Posts Tagged ‘Inspector General Walpin’

Obama Ends Transparency – Remember Inspector General Walpin – Pravda (Russia) Has Larry Sinclair Thread – Lt. Col. Lakin Demanding Obama Docs – WND – Ground Zero Mosque Provocation – No Confidence in Media – Gallup – Journolist II? – The BOPAC Report

August 14, 2010

The BOPAC Report

The Secret Life of O –

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics & Obama's attack of Inspector General Walpin!

Mr. Transparency is at it again. The following paragraph from the Hot Air piece is important for Voters to remember in 2010. America should not forget the horrific treatment of Inspector General Walpin at the hands of Obama’s transparency czar, Norm Eisen.

…Let’s recall that Eisen played a key role in the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin after he tried to blow the whistle on a sweetheart settlement that rescued an Obama supporter from political doom.  Eisen failed to provide the necessary notice to Congress and instead instigated a smear of Walpin as mentally deficient in order to cover the White House’s tracks.  Terminating IGs, who are supposed to be independent,  hardly upholds the concepts of transparency and accountability…

Hope and Change: Obama eliminates transparency czar

posted at 2:20 pm on August 13, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Somehow, some way, this has to be a bad joke, right?  Barack Obama made a big deal about creating the Most Transparent Administration Evah in the 2008 Hope and Change campaign, and after taking office appointed a transparency “czar,” which is in itself a contradiction in terms.   Eighteen months later, Obama has eliminated the position…Continue Reading

See also:

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

Larry Sinclair’s allegations of gay sex, drugs and murder involving Obama were recently a topic of discussion in Russia.  I’m sure Pelosi et. al. were thinking that Obama would usher in the second ‘Camelot’ but the reality is far from it.  Let’s see Obama’s short tenure may come to be know as Cum-e-lot, Scum-a-lot, Con-e-lot, Lie-e-lot, Golf-e-lot, Blame-e-lot, Whine-e-lot, Hides-e-lot, BOPAC-e-lot…

From Pravda:

Allegations of a homosexual scandal involving murder continue to dog Obama!

Update from Larry Sinclair:

Larry Sinclair has always been under threat from Obama's minions for daring to disclose allegations of sex, drugs, and other things involving Obama. He's used to that I suppose. But now it seems the Secret Service is taking on some extra duties - intimidation. I hope Mr. Sinclair is wearing a wire and has friends videotaping everywhere he goes.

Larry Sinclair I am taking the ticket I was given by the White House Secret Service last Saturday to Court. It has come to my attention the SS had specific instructions NOT to stop me, contact me, or harass me in any way. Pulling me over asking me “are you Larry Sinclair” and ordering me out of my vehicle with hands on my head was …not justified and issuing a $25 ticket after the fact is not right.


Natural Born Citizen –

If Gen. George Patton were still around, I would bet that he would be standing shoulder to shoulder with Lt. Col. Lakin!

What would General Patton do?  I would bet he would be standing shoulder to shoulder with Lt. Col. Lakin.

Officer’s defense team demanding Obama docs

‘I can’t think of a single reason why the judge would take the government’s position’

Posted: August 13, 2010
11:50 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The key defense attorney for an Army officer being put on trial for refusing orders he views as suspect because of the possibility Barack Obama is not eligible to be commander-in-chief is demanding documentation from the president.

On the G. Gordon Liddy radio show today, Paul Rolf Jensen said the request for “discovery” in the Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin case – the access by the defense to documentation in the government’s possession that could help its case – is being submitted.

Jensen had been asked whether there is a legal basis for denying a defendant on trial on criminal charges legitimate access to documentation that would prove his case.

There’s a new strategy to get answers to Obama’s eligibility questions. See how you can help.

“We are today officially requesting that discovery,” Jensen said. “If the government refuses to give it to us, then we will, a week from today, file a motion to compel discovery.

“I can’t think of a single reason why the judge would take the government’s position,” he said. …Continue Reading


No Ground Zero Mosque –

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

It’s not about the freedom to build a Mosque near Ground Zero. It is purely an act of provocation.

From Atlas Shrugs:

Obama Backs 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque at Ramadan Celebration

“We should also examine the foreign policies of the U.S. to make sure that we occupy the moral high ground in these conflicts. In particular, we have to examine some of the root causes of this terrorist activity.” then State Senator Obama post 911 attack remarks

Obama came out for the Islamic supremacist mosque at the hallowed ground of 911 attack. He has, in effect, sided with the Islamic jihadists and told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan, of course) that he believes in and supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site of Islamic conquest.

If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now.

I believe he planned it all along. He waited until Ramadan. Symbolic. He has now turned our Ground Zero protest on 911 into a mega-event. The very idea of a 15-story mega-mosque on hallowed ground in indecent, offensive and outrageous. If Imam Rauf and his wife Daisy really wanted to “reach out” and “heal,” they would give the $120 million to the first responders suffering from exposure to the toxic environment at Ground Zero after Muslim terrorists brought down the World Trade Center and slaughtered 3,000 Americans. …Continue Reading

 See also:

Media Bias –

It Seems that Ben Smith (member of Journolist) has put together a group to perform a planned White House function - The White House Got Talent Show - Ben's new group will be called The Journolist Truth Assassins. Do you doubt the "Journolists Truth Assassins" were involved in shaping the news regarding Obama's lack of eligibility?

The interesting thing about this story is that confidence in newspapers is being propped up by 49% support in the 18-29 age group, 33% support from Democrats, and 35% support from Liberals.  Evidently the youth of America are primed to be led by their noses!

From Gallup:

In U.S., Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Remains a Rarity

No more than 25% say they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in either

by Lymari Morales

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans continue to express near-record-low confidence in newspapers and television news — with no more than 25% of Americans saying they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in either. These views have hardly budged since falling more than 10 percentage points from 2003-2007….Continue Reading


Can you say Journolist II?

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Especially after the discovery of the existance of the 'Journolist' Truth Assassins - Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, Journolist, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

Fri Aug 13, 12:20 pm ET

Which White House reporters had lunch with Obama?By Michael Calderone

By Michael Calderone michael Calderone – Fri Aug 13, 12:20 pm ET

Reporters wouldn’t say Thursday who joined President Obama for an off-the-record lunch at the White House.

The Upshot noted the irony that news organizations have been at the forefront of the fight to make White House visitor logs public. Not to mention the fact that the names of those who visit the White House in August will be made available to the public by November anyway.

But who wants to wait until November? The Upshot has now learned which White House beat reporters attended the off-the-record meeting.

Here’s the lineup: Ben Feller (Associated Press),  Jonathan Weisman and Laura Meckler (Wall Street Journal), Michael Shear and Scott Wilson (Washington Post), Caren Bohan (Reuters),  David Jackson  (USA Today),  Carol Lee (Politico),  Peter Nicholas (Tribune Co.), Margaret Talev (McClatchy) and Julianna Goldman (Bloomberg).

Several reporters on this list gave “no comments” to The Upshot on Thursday….Continue Reading


Commentary –

I'm Sure There Are Many Soldiers Living This Nightmare. It's Time For The Joint Chiefs of Staff to Step To The Plate and Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin! Don't Be Military Sheep.

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Other News:

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!



Court Martial Trial Practice – Lt. Col. Lakin

Larry Sinclair’s Forum

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

No Quarter

Barack Obama, A Drunken Drive By?

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey – Living in Times that Try Men’s Souls

April 18, 2010

Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey – Living in Times that Try Men’s Souls

I rarely watch the Bill O’Reilly show on Fox because I’m not a fan of Mr. O’Reilly’s interview style.   However, I received an email saying that Megyn Kelly would be looking into the allegations of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin concerning Obama’s eligibility. Ms. Kelly’s involvement tweaked my curiosity. Because of the tremendous amount of courage and commitment to principle that’s embodied in Lt. Col. Lakin’s refusal to obey orders he believes to be ‘unlawful’, I tuned in last week to see if fairness and objectivity in reporting could possibly emerge out of the morass of misinformation currently dominating the mainstream media. 

Being aware that Bill O’Reilly has been consistently (mis) representing the ‘natural born citizen’ issue as merely a ‘citizenship’ issue and portraying everyone involved as a misguided group of nutcases, so I didn’t harbor any expectations that he would experience an ‘ah hah’ moment.  (Mr. O’Reilly relies on the existence of birth announcements placed in local newspapers to prove his case but fails to mention that the birth announcements were most likely placed by the state, not Obama’s family.) However, I did have hopes that Megyn Kelly, an attorney, would at least frame the issue correctly.  Once again, my hopes were misplaced.

I realize O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly are not journalists – they’re commentators/entertainers. And, the ‘natural born citizen’ issue and those attempting to peer behind the curtain have been effectively and maliciously recast by mainstream media misreporting and omission as something meriting ridicule, it’s not surprising to watch entertainers like O’Relly and Beck join in the piling on with the media herd. It’s sort of like a case of school bullying.  Sometimes – once something or someone is portrayed as being a certain way, those with knowledge that could slow or reverse the momentum of attack fail to stand up.  For whatever reason – they want to belong to the click, aren’t willing to risk criticism, want to keep a low profile, or they want to be popular (or at least not unpopular), etc.   They fail to stand up and injustice continues.

I expect this of kids but not of national media figures or news organizations. Even though FOX does lead in the race towards Fair and Balanced reporting among the mainstream media, they have consistently failed regarding the ‘natural born citizen’ issue.  In for a penny – in for a pound, I suppose.

I mention Glenn Beck only because of late he’s hammering away on a quote from Gandhi.

“Use truth as your anvil and non-violence as your hammer. And anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.”

In any event, O’Reilly and Ms. Kelly portrayed Lt. Col. Lakin’s refusal to obey Obama’s orders as a mere attempt to attract attention to the issue.  Ms. Kelly gave no information or opinion about the ongoing controversies regarding the definition of the term ‘natural born citizen’.

This is the issue. The issue that the media (including FOX) have been intentionally ignoring and misreporting is the abundance of legal opinion indicating that in order to be a ‘natural born citizen’ both of your parents must also have been U.S. citizens at the time of your birth.  Regardless of where Obama was born, he fails to meet this part of the test to be a ‘natural born citizen’.

“Use truth as your anvil…” Anyone studying the eligibility issue is fully aware of this truth.  There are in fact various contentions as to what ‘natural born citizen’ means, why it was included in the United States Constitution and how it should be interpreted.

