of the term ‘natural born citizen’. Mr. Donofrio concludes at the end of his article:

“You have a voice.  You have freedom of speech.  You have access to your federal and state representatives.”

I realize those in the military don’t have the ability to be as vocal as the rest of us, but if the Constitution is to be changed by whoever happens to be in power willy-nilly (without proper consideration, debate, consensus), then America is on the fast track to diminished freedoms.

The House of Representatives Definition of “Natural Born Citizen” = Born of citizen “parents” in the US.

…During a debate (see pg. 2791) regarding a certain Dr. Houard, who had been incarcerated in Spain, the issue was raised on the floor of the House of Representatives as to whether the man was a US citizen. Representative Bingham (of Ohio), stated on the floor:

“As to the question of citizenship I am willing to resolve all doubts in favor of a citizen of the United States. That Dr. Houard is a natural-born citizen of the United States there is not room for the shadow of a doubt. He was born of naturalized parents within the jurisdiction of the United States, and by the express words of the Constitution, as amended to-day, he is declared to all the world to be a citizen of the United States by birth.” (The term “to-day”, as used by Bingham, means “to date”. Obviously, the Constitution had not been amended on April 25, 1872.)

Notice that Bingham declares Houard to be a “natural-born citizen” by citing two factors – born of citizen parents in the US.

John Bingham, aka “father of the 14th Amendment”, was an abolitionist congressman from Ohio who prosecuted Lincoln’s assassins. Ten years earlier, he stated on the House floor:

“All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians.(Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 1639 (1862))

Then in 1866, Bingham also stated on the House floor:

Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.(Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

No other Representative ever took issue with these words on the floor of the House. If you read the Congressional Globe to study these debates, you will see that many of the underlying issues were hotly contested. However, Bingham’s definition of “natural born citizen” (born of citizen parents in the US) was never challenged on the floor of the House.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s holding in Wong Kim Ark did not address Presidential eligibility, nor did it define “natural born citizen”…

…The definition of natural born citizen as stated on the House floor = born in the US to parents who are citizens. It’s not like those cats were incapable of correcting each other’s mistakes. Since no Supreme Court case ever stated a different definition of “natural born citizen”, and no Represenative ever challenged Bingham on this point, the House definition stands and officially remains unchallenged as of today. If the House wants to change this definition, let them bring the issue to the floor now and properly debate it.

Until then, call it the House of Representatives definition as offered by the father of the 14th Amendment who was never challenged upon it.

Don’t let history be rewritten by propagandists. The evidence is mounting on a daily basis that the current Commander In Chief is not eligible to hold the office of President. You have a voice. You have freedom of speech. You have access to your federal and state representatives…

I heard that recently the Obama regime has been worried schools are not applying for his presence at their graduation ceremonies in sufficient numbers.  I have a suggestion for those adventurous seniors who might want to give Obama a welcome he deserves. How about wearing a T-Shirt under your gown with a message.  If successfully accomplished, he or she may be able to spin this into T-Shirt business to make a little extra money this summer.

Here’s a few suggestions for the front or back of your shirt. I’m sure there are hundreds  you can create.

Mr. President do you remember Inspector General Walpin?

Remember the injustice Inspector General Walpin suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Mr. President do you remember Larry Sinclair?

Remember the injustice Larry Sinclair suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Mr. President do you remember Donald Young?

Remember the injustice Donald Young suffered.

Mr. Obama do you remember Lt. Col. Lakin?

Remember the injustice Lt. Col. Lakin suffered at the hands of the Obama Regime.

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair has always been under threat from Obama's minions for daring to disclose allegations of sex, drugs, and other things involving Obama. Take Care Larry.

Good news coming from Larry Sinclair.  A little present from Larry in time for the 2012 Election?

Sinclair Starts Work on Second Book: “When One Man Stands”

Written By: Administrator – Mar• 08•11

Larry Sinclair has begun work on his second book tentatively titled “When One Man Stands,” as his follow-up to his first book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

His second book will give an even more detailed and personal look into Larry’s life before meeting Barack Obama, including revelations into his childhood as well as more detailed look into what Larry has been subjected to after standing up to tell the truth about Barack Obama. The book will include more emails, photos.

The book “When One Man Stands” is planned for a mid summer 2012 release date.

Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step


See also:

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Letter to Talk Radio – Jindal’s Eligibility – Rubio’s Eligibility – Obama’s Eligibility – The BOPAC Report

November 16, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

Yesterday, when I checked my twitter account, I saw that Hannity was announcing that Gov. Jindal was going to be on at the top of the hour. I immediately shot off the following reply:

ZachJonesIsHome @seanhannity Ask him if he thinks he is a ‘natural born citizen’ – Born to two citizen parents at time of birth. Enjoy your shows.


So this morning, I thought that I would repost an article (letter to talk radio) written a few months ago.

Dear Talk Radio:

This week I wrote an article, ‘Trumping Political and Judicial Courage’, that allowed me to speculate about the various reasons allegations related to Obama’s eligibility to serve as President have thus far been ignored, ridiculed, quashed, mischaracterized, and/or generally swept under the rug.  My musings always came back to power, elitism and politics – and their pursuit. However, the reason I’m writing Talk Radio today touches on one specific question that I found intriguing enough to make the subtitle of my article.

Did Hope for Rising GOP Stars like Bobby Jindal Play a Role in the Obama’s Presidential Eligibility Scandal?

I know that Talk Radio’s Rush Limbaugh has made a joke or two about the subject. (What do God and Obama have in common? Neither has a birth certificate.)  However, I haven’t heard Sean Hannity address the issue. Maybe he’s made a passing remark, but nothing in depth.  Michael Savage is the only one that actually had Philip Berg on his radio program during the election (that I know of). Glenn Beck on the other hand has felt the need to ridicule everyone who raises the issue.  Even though, it’s very clear that he and his staff have not done sufficient research or analysis regarding who can be considered a  ‘natural born citizen’ under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

This brings me to my question for Talk Radio.  I’ve heard that many would like to see Gov. Jindal represent the Republican Party as its nominee for President in 2012.  Rush brought his name up during the last election as a VP possibility. Personally I like Governor Jindal of Louisiana a lot and wish for him nothing but the best.

However, in researching my last article, I discovered that ‘Gov. Jindal was born in Louisiana in 1971 and his parents are Indian immigrants who came here to attend graduate school.’  Gov. Jindal’s father left his family village in 1970 so it’s very unlikely that he was an American citizen at the time of Bobby’s birth. As far as I can tell, having a parent who is not an American citizen at the time of one’s birth creates an impenetrable barrier to being a ‘natural born citizen’, much less having two parents who are not citizens.

Here’s my question:

Given that Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states that ‘no person except a natural born citizen…shall be eligible to the office of President’… would Gov. Jindal, who was born in Louisiana, having immigrant (non-citizen) parents, be eligible to serve as President should he decide to run in 2012?

I have a legal background, but I’m retired and live very rural.  So, I was wondering if Talk Radio might help me (all of us) out?   It would be great if Talk Radio would invite a few people on your shows to discuss the topic.  (There are additional issues such as the effect of parents having dual citizenships, 14th Amendment, etc. that would be helpful to explore.)

I know, I know – most Talk Radio may have glanced at this issue and dismissed it, have instructions from higher ups not to discuss Obama’s eligibility or maybe,  they’ve been threatened, but that’s not what I’m asking.  I only want you to talk about Gov. Jindal’s potential eligibility to serve as President and Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces.

If Gov. Jindal does run, this will be a critical question to answer before the 2012 Republican National Convention. And, much I would hate it; I know that many others and I will be asking these same questions and many more eligibility lawsuits will be filed.

