Posts Tagged ‘Handout Herd’

Black Panther Case May Lead to White House – Bigoted NAACP – HillBuzz – LTC Allen West Responds – Atlas Shrugs – The BOPAC Report

July 14, 2010

The BOPAC Report

First – I’ve been busy for the past few weeks with some personal business so my posts have been scant.  I hope to gear up for a push just prior to 2010 elections.  I’ve included a list of a few sites that I try to visit to keep up with what the State Run Media is not telling us. 

The Secret Life of O –

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

Maybe this should be under the ChiBama Politics header but everything involved with the BOPAC Administration is part of the Secret Life of O.

Trail of Dropped Black Panther Case May Lead to White House

By Bob Ellis on July 13th, 2010

I know you’ll be shocked, but new evidence seems to indicate the order to dismiss the already-won case against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Pennsylvania in 2008 may have come from the White House itself.

In case you somehow managed to miss this incident amidst the wall-to-wall, nonstop media coverage (sarcasm alert, sarcasm alert), on Election Day in 2008, Black Panthers stationed themselves in front of the doors of voting locations in Philadelphia, and in at least one case, a Panther wielded a night stick.  There were also allegations of verbal intimidation by the Panthers, with one allegedly telling a white person they would soon know what it was like to be “ruled by the black man.”

Yet this clear case of voter intimidation was suddenly shot down by the powers that be in the Department of “Justice.”

It should always seem odd when a case that is practically won and is ready to go to the sentencing phase is suddenly dropped–especially when the players all have political connections to one another.

The players, other than the Black Panthers themselves, are Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli (a political appointee who raised about $500,000 for Obama), hite House Deputy Counsel Cassandra Butts and President Barack Obama.

The video below gives the following timeline:

Continue Reading


ChiBama Politics –

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's sights.

Every Conservative, Tea Party Activist, Republican, Talk Radio personality and Democrat who is an Obama kool-aid survivor had better gird their loins because Obama’s attacks are going to get much worse. 

This is wonderful: Tea Party condemns bigoted NAACP

Posted by hillbuzz

The NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and similar organizations are the most bigoted and racist groups in this country.

They get a pass on everything they do from the American Media, because Liberals treat black people like pets — they use them whenever they need convenient agitators and props to scream and yell about something on television, or as set dressing for any event they want to look “diverse”, but other than that ignore completely.  The Left has no desire in helping black people advance, assimilate into the business and professional class, and move out of rundown urban areas.  The NAACP and CBC have no interest in any of this either.  They like black people right where they are, as poor and dependent on the state as they are, because that means they have to keep voting Democrat in lockstep to keep being fed, clothed, and housed by the state.  Like pets.

We think the Race Industry in this country has gone too far, but hasn’t realized it yet.

The breaking point seems to be shaking out as the false claims of RAAACISM!…Continue Reading

Surprise – It passed!  Maybe NAACP now means the National Association Advancing Cesspool Politics!

If the NAACP wants to see the racism of the Tea Party, they have to look no further than Lt. Col. Allen West. He is one of their ‘Rock Stars’ (mine too).  His condemnation says it all.

From Atlas Shrugs:

Real Leadership is Color Blind: Lt Colonel Allen West on NAACP Race Baiting

Statement Condemning the NAACP Resolution by LTC Allen West (USA, Ret.)

“The NAACP has missed the target. Their target should not be the Tea Party, but instead the larger issues facing the Black community: astronomical unemployment rates (15.5%) and the breakdown of the Black family, which result in higher drop-out rates, disproportionate incarceration rates and teen pregnancy rates (12.6%). These issues should be the focus of increased scrutiny by the NAACP.

This NAACP Resolution is consistent with the Obama administration tactic of demonizing and blaming someone else for your own failures and shortcomings, and not take responsibility and accountability.”


Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey –


I'm Sure There Are Many Soldiers Living This Nightmare. It's Time For The Joint Chiefs of Staff to Step To The Plate and Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin! Don't Be Military Sheep.

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Alan Keyes is Loyal to Liberty

American Spectator

American Thinker


Before Its News

Canada Free Press


Court Martial Trial Practice – Lt. Col. Lakin

Devvy’s Project

Dr. Kate’s Review

Drudge Report

Earthquakes USGS

Fellowship of Minds

Free Republic Breaking News

Freedom Radio 570

Give Us Liberty



Greg Goss’s Blog


Hill Buzz

Hot Air

Israel Insider

Jefferson’s Rebels

Judicial Watch

Lame Cherry

Larry Sinclair’s Forum

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

New Ad – Kenya My Country, Tussker My Beer – The Elephant in the Oval Office No One Wants to Talk About – Wash Times Natl Wkly 2010-07-12 – pg 5

Michelle Malkin

Military Times

National Enquirer

National Hurricane Center

National Review

Natural Born Citizen

No Quarter

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.