So O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly are suggesting that Lt. Col. Lakin, facing a dishonorable discharge, loss of benefits and prison time is merely attempting to garner attention?  Please! 

“…and non-violence as your hammer”  This decorated military officer with 18 years of service is being required to risk all because others have failed to do their jobs.  The media, state election officials, the Electoral College, Congress, the courts, the Chain of Command and Sen. McCain have all failed to meet their responsibilities.   It’s now suggested that maybe they were all waiting on each other.

How about Ms. Kelly at least entertaining the notion that Lt. Col. Lakin is living up to the Oath he took? How about at least understanding that there are in fact those among us who take such Oaths seriously? How about the possibility of losing one’s life, risking loss of limb, taking another’s life, subjecting oneself to charges of being a war criminal etc. vis-à-vis ‘unlawful orders’ originating at the very top of the Chain of Command?  This seems more likely to be the motivation for Lt. Col. Lakin’s non-violent actions.  Attempting to garner attention? Please!

“…anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.” Most reasonable people looking at the facts presented thus far and possible likely motivations cannot reject Lt. Col. Lakin’s actions without more information. 

Why didn’t Ms. Kelly and Mr. O’Reilly point out how easily Obama could have resolved this issue for many that is undermining military cohesion and discipline?   He could have long ago presented his long form birth certificate, college records, and etc. to establish conclusively that he was born in Hawaii and does not have dual citizenship.  (But by Obama’s own admission his father was not an American citizen at the time of his birth.)  Well, maybe he can’t.

“Use truth as your anvil…” Isn’t this the truth the media should be focusing on?  Why won’t Obama release his long form birth certificate, college records, bar application, passport information, etc., etc., etc.? Weighed against the interest of soldiers in theater risking life and limb following ‘orders’ that could be ‘unlawful’ – doesn’t Obama’s small privacy concern pale in comparison?  Weighed against the possibility that a Lt. Col. with 18 years of service is risking his career and liberty – doesn’t Obama’s small privacy concern pale in comparison?

“…and non-violence as your hammer”  Let’s see.  Lt. Col. Lakin, CMD Kerchner, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, Captian Connie Rhodes, Maj. Stefan Cook and many other members of the military have been questioning the eligibility of Obama to serve as Commander In Chief and jeapadizing their own military careers.  Is it reasonable to believe that they would not take such drastice actions without real concern over Obama’s eligibility.  How do these military lives and careers weigh in the balance when compared to merely releasing documents that every other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released?

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” Thomas Paine

“…anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.” Without more, how could any reasonable person weighing the ‘known’ facts ‘reject’ the allegations and concerns Lt. Col. Lakin is raising?

“Use truth as your anvil…” Most estimates that I have seen indicate that Obama has spent around 1.7 million dollars trying to keep documents normally provided to the public by Presidential candidates hidden.   Isn’t it true that under normal circumstances every media outlet in America would be turning over every stone to find out what Obama is hiding?  Isn’t that one of the most important stories here?

“…and non-violence as your hammer”  Let’s see.  Philip Berg (Democrat), Steve Pidgeon, Leo C. Donofrio, Mario Apuzzo, Dr. Orly Taitz, and many other attorneys have taken up this issue knowing the ridicule they would face and the jeapardy they placed their careers in.  Does anyone really believe that Obama would spend so much money hiding documents normally provided to the public without something major to hide?  Would you?

“…anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.” Without more, how could any reasonable person weighing the ‘known’ facts ‘reject’ the allegations of Lt. Col. Lakin? 

“Use truth as your anvil…” The truth is that Obama has admitted that he acquired British Citizenship through his Kenyan father.  Some suggest that Obama continues to hold British citizenship.  Obama’s grandmother said Obama was born in Kenya, Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as Obama’s home country, several Kenyan representatives have indicated Obama was born in Kenya.  Several news organizations have reported prior to the election that Obama was born in Kenya, including NPR.  There are also questions about a possible Indonesian citizenship arising out of Obama’s adoption.

“…and non-violence as your hammer”  No one has stormed the White House to forcibly remove Obama. Everyone is attempting in good faith to go though the proper channels.  Many court cases have been filed and not one has been addressed on the merits by the court.  Judges have been finding every legal loophole possible to avoid discovery and making a determination about Obama’s possible lack of status as a ‘natural born citizen’.

The media would have you believe that the courts have rejected the allegations that Obama is not eligible to serve. That is simply not true. The courts are evading the issue.

Now members of our military such as Lt. Col. Lakin are being called upon to stand as the last line of defense for the Constitution.  He has answered the call. Hopefully, many others will add their voices to Lt. Col. Lakin’s and make a noise so loud that it will rock the foundation of the military itself and have the Joint Chiefs begging for resolution.

Thus far, the Joint Chiefs of Staff appear to be quietly acquiescing to what is possibly the greatest case of fraud in American history.  Actually, they’re acting like school kids.

It’s sort of like a case of school bullying.  Sometimes – once something or someone is portrayed as being a certain way, those with knowledge that could slow or reverse the momentum of attack fail to stand up.  For whatever reason – they want to belong to the click, aren’t willing to risk criticism, want to keep a low profile, or they want to be popular (or at least not unpopular), etc.   They fail to stand up and injustice continues.

When those who are supposed to lead shirk their responsibilities, those who follow, those who have based their lives upon principles are left with few options other than to walk bravely into the batons of the oppressors as Gandhi and his followers.  I’m sure Lt. Col. Lakin is aware of the obstacles and challenges that await him.  With 18 years of exemplary service behind him, how can he not?

“…anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.” In light of the above statements and suggestions of a Kenyan birth, what do you think?  Can anyone really reject out of hand Lt. Col. Lakin’s assertions and doubts? 

Just a reminder, even if Obama were born in Hawaii, he still fails to meet the test for being a ‘natural born citizen’ because of the citizenship of his father.  This is why Obama does not want the issue to be addressed on the merits. It’s why courts are falling over themselves to avoid addressing this political hot potato. This is why he continues to let military men and women sacrifice their careers and why Obama allows doubts to persist throughout the ranks. He knows he might not meet the test for being a ‘natural born citizen’.

“Use truth as your anvil…” Ms. Kelly seemed to want to leave viewers with the impression that Lt. Col. Lakin could not possibly present a valid defense in a court martial for refusing to obey orders of a superior officer. Admittedly it is a hard row to hoe but Lt. Col. Lakin does in fact have defenses. One defense is that given the known facts, every ‘reasonable serviceman’ or woman in the military could in fact have reasonable doubts about Obama’s Constitutional eligibility to serve as President and Commander In Chief. 

Using the same logic present in Rule 916 (d).

“Obedience to orders. It is a defense to any offense that the accused was acting pursuant to orders unless the accused knew the orders to be unlawful or a person of ordinary sense and understanding would have known the orders to be unlawful.”

According to The Rules for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) (2008 Edition), Lt. Col. Lakin will have the ability to use civilian defense counsel as long as it is at no expense to the military. Therefore, I urge people to support Lt. Col. Lakin’s legal defense fund.

Even though Lt. Col. Lakin’s chances of success at his court martial are not great. It is vitally important for Lt. Col. Lakin to have a highly experienced civilian attorney well versed Constitutional law, the UCMJ, and preserving rights on appeal.  Preserving Lt. Col. Lakin’s appellate rights is critical, takes experience and is not inexpensive.

The main reasons I harbor doubts about victory at a possible court martial come from the past history of the eligibility issue in civilian courts and the Rules for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) (2008 Edition) itself:

  1. ”An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate.”
  2. ”The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a military judge.”
  3. “A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it.”

Therefore, no one should expect Lt. Col. Lakin at his own court martial to be able to force Obama to produce documents proving that he is a ‘natural born citizen’.

However, Lt. Col. Lakin may be able to introduce the newspaper articles indicating an Obama birth in Kenya and the citizenship of his father through an exception to the hearsay rule.  (Or possibly in mitigation – see Rule 1001.)

Lt. Col. Lakin may also be able to introduce or have judicial notice taken of the 1961 Hawaii statutes and regulations concerning the evidentiary value the ‘birth certificate’ and ‘birth announcements’ that are currently in the public domain.

And, Lt. Col. Lakin should be able to introduce legal argument supporting the proposition that in order to be a ‘natural born citizen’ Obama must have been born in America to 2 parents who were both citizens at the time of his birth“A general order…is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution.”

In any event, attempts to introduce such evidence should be made at every opportunity – taking care to properly preserve the denial/issue for appeal.

Another provision in the R.C.M that got my interest states: ”The order must not conflict with the statutory or constitutional rights of the person receiving the order.” 

My first thoughts went to the oath Lt. Col. Lakin swore to uphold, due process, and rights flowing from the 5th Amendment.

Given the new global environment, what’s to stop a country like Afghanistan, Pakistan, N. Korea, or Iran etc. from claiming that any and all deaths at the hands of U.S. Service personnel are war crimes because they should have known that they were following ‘unlawful orders’?

Consider the following statement contained in a Congressional Research Service report for Congress:

…Although not immune from prosecution, U.S. personnel who could be charged with violating the War Crimes Act would have several possible defenses to criminal liability, so long as their activities were conducted with the authorization of the Administration and under the reasonable (though mistaken) belief that their actions were lawful…

Are those engaged in drone attacks in Pakistan in jeopardy?  Will there come a point when there is so much information is in the public domain calling into question Obama’s eligibility that it would make it unreasonable to believe that Obama Administration’s authorizations are lawful?

I am not an expert in Military Law but for purposes of this article I wanted to make a couple of quick points related to the impression Ms. Kelly gave on the O’Rielly show. In any event, Lt. Col. Lakin’s court martial will require a skilled attorney, able to try the case in the court of public opinion as well and to cause the Military Times to report on it daily. 

“…and non-violence as your hammer”  Lt. Col. Lakin has apparently done everything he could through proper channels to have the military address this issue to no avail.  Lt. Col. Lakin, being left with no recourse other than to abandon his Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, has knowingly and willingly placed himself in jeopardy of court martial.

“…anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with non-violence, REJECT IT.”

I have seen nothing that suggests that Lt. Col. Lakin’s concerns should be rejected.  Have you?