Such a circus in 2012 would be a big mess and Talk Radio could do the country a BIG favor today! The whole Bobby Jindal eligibility issue can be defused in 2010 and therefore, allow Republicans, regular Democrats, Independents, and Tea Party folks to focus on who they like or don’t like, without fear of distraction.  

If Talk Radio were really looking for answers/truth and brought in Constitutional Law experts to thoroughly explore the phrase ‘natural born citizen’, I’m sure many would tune in discover what the Jindal eligibility issue is truly about and set the record straight regarding the rhetoric that has been so pervasive online this past year or so.

Thank you for you time considering this matter.


Zach Jones

PS – It probably wouldn’t be such a big mess because I have faith that Gov. Jindal would provide all the documentation necessary to make the determination of his eligibility. Easy – no lawsuits, no worry among the troops about if they are following ‘unlawful order’, everyone could rest easy.

Commentary –

The Journolist Truth Assassins - careless with truth regarding little things, big things and all things in between. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Soros keeps popping up over and over. His hand is everywhere in America's destruction.

American Thinker

Soros’s Next Target: Your State


Congress acted on misinformation and lies in 2008 2009, Obama eligibility, Congressmen better pay attention now

Dr. Kate’s Review


Shooting the Messenger

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Atty Mario Apuzzo & Mr Don Nelsen will be guests on the Howie Mandel Radio Show hosted by Jim ‘Howie’ Mandel – Tues 16 Nov 2010, 4:00 p.m. EST

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.


Lt. Col. Lakin – Army May Back Down – World Net Daily – Obama Eligibility Not Dependant on Hawaii Birth – Obama Faithyness – Warning for Tea Parties – Beware of Anarchists – Navy Seals Prosecution – The BOPAC Report

April 2, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!

From World Net Daily:

Army suggests brain scan for eligibility challenger

Flight surgeon questions Obama’s right to be commander in chief

Posted: April 01, 2010
11:25 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The U.S. Army is – unofficially – suggesting a brain scan and medical evaluation for an officer who announced he would refuse to follow further orders until and unless President Obama documents his constitutional eligibility to be commander in chief.

A spokeswoman for the developing case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a flight surgeon with 18 years in the service, said the recommendation came to Lakin today from an officer whose name was not being used who implied that those higher up the chain of command thought it was a good idea.

The suggestion was described to WND by spokeswoman Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, a veteran Washington appointee and now volunteer spokeswoman, as being presented in a “solicitous” manner.

Officially, the U.S. Army says it has no plans for formal action at this point against the officer. But the controversy also raises the prospect that the government may be unwilling to pursue a prosecution because of the possible ramifications – including a defense demand for a court-ordered discovery process that would target Obama’s historical documentation.

As WND reported, Lakin is an active-duty flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey’s pilots and air crew.

The top-ranking, highly decorated officer says he’s refusing all orders until Obama releases his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

“I feel I have no choice but the distasteful one of inviting my own court martial,” Lakin said in a statement. “The Constitution matters. The truth matters.” …Continue Reading

 From NaturalBornCitizen:

World Net Daily Exclusive: “Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace”.

Posted in Uncategorized on April 1, 2010 by naturalborncitizen

Today, World Net Daily published my commentary, entitled “Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace”.  WND has been stepping up their coverage of Obama’s dual nationality at birth issue, and I’ve been more and more impressed with that coverage so I offered to write an essay summarizing the relevant Supreme Court decisions and law review articles.  They took me up on the offer and published it verbatim.  You may read the article at the link provided above.

In the WND article, I also direct readers to a brilliantly comprehensive etymological deconstruction of the term “natural born Citizen,”  “What Is A Natural Born Citizen Of The United States?” by John Greschak.  Please read that as well.  You might start with the summary before taking on the entire analysis.  I was very impressed by the author’s effort.

I must also thank Linda from Constitutionally Speaking for discovering the Alexander Porter Morse essay entitled, “NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES: ELIGIBILITY FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT” (Albany Law Journal Vol. 66 (1904-1905)):


On a side note, the Chrysler appeal is moving along in the Southern District of New York.  I will continue to update this blog as developments occur.

Leo Donofrio, Esq.


 Obama’s Faithyness –


The Universal United Church of OBamboozle!

Happy Easter!  It seems Obama can’t seem to find a church!  I hear he’s decided to start his own church.

 From American Thinker:

March 31, 2010

President Obama says First Family won’t join a D.C. church

Peter Barry Chowka

On Monday, March 29, 2010, President Obama was interviewed by NBC News and portions were broadcast on the Today show on March 30. According to the The Caucus blog at the New York Times:

Mr. Obama said he would not select a church while living in the White House. “What we have decided for now is not to join a single church, and the reason is because Michelle and I have realized we are very disruptive to services,” he said.

Instead, he said he would from time to time visit St. John’s Church, across Lafayette Square from the White House, where many presidents have worshiped. He also said the family prefers to worship in the privacy of the presidential retreat when it spends the weekend there. “We love the chapel at Camp David ,” he said.

And he noted that he is sent a daily devotional on his BlackBerry…Continue Reading


ChiBama Politics –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Warning for Tea Parties!  

Anarchists Plan War On April 15th Tea Parties
Gateway Pundit ^ | March 31, 2010 | Jim Hoft

Posted on Thursday, April 01, 2010 11:40:32 AM by penelopesire

WARNING: Be on the lookout– Bring your cameras.

Violent anarchists are planning on infilitrating and sabotaging the Tea Party Protests on April 15th.

The Jawa Report posted this call to arms from the violent anarchists at Infowars today:

Crash the tea parties!



Ji’Obama’had –


Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? It's all part of Obama's script in the tiresome and dangerous play - “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

This is a few days old but important.

Navy SEAL McCabe Passes Polygraph

by  Michelle Oddis


One of three Navy SEALs facing a court martial announced at a rally Saturday that he has passed a polygraph test, casting doubt on the Pentagon’s case against him….Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)


CBS poll has Obama approval at new low of 44%

posted at 9:30 am on April 2, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

How’s that Hopey-Changey working out for you?  Two weeks after finally getting his ObamaCare agenda item signed into law, Barack Obama has reaped the reward of pushing a deeply unpopular bill through Congress.  A new CBS poll shows Obama dropping to his lowest approval rating in their survey yet, down to 44% (via JWF):…Continue Reading


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Friday, April 02, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10 (see trends)….Continue Reading


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? Talking to you Ben Nelson.

Obama Selling Judgeships for ObamaCare Votes – Ji’Obama’had – Muslim Woman Refuses Body Scan – Larry Sinclair’s Journey – Inspector General Walpin – WND – Natural Born Citizen – Judicial Corruption – Leo Donofrio’s Lawsuit – The BOPAC Report

March 4, 2010

The BOPAC Report

ObamaCare –

Well Maybe Obama's Obamacare will save money? But it will suck to be old!

When something is born out of corruption, how can Obama expect any support?  Health Care reform is needed but fewer and fewer people believe Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, (fill in the blank) Democrat__________.

Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?

Obama names brother of undecided House Dem to Appeals Court.

BY John McCormack

March 3, 2010 6:15 PM

Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit….Continue Reading

 Michell Malkin is also covering this topic today.

The Chicago Way: Judgeships for Demcare votes?

Ji’Obama’had –


Hillary Urged to Wear Burka When Negotiating With Taliban. Will wearing a Burka get you through the body scanners in Airports?

I knew this was going to happen. Will Obama get Muslim’s a pass like he gives his SEIU cronies?

From Times Online

March 3, 2010

Muslim woman refuses body scan at airport

A Muslim woman was barred from boarding a flight after she refused to undergo a full body scan for religious reasons.

The passenger was passing through security at Manchester Airport when she was selected at random for a full-body scanner.