Prison Planet

Radio Time WMAL 630

Rasmussen Reports

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

Stock Market – WSJ

Talk Wisdom

Telegraph UK

Texas Darlin

The American Spectator

The Conservative Monster 

The FOX Nation

The Jag Hunter

The Post Email

The Real Barack Obama

The Right Side of Life

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

Washington Times

World Net Daily

Hawaii Elections Clerk, Tim Adams, Hits YouTube – Larry Sinclair’s Journey – Ji’Obama’had – Israel – Hill Buzz – Birth Certificate Info – ObamaReleaseYourRecords – The BOPAC Report

June 12, 2010

The BOPAC Report 

The Secret Life of O –


The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

If you have the time, the following is one article about Obama’s birth certificate that is worth visiting.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Clear, concise, and clever, “It’s the conspiracy, Stupid!” GAME OVER OBAMA & GANG!

ObamaRelease YourRecords
Dr. Polland’s new report regarding, Politifact, Hawaii DoH, and Obama’s Organizing for America. 

by Dr. Polland and some; Clear, concise, and clever, “It’s the conspiracy, Stupid!” takes you behind the scenes of the greatest birth certificate fraud in history and exposes the four groups who collaborated in hiding Obama’s real birth certificate passing off a fake one instead to deceive and defraud the American public. The whole point of calling it a “wacky conspiracy theory” is to prevent people from finding out what’s really going on. It is no different than the guilty saying they are innocent. For the first time anywhere, here are the facts and evidence gathered during my two year investigation that clearly explains the rationale for doing it, the propaganda they used to pull it off, and the campaign they have mounted to discredit conservatives.

The first video below is Dr. Pollands’ new video report. It’s a must see video!  Previous reports on Dr. Polland can be seen here and here.  Birth Certificate fraud is nothing new in America….Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

Just want to let you know, many support your tenacity to have your story told.  Where’s the media? AWOL as usual!

 From Larry Sinclair:

Dan Parisi & Patton Boggs, LLP Have Filed Suit : Let the Ride and Discovery Begin

Today, June 7, 2010 @ 7:55 PM I was served “Summons in a Civil Action” filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, “Daniel Parisis, et al, v Lawrence W. Sinclair, et al. Case number 1:10-cv-0897-RJL (the RJL being District Judge Richard J. Leon (left) who the case was assigned to.

The claims by Parisi in this action are laughable in that he claims he has been slandered by my writing in Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? that he was an “internet porn merchant and pornographer.”  

For any DC Law Firm to attempt to argue Parisi is not a pornographer is laughable. After reading the complaint I can say with confidence Patton Boggs will NOT prevail and I am making it clear here and now that we will counter sue Parisi and demand all phone, financial, email, web site comments, posts etc for Parisi, Axelrod, Obama for America, Barack Obama, Edward Gelb, and so much more…Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –

Over the past several months I have grown to have much respect for the folks at Hill Buzz. They certainly get it when it comes to Israel!

You do realize, in the end, that Israel’s going to win, right?

Posted by hillbuzz

“President” Obama continues to attack Israel, more and more each day, now throwing his lot in with the rogue’s gallery of antisemites that constitutes the United Nations, demanding an investigation into Israel for daring to defend itself against the importation of weapons into its country by Muslim nations hellbent on its destruction.

We can’t help but think back to something Sr. Therese Marie said in AP history class over fifteen years ago now, when we were learning about all the wars Muslims have waged against Israel, and marveling at Israel’s resilience and awesome ability to kick Islam’s sorry ass nine ways to Sunday. When pressed by a student on whether Israel would always win these fights, or if one day Muslims would succeed in destroying her, Sr. Therese Marie said, without pause or equivocation, “No, Israel will win.  The Israelis will always win.  They are the side of good up against evil, and evil won’t win at the end of the day”.

We truly do believe this.

We also think a major war is coming that will pit the Muslim world against Israel, perhaps led by Iran, and in the end the Ayatollahs will deeply regret instigating this, as we don’t believe Israel will allow the Islamic Republic of Crazy to exist when the dust settles.  Israel will do to Iran what the US should have done years ago, and usher in a regime change.  If there’s any luck in the world, Israel will do …Continue Reading

Also related:

From The Times

June 12, 2010

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

Natural Born Citizen Issue –

More evidence that in today’s world ‘free press’ means that it is only free to follow Obama’s narative.