However, it is entirely possible that Lt. Col. Lakin will be required to pay a high price for his fidelity to his Oath.  He may be required to join the ranks of Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and others who have been willing wait in jail while truth finds its way to the surface.

If sufficient numbers of military personal voice their support for Lt. Col. Lakin, there will come a point when the Joints Chiefs of Staff will be knocking on the door of the White House demanding that the deception and lack of transparency end for the sake of the military and its cohesion as a fighting force.

As I write this article, I have just learned that Supreme Court Justice Thomas has admitted that the nation’s highest court is “evading” the eligibility issue.  What? It seems everyone involved is/was waiting for someone else to take the lead!

I think America needs a lot more anvils of truth being hammered with many, many more hammers of non-violence!  Avoidance is not truth.  Omission is not truth. 

Honor is the one thing that makes our military special and right now it is in jeopardy from the top down through the Chain of Command.   Like truth, honor in all matters must be maintained.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Are the Joint Chiefs really willing to live with such a result because of someone who has repeatedly demonstrated his lack of commitment to truth?  Need I remind they of the back room deals to get health care passed, the unjust firing of Inspector General Walpin, the unjust treatment of Larry Sinclair, Rezko, Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc., etc., etc.

If the Joint Chiefs are not going to expect members of the military to live up to their oaths, the oath should be changed to something more appropriate.

How about:

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

You have my respect and support Lt. Col. Lakin.

Lt. Col. Lakin – Flight Surgeon Challenges Obama’s Eligibility – Free Republic – Advice From Dalai Lama – Sallie Mae Layoffs Caused by Obama Policy – What of Israel? – Wall Street Journal – The BOPAC Report

March 31, 2010


The BOPAC Report


Natural Born Citizen Issue –



Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!





Important breaking news about another courageous military man.  Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve as President.  I hope he realizes how far Obama will go to hide his past.  Check your brake lines daily Sir!


 From the Free Republic:

Army Officer Seeks Truth About Obama’s Eligibility
Bob McCarty Writes ^ | 3-30-10 | Bob McCarty

Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:15:55 PM by BobMcCartyWrites

The flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s pilots and air crew wants President Obama to prove his eligibility now.

In a news release today, Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin said he is wiling to risk a court-martial in order if that’s what it takes to determine whether or not President Barack Obama is eligible to serve as president of the United States. Not your average officer, Colonel Lakin is the lead flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s pilots and air crew.

The video above provides an overview of his argument.

“I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office”, said Colonel Lakin.

The news release cited (1) Article II, Sec. 1 of the U. S. Constitution which explicitly provides that only “natural born” citizens can serve as president and commander-in-chief and (2) Mr. Obama’s continued refusal to release his original 1961 birth certificate as reasons behind Colonel Lakin reaching the conclusion that his orders are unlawful, and thus MUST be disobeyed. ….

From SafeGuardOurConstitution: 

Press Release


Court Martial Likely, Legal Defense Fund Established

Washington, D.C., March 30, 2010. “I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office”, said active duty Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin. The American Patriot Foundation, a non-profit group incorporated in 2003 to foster appreciation and respect for the U.S. Constitution, immediately announced it has set up a legal defense fund and will provide Lt. Col. Lakin with a top-flight defense team. Details are available on the foundation’s website,

Article II, sec. 1 of the U. S. Constitution explicitly provides that only “natural born” citizens can serve as president and commander-in-chief. Mr. Obama’s continuing refusal to release his original 1961 birth certificate has brought Lt. Col. Lakin to the point where he feels his orders are unlawful, and thus MUST be disobeyed.

Lakin has today informed his superiors that he cannot understand how his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” does not permit military officers to pursue proof of eligibility from his commander-in-chief. Lt. Col. Lakin’s efforts to seek affirmation of the president’s eligibility have been rebuffed with legal evasions. Given the Obama Administration’s “transparency” initiative, many U.S. citizens are also demanding release of the original birth certificate.

Lakin serves as Chief of Primary Care and Flight Surgeon for the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic and is lead Flight Surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General Casey’s pilots and air crew. His numerous awards and decorations include the Army Flight Surgeon’s Badge, Combat Medical Badge, the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, the Armed Forced Expedition Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon and the NATO service medal.




Spread the word but don’t be surprised when you meet some resistance.

From one of CitizenWells’ readers:

Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Interesting FR post regarding the Lt. Col.

I posted this over at Sean Hannity Forums and it got up to ten pages real quick and over 140 posts and now they have deleted it saying it is a non issue.

This would indicate to me, it scare the chit out of them and is for real





ObamaNomics –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


The real question is – Is Obama doing this intentionally?  I think so. Think about the job losses coming in banks that currently provide student loans. Think about the millions of jobs that will be lost in the Health Care Insurance sector. The more chaos the better.


From the Free Republic:


Sallie Mae Blames 2,500 Layoffs on Obama’s Student Loan Overhaul

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:31:40 PM · by kristinn · 51 replies · 2,190+ views

Fox News ^ | Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | Kelly Chernenkoff

Powerhouse student loan provider Sallie Mae says layoffs are imminent as a result of President Obama’s new student loan overhaul. “This legislation will force Sallie Mae to reduce our 8,600-person workforce by 2,500,” Conwey Casillas, Vice President of Sallie Mae Public Affairs, said in a statement to Fox News…




Ji’Obama’had –



Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have hundreds of millions behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

As a Navy Veteran, it’s hard for me when I have to question whether the person in the Oval Office is on our side.


From the Wall Street Journal:


MARCH 31, 2010

Iran Sanctions Are Failing. What’s Next?


What of Israel? The mess of U.S.-Israel relations has ironically only bolstered the fears of Arab governments that the current U.S. administration is a feckless ally. If the U.S. won’t stand by Israel, by whom will it stand? Conversely, our adversaries view both the distancing from Israel and the debacle of Iran policy as evidence of American retreat. All the ingredients of a regional powder keg are in place.

Finally, there is the military option. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu left Washington last week befuddled by Mr. Obama’s intentions on Iran. Should Israel decide to attack Iran, the shock waves will not leave the U.S. unscathed. Of course, Mr. Obama could decide that we must take action. But no one, Iran included, believes he will take action…



…What of Israel? The mess of U.S.-Israel relations has ironically only bolstered the fears of Arab governments that the current U.S. administration is a feckless ally. If the U.S. won’t stand by Israel, by whom will it stand? Conversely, our adversaries view both the distancing from Israel and the debacle of Iran policy as evidence of American retreat. All the ingredients of a regional powder keg are in place.

Finally, there is the military option. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu left Washington last week befuddled by Mr. Obama’s intentions on Iran. Should Israel decide to attack Iran, the shock waves will not leave the U.S. unscathed. Of course, Mr. Obama could decide that we must take action. But no one, Iran included, believes he will take action

Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Federal Entitlements are meant for control and the creation of American Sheeple. Obama would not be attempting this crap if there were a million or two Americans with the courage of those present at the time of the Liberty Bell! WE NEED MILLIONS TO STAND UP!!!


From WeThePeopleUSA:


Decorated Military Officer Invites His Own Ct. Martial

Posted by JeanWTPUSA on March 30, 2010 at 11:30pm


From Family Security Matters:


Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born Citizen

Margaret Hemenway

A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his chain of command and his Congressional delegation to force President Obama

to release his original birth certificate.  He is the highest ranking officer to go public over this controversy and in late February, was notified that he is subject to near-term deployment to Afghanistan…. 


From Connecticut Law Tribune:


Monday, March 29, 2010

A “Confused” Judge?By KAREN LEE TORRE

So, I’m asking. What’s happening with Gerald Walpin’s lawsuit against the Obama administration?

Walpin was the former inspector general overseeing the “Corporation for National and Community Service,” the entity that runs AmeriCorps. His job was to detect and eradicate fraud and waste in the spending of nearly one billion taxpayer dollars. Last June, Walpin was suddenly fired by the Obama administration. …Continue Reading




Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Khalid Sheikh Mohamned May Find Justice – Navy Seal Prosecution – Mario Apuzzo on Radio March 8th – Michele Bachmann on Obama’s Health Care Vote Purchase(?) – Obamanomics, 3 House Republicans Have Limited Government Idea – Larry Sinclair Sets Record Straight -The BOPAC Report

March 5, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Ji’Obama’had –

Teleprompter holds Whitehouse Protocol Classes. Will Obama bow at Larry Sinclair's meet and greet in Florida?

Looks like Obama is bowing to political pressure and will now send Khalid Sheikh Mohamned to the military commission.  Thank goodness NYC will be spared Obama’s political grand standing.

From HotAir:

WaPo: WH to overrule Holder, send 9/11 plotters to military commissions

March 5, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

As Andy Levy said on Twitter a little while ago, the most surprising part of the Washington Post scoop isn’t the decision to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed into the military commission system.  It’s that the White House didn’t wait until Friday night to leak it to the press:

President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

The president’s advisers feel increasingly hemmed in by bipartisan opposition to a federal trial in New York and demands, mainly from Republicans, that Mohammed and his accused co-conspirators remain under military jurisdiction, officials said. While Obama has favored trying some terrorism suspects in civilian courts as a symbol of U.S. commitment to the rule of law, critics have said military tribunals are the appropriate venue for those accused of attacking the United States….Continue Reading

 Obama Navy Seal Prosecution –

Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? It's all part of Obama's script in the tiresome and dangerous play - “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

 Obama’s Polical Correctness Police continue their prosecution of our Navy Seals.  Hang in there guys!

Exclusive: Navy SEAL in Terror Abuse Case Speaks Out

Friday , March 05, 2010

This is a rush transcript from “On the Record,” March 4, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: You will not see this anywhere else, three Navy SEALs accused of abusing a terror suspect who was captured in Iraq in 2009. Now, the terror suspect is accused of plotting the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater contractors. Well, today two Republican congressmen held a press conference defending the Navy SEALs and demanding the charges against them be dropped.

One of the accused Navy SEALs is Petty Officer Matthew McCabe. He is accused of punching the suspect. Earlier, Griff Jenkins talked to Petty Officer McCabe and his lawyer…Continue Reading

From CNS News:

Congressmen Rally Public’s Support to Stop Prosecution of Navy SEALs
Friday, March 05, 2010
By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

Washington ( – Members of Congress – this time armed with more than 100,000 signatures – renewed their call for top Pentagon officials to drop charges against three Navy SEALs for allegedly mistreating an al Qaeda terrorist suspected of killing four Americans in Iraq.