She was warned that she would be stopped from boarding the plane but she decided to forfeit her ticket to Pakistan rather than submit to the scan. Her female travelling companion also declined to step into the scanner, citing “medical reasons” for her refusal. …Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Will Larry Sinclair have a Quo Warranto action against Obama?

I’m always happy to provide updates regarding Larry Sinclair.

From CitizenWells:

Larry Sinclair for Congress, Obama camp smears and attacks continue, Truth about Sinclair here, Obama thugs, Obama and Sinclair encounter, Birth certificate, Obama eligibility, Corruption ties, College records

March 3, 2010

“The guilty dog barks the loudest”… Citizen Wells mom

Larry Sinclair is running for Congress in Florida District 24. Since going public with his allegations in January 2008 of a drug and sex encounter with Barack Obama in November 1999, Sinclair has been the subject of non stop personal attacks, death threats and fabricated stories meant to discredit him. Methinks many protest too much.

I discovered early in 2008 that the Larry Sinclair story was a much larger story.

1. The initial encounter with Obama in 1999.
2. The Donald Young controversy.
3. The attacks made on Larry Sinclair, those following his story and anyone questioning
the “messiah” Obama.
4. The changing and withholding of internet information and attempts to prevent Larry Sinclair and others from reporting the truth.

When I began asking simple questions about Obama early in 2008 and received orchestrated attacks for doing so, my curiousity was aroused. Within a few months it was apparent that the responses that Larry Sinclair, myself, other bloggers and people like Jon Voight were receiving for questioning Obama werre not just coming from over zealous Obama supporters. Our suspicions were confirmed soon after that when the Obama camp admitted that they employed hundreds of internet warriors. Combined with a bombardment of attacks was an Orwellian effort to rewrite history with wholesale attempts to remove or rewrite internet articles. I constantly referred to the Obama thugs as Orwellian or Nazi Brownshirt in nature. A simple search of this blog will yield many articles on that subject.

Many attempts were made to silence Sinclair. Time after time his websites were shut down, attempts were made to try to stop his speech at the national Press Club and he was arrested on trumped up charges at the conclusion of that speech. The charges came from Delaware Attorney General Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

Twice, Larry Sinclair’s Social Security Disability benefits have been threatened. The last time just a few weeks ago.
The Obama camp believed they could silence Larry Sinclair. They also believed they could silence me and others. They are trying to silence all opposition. Just look at the way they handled the Health care Bill. They operated behind closed doors. This time they weren’t just trying to shut down Larry Sinclair, they were silencing the opposition party and American public. That is why the Larry Sinclair story and Larry Sinclair speaking out is so important. That is why it was so important for me personally, for the past two years, to make sure that the public heard this story.

The Orwellian smear masters are still at it. They have well organized internet thugs going after Sinclair and spreading more vicious lies. I am here to set the record straight. Not just for Larry Sinclair, but for all of us. I would appreciate your help.
Larry Sinclair’s story was the first big revelation about Obama and his past, preceding the extensive corruption ties revealed by the Tony Rezko trial. Larry has continued nonstop to expose Obama for what he is, a narcissist with long time deep crime and corruption ties. So when they attack Sinclair and try to silence him, they are trying to silence the American people.

Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have presented much about Obama and his administration. However, whatever leash they are on has kept them from covering the deepest scandals surrounding Obama.

Larry Sinclair allegations.

Birth Certificate controversy.

Natural born citizen question.

Deeper ties to Blagojevich and Rezko.

Hidden college records.

The Obama camp in cahoots with the MSM has relentlessly worked to keep this information from the American public. That is why we must continue to push to keep this in front of the world. That is why I fight to hold Glenn beck accountable and maintain the truth about Larry Sinclair. Your help, as always, is appreciated and much needed.

Read Article and Comments at CitizenWells Blog

Today, CitizenWells links to Larry Sinclair’s introduction at the recent Meet & Greet.

ChiBama Politics –


Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult!

Congress cannot let the despicable treatment Inspector General Walpin by Obama stand!

Lid blows off Obama’s forgotten scandal

Congressmen pry loose evidence of president’s illegal cronyism

Posted: March 02, 2010

By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

An updated investigation report on the scandal known as “Walpingate” adds fuel to the suspicion that President Obama may have fired Gerald Walpin, an independent inspector general, as an illegal act of political cronyism and revenge.

“Throughout our investigation of Mr. Walpin’s removal, the White House has repeatedly communicated that the president was not motivated by inappropriate political reasons,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., one of the authors of the updated report. “The fact is Gerald Walpin led an aggressive investigation of a political ally of President Obama that successfully recovered taxpayer dollars. While firing an investigator who uncovered the abuse of funds by a political ally might be considered an act of ‘political courage’ in Chicago politics, for most Americans it raises troubling questions.”

As WND reported, the White House fired Walpin shortly after the inspector general exposed sexual misconduct and gross misappropriation of federal funds by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a prominent Barack Obama supporter.

Independent federal inspectors general, however, are supposed to be granted special protection from political interference or retaliation – thanks in part to a law co-sponsored by then-Sen. Barack Obama – to ensure they are free to investigate waste and fraud uninfluenced by political cronyism.

The firing led to an investigation by inspectors general advocate Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa. Their initial 62-page report last November concluded that the administration did not adhere to the law governing inspectors general, that Obama’s defense against charges of political retaliation was “unsupported and unpersuasive” and that the White House “orchestrated an after-the-fact smear campaign to justify” Walpin’s termination.

The report also warned that it was necessarily incomplete because the White House had refused to surrender key documents and information needed to finish the investigation.

What happens when the government doesn’t do what it should? Get “Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws”

But Grassley and Issa persisted, eventually prying loose new documents that reflect only increased reason to suspect the White House isn’t telling the whole truth. …Continue Reading


Natural Born Citizen Issue –

Come on Admadinejad - Confront Obama with his lack of eligibility! Tell him he's not a 'natural born citizen'!

Many attorneys and private citizens have lost faith in the American Judiciary because of their cowardice shown in relation to the scores of legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility.  Leo Donofrio provides more evidence the entire system is corrupt.

Public Docket For Chrysler Bankruptcy Has Been Sabotaged To Conceal The Fraudulent Dealer Rejection Opinion by Judge Gonzalez.

 Last night, Steve Pidgeon and I prepared and filed our “Designation of Contents” for the Appellate record (Docket No. 6523) to be certified to the District Court along with a Motion to Join (Docket No. 6524)  six more former Chrysler dealers (bringing the total to 82 clients).

While preparing the designation, neither of us had the docket number on hand for the June 19, 2009 Dealer Rejection Opinion.  This is the Opinion issued by Judge Gonzalez wherein he perpetrates a fraud on the Court by inserting testimony into the record – by way of  judicial ventriloquism – which does not exist in the record.

Not having the docket number, I went to the public docket for the Chrysler case which is reached by the URL –  The docket and all important documents for the Chrysler bankruptcy and sale are hosted by  Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC.

When you click through to the host site, you also need to locate the “Old Car Co” tab by using the “View All” drop down box.  Then click on “M-O” which will bring you to the following header, “09-50002 | Old Carco LLC (f/k/a Chrysler LLC) (Creditors’ Committee)“.  Click that, accept the terms, and you will gain access to all of the public documents.  The docket is reached by hitting the “Court Documents” button on the left side of the page.  This brings you to a search engine for the docket which contains over 6500 documents.

The docket number for the fraudulent June 19, 2009 Rejection Opinion by Judge Gonzalez is “4145″.  But if you plug that number into the search engine, it now returns a blank entry (see image above).

Furthermore, if you reach the page containing all of the entries for June 19, 2009, you will see that the docket skips from 4144 to 4146, mysteriously ignoring the enigmatic 4145.