Hawaii elections clerk hits YouTube

Features WND story exposing allegations Obama birth certificate doesn’t exist

Posted: June 12, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A WND report on a former Hawaii elections clerk’s claim that President Obama was not born in the state has hit YouTube:

The video was produced and posted by Carl Gallups, a Christian pastor in Milton, Fla., who has posted dozens of videos on the Web, including others highlighting questions about Obama.

Gallups notes that YouTube has frozen its view counter at 301 views, and thinks the Google-owned company has done this to prevent the video from being promoted to its featured video section.

“Every time we put up a film that has something to do with Obama, they freeze the counter on us,” he said. “And they won’t respond to any of my e-mails [asking for an explanation].”

Gallups also noted his local congressman, Republican Jeff Miller, has steadfastly refused to look into the matter of Obama’s constitutional eligibility for office.

“Our congressmen are terrified,” Gallups said. “Congressmen don’t want to touch it.”…Continue Reading

You may also notice that Google has been ignoring this site for several weeks now.  It really is like Hannity says – ‘Journalism’ is dead in America.

Brothers and Sisters in the Military – When are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

If your Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the military oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

And the following is an Albert Einstein quote that I picked up from CitizenWells’ site:

The (American) press, which is mostly controlled by vested
interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.

Other News:

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Before Its News;_There_Is_NO_BIRTH_CERTIFICATE_for_OBAMA.html


FTC aka Big Brother, FTC to control internet?, FTC to help and control media?, 1984, Open thread, June 12, 2010


SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

Larry Sinclair Met With Film Maker – Hill Buzz on Andrea Shea King Show – Rahm Emanuel – Sestak Ethics – Glenn Beck – Rev. Manning – The BOPAC Report

May 27, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –


Harry Potter's Mirror of Erised is in Obama Oval Office! Does Obama see Larry Sincliar and Kal Penn in there?

….It has been said repeatedly, “truth will prevail,” and “I am confident in the end I will be vindicated!”

Yes he will!

An interesting post from Larry Sinclair:

First we have investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, (who in June 2008, believed I was part of some republican smear group)reporting on May 24, 2010 “The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair…” May 24, 2010 — SPECIAL REPORT. Obama and Emanuel: members of same gay bath house club in Chicago;

Second we have me meeting with film maker T. Patrick Murray (The Last Game) yesterday and today to set a filming schedule for a documentary on the Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder story. The film is to be complete by September;

and finally,

a conservative radio talk show will report the story this week as well.

It has been said repeatedly, “truth will prevail,” and “I am confident in the end I will be vindicated!”


Speaking of Larry Sinclair, the good folks over at Hill Buzz have an announcement up today that may interest many – especially, in light of one of their recent articles.

HillBuzz on the Andrea Shea King Show — Tonight, 5/26/10 at 8pm CST, 9pm EST

We’re doing a guest segment on The Andrea Shea King Show tonight — one of our absolute favorite radio programs to be on.

It’s going to be fun, because we don’t have anything planned to talk about per se, but King’s going to do what she always does — and start up an interesting political conversation no doubt….Continue Reading

Ji’Obama’had –

Chicago, New Jersey or D. C. - Politics is the same in Obama's World!

Dog Training at the White House - If Rahm doesn't stand up to Obama, he must agree with him about Israel.

Well I wonder why this could be?  Maybe it’s true.

Far-rightists greet Rahm Emanuel in Jerusalem with cries of ‘anti-Semite’

White House chief of staff has been in Israel all week to celebrate his son’s bar-mitzvah.

By Yair Ettinger and Haaretz Service

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and his family were touring the Old City of Jerusalem on Thursday for a celebratory tour to mark his son’s bar mitzvah. The family, surrounded by heavy security, was met during the visit by a crowd of angry far-rightists who accused him of being an “anti-Semite” and “hating Israel”…..

…..Emmanuel, said to be the model for the Josh Lyman character in the successful “West Wing” television series, is believed by many in Israel to be the architect of President Obama’s tougher stance toward Israel. Read Article

ChiBama Politics –

Does Sestak have the same ethical values as Obama and Pelosi? He needs to come clean!

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee “urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak’s claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter.”

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina,  John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.”

Rep. Sestak, D-Penn., who defeated Specter in the primary last week, told Comcast’s Larry Kane in February that the White House had offered him a position in exchange for not challenging Specter….Continue Reading

Media Matters –

Glenn instead of ridiculing those questioning Obama's eligibility - question Jindal's eligibility. You can't pick and choose what parts of the Constitution are valuable.

As much as I disagree with Glenn Beck’s political calculation to ridicule those who consider the Constitutional requirement of having a President who is a ‘natural born citizen’ of paramount importance, I do have to admit that Mr. Beck is a vitally important to America’s turn back to the Constitution. Glenn is only half full of it (as we all are from time to time).