The three SEALs will face trial in April and May.

“They should not be court martialed but hailed as heroes for doing their job,” said Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) at an event outside the Capitol Thursday where two petitions were released. “What kind of message does this send to people who lay their lives on the line every single day?”…Continue Reading


 Natural Born Citizen Radio –


Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

One of my favorite attorneys fighting the good fight for the Constitution will be on the radio next Monday, March 8th!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Atty Mario Apuzzo will be on the Sean & Frank Radio Show, 680 WCBM, of Baltimore MD – Monday, 8 Mar 2010, 8:35 a.m. Segment

Atty Mario Apuzzo will be on the Sean & Frank Radio Show, 680 WCBM, of Baltimore MD – Monday, 8 March 2010 during the 8:35 a.m. segment.  Tune in and listen live Monday morning at: More details later.

Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress

ObamaCare & ChiBama Politics –

Well Maybe Obama's Obamacare will save money? But it will suck to be old!

From firing Inspectors General (Walpin), whose investigations lead to Obama’s cesspool, to the tit-for-tat reward for a Senator’s healthcare vote – it appears Obama’s corruption will never end.

From Hot Air:

Video: Bachmann calls for probe into WH judicial appointment

posted at 1:40 pm on March 4, 2010 by Ed Morrissey
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Via the Right Scoop, based on the rather, er, timely appointment of Scott Matheson to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals at the same time Barack Obama hosted his brother, Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) at the White House to convince him to switch to a yes vote on ObamaCare.  Alan Grayson calls this “weapons of mass distraction” and a “tangent” from the real issue, which is health care.  But as Michele Bachmann says, corruption is never a “tangent”:…Continue Reading and Watch Video

From the Hill Buzz:

American hero Michelle Bachmann calls for investigation into White House over bribery

Posted by hillbuzz

We think, secretly, Michelle Bachmann wears a red, white, and blue supersuit under her business suits, because the woman’s a real-life American hero.  She stands up for the Constitution, in the face of all the Leftists in power now, and loudly tells the lot of them THIS SHALL NOT STAND.

She’s like Wonder Woman, wearing Ann Taylor, elected to Congress, kicking donkey corruptocrat butt big time.

We wish she was triplets…because then we could have one of her in the Senate, and another in the White House as well.

She’s awesome…Continue Reading


I agree completely with the HillBuzz assessment that we need three of Rep. Bachmann!

Obamanomics –

 Finally some sanity coming out of the House of Representatives, it’s about time. Good luck getting this limit on the size of government past Nancy Pelosi. Will Nancy and Obama try one of their own to amend the Constitution to make Obama eligible to serve as President and Commander In Chief?

From the American Spectator:

Amending the Spending

By W. James Antle, III on 3.5.10 @ 6:09AM

This week, a trio of fiscally conservative House Republicans released a document painting a dire picture of the country’s finances. “Over the last five years,” they write, “federal spending has increased from nearly 20 percent as a share of the economy to 24.7 percent as the government’s expenditures increased from $2.47 trillion to $3.52 trillion — a 42 percent increase.”

The congressmen point out that this is the highest level of federal spending as a percentage of the economy since we fought and won World War II. This high spending has been accompanied by an explosion of government borrowing, as the federal budget deficit has ballooned from an already-high $318.3 billion in 2005 to a staggering $1.4 trillion in 2009. The national debt has grown from $7.3 trillion to $11.9 trillion over roughly the same period — “a five-year increase equal to the nation’s entire accumulation of debt from the presidencies of George Washington to Bill Clinton.”

And this will be remembered as a golden era of fiscal responsibility compared to what is to come. As the Baby Boomers retire, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will as presently constitute go bankrupt. The public debt will exceed 110 percent of the economy in 2026 and climb past 200 percent by 2040.

Worse, all these projections assume that Washington does not take on any further unsustainable spending commitments. That means it doesn’t take into account trillion-dollar stimulus packages, health care bills, bailouts, or wars. To keep pace, taxes would have to more than double and the government’s share of the economy would increase by a commensurate amount.

To contend with this looming crisis, Reps. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), and John Campbell (R-Calif.) have proposed a constitutional solution: on Tuesday, they unveiled a Spending Limitation Amendment (SLA) to cap federal spending at 20 percent of the U.S. economy. Yesterday Pence and Hensarling held a conference call making their case. …Continue Reading

 Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Ahmadinejad - One of Many Reasons Why Larry Sinclair's Allegations Matter!

Larry Sinclair continues his straight forward discussion of his past. I saw this at  Wouldn’t be nice if our Representatives in Congress would be as honest as Mr. Sinclair.

Larry Sinclair Set Record Straight.

Obama Selling Judgeships for ObamaCare Votes – Ji’Obama’had – Muslim Woman Refuses Body Scan – Larry Sinclair’s Journey – Inspector General Walpin – WND – Natural Born Citizen – Judicial Corruption – Leo Donofrio’s Lawsuit – The BOPAC Report

March 4, 2010

The BOPAC Report

ObamaCare –

Well Maybe Obama's Obamacare will save money? But it will suck to be old!

When something is born out of corruption, how can Obama expect any support?  Health Care reform is needed but fewer and fewer people believe Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, (fill in the blank) Democrat__________.

Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?

Obama names brother of undecided House Dem to Appeals Court.

BY John McCormack

March 3, 2010 6:15 PM

Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit….Continue Reading

 Michell Malkin is also covering this topic today.

The Chicago Way: Judgeships for Demcare votes?

Ji’Obama’had –


Hillary Urged to Wear Burka When Negotiating With Taliban. Will wearing a Burka get you through the body scanners in Airports?

I knew this was going to happen. Will Obama get Muslim’s a pass like he gives his SEIU cronies?

From Times Online

March 3, 2010

Muslim woman refuses body scan at airport

A Muslim woman was barred from boarding a flight after she refused to undergo a full body scan for religious reasons.

The passenger was passing through security at Manchester Airport when she was selected at random for a full-body scanner.

She was warned that she would be stopped from boarding the plane but she decided to forfeit her ticket to Pakistan rather than submit to the scan. Her female travelling companion also declined to step into the scanner, citing “medical reasons” for her refusal. …Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Will Larry Sinclair have a Quo Warranto action against Obama?

I’m always happy to provide updates regarding Larry Sinclair.

From CitizenWells:

Larry Sinclair for Congress, Obama camp smears and attacks continue, Truth about Sinclair here, Obama thugs, Obama and Sinclair encounter, Birth certificate, Obama eligibility, Corruption ties, College records

March 3, 2010

“The guilty dog barks the loudest”… Citizen Wells mom

Larry Sinclair is running for Congress in Florida District 24. Since going public with his allegations in January 2008 of a drug and sex encounter with Barack Obama in November 1999, Sinclair has been the subject of non stop personal attacks, death threats and fabricated stories meant to discredit him. Methinks many protest too much.

I discovered early in 2008 that the Larry Sinclair story was a much larger story.

1. The initial encounter with Obama in 1999.
2. The Donald Young controversy.
3. The attacks made on Larry Sinclair, those following his story and anyone questioning
the “messiah” Obama.
4. The changing and withholding of internet information and attempts to prevent Larry Sinclair and others from reporting the truth.

When I began asking simple questions about Obama early in 2008 and received orchestrated attacks for doing so, my curiousity was aroused. Within a few months it was apparent that the responses that Larry Sinclair, myself, other bloggers and people like Jon Voight were receiving for questioning Obama werre not just coming from over zealous Obama supporters. Our suspicions were confirmed soon after that when the Obama camp admitted that they employed hundreds of internet warriors. Combined with a bombardment of attacks was an Orwellian effort to rewrite history with wholesale attempts to remove or rewrite internet articles. I constantly referred to the Obama thugs as Orwellian or Nazi Brownshirt in nature. A simple search of this blog will yield many articles on that subject.

Many attempts were made to silence Sinclair. Time after time his websites were shut down, attempts were made to try to stop his speech at the national Press Club and he was arrested on trumped up charges at the conclusion of that speech. The charges came from Delaware Attorney General Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

Twice, Larry Sinclair’s Social Security Disability benefits have been threatened. The last time just a few weeks ago.
The Obama camp believed they could silence Larry Sinclair. They also believed they could silence me and others. They are trying to silence all opposition. Just look at the way they handled the Health care Bill. They operated behind closed doors. This time they weren’t just trying to shut down Larry Sinclair, they were silencing the opposition party and American public. That is why the Larry Sinclair story and Larry Sinclair speaking out is so important. That is why it was so important for me personally, for the past two years, to make sure that the public heard this story.

The Orwellian smear masters are still at it. They have well organized internet thugs going after Sinclair and spreading more vicious lies. I am here to set the record straight. Not just for Larry Sinclair, but for all of us. I would appreciate your help.
Larry Sinclair’s story was the first big revelation about Obama and his past, preceding the extensive corruption ties revealed by the Tony Rezko trial. Larry has continued nonstop to expose Obama for what he is, a narcissist with long time deep crime and corruption ties. So when they attack Sinclair and try to silence him, they are trying to silence the American people.

Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have presented much about Obama and his administration. However, whatever leash they are on has kept them from covering the deepest scandals surrounding Obama.

Larry Sinclair allegations.

Birth Certificate controversy.

Natural born citizen question.

Deeper ties to Blagojevich and Rezko.

Hidden college records.

The Obama camp in cahoots with the MSM has relentlessly worked to keep this information from the American public. That is why we must continue to push to keep this in front of the world. That is why I fight to hold Glenn beck accountable and maintain the truth about Larry Sinclair. Your help, as always, is appreciated and much needed.

Read Article and Comments at CitizenWells Blog

Today, CitizenWells links to Larry Sinclair’s introduction at the recent Meet & Greet.

ChiBama Politics –


Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult!

Congress cannot let the despicable treatment Inspector General Walpin by Obama stand!

Lid blows off Obama’s forgotten scandal

Congressmen pry loose evidence of president’s illegal cronyism

Posted: March 02, 2010

By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

An updated investigation report on the scandal known as “Walpingate” adds fuel to the suspicion that President Obama may have fired Gerald Walpin, an independent inspector general, as an illegal act of political cronyism and revenge.