Somebody has seen to it that the public no longer has direct access to the fraudulent opinion written by Judge Gonzalez….Continue Reading

Will State Legislators Allow the Life Support Plug on Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution to be Pulled? – The BOPAC Report

February 12, 2010

The BOPAC Report:

 Will State Legislators Allow the Life Support Plug on Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution to be Pulled?

First the good news, Article II, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution is still alive. The bad news is that she is on life support. There is a cure but the political side effects may be so severe that politicians lacking sufficient strength of character and commitment might allow the plug to be pulled unless they receive sufficient support and encouragement from their constituents.

Candidates from both Parties stand in the hospital wings, watching with intense interest.  Coffin builders for fallen Constitutional protections have their measuring tapes out.  Those who hold the view that the Constitution is an obstacle to their ‘enlightened’ purposes (the media and far left Democrats) are working as hard as they can to rewrite history, shape public opinion, and plan their bounty. Politicians on the national stage, with the exception of the brave few, are trying to distance themselves from Article II, Section 1 even though she is part of a Constitution that has nurtured and given direction to America throughout its history. These politicians cry out – Why can’t this be easier or least done in secret?

Advocates from all parts of America have tried their best to plea the case for the life and continuing benefits that Article II, Section 1 bestows upon America, her people and her military.  Advocates like Philip Berg, Mario Apuzzo, Orly Taitz, Leo Donofrio, Stephen Pidgeon and others have put their reputations, fortunes, and personal safety on the line to uphold the oaths they took when they joined their profession. Thank you for your continuing efforts Advocates. Even though it may not be politically correct, there are many of We The People praying for you.

Thus far every plea has fallen on the deaf ears of brethren on the bench – who of course have also pledged protection and defense for the incredible document of which Article II, Section 1 is a part.   We The People could see them sitting stately in their robes trying to consider every possible consequence that might flow from their decision – political, legal, moral, and yes personal.  Then one by one they punted, as any survival-trained politician would do.

We could almost hear each whisper:  Shall I speak and honor the words ‘natural born citizen’ knowing they require of those seeking America’s highest Office and Command of her military to have no other allegiance?

With Judge Carter, we could almost see him turn the voice in his head, his voice, off.  We all had such high hopes for Carter given that he verbalized his intent of getting to the bottom of it all, and he was an ex-Marine.  He had recognized how big an issue it was. What words might have persuaded him?

Were these Judges, being creatures of both politics and the law, simply overwhelmed by their own political and/or personal interests?  The written language of Article II, Section 1 was clear enough, her history was clear enough, and the why of Article II, Section 1 was easily understandable and continues to this day. But the common thread, every case before the bench involved the first African-American who was to be elected to the Office of the Presidency; and as such, each case carried so many people’s hopes, dreams and expectations. Each case was a political minefield.

Surely, they must have struggled with the decision?  Could it be that some of those standing vigil, wringing their hands in anticipation, as Article II, Section 1 clings to her intended life – approached the magistrates at some point with dire warnings of rioting in the streets, solace that it’s not that big a deal, that Obama’s eligible but a deep dark family secret would have be revealed should proof be required, or maybe something else.  Who knows in national politics?

Nevertheless, how could any Judge put aside the maxim of legal training?

Politiae legibus non leges politiis adaptandae’ – Politics are to be adapted to the laws, and not the laws to politics.

Even though cases remain that can provide healing to Article II, Section 1 and restore the integrity of America’s justice system, it looks more and more like State legislatures hold the only power of resurrection vis-à-vis laws that will require candidates for the Presidency to provide documentation establishing they are ‘natural born citizens’.

Unless something extraordinary occurs, the next Presidential election will not have the watchful gaze of Article II, Section 1 enhancing America’s security.

Try to imagine the run up to 2012.

Political Parties get their eyes fixed on the Presidency and begin the process of selecting the candidate with the biggest coat tails to carry their hopes and aspirations, will anyone worry about complying with the ghostly remains of an Article II, Section 1 that has been effectively drawn and quartered by Judges and Politicians wilting before the possibility of political/societal consequences should they do their duties? 

Will any Secretary of State or Elections Official now dare to raise their voice without a strong statutory mandate requiring their scrutiny?

It’s doubtful.

Thankfully, there are those fighting for the protections that Article II, Section 1 provides and guarding her life support plug.  The call for State Legislator Specialists is going out.

States needn’t wait on the outcomes of the current eligibility lawsuits of Orly Taitz, Leo Donofrio, Stephen Pidgeon, or Philip Berg. The prospects for their success are fairly close to nil – not because their cases lack merit, but because their judges lack political courage.  Make note that every court thus far has demonstrated its incredible reluctance to face the virus attacking Article II, Section 1.  Of the scores of lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility, not one judge has allowed discovery that could determine the factual reality threatening Article II, Section 1. 

Can anyone imagine a future plaintiff willing to go through the expense and the likelihood of facing the gauntlet of abusive magistrates who’d thought they’d made it abundantly clear that they do not want to deal with the issue of compromised allegiances to the United States?  Talk about having a chilling effect on protecting Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution!

Don’t lose faith, miracles do happen. Several legislators in different parts of the country are answering the call for specialized treatment.

For example in Arizona:

HB 2441: A large group of Republican lawmakers have signed on in support of HB 2441, which would require presidential candidates to provide copies of their birth certificates to prove they are eligible to become president and are not foreign-born secret Muslims. If the Arizona secretary of state determines the documents don’t measure up, the candidate cannot be on the ballot in Arizona. HB 2441 is awaiting a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee….

Right now, mid-February, the treatment so desperately needed is awaiting a hearing in an Arizona House Judiciary Committee.  Hopefully, the House Judiciary Committee is not set up like one of the ‘death panels’ envisioned in Obama’s healthcare takeover.

The legislation the Arizona team of specialists is trying to enact is clear, to the point and should be moved forward because time is short. I applaud them loudly.

However, it looks as though they are sending a generic version of the life saving medicine.  It may do the trick but it seems to rely on the Arizona Secretary of State’s knowledge of the history and meaning of the phrase ‘natural born citizen’.  Just as many of America’s young are not being taught the price of freedom that has been paid throughout our history, many of our elected officials may not recognize that a problem of compromised allegiance exists with a particular candidate.

…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States….

Being just one member of We The People who deeply values Article II, Section 1 and the rest of the family of Constitutional provisions – I’m not a legislative specialist; but wouldn’t it be better if you define the term ‘natural born citizen’. 

Why not require sufficient proof that would meet a definition that the Founders would have understood

A person is a ‘natural born citizen’, if he or she were born a U.S. citizen to parents who were both U.S. citizens by ‘birth or naturalization’ at the time of his or her birth.

Such a definition would only require one U. S. birth certificate indicating birth on American soil for the candidate and a U.S. birth certificate indicating birth on American soil or certification of U.S. Naturalization reflecting U.S. citizenship before the candidate’s birth for each of the candidate’s parents. Simple, it takes three.

If the State law were ever challenged, then maybe, just maybe a federal court would have to define ‘natural born citizen’.

Note:  Even though I have approached this subject using a bit of humor, it is in fact very serious. (Follow the links to find more information about the eligibility issue.)  If you would like to help protect the Constitution, specifically Article II, Section 1, call or email your Representatives, state and national.  I plan on emailing this article to every state legislator in Arizona and Louisiana very soon.  I’m choosing Louisiana because their Republican Governor Bobby Jindal has the same problem with Presidential eligibility that Barack Obama has.

Thank you!

Zach Jones

Philip Berg Calls for March on Washington – Second Amendment March in April – Quo Warranto Chrysler? – Why Obama Eligibility Matters – 2010 Election Suggestions HillBuzz – Ahmadinejad Watch – Ahmadinejad Going to Pakistan – The BOPAC Report

February 4, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –

Where's the documentation that proves that Obama is a 'natural born citizen'?

Marches on Washington –

From CitizenWells:

Just in from Philip J Berg, February 4, 2010.

For Immediate Release:  – 02/03/2010

For Further Information Contact:

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Cell       (610) 662-3005         (610) 662-3005

              (610) 825-3134         (610) 825-3134

              (800) 993-PHIL         (800) 993-PHIL  [7445]

Fax (610) 834-7659

Berg Announces

“Birth Certificate March on Washington”
to Demand Obama Resign
as Obama is not
“Constitutionally qualified”
to be President

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 02/03/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States announces “Birth Certificate March on Washington” demanding Obama resign as President as he is “Constitutionally ineligible” to be President.

Berg is requesting all citizens of the United States to email, fax or mail a “copy” of their Birth Certificate that will be presented to Obama demanding that Obama resign because he has failed to produce his long form [vault] Birth Certificate to show he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President.

Berg related an email he received.  A woman from Texas told me she registered her thirteen [13] year old nephew for school.  When registration was finished, her nephew asked the Principal, “Can I ask you a question?”  The Principal said, “Yes.”  Her nephew said, “How come I had to show my Birth Certificate to register for school, but Obama did not have to show his to be President ?”

Berg said, “That email motivated me to continue to expose Obama for the fraud he is !”

Berg continued, “Since the Courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing ‘Discovery,’ it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to expose the ‘HOAX’ of Obama, the biggest ‘HOAX’ in the history of our country, in over 230 years !”

Berg wants people to email, fax or mail a copy of Their Birth Certificate to:

Email =

Fax      = (610) 834-7659

Mail    =  Obamacrimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Berg said, “Then, we will be preparing them to deliver to Obama demanding that he resign from the Office of President as he has not proven that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President and   that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia.

I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in ‘our’ U.S.A., for ‘our’ forefathers and for the 3.2 million men and women that have died and/or been maimed defending our Constitution with our ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to prove that Obama is not Constitutionally qualified/eligible to be President.”   

Berg continued, “I still have cases pending in the Federal Courts.  Go to to see the status of each case.”

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to

From World Net Daily comes information about a case many have been following.  We’re still waiting for the Quo Warranto filing.

Chrysler bankruptcy lawyers raise eligibility question

Defense of dealer dismissals cites question of Obama’s birth

Posted: February 03, 2010

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Lawyers defending the government-orchestrated deal by which Chrysler was purchased by Fiat and hundreds of dealers were thrown out of the network have raised President Barack Obama’s eligibility for office as a possible issue in the dispute.

In a footnote in their latest court filing, attorneys representing the old car company at the firm of Jones Day have cited a “scheme” purportedly on the part of the lawyers for the former Chrysler dealers – the plaintiffs in the case.

“Although the debtors have no independent knowledge of these matters, the debtors have taken note of certain public statements connecting the motion to a crusade involving the movants’ counsel to challenge Barack Obama’s legitimacy as president of the United States,” the court filing states. “For example, one report has stated: Birthers are launching yet another scheme … [that] involves a legal maneuver known as ‘quo warranto,’ a prerogative writ requiring the person to whom it is directed to show what authority he has for exercising some right or power (or ‘franchise’) he claims to hold.”

Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, who along with Leo Donofrio is representing more than 70 former Chrysler dealerships put out of business

by the machinations involved in granting massive quantities of taxpayer funds to Chrysler, which then was taken over by Fiat, said it’s a good sign for the case.

“This is very encouraging because they are attempting to distract the court from the law, a tactic they would not employ if they truly thought the law was on their side. … This case is getting very interesting,” he said.

On his blog, Donofrio agreed. ….Continue Reading

Effects of Undermined Constitution –

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

Besides being a blatant violation of the Constitution, the question of Obama’s eligibility to serve as President vitally important because of the ability of Obama to put people on the Supreme Court who may believe the Constitution to be nothing more than a piece of paper.

White House Prepares for Possibility of 2 Supreme Court Vacancies

SCOTUS Watchers Believe Justices Stevens and Ginsburg Could Decide to Step Aside


WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 2010—

Lawyers for President Obama have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the possibility of one, and maybe two Supreme Court vacancies this spring.

Court watchers believe two of the more liberal members of the court, justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, could decide to step aside for reasons of age and health. That would give the president his second and third chance to shape his legacy on the Supreme Court.

Last week, when Obama took the nearly unprecedented step of criticizing the court’s opinion in a major campaign finance case during his State of the Union speech, some believed he was showcasing for the American people that presidential elections, and Supreme Court nominations count. …Continue Reading

ChiBama Politics –


Obama's "GANGSTER" Government!

No Turds In 2010 - Democrat, Republican, or Independent Turds - Vote For Fiscal Responsibility and Those Who Will Support The Constitution! Note: I'm not calling Obama a Nazi. I'm calling his movement fascist because it constantly seeks to ruin, ridicule, intimidate and/or censor everyone who questions Obama's honesty or his policies. It's crap!

Turning to the 2010 elections, the folks at Hill Buzz have a few suggestions to focus on.

From the HillBuzz:

February 3, 2010

The five 2010 races we want to be involved in

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: 2010 goals, Five Races to Follow in 2010 |

After much thought and consideration, here are the five 2010 races we want to be involved in:

(1) Re-electing Michelle Bachmann in Minnesota (House)

(2) Defeating Barbara Boxer in California (Senate)

(3) Defeating Alexi Giannoulias in Illinois (Senate candidate)

(4) Defeating Chuck Schumer in New York (Senate)

(5) Defeating Nancy Pelosi in California (House)

We’re well aware of what a longshot #5 is, but it’s time people stood up to Pelosi, and invested time and effort in a determined campaign to show the people of San Francisco exactly who she really is, and how she’s done nothing for her constituents, while helping to drive this nation into the ground.

Pelosi has decided to aim all of her cannons at Michelle Bachmann, making her the number one target of Democrats this year in House races.  Fair seems to only be fair in…Continue Reading

Second Amendment News –

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics & Obama's attack of Inspector General Walpin!

There will be a Second Amendment March on April 19, 2010 in Washington D.C.

The mission of the Second Amendment March is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.

It is the one right that protects all others.

We will accomplish our mission by a peaceful march in Washington DC, the United States Capitol, supported by satellite marches to State Capitols and smaller cities all across America.

The march in D.C. will take place on Monday, April 19, 2010 on the grounds of the Washington Monument.

O’Ji’bama‘had’ –

Ahmadinejad February 11th Watch

Come on Admadinejad - Confront Obama with his lack of eligibility! Tell him he's not a 'natural born citizen'!

Can you say Nuclear Technology?

From the Pakistan Times:

Iranian President to visit Pakistan soon

Pakistan Times Foreign Desk

TEHRAN (Iran): Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will soon visit Pakistan to develop a joint action plan for further boosting bilateral ties and strengthening tripartite contracts with Afghanistan on security issues.

We are in consultation through diplomatic channels to finalize dates of the visit, said Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. This will be the first-ever visit of President Ahmadinejad, since he assumed the office.

He told a visiting Pakistani media delegation that it would be bilateral visit or part of trilateral conference between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.

During the last two years, their bilateral relationship received tremendous boost in all sectors of bilateral interest, he said hoping the forthcoming visit of President Ahmadinejad will further consolidate their deep-rooted historical and cultural relationship.

Brushing aside impression of any conflict between the two neighbouring countries, Manouchehr Mottaki said they have been maintaining close contacts to adopt common position on regional and international issues. Both sides attach high importance to expanding their socio-economic partnership, through projects like Gas pipeline.