“Throughout our investigation of Mr. Walpin’s removal, the White House has repeatedly communicated that the president was not motivated by inappropriate political reasons,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., one of the authors of the updated report. “The fact is Gerald Walpin led an aggressive investigation of a political ally of President Obama that successfully recovered taxpayer dollars. While firing an investigator who uncovered the abuse of funds by a political ally might be considered an act of ‘political courage’ in Chicago politics, for most Americans it raises troubling questions.”

As WND reported, the White House fired Walpin shortly after the inspector general exposed sexual misconduct and gross misappropriation of federal funds by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a prominent Barack Obama supporter.

Independent federal inspectors general, however, are supposed to be granted special protection from political interference or retaliation – thanks in part to a law co-sponsored by then-Sen. Barack Obama – to ensure they are free to investigate waste and fraud uninfluenced by political cronyism.

The firing led to an investigation by inspectors general advocate Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa. Their initial 62-page report last November concluded that the administration did not adhere to the law governing inspectors general, that Obama’s defense against charges of political retaliation was “unsupported and unpersuasive” and that the White House “orchestrated an after-the-fact smear campaign to justify” Walpin’s termination.

The report also warned that it was necessarily incomplete because the White House had refused to surrender key documents and information needed to finish the investigation.

What happens when the government doesn’t do what it should? Get “Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws”

But Grassley and Issa persisted, eventually prying loose new documents that reflect only increased reason to suspect the White House isn’t telling the whole truth. …Continue Reading


Natural Born Citizen Issue –

Come on Admadinejad - Confront Obama with his lack of eligibility! Tell him he's not a 'natural born citizen'!

Many attorneys and private citizens have lost faith in the American Judiciary because of their cowardice shown in relation to the scores of legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility.  Leo Donofrio provides more evidence the entire system is corrupt.

Public Docket For Chrysler Bankruptcy Has Been Sabotaged To Conceal The Fraudulent Dealer Rejection Opinion by Judge Gonzalez.

 Last night, Steve Pidgeon and I prepared and filed our “Designation of Contents” for the Appellate record (Docket No. 6523) to be certified to the District Court along with a Motion to Join (Docket No. 6524)  six more former Chrysler dealers (bringing the total to 82 clients).

While preparing the designation, neither of us had the docket number on hand for the June 19, 2009 Dealer Rejection Opinion.  This is the Opinion issued by Judge Gonzalez wherein he perpetrates a fraud on the Court by inserting testimony into the record – by way of  judicial ventriloquism – which does not exist in the record.

Not having the docket number, I went to the public docket for the Chrysler case which is reached by the URL –  The docket and all important documents for the Chrysler bankruptcy and sale are hosted by  Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC.

When you click through to the host site, you also need to locate the “Old Car Co” tab by using the “View All” drop down box.  Then click on “M-O” which will bring you to the following header, “09-50002 | Old Carco LLC (f/k/a Chrysler LLC) (Creditors’ Committee)“.  Click that, accept the terms, and you will gain access to all of the public documents.  The docket is reached by hitting the “Court Documents” button on the left side of the page.  This brings you to a search engine for the docket which contains over 6500 documents.

The docket number for the fraudulent June 19, 2009 Rejection Opinion by Judge Gonzalez is “4145″.  But if you plug that number into the search engine, it now returns a blank entry (see image above).

Furthermore, if you reach the page containing all of the entries for June 19, 2009, you will see that the docket skips from 4144 to 4146, mysteriously ignoring the enigmatic 4145.

Somebody has seen to it that the public no longer has direct access to the fraudulent opinion written by Judge Gonzalez….Continue Reading

Sarah Palin & Climategate – Nebraska Doctor’s Message to Sen. Nelson – Navy Seals Prosecution – Michelle Obama May Get Snagged In Walpin-Gate – Washington Times – The BOPAC Report

December 20, 2009

The BOPAC Report

Climategate – Copenhagen’s Shabby Science – Sarah Palin

Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult! Ask Sen. Nelson does he have a tattoo! It will be a cold day in hell before Gov. Palin gets one.

Writer, Gary P., of The Cypress Times expresses his respect for Gov. Sarah Palin!  I believe that everyone should admire Gov. Palin’s strength and resolve to be who she is and not pretend.  There are only a handful of politicians who even attempt to be genuine.  There are even fewer who could withstand the media’s disgusting vilification campaign being waged against her 24/7 and keep smiling!  Thank you Gov. Sarah Palin!

…”BOOM, taste my nightstick!

Obviously, Sarah has hoisted this entire bunch of nimrods by their own petards. It’s glorious to watch a politician who will actually fight back when these liars in the media and RINOs attack. I certainly wish President George Bush, an honorable and decent man, would have had ½ the spunk this gal from Alaska has. The entire world might be different today. (sigh)”…


Gary P.

Published 12/20/2009 – 8:24 a.m. CST

Palin Takes On Schwarzenegger, too; proves who really has the muscle


Whew! Man, that Sarah Palin sure has started a real firestorm now that she has attacked the Holy Church of Global Warming! It’s one thing to knock ObamaCare on it’s backside, there are only billions of dollars in payoffs and corruption riding on that deal. But the global warming hustle truly is the whole enchilada!

Not billions, but trillions of dollars will change hands. Government control like you’ve never even dreamed of will come to pass. Taxes will flow into incompetent government hands like never before. Energy will “necessarily skyrocket.”

Of course, the real story is all of the money that will be made trading “carbon credits.” Al Gore, the Bernie Madoff of the climate change movement, has made hundreds of millions of dollars already off this scam, and stands to make billions.

As I wrote in an earlier piece, Obama and his friends also stand to make out like bandits if cap and trade laws are enacted. The Chicago Climate Exchange is already up and running, and ready to go when all of these insane laws are enacted. Of course, being Chicago, there is absolutely, positively no corruption going on with this deal. Uh huh. There’s this bridge for sale that you just must see if you believe that one!

Just to bring everyone up to speed. If you remember the failed, disgraced Governor from California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, decided to go off on Sarah for her resent stance on the hoax, the greatest lie ever told. Sarah, in what is her usual style, fired right back with this:

“Greener Than Thou?

“Why is Governor Schwarzenegger pushing for the same sorts of policies in Copenhagen that have helped drive his state into record deficits and unemployment? Perhaps he will recall that I live in our nation’s only Arctic state and that I was among the first governors to create a sub-cabinet to deal specifically with climate change. While I and all Alaskans witness the impacts of changes in weather patterns firsthand, I have repeatedly said that we can’t primarily blame man’s activities for those changes. And while I did look for practical responses to those changes, what I didn’t do was hamstring Alaska’s job creators with burdensome regulations so that I could act “greener than thou” when talking to reporters – Sarah Palin”

BOOM, taste my nightstick!

….Continue Reading


Politicians & Obamaticians –

Obama's "GANGSTER" Government!

No Turds In 2010 - Democrat, Republican, or Independent Turds - Vote For Fiscal Responsibility and Those Who Will Support The Constitution! Note: I'm not calling Obama a Nazi. I'm calling his movement fascist because it constantly seeks to ruin, ridicule, intimidate and/or censor everyone who questions Obama's honesty or his policies. It's crap!

Add Fascism to Politician and you get an Obamatician! Is America talking about you Sen. Nelson?   Most Americans can recognize when a politician has sold his vote (soul)!  I like Ben Nelson and I hope he will redeem himself with a no vote on ObamaCare!  If Democrats are serious about “real” healthcare reform they will start over with Republican imput.

Poll: Americans down on politicians
By: Erika Lovley
December 18, 2009 11:36 PM EST

Americans think politicians are bad do-gooders, according to a new survey by Tiller LLC, an advocacy and marketing consultancy.

While 97 percent of Americans think making the world a better place is at least somewhat important, 79 percent say the increasingly hostility between Republicans and Democrats makes it hard to determine exactly where the country’s good will is headed.

Only 16 percent of the 1,000 people polled in the survey felt that politicians set a good example for their constituents in terms of public service.

When respondents were asked what group’s shows of good will they were most skeptical about, 59 percent cited politicians, while just 9 percent cited leaders or celebrities, and 8 percent cited religious leaders. …Continue Reading

More advice for Sen. Ben Nelson comes from a Doctor in Nebraska!

From Michelle Malkin:

A Nebraska doctor’s message for Ben Nelson

By Michelle Malkin  •  December 20, 2009 08:59 AM

Dr. Becky Hollibaugh of Friend, Nebraska e-mailed me her message for sellout Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) this morning:

Hello Michelle:

I’m a family practice doctor in Nebraska. I sent the following (angry,I admit) letter to Senator Nelson. I urge your readers (from Nebraska and elsewhere) to do likewise, in their own words!

Dear Senator Nelson:

I send this message under “Tort Reform” because the current monstrosity you have pledged your support to says nothing whatsoever about Tort Reform. You have sold the physicians of Nebraska for zilch (zilch for us, but beaucoup federal bucks for you and the liberal partisans in this state). As a family practice physician in Small Town, Nebraska, I was counting on you to be the lone voice of Democratic sanity on this issue, but you sold me out. I will dedicate
every spare minute of my time and every spare dollar I have to defeating you, should you run for re-election….Continue Reading

Navy Seals Prosecution –


Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? Oh yeah I forgot - selling out CIA - terror trial in NYC - I guess it makes sense for Obama. Navy Seals Arraigned on Pearl Harbor Day.


 Light a candle or three for these brave Navy Seals being persecuted by a Chain of Command run amuck by political correctness! Please.

Is this U.S. justice?

Jonathan Gurwitz

Matthew McCabe, Julio Huertas and Jonathan Keefe will not be having a merry Christmas or a happy New Year. The three men are members of the elite Navy SEALs. McCabe and Huertas will go before a court martial next month. Keefe, who has yet to be arraigned, is expected to face military justice soon after.

Their crimes? Though the government has not made details of the case against the SEALs public, McCabe is charged with assaulting a terrorist detainee, which his attorney characterizes as a single punch to the stomach. Huertas and Keefe stand accused along with McCabe of trying to cover up the incident. If found guilty, these highly-skilled warriors could end up behind bars, their careers at an end.

The detainee who alleges McCabe struck him is Ahmed Hashim Abed. You may not recognize his name, but you will probably remember his handiwork in Iraq.

Abed is believed to have led the ambush of a convoy in Fallujah in 2004. Insurgents pulled four Americans — including a former SEAL — working as private military contractors from their vehicles, beat them to death, burned and mutilated their bodies and hung the corpses from a bridge over the Euphrates River.