We are good nieghbours and sincere friends and our common border is a border of friendship and peace, he remarked. Reiterating firm resolve of his country keeping their relations free-of-tension, Mottaki said, their relations are not against any third party, and his country will never allow third country to affect its relations with Pakistan.

Pakistan and Iran are part of single body. Condemning Zionist anti-Islamic policies world over, he said inimical forces, particularly Israel are bent upon to divide and harm us. But, he said they will never succeed….Continue Reading

Will Admadinejad Confront Obama on February 11? – China Upset With Obama Over Dalai Lama Visit – Dalai Lama’s Advice – Larry Sinclair Quo Warranto? – Early Draft of Constitution Found – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

February 2, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

O’Ji’bama‘had’ –

Come on Admadinejad - Confront Obama with his lack of eligibility! Tell him he's not a 'natural born citizen'!

Hmmm – February 11th and threats from Ahmadinejad.  It would be great if Ahmadinejad were to confront Obama with his lack of eligibility to serve as President of the United States.  Maybe the media would be forced to actually and accurately cover the ‘natural born citizen’ issue.  Come on Ahmadinejab – I dare you. Remember to say, “Obama’s not a ‘natural born citizen’!

Countdown With Ahmadinejad: Is Anyone Else Worried About Dying In Ten Days?

2010 February 1

by Jeanette Pryor

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, once asked a Holocaust Survivor if he had any words of wisdom the Minister should remember. Looking gravely at the Statesman, the old man warned:

“When someone tells you they are going to exterminate you, believe them.”

Marking the beginning of the Iranian celebration of Ayatollah Kohmeini’s 1979 return from exile, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised the world that the Iranian people would:

“…strike a blow to global powers on February 11th.”

….Continue Reading

And from CNS:

Iran’s Leader: Feb. 11 To Be ‘Demise’ of ‘Capitalist System’
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

( – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Feb. 11 would mark the demise of “the liberal capitalist system,” adding that its champion, America, was on the decline and that Iran and its Islamic Revolution were on the rise….

…“God created mankind … to reach a point that it could have control over the world of creation and days and nights,” Ahmadinejad said. “It is clear to all of us that the Islamic Revolution today is a giant stride toward the implementation of this great goal. The Islamic Revolution is in the direction, and of the same nature of, the great prophet’s move. It is guided by God”….

…“Slogans of freedom, human rights, democracy, and the right to decide your own fate, were so attractive that [they] misled many,” he continued. “Today, they have no thoughts or means other than the use of arms to prove themselves.”
The fiery Iranian leader predicted the “end” of American “civilization.”
“This means the end of a civilization, the end of a thought, and the end of a system,” said Ahmadinejad. 

…Continue Reading Complete Article

The Ahmadinejad quote, “Sogans of freedom, human rights, democracy, and the right to decide your own fate, were so attractive that [they] misled many” sounds like Pelosi describing Tea Party Participants. 

Obama’s China Relationship –

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama!

Careful, Obama.  Remember that China is now America’s banker. 

China warns of ‘serious damage’ if Barack Obama meets Dalai Lama

By Peter Foster in Beijing
Published: 10:44AM GMT 02 Feb 2010

China has warned of “serious damage” to US-China political relations if US President Barack Obama goes ahead with an anticipated meeting with the Dalai Lama in Washington later this month.

The warning comes after three weeks of increasingly irate exchanges between the US and China over contentious issues including internet censorship, trade and a decision by the Obama administration to sell £4bn of arms to Taiwan.

Although the Chinese government routinely objects to any foreign leaders meeting the exiled Tibetan spirutal leader analysts say the strength of the latest condemnation reflects genuine anger in Beijing at a perceived hardening of US attitudes towards China….Continue Reading

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Will Larry Sinclair have a Quo Warranto action against Obama?

It appears that the Department of Justice may be visiting Larry Sinclair’s site!  Hopefully they will learn something about Obama!  However, if they have some more nefarious purpose such as charging Larry with something related to a sitting President, it seems to me that Mr. Sinclair might want to explore using Quo Warranto in conjunction with his defense.  Maybe Larry should contact Leo Donofrio and Stephen Pidgeon given their experience with the ‘natural born citizen’ provision of the Constitution.

 As Glenn Beck would say – ‘question with boldness’ by what authority is Obama sitting in the Oval Office.  I do wish Glenn Beck would take his own advice.

From Larry’s site:

Department of Justice visits and IP’s since 1-28-2010

(1 post) (1 voice)

Started 17 hours ago by Larry Sinclair

Continue Reading

ChiBama Politics –


General Petraeus - When are you and the Joint Chiefs going to force Obama to prove that he is a "natural born citizen", eligible to hold the position of Commander In Chief? Support U.S. Navy Seals!

An early draft of Constitution found in Philadelphia.  I bet it doesn’t say that Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’.

From CitizenWells:

James Wilson, US Constitution, Early draft, We the people, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Lorianne Updike Toler, Philadelphia, summer of 1787, National treasure

February 2, 2010

From the Philadelphia Inquirer, February 2, 2010.

“Early draft of the Constitution found in Phila.”

“Researcher Lorianne Updike Toler was intrigued by the centuries-old document at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

On the back of a treasured draft of the U.S. Constitution was a truncated version of the same document, starting with the familiar words: “We The People. . . .”…

Some quotes from James Wilson

“All men are by nature equal and free. No one has a right to any authority over another without his consent … “….

….Continue Reading

Dear Talk Radio – 2012 Issue to Cover – Gov. Bobby Jindal – The BOPAC Report

January 15, 2010

The BOPAC Report –

Talk Radio Related –

Dear Talk Radio:

This week I wrote an article, ‘Trumping Political and Judicial Courage’, that allowed me to speculate about the various reasons allegations related to Obama’s eligibility to serve as President have thus far been ignored, ridiculed, quashed, mischaracterized, and/or generally swept under the rug.  My musings always came back to power, elitism and politics – and their pursuit. However, the reason I’m writing Talk Radio today touches on one specific question that I found intriguing enough to make the subtitle of my article.

Did Hope for Rising GOP Stars like Bobby Jindal Play a Role in the Obama’s Presidential Eligibility Scandal?

I know that Talk Radio’s Rush Limbaugh has made a joke or two about the subject. (What do God and Obama have in common? Neither has a birth certificate.)  However, I haven’t heard Sean Hannity address the issue. Maybe he’s made a passing remark, but nothing in depth.  Michael Savage is the only one that actually had Philip Berg on his radio program during the election (that I know of). Glenn Beck on the other hand has felt the need to ridicule everyone who raises the issue.  Even though, it’s very clear that he and his staff have not done sufficient research or analysis regarding who can be considered a  ‘natural born citizen’ under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

This brings me to my question for Talk Radio.  I’ve heard that many would like to see Gov. Jindal represent the Republican Party as its nominee for President in 2012.  Rush brought his name up during the last election as a VP possibility. Personally I like Governor Jindal of Louisiana a lot and wish for him nothing but the best.

However, in researching my last article, I discovered that ‘Gov. Jindal was born in Louisiana in 1971 and his parents are Indian immigrants who came here to attend graduate school.’  Gov. Jindal’s father left his family village in 1970 so it’s very unlikely that he was an American citizen at the time of Bobby’s birth. As far as I can tell, having a parent who is not an American citizen at the time of one’s birth creates an impenetrable barrier to being a ‘natural born citizen’, much less having two parents who are not citizens.

Here’s my question:

Given that Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states that ‘no person except a natural born citizen…shall be eligible to the office of President’… would Gov. Jindal, who was born in Louisiana, having immigrant (non-citizen) parents, be eligible to serve as President should he decide to run in 2012?

I have a legal background, but I’m retired and live very rural.  So, I was wondering if Talk Radio might help me (all of us) out?   It would be great if Talk Radio would invite a few people on your shows to discuss the topic.  (There are additional issues such as the effect of parents having dual citizenships, 14th Amendment, etc. that would be helpful to explore.)