Since then, Abed has been considered a high-value target by the United States. On Sept. 10, a platoon from SEAL Team 10 finally captured him in a nighttime raid. At some point during the dangerous operation and an exchange of custody with Iraqi officials, the Terror of Fallujah claims he was treated indelicately.

Now, instead of receiving medals for risking their lives to apprehend the murderer of American citizens, these three brave commandos will go on trial. Does this make any sense?….Continue Reading

 ChiBama Politics & Inspector General Walpin –

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics & Obama's attack of Inspector General Walpin!

It’s good to see that the injustice put upon Inspector General Walpin by Obama and his minions is still being fought!

EDITORIAL: Walpin-gate may snag Mrs. ObamaTHE WASHINGTON TIMES

No inspector general can unearth corruption without access to his office, computer or staff. An “administrative leave” putting an IG in that position has the same effect, for all intents and purposes, as an immediate firing. That’s the basic logic behind former Inspector General Gerald Walpin’s lawsuit demanding at least temporary reinstatement to his job as watchdog at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). New revelations about the case from two lawmakers indicate that there is good reason to suspect duplicity from those who helped force Mr. Walpin’s overnight removal in June.

In the past 10 days, two major developments have occurred. First, Obama administration attorneys continued their efforts to deny Mr. Walpin his day in court. On Dec. 7, they filed reply briefs rearguing their demand that the case be dismissed without even a hearing. Second, Rep. Darrell Issa of California and Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, both Republicans, have openly questioned the honesty of CNCS Chairman Alan D. Solomont. Most explosively of all, dirty deeds may have been employed to hide extensive involvement in the affair by the office of first lady Michelle Obama, whom the White House months earlier had announced would play “a central role in the national service agenda.”

Mr. Walpin’s suit claims that President Obama did not abide by the requirement in the Inspector General Act that IGs be given 30 days’ notice before being “removed” from office. Mr. Walpin instead was placed on “paid administrative leave” for 30 days. The new administration brief argues that such “leave” does not constitute “removal.”

Mr. Walpin’s suit explained that the entire reason for the 30-day-notice requirement is to ward off political interference with ongoing investigations. The administrative leave that denied him access to all the tools of his job, he contended, effectively “removed” him just as he was following up on two reports extremely critical of close allies of the Obamas or of Mr. Solomont.

Mr. Solomont appears to have been less than forthcoming about his conversations with the White House in urging Mr. Walpin’s firing. Mr. Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, wrote a scathing letter to Mr. Solomont on Dec. 11. Parts of it are worth quoting at length:

“After Mr. Walpin’s removal, there was speculation in the press that former Chief of Staff to the First Lady Jackie Norris may have influenced the President’s action because she left the White House to become a senior advisor at CNCS around the time of Mr. Walpin’s removal. Accordingly, Committee investigators specifically asked if you discussed any Corporation business, including the issues relating to the Corporation’s Office of Inspector General, with Ms. Norris. You indicated that you did not. … The White House announced on June 4, 2009 that Ms. Norris had been appointed Senior Advisor to the Corporation. … In light of all this, it seems highly implausible that you would meet with Ms. Norris on June 9, 2009 and not discuss the IG,” who was fired the very next day. …Continue Reading

Republicans make new accusations in Walpin firing

By Ed O’Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 19, 2009; A02

Congressional Republicans raised new concerns this week about the Obama administration’s firing of Gerald Walpin, who served as inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service.

GOP lawmakers said White House visitors logs contradict statements made by the former chairman of CNCS, the agency that oversees AmeriCorps.

Continue Reading

Last Minute update regarding Sen. Ben Nelson’s sellout!

Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets. Add Sen. Ben Nelson to the list of those to flush out of the Senate.

From CitizenWells:

Nebraska Rally opposing Senate Healthcare Bill and Ben Nelson’s support , Emergency rally Omaha, Sunday, December 20, 2009, Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Ben Nelson bribed, Harry Reid bribes, Grassroots in Nebraska

December 20, 2009 ·

Just in from Grassroots in Nebraska, Sunday, December 20, 2009.

A message to all members of Grassroots in Nebraska
Please see the information at the bottom of this message regrading a rally in Omaha I was told about last evening.

Our rally is ON for Tuesday.
As most of you well know, Senator Nelson announced today he will vote the health care bill forward.
Senator Nelson did a special live radio show on 1110 KFAB, explaining his rationale. You can listen by CLICKING HERE.


It is clear that Sen. Nelson is doing what he so frequently does on controversial or unpopular bills; he grabs a lot of media attention regarding how he cannot vote for it, threatens to support a filibuster, maneuvers for some special interest group, pet spending projects, and ultimately votes for the bill, claiming how has improved it. Generally, this goes by with little attention from Nebraska media on the end result.
In this case, he did, by all accounts little to no good in regards to protecting life, secured provisions which would benefit insurance companies, and put the rest of America on the hook to fund Nebraska’s Medicaid expenses in perpetuity.

In this case, Senator Nelson “reserved the right” to vote against the final version of the bill should the agreement he reached with Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Chuck Schumer change in a “material way”.
In other words, Senator Nelson can claim he “I voted for it, before I voted against it”.

I do NOT think Nebraskans will be as easily fooled as Senator Nelson hopes. 67% OPPOSE the Health Care Bill.

A vote “YES” for cloture (to move the bill forward) is a “YES” vote for government run health care.
If you can do any of the tasks besides passing the word, please send an email and we will make arrangements, thank you.

* Most importantly – COME to the rally – and grab some friends. DRESS WARMLY. (Yes it will be cold…did the soldiers at Valley Forge go home?)
* Pass the word – let’s get as many people there as possible.
* If you are on Facebook, invite people to the event.
* Print some flyers in quantities of 50 – 100 and distribute them, or give them to someone who will. Please contact me and I will send you a PDF version of the flyer as soon as its available and / or make arrangements for you to give them to someone who is willing to distribute them if you cannot.
* Offer to distribute some flyers. (We will help think of ideas of where / how if needed.)
* Offer to print some handouts for the day of the rally.
* DONATE a few dollars to the “Chip In” that has been set up on the Grassroots in Nebraska home page to pay for some radio and TV ads to get the word out about the rally. Someone has stepped forward to offer some seed money for this effort so if we all add smaller additional amounts, we will be able to get some ads on the air.
* Offer to pass around clipboards on the rally day.
* Offer to figure out some way to do some hot cocoa / hot coffee efficiently at the rally.
* Offer to do some research on the version of the bill (if we ever get to see it!).

We have a sound system, lights, Gary (music), and speakers.
We have flyers nearly complete.
Are working on media efforts.


WHAT: Rally opposing Senate Healthcare Bill and Ben Nelson’s support of it.
WHEN: Sunday, Dec. 20th, 3pm, doors open at 2pm
WHERE: Omaha Music Hall, 17th and Capitol,
WHO: Governor Mike Huckabee
Congressman Terry, Auditor Foley and Sens. McCoy, Fulton, Krist, Price, Lautenbaugh to participate as well.

Visit Grassroots in Nebraska at:

Citizen Wells

Link to emergency petition to Senator Ben Nelson to vote no:

Natural Born Citizen – Obama Does Not Qualify – Climategate – Media Bias – Thank You Navy Seals – The BOPAC Report

November 28, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

The Closer Dr. Orly Taitz Gets to the Truth, the Greater the Spin (Lies) That Will Be Coming Out of White House!

News Regarding Obama’s “Natural Born Citizen” Fraud –

I found this article cited at Dr. Orly Taitz’s blog. Dr. Taitz is the courageous attorney who has had to endure incredible criticism and hatred because of her tireless defense of the Constitution on behalf of American and her citizens.

Did Barack Obama lie about his birth to become President?

By David Jones Last updated at 10:00 PM on 27th November 2009

As a highly regarded young detective, Neil Sankey was once seconded to elite Scotland Yard units hunting down IRA bombers, dangerous anarchists and organised crime barons.

Today, however, almost 30 years after quitting Hampshire constabulary to become a private investigator in California, he is wrestling with an inquiry that is as controversial as it is complex; one that makes that his former police work seem mundane by comparison.

Now aged 64, and semi-retired, Mr Sankey is attempting to prove that Barack Obama is guilty of the most audacious act of fraud in U.S political history, having become President when he was not even eligible to run for office….Continue Reading

And as usual, CitizenWells gets to the heart of the matter:

Obama not eligible, Billboard, Barack Obama not natural born citizen, US Constitution, Father Kenyan British, No birth certificate, MSM, Fox, It’s the Constitution stupid

November 28, 2009


Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified;”

It is not a conspiracy theory. Using the term “birther” in a condescending, Orwellian manner to discredit decent, hard working Americans who believe that the US Constitution is the law of the land, will not be tolerated.

1. Barack Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to prevent revealing his country of birth. Innocent and eligible persons seeking the office of president do not do that.

2. Barack Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British citizen.  “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” was explicitly written to deal with the issue of foreign allegiances at the time of the writing of the US Constitution.

3. Barack Obama’s citizenship and allegiance was further tainted when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

4. Some combination of the above allowed Obama to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel there was restricted to US citizens.

5. The only document presented by the Obama camp is a Hawaii COLB. There has been no substantiation that it is authentic and it does not establish country of birth. As Lou Dobbs stated, “It is a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper.”

6. All other documentation, all school records, that would establish country of birth have been kept hidden and restricted.

7. No authentic documentation has been presented to establish that Barack Obama was born in the US.

8. The records of all hospitals in Hawaii have been searched. There is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child.

9. Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother in Kenya has stated on multiple occasions that she was present at Obama’s birth in Mombasa.

10. Others have stated, including multiple family members, officials and press, that Obama was born in Kenya.

This has been presented in a manner that a fifth grader can understand. However, if you have any questions, please contact me on this blog.

Failure to learn more about and understand this critical issue and take appropriate measures can only be construed as apathy,  ignorance or having an un American agenda. This includes the Mainstream Media and the Fox network.

To discover for yourself, to judge for yourself, to acquit ignorance – visit:

And a Happy Thanksgiving update from Philip Berg:

Happy Thanksgiving & Status 3 Cases Obama “not” eligible & Rev. Manning: Berg to represent‏

For Immediate Release:  – 11/26/09

For Further Information Contact:

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell               (610) 662-3005         (610) 662-3005
              (610) 825-3134         (610) 825-3134
              (800) 993-PHIL         (800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659 & Philip J. Berg, Esq.
wish everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving”
and advises the status of his efforts
to expose Obama “not” Constitutionally
qualified to be President
and his representation of Reverend Manning

(Philadelphia, PA – 11/26/09) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama on 08/21/08 challenging Obama’s lack of Constitutional “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States is determined to “legally” remove Obama from office, today sent a message to all his supporters wishing everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving” and advised of the status of his efforts to expose Obama “not” Constitutionally qualified to be President.

Below is an update on Philip J. Berg’s Active Cases:

Berg v. Obama, et al

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 08-cv-04083

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Case No. 08-4340

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals just affirmed the lower Court.  What this means is that the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit upheld Judge Surrick’s ruling that Berg, and no one, has “Standing” to challenge “our” U.S. Constitution.  We are considering our options for a re-hearing or Court En Banc before appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Berg as Relator v. Obama

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Ca No. 08-cv-1933

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Case No. 09-5362

This case is currently before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.  We have just filed our initial Appellant documents.

Hollister v. Soetoro, et al

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia,  Case No. 08-cv-02254

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Case No. 09-5080 consolidated with 09-5161

This Case is currently in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

On November 24, 2009, Lawrence J. Joyce, Esquire on behalf of himself as Amicus and Counsel for Amicus Philip J. Berg, Esquire filed a Motion seeking Leave of Court to file a Brief Amicus Curiae.  What this means is Mr. Joyce and Mr. Berg are seeking the Court’s permission to file their Brief Amicus Curiae in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.  In addition, Mr. Joyce and Mr. Berg also filed their Brief Amicus Curiae.

* * Notice – FYI – Reverend James Manning was intimidated recently by a visit to his home by the CIA, Homeland Security and New York Police regarding statements that Reverend Manning made which law enforcement incorrectly interpreted as threats.  Philip J. Berg, Esquire has announced that he will represent Reverend Manning, should the need arise.

For details of cases and more information, go to:

Climategate – The Media Bias

Climategate! Obama's Climate Data Collection Team Collecting Data for UN!

Anyone following the “natural born citizen” issue, the Larry Sinclair issue, the ACORN issue, the Inspector General Walpin issue, the Navy Seals “assault” issue, Ft. Hood terror attack issue, the fill in the blank _____________ issue would expect nothing more from the mainstream media regarding the Climategate issue. 


Climategate: The Ice Begins to Melt on MSM’s Refusal to Practice Journalism

Saturday, November 28, 2009, 12:20 PM

Wesley J. Smith

Sigh. Here we go again–maybe. When certain facts or developments in a story don’t support the line of reportage the MSM wants to pursue, too often, they simply resort to non journalism by omission, perhaps in the hope that their non coverage will make it go away.

It appears that Climategate may be the next big story receive the old MSM general cold shoulder. 

 From a story in today’s AP, byline Arthur Max:

The U.S. and China have yet to address the critical issue of how to raise the hundreds of billions of dollars needed annually to rescue poor countries from storms, floods and drought that are expected to become more severe as greenhouse gases worsenScientists say the industrial countries must slash carbon emissions by 25 to 40 percent by 2020 below 1990 to prevent the Earth from adding two degrees Centigrade (3.6F), the maximum considered safe. In addition, developing countries need to lower their emissions growth by 15 to 30 percent from business as usual, according to the authoritative U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

None of this is settled science, as one would think reading the story in a vacuum. Indeed, all knowledgeable climate scientists do not say that we must “slash carbon [dioxide] emissions by that amount, as the term “scientists say,” implies.  Accuracy requires the story to say, “some scientists,” or perhaps even, “many scientists,say…”  And thanks to Climategate, the IPPC is not so authoritative anymore (if it ever really was). Indeed, Climategate has called the entire field into significant question generally, and the IPCC opinion specifically. Until the matter is fully investigated–not a quick hearing and a shove under the proverbial rug–climate change hysteria will remain under a cloud that all the media wishful thinking and malpractice will not disperse.

There was a time when the media prided itself on being a skeptical counter weight to the Establishment. Now, they consider themselves part of the Establishment.  The entire field would be better off if reporters started practicing real journalism again….Continue Reading

Stand by Our Navy Seals –

Unknow Soldiers! Navy Seal gate!

I just want to give my thanks to and support for America’s Navy Seals.  These are the toughest GREAT GUYS in America.  When I served in the Navy (In-flight Tech P-3 A & B’s), I had the opportunity to watch Navy Seals train from time to time and all I can say is WOW! America has no idea how privileged she is to have Navy Seals in her service.  Too bad Obama doesn’t appreciate them. Aiding and abetting terrorists & prosecuting Seals and the CIA is ass backwards!

I also want to thank every active duty soldier, reservist, veteran, law enforcement officer, and firefighter who fully understands and honors the concept of duty.

George Bush and Obama are Different – HillBuzz – Man Who Despises America – Spectator – Inspector General Walpin Wins – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

November 12, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

ChiBama Politics and America –

Obama's "GANGSTER" Government!

No Turds In 2010 - Democrat, Republican, or Independent Turds - Vote For Fiscal Responsibility and Those Who Will Support The Constitution! Note: I'm not calling Obama a Nazi. I'm calling his movement fascist because it constantly seeks to ruin, ridicule, intimidate and/or censor everyone who questions Obama's honesty or his policies. It's crap!

 On Veteran’s Day, The American Spectator ran an article that every man and woman in the military needs to read.  This article is also a keeper because it summarizes much of what has not been adequately reported in the media.

The Man Who Despises America

By Mark Hyman on 11.11.09 @ 6:09AM

The very next paragraph is going to make the nut jobs on the far left excitable beyond belief. I am not referring to all Democrats or even a majority of liberals. I am singling out the “they’ve-lost-all-touch-with-reality” crowd. This includes Media Matters for America led by the admitted hit-and-run, drunk-driving serial liar. The group includes the unshaven, bathrobe-clad unemployed who live in their mother’s basement and are devout followers of MoveOn.Org. It is also the bitter, aging spinster working at the New York Times, the morbidly obese documentary film maker, and cable TV news’ resident drama queen who hosts MSNBC’s Countdown. They are about to simultaneously suffer from brain aneurisms. So without further delay, I’ll say it.

Barack Obama despises America.

When people who voted for Obama in 2008 — including registered Democrats — start speaking in normal conversational voices at dinner parties, neighborhood gatherings and PTA meetings that the over-inflated ego from Chicago has it “in for America,” then it’s clear most reasonable people have reached the same conclusion.

The central conviction of Obama’s ideology is that America is guilty of limitless moral failures and is the chief architect of the world’s ills. Obama has boundless enmity for America, its key institutions, and its longtime allies. Consider these facts.

The 30-years of Obama’s post-adolescent life are radical by any measure. First, he grew up listening to the ramblings of committed Communist Frank Marshall Davis. It had such a profound effect on him that he wrote fondly of Davis in his first book. In fact, that book is replete with statement after statement about how the U.S. is deeply flawed. Most Americans believe in American exceptionalism. Not so with Obama.

Patriotic Americans would not have listened to the bigoted, anti-Semitic, hate-America rants of a fringe religious leader for 20 seconds let alone for 20 years. Yet, Obama who admitted he attended services at Trinity United Church at least twice a month for two decades called Jeremiah Wright his mentor and his moral sounding board.

Nor would most Americans cultivate a close friendship with an admitted domestic terrorist and his wife whose most notable life’s accomplishments were to set off bombs that killed and maimed innocent people.

Joining Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright in organizing attendance at Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington is beyond imaginable. Especially after Farrakhan demonstrated public support for Colonel Muammar Qaddafi during the Libyan Leader’s most bellicose years against the U.S., which included Libyan complicity in numerous terrorist attacks.

Obama’s view of America in national security and foreign affairs is profoundly disappointing to say the least.

Americans overwhelmingly view the men and women who saved Europe and the Far East during World War II as comprising the Greatest Generation. By his comments and actions, President Obama obviously thinks otherwise.

Obama did not honor American greatness on the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift while on his first European trip. Instead, he accused “America [of having] shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive” toward its European allies.

He also denigrated the accomplishments of the American G.I. during World War II in the Pacific theater when he offered a thinly veiled apology for the U.S. having dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those acts brought the war to a swift conclusion, perhaps saving hundreds of thousands of lives when it appeared Japan was prepared to wage an island-by-island battle to the last man.

Obama ordered the release of the so-called CIA “torture memos,” seriously damaging delicate intelligence relations with allied nations and placing at grave risk the safety of U.S. intelligence officers working overseas. The impact of his action handcuffs the ability of U.S. intelligence officials to protect the U.S. and American interests from acts of terrorism.

In a matter of weeks last spring, Obama gave deference to a variety of belligerent leaders while stiff-arming longtime American allies. First, he called for closer relations with Cuba while ignoring that nation’s long list of continuing human rights abuses. Then he warmly welcomed Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez at an Organization of American States summit.

Next, he failed to respond and set the record straight after Nicaragua’s Communist leader Daniel Ortega listed alleged U.S. crimes and atrocities during a nearly one-hour rant at the OAS meeting. It is unsettling that in his own remarks Obama incorrectly claimed the OAS has 36 members rather than the actual 34. Ortega and the hemisphere’s other Socialist leaders claim the OAS would include 36 members if Cuba and an independent Puerto Rico were allowed to join. Mere coincidence or Freudian slip?

Immediately following the OAS embarrassments, Obama ignored a request from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet. Obama would repeat this snub six months later before agreeing at the last moment to meet Netanyahu after the Israeli leader was en route the U.S. ….….Continue Reading

Anti-ChiBama Politics  –


We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics

 Remember Obama’s unjust treatment of Inspector General Gerald Walpin?  Well CitizenWells is reporting some great news. Inspector General Walpin is vindicated!

Gerald Walpin, Inspector General, Obama administration fired, Obama ally Kevin Johnson fraud, Sacramento Mayor, Walpin filed suit in federal court, Walpin cleared in probe

November 11, 2009 ·

From the Hot Air blog, November 11, 2009.