I know, I know – most Talk Radio may have glanced at this issue and dismissed it, have instructions from higher ups not to discuss Obama’s eligibility or maybe,  they’ve been threatened, but that’s not what I’m asking.  I only want you to talk about Gov. Jindal’s potential eligibility to serve as President and Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces.

If Gov. Jindal does run, this will be a critical question to answer before the 2012 Republican National Convention. And, much I would hate it; I know that many others and I will be asking these same questions and many more eligibility lawsuits will be filed.

Such a circus in 2012 would be a big mess and Talk Radio could do the country a BIG favor today! The whole Bobby Jindal eligibility issue can be defused in 2010 and therefore, allow Republicans, regular Democrats, Independents, and Tea Party folks to focus on who they like or don’t like, without fear of distraction.  

If Talk Radio were really looking for answers/truth and brought in Constitutional Law experts to thoroughly explore the phrase ‘natural born citizen’, I’m sure many would tune in discover what the Jindal eligibility issue is truly about and set the record straight regarding the rhetoric that has been so pervasive online this past year or so.

Thank you for you time considering this matter.


Zach Jones

PS – It probably wouldn’t be such a big mess because I have faith that Gov. Jindal would provide all the documentation necessary to make the determination of his eligibility. Easy – no lawsuits, no worry among the troops about if they are following ‘unlawful order’, everyone could rest easy.

Note to Readers: 

I am sending this letter by email or other means to the following people hoping to get some response:

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, The Republican National Committee, Philip Berg, Leo Donofrio, Stephen Pidgeon, and Mario Apuzzo, Dr. Orly Taitz, and a few others in the coming days. (Dr. Orly Taitz’s site is frequently under cyber attack these days because of the efforts she’s making, so I’m not going provide her link.)

I hope readers will take it upon yourself to forward this letter, my question, or your own letter/questions to your local/national talk radio personalities, your lawyer/judge friends and family, state election officials, military friends and family, State and Congressional Representatives, maybe your local FBI, Attorney General, etc.   Anyone you can think of!  Post it wherever you like.  Or, hold on to it and send it to your state election officials in 2011 before the 2012 candidates try to get their names on the ballot!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have this discussion and answers about Gov. Jindal’s eligibility before the next Presidential Election?

Take care and support Scott Brown in Massachusetts!

Trumping Political and Judicial Courage – Did Hope for Rising GOP Stars like Bobby Jindal Play a Role in the Obama’s Presidential Eligibility Scandal? The BOPAC Report

January 12, 2010

The BOPAC Report:

Trumping Political and Judicial Courage

Did Hope for Rising GOP Stars like Bobby Jindal Play a Role in the Obama’s Presidential Eligibility Scandal?

When questions about Obama’s eligibility to serve as President arose, I immediately recognized that this could be the biggest political scandal in U.S. history, bigger even than Watergate. The allegations, if true, would have created widespread political turmoil and would have had to involve people, high up people, ignoring and/or covering up facts.  How could a young Senator from Illinois have gotten so far, so quickly, in national politics without some in both the Democratic & Republican Parties taking notice, researching, discovering details of his past and recognizing that there was a BIG potential problem? Especially, given that every other person in Washington is a lawyer, people knew, the media had to have known, known both of the problem and its ramifications. After all, it’s the political big league in Washington.

Having a legal background, I decided to do my own research to satisfy my curiosity and it became abundantly clear that legitimate questions existed and continue to exist. Questions regarding interpretation of Article II, Section I of the Constitution, questions of original intent, British/Kenyan law, acquisition of citizenship, questions about Obama’s birthplace, his adoption, his educational scholarships, his parent’s foreign allegiance/citizenship, his prior inadvertent admissions, questions about his passport(s), etc., exist with sufficient basis in law and/or fact to warrant serious investigation and judicial review. So, like many others at the time, I sat back and waited for the media firestorm to begin. And I waited, and waited, and waited.  Not a peep from the media, Hillary, McCain or Republicans. Why?

With an issue this big involving the first competitive African-American running for the Presidency of the United States, his intentional withholding of records and the possibility that he fails to meet the Constitutional requirements for the Office, I just knew that every stone would be quickly overturned to get to the bottom of it.  Even though it’s common knowledge that the American media is pretty much left of center when it comes to politics and everything else – ‘the story’, this story was SO big that I was sure they would not be able to ignore it.  It wasn’t like other political stories the media ignored such as John Edwards’ love child or Larry Sinclair’s allegations of drug use and sex with Obama. This story went to bedrock, the requirements of who can be President and who can serve as Commander In Chief of our military. To my surprise, next to nothing came from the mainstream media.

Many expected Republicans to wait as long as they possibly could before raising the issue because of the political/media ramifications.  It seemed certain that they were praying for the media to take the lead so they could stay on the high road.  After enduring eight years of constant Bush bashing and constant negative media spin about Republicans, it’s easy to appreciate their concerns. It’s a shame that Republican fear may have trumped their doing the right thing early on. Had they manned up, we probably would not be in the current situation of having our rights and freedoms in jeopardy.

Republicans had seen the media for a decade artfully portray them as corrupt, uncaring politicians on a reckless spending spree. This portrayal led directly to the 2006 Democratic takeover of Congress. Even though, a Republican spending spree pales when compared to an Obama/Reid/Pelosi spending spree. Even though, Republican ‘caring’ has historically meant a limited federal government helping those in need with a hand up in ways that would not bankrupt the nation (sustainability) and Democrat ‘caring’ has historically meant a growing government trying to bait those with needs, real or otherwise, into becoming permanently dependent.  What Republicans could count on in 2008 was that the mainstream media would likely report everything Republicans dared say about this critical Constitutional issue as racism, expressed and/or implied.

They were scared of the media in 2008. They were in the political wilderness. However, I believe fear was not the only factor keeping Republicans from speaking from conviction.  Republicans might have been reluctant to rock Obama’s boat because their own leadership (those who would have fully understood Obama’s agenda, his past associations and ideology) may have been considering the possibility that losing to Obama might not be so bad. 

Maybe they realized that if Obama were elected, Americans would likely be so disappointed and shocked by his policies that Republicans might quickly sweep back in power. Instead of being beaten up for eternity by the media for spoiling the first African American’s opportunity to reach the Presidency, they could be seen as adults setting things right after a rebellious kid’s screw ups. Yes, I think political calculations could well have been trumping principles. After all, the Party did have a few bright stars in waiting such as Gov. Bobby Jindal. They could just bide their time, hope America wakes up as Obama revealed himself and be ready to step up. 

Jindal, he’s the young Republican Governor who had a 77% approval rating in 2008. Jindal had taken over the reigns of Louisiana shortly after the embarrassing former Democratic Governor’s performance dealing with Katrina.  Louisiana is also the home of some fairly egregious examples of Democratic corruption such as Rep. Jefferson’s conviction and Senator Landrieu appearing to sell her vote for $300,000,000 dollars to Harry Reid.   Gov. Bobby Jindal is definitely a rising star in the Republican Party, a fiscal conservative, principled and someone not closely associated with President Bush.  He is seen as a leader with a great future.  I can certainly see him in the U.S. Senate.

As time passed, more and more lawsuits were filed (over 50) challenging Obama’s eligibility and nothing – nothing from the media, nothing from Hillary Clinton, nothing Republicans in Washington, nothing from John McCain. The issue was a hot potato that carried a truckload of political risk. Democrats, who were acutely aware that they risked losing the carefully groomed dependence of many minority voters, wouldn’t touch it. Politicians of both parties were afraid of the charge of racism – and for good reason. All they had to do was watch the vicious attacks against eligibility attorneys Philip Berg, Dr. Orly Taitz, Leo Donofrio, Stephen Pidgeon, and Mario Apuzzo.