“Walpin vindicated, will demand job back”

“In June, the White House fired Gerald Walpin as Inspector-General of the Corporation for National and Community Service after he objected to an unusually-favorable settlement of fraud charges against a Barack Obama ally in Sacramento.  The Obama administration insisted that Walpin got fired for instability and strongly hinted that Walpin was senile, but a series of actions against IGs seemed to show that Obama had decided to attack their independence.  Yesterday, the IGs struck back by clearing Walpin of the White House’s allegations through their professional board, and now Walpin wants his job back:”…Continue Reading

 Clinton Supporters Revisit Bush –


Obamanomics, ObamaCare, ChiBama Politics - All Leading to Socialist America!

I was delighted to see the folks at HillBuzz take a second look back President Bush.

From Atlas Shrugs –

Pigs Flying Moment

Yes pigs fly this day, Veterans day, how appropriate. hat tip Kat

Here’s what Atlas Shrugs is referring to:

Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush

Posted by hillbuzz

We know absolutely no one in Bush family circles and have never met former President George W. Bush or his wife Laura.

If you have been reading us for any length of time, you know that we used to make fun of “Dubya” nearly every day…parroting the same comedic bits we heard in our Democrat circles, where Bush is still, to this day, lampooned as a chimp, a bumbling idiot, and a poor, clumsy public speaker.

Oh, how we RAILED against Bush in 2000…and how we RAILED against the surge in support Bush received post-9/11 when he went to Ground Zero and stood there with his bullhorn in the ruins on that hideous day.

We were convinced that ANYONE who was president would have done what Bush did, and would have set that right tone of leadership in the wake of that disaster.  President Gore, President Perot, President Nader, you name it.  ANYONE, we assumed, would have filled that role perfectly.

Well, we told you before how much the current president, Dr. Utopia, made us realize just how wrong we were about Bush.  We shudder to think what Dr. Utopia would have done post-9/11.  He would have not gone there with a bullhorn and struck that right tone.  More likely than not, he would have been his usual fey, apologetic self and waxed professorially about how evil America is and how justified Muslims are for attacking us, with a sidebar on how good the attacks were because they would humble us.

Honestly, we don’t think President Gore would have been much better that day.  The world needed George W. Bush, his bullhorn, and his indominable spirit that day…and we will forever be grateful to this man for that.

As we will always be grateful for what George and Laura Bush did this week, with no media attention, when they very quietly went to Ft. Hood and met personally with the families of the victims of this terrorist attack.


The Bushes went and met privately with these families for HOURS, hugging them, holding them, comforting them….Continue Reading

Media Mischief, the Obama Eligibility Issue and the “Dispositive Fact” – The BOPAC Report

July 25, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

Article About Eligibility Issue –

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics

Media Mischief, the Obama Eligibility Issue and the “Dispositive Fact”

Last week, the media was forced into reporting on the Obama birth-certificate/eligibility issue.  It had little choice because respected CNN Journalist Lou Dobbs had the audacity to suggest that Obama should produce his long-form birth certificate to put to rest the doubts of millions of Americans who believe Obama is not constitutionally eligible to serve as President.  Immediately and predictably, much of the reporting from the main stream media was in the form of vicious attacks, seeking to discredit Mr. Dobbs and others looking for clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Obama is or is not a “Natural Born Citizen” entitling him to serve as President of the United States.  Left-wing bloggers and those in the media who have been carry Obama’s water this past year circled the wagons, and calls that Lou Dobbs be fired rang out. I have to salute Lou Dobbs for his courage and sense of ethical responsibility in addressing this issue at all. Of all the CNN commentators, Lou Dobbs is the one who consistently tries to be fair to all sides.

Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times reported that “CNN/U.S. President Jon Klein told staffers at the cable news network Thursday night that the supposed controversy regarding the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate is a “dead” story.”  The article went on to report:

…The website TVNewser reported today that Klein sent an e-mail to staffers of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” just as the program went to air, informing them that CNN researchers had determined that Hawaiian officials discarded all paper documents in 2001. A long-form birth certificate with details about the doctor who delivered Obama no longer exists, they reported. The shorter Certificate of Live Birth noting Obama’s birth on Aug. 4, 1961, that has been made public is the official record.

“It seems to definitively answer the question,” Klein wrote, according to TVNewser. “Since the show’s mission is for Lou to be the explainer and enlightener, he should be sure to cite this during your segment tonite. And then it seems this story is dead — because anyone who still is not convinced doesn’t really have a legitimate beef.”…

Whether or not the assertion that Obama’s long form birth certificate has been destroyed is true, the action by Mr. Klein was clearly intended to get Lou Dobbs to stop rocking the boat and move on.

It seems to me that if the facts are as Mr. Klein says, serious reporters and investigators would be turning over every stone to try to find the truth.  Serious reporters would be going to Kenya; talking to administrators, faculty, and students at all the colleges Obama attended to discover if he talked about his birthplace, applied/registered as a foreign student or received aid as a foreign student; they’d be looking at his past travel and what passports he carried; and they would be seeking the information provided on Obama’s Illinois Bar Application.  One would think that an innocent person sitting in the Oval Office would quickly provide all information necessary to put to bed this troubling “eligibility issue”. Obama has not. (George Bush or Bill Clinton would have, I’m sure.) In fact, Obama has spend hundreds of thousands of dollars (some say 1 to 2 million) trying to keep the past hidden. Thank you, Lou Dobbs, for having the courage to ask the simple question – Where’s the Birth Certificate?

I seriously long for the good old days, when if a reporter or CNN President said something, there was a better than 50% chance it was true.  Unfortunately, regarding the “birth certificate issue” most reporters today are intentionally misstating the facts.  In many of today’s news stories, the headline or body of the story will say something like “birthers don’t believe Obama is a Citizen” or “of course Obama is a Citizen” or “Lou Dobbs believes Obama is a Citizen”.  Such statements are intentionally misleading and are included to portray those asking questions as ridiculous tin-foil hat wearing fools. As Mr. Dobbs has quickly learned, there is a price to be paid for asking questions that might impugn the Obama narrative. (Larry Sinclair was certainly taught this lesson.)

It seems the media is reading from the same playbook. They have somehow decided that if they can blur the meanings of terms “Citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen”, the general public will not look deeply into the issue because the answer is so obvious, and it will go away.  I guess they hope that any time the issue comes up in conversation there will be a knee jerk reaction causing someone to say: That’s stupid, of course Obama is a Citizen, only a fool would think such a thing.

Ridicule is effective, but it won’t deter those who have seriously looked at the allegations and the “common sense” circumstances that compel further inquiry.  Why has Obama not provided his school records, Illinois bar application, long-form birth certificate, passport information, etc., if he doesn’t have anything to hide?  Why has he spent such enormous sums of money on lawyers to keep these documents hidden?  Common sense says there’s something here.  Common sense also says that if these allegations are true, this would be biggest fraud perpetrated against America in her history. Too far fetched?  Did you see the news about authorities arrest 44 in N.J. corruption case (2 lawmakers, 3 mayors, and rabbis accused)? (Mostly, Democrats as far as I can tell.)

The media playbook conveys the understanding that it’s important to blur the definitions of Citizen and Natural Born Citizen because it goes to heart of the matter, the legal and common sense notions of “dispositive facts”.  If this is true, then everything else is false or doesn’t matter. Period! Then anyone who raises such questions is a fool. Obama is a Citizen and of course he is eligible is what the media wants people to believe.  This is pure media mischief, dishonesty, and treachery through and through.

Here’s what people need to know. Even accepting as “fact” that Obama is a Citizen of the United States, it is not a “dispositive fact” that would determine the outcome of the “eligibility issue”.  There are many ways to become an American “Citizen”.  How one acquires “Natural Born Citizen” status is determined solely by the Constitution of the United States.  “Citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen” are NOT synonymous terms. It is the Law (Constitutionally required) that every person holding the Office of President must meet the “Natural Born Citizen” test, which was meant to provide an added measure of presumed allegiance to the United States and her Constitution.  (For example: We would not want an arsonist to be able to become a fireman. If a person does not have a clean record regarding arson, he or she should not be allowed to be a fireman.  It’s not a guarantee that a fireman with no criminal record of arson is not an arsonist, but it’s a step that gives an added measure security.) As Obama says, “let me be clear”, one can be a Citizen and NOT be a “Natural Born Citizen.”

The flip side of this coin – if Obama is found not to be a “Natural Born Citizen”, it would be the “dispositive fact” that would determine the outcome of the “eligibility issue”. Obama could not be President.

So, which type of “Citizen” is Obama?  Real reporters would be turning over heaven and earth to find out.  The American reporters are turning over heaven and earth to cover it up.

Dispositive Fact – Jural facts, or those acts or events that create, modify or extinguish jural relations. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition

Is Obama a “Natural Born Citizen”? It is the one question that must be answered.

There is no middle ground. If Obama cannot serve as Office of the President of the United States, then all appointments (Holder, Sotomayor, Czars, etc.) made by Obama are invalid; as well as any laws, acts or treaties entered into.  If Obama cannot lawfully hold the Office of the President of the United States, all “orders” issued to the United States Military are “unlawful orders”.  This last point is why I am so thankful that it appears that Dr. Orly Taitz’s eligibility case will be heard on the merits. Every soldier has a legal responsibility to  follow only orders that are “lawful”.  Given that burden, every soldier must have a right to be certain of Obama’s authority.

When I look at what Obama has done, is doing and/or proposing regarding Obamanomics, ObamaCare, taking over the auto industry, taking over banks, corrupting Inspector Generals’ independence, the unwillingness to audit the Fed., his unjust treatment of Inspector General Walpin, his lack of transparency, his appointment of an army of Czars circumventing Congress, his appoint to the Supreme Court, his appointment to head Science,  Gitmo, abortion, eugenics, trans-nationalist ideologies, trampling on State’s rights guaranteed under the 10th Amendment, his assault on the Second Amendment, Homeland Security looking at returning Veterans as Terrorists, ACORN, national security, the Census, his treatment of the Cambridge police, and Cap & Tax; it sure looks to me like an arsonist trying to burn up the Constitution of the United States and replace it with some sort of Socialist manifesto.

If Obama is going to cause the destruction of America and Israel, I at least want to know that he was constitutionally empowered as a “Natural Born Citizen” serving as President of the United States to destroy us.  I hate to think all this could have been prevented by some state official somewhere doing their job and asking to see proof that Obama was eligible to run for office. That never happened.