Given that many politicians lack backbone, those of us concerned about the issue had little choice but to put faith with the American judicial system and hope that they would answer conclusively the questions of Obama’s eligibility. Well, so much for faith. Notwithstanding their oaths to protect the Constitution, judges apparently wanted nothing to do with this political hot potato either. Courts have been falling all over themselves from the beginning to do every legal contortion necessary to avoid granting discovery, examining facts and/or applying the law regarding this eligibility issue.

However, we are not defeated.  Legal challenges and opportunities for challenges remain and it will only take one principled judge to resolve the eligibility issue.  Is Obama a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ eligible to serve as President of the United States and Commander In Chief of its military?  But, we all must remember that most judges begin their careers on the bench as politicians; and so far, politics trump a magistrate’s sworn duty.

Had the winner of the 2008 Presidential election been Governor Jindal, you can be sure there would have been endless lines of Constitutional experts brought in by FOX, CNN, MS-NBC, CBS, ABC to explain the history of the eligibility provision, the underlying issues and facts relevant to a reasoned determination. You see, Bobby Jindal was born in Louisiana in 1971 and his parents are Indian immigrants who came here to attend graduate school, nearly the exact factual situation as Obama’s (accepting a Hawaii birth).  And had 50+ lawsuits been filed against a Presidential candidate Jindal, the media would have been in a frenzy trying to outdo each other, it would have been like the O.J. trial.  I also believe that both the federal & state courts would have been decidedly more eager to get to the merits so that they could be seen as protecting the Constitution, the Presidency and apple pie.

But it wasn’t candidate Jindal – it was candidate Obama. So, instead of having extensive coverage and thoroughly investigating the issue, the media has given next to no coverage.  And when the mainstream media decides to cover the issue, they do it so they can spin the story to wrongly equate the meaning of ‘citizen’ and a ‘natural born ‘citizen’ – and to paint those raising the issue as idiots.  Where are the real journalists?  With the exception of FOX, this is clearly the media’s ‘thrill up the leg’ political bias trumping journalistic principle. 

With FOX, I think of them the same way as I think of Republicans.  Because FOX is constantly vilified by Democrats and the left lending media, this potato was so hot that even they could not risk being wrong or having a court come to a different conclusion. FOX’s fear trumped their journalistic principle.

I wonder if the Republican leadership figured that if they didn’t complain about Obama in 2008, they would be able to count on Democrats and the Obama media not complaining about Jindal’s eligibility issues should he decide to run in 2012?  My first thought was that having such an expectation would be a fool’s dream. However, I’m not so sure now. They all now have a lot of political capital invested in attempting to effectively rewrite the eligibility provision of the Constitution by some sort of contorted waiver/estoppel/abandonment theory. It’s all underhanded and improper; but as long as courts continue to abdicate their own responsibilities, who can know what determined politicians might accomplish?

The whole mess smells more and more like ‘the players’ in Washington have gotten together and decided, or implicitly understand, that the issue and the Constitution are to be ignored.  Every player appears to be serving their own self-interest, burying their principles, avoiding risk, and using the mainstream media’s avoidance of the issue as political cover. If the mainstream media ever takes the lead and does their job, the other players will be forced to do theirs as well.

Even when, reports were coming out in Canada that a radio talk show host had revealed that he, his career, family had been threatened; the mainstream American media simply ignored the story. No real investigation, nothing, nada was started. This smells really bad.

Regarding the Democratic leadership, anyone watching the recent antics of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid concerning the healthcare takeover (with their buying of votes, conducting the people’s business in secret, not allowing debate or time to actually read the bills, misrepresentations, manipulation of the numbers, and their constant ridicule those in opposition) must realize that it’s not the means that count to these people – only the ends.  Therefore, I have no doubt that they would turn a blind eye to the possibility that the Constitution might have been violated by Obama and those who have attested to his eligibility. Oh, that was Nancy Pelosi who did that.

Regarding Hillary Clinton, she’s an old school hardball politician who is probably worrying more about her status and legacy now; rather than actually doing the right thing and demanding that Obama provide documentation proving that he is a natural born citizen.  I guess it’s not a fight she’s willing to take on given that she is also the wife of the ‘first black President’.

Regarding the mainstream media, all you need to do is check who has been a consistent donor to Obama & Democratic politicians through the years.  Then check for yourself what they are reporting, what they are leaving out, how stories are slanted, how far are they slanted and the frequency of displays of bias.  There was a study out of, I believe, UCLA around 2004 that found that 18 of 20 major media outlets were left of center and that Brit Hume and the Drudge Report did indeed provide fair and balanced news coverage.  Today, the media appears to have dropped all pretense of being objective.

Regarding John McCain, he is also a seasoned politician who probably values his own legacy more than tackling such a big political nightmare. Especially, given that some have questioned his own ‘natural born citizen’ status, he might prefer someone else take the lead.

A few Republican politicians have displayed courage by trying to introduce legislation that would require that candidates must provide proof that they are in fact eligible for the offices they seeking.  Of course, Nancy Pelosi is keeping this buried and it will not see the light of day while she is the Speaker of the House.  This type of legislation is extremely important should Republicans gain power in 2010.  It cannot be allowed to stand that politicians can willy-nilly change the effect of the Constitution without going through the proper process.  Talk about elitism!

Representative Nathan Deal has made the boldest direct display of courage to date by sending Obama a letter asking that he provide proof that he is a natural born citizen.  Congressman Deal was of course immediately, repeatedly and viciously attacked for doing this one small act to protect the integrity of the Constitution. However, Rep. Deal’s act is very important because it provides a proof that a Member of Congress had specific concerns over Obama’s eligibility to serve.  It is the first time that a sitting President has been confronted in this way.  Well done!  History must not be scrubbed to hide Obama’s probable criminal deception to obtain the Office of the Presidency.

Republicans took the easiest path in 2008 because they were fearful and had been relegated to the wilderness in 2006. With the emergence of the grassroots Tea Party revolt, Republicans are now poised to make substantial gains in 2010. I believe people are looking for genuine, principled, limited government, fiscal conservative leadership.  Unfortunately, current Republicans will have to do this year because they are the best choice for the nation until better candidates emerge.  However, all candidates should take heed that millions of Americans recognize that they must pay attention to what Congress is doing.

And just a friendly reminder, those of us who are concerned about the eligibility issue will also be paying attention.  Please don’t consider running Gov. Jindal for the Presidency in 2012. As much as we (I) may like him, he is not a ‘natural born citizen’ and we (I) will not put our politics above principles founded in the Constitution!

Putting the country, the Constitution, & the rule of law ahead of politicians’ self-interest were called for in 2008 – and the call was ignored.  Democrats and Republicans alike failed to answer.

After rereading this piece, I am more discouraged and fearful that the courts may well let down America, her Constitution and her people by failing to take the bull by the horns and look at the issue of Obama’s eligibility. (The court system was the only institution that I had a great deal of faith in but it looks like faith has been misplaced.)

It may ultimately fall to the military (who deserve to have a Commander In Chief who is in fact eligible to serve in that honored position and is legally capable of issuing ‘lawful orders’) to utilize the Uniform Code of Military Justice and demand that Obama establish the facts.

May I suggest Section 935. Art. 135. COURTS OF INQUIRY and possibly


Any person who–

(1) procures his own enlistment or appointment in the armed forces by knowingly false representation or deliberate concealment as to his qualifications for the enlistment or appointment and receives pay or allowances thereunder…

Obama's New Commander-In-Chief Uniform to Battle Low Morale in Military! Will Obama wear it to Navy Seals Prosecution?