….So Beck keeps raising the ante, and there is no question in my mind that the oligarchy in Washington sees him as a major obstacle between where they are today and their ultimate goal: a firmly entrenched, all-powerful federal government that controls every aspect of people’s lives…..

From WND:

Glenn Beck’s departure from Fox News, Part 1

Posted: May 26, 2010
10:01 pm Eastern

© 2010 

On rare occasions, a unique figure bursts onto the national stage and has a dramatic impact on politics, culture, or both. Glenn Beck is one of those figures. He is surely the biggest, fastest, most controversial star in the political commentary business in my lifetime.

Beck is a real-life version of Howard Beale, the fictional television commentator in the 1976 film classic “Network.” Beale whipped his cultish TV audience into a frenzy, exhorting them to stick their heads out the window and chant, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

Much to the chagrin of the oligarchy in Washington, however, Glenn Beck is not a fictional character. He’s real, and he has succeeded in enlightening his audience far beyond Beale’s simple rants about the unfairness of life. Beck is much more knowledgeable, much more factual, much more rational and much more focused on the key issue: America’s loss of liberty.

I find it more than just a bit ironic that ultra-liberal CNN Headline News gave Beck his first forum on television. There, he created a huge stir with his “rodeo-clown” antics and his willingness to talk openly about his drug- and alcohol-addicted past. But as he increasingly added his political views to the mix, people started asking, “Why isn’t this guy on Fox News?”

What will it take to restore common sense and rein in out-of-control government? Get Glenn Beck’s book inspired by Founding Father Thomas Paine

Of course, Roger Ailes was closely observing Beck all along, and, in January 2009, he brought him to Fox and fit him into the 5 p.m. time slot. While Beck had been moving more and more toward political commentary at CNN Headline News, from the moment he came to Fox his transition to near-total politics was swift.

Combining his incredible talents with the work of his equally incredible research staff, Beck became a household name seemingly overnight. In truth, of course, he had been in media for 30 years, but he had never before had a forum like Fox News.

Beck’s show is so good that I’m convinced if a person doesn’t watch it on a regular basis, it’s almost impossible for him to understand the true causes of the moral and economic collapse of the United States – or even that it is collapsing – because no one else on TV covers most of the stories he dissects in impeccable detail. His modus operandi has been to expose the bad guys through their own words by playing audio and video of them shooting off their mouths and by quoting their writings.

For quite some time now, I have believed that Beck has become so good at exposing the truth, so well-respected and so powerful that the Forces of Darkness in the White House and Congress view him as a major threat to their aspirations to eliminate the Constitution, the rule of law and individual sovereignty in the United States. (In fact, they now refer to him as “the Beck problem.”)

But, as I have written in the past, the Obamafia is in a no-win situation with Beck. If its leaders ignore him, he will continue to disrobe Chairman Obama and his malevolent progressive pals through their own spoken and written words.

On the other hand, as they have already discovered, the more they try to discredit Beck, the more attention they draw to him – and the more people will learn about the details of how they plan to fundamentally transform America. Worse, their childish mudslinging is no match for Beck’s 60 minutes of hard-core truth five days a week (not to mention his three-hour daily radio show). …Continue Reading

Natural Born Citizen –


I'm Sure There Are Many Soldiers Living This Nightmare. It's Time For The Joint Chiefs of Staff to Step To The Plate and Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin! Don't Be Military Sheep.

From Sonoran News:


Obama, Sovern, trustees of Columbia University found guilty

ATLAH court issues guilty verdicts on all 17 counts of sedition, conspiracy, fraud and obstruction of justice

ATLAH, N.Y. – Last week’s article, “The People v. Columbia and Obama trial convenes in Harlem church,” detailed the bullet points of my testimony, under oath on May 15, regarding Barack Hussein Obama’s fraudulent Selective Service System registration, which also inexplicably ties him to a Connecticut Social Security Number, in the 10th Amendment trial held by Pastor James David Manning in his ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem.

On Tuesday, May 18, the jury returned guilty verdicts against Obama, Michael Sovern, who was president of Columbia University during the period of time Obama supposedly attended, and the trustees of Columbia University, on all 17 counts of sedition, conspiracy, fraud and obstruction of justice.

Manning held a press conference on Friday, May 21, to formally announce the verdict and answer questions.

On Monday, May 24, Manning announced, “We the People spoke,” and said he was assembling a coalition to hand over the verdicts to the judiciary of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the U.S. Attorney General.

Manning also noted, specifically for Sovern and Columbia University, he will be submitting to the New York State Bar, New York Attorney General, New York State Regents and Atlantic Schools Accreditation a demand that their license to operate an educational institution be revoked.

“Perhaps their first response will be to defend and reject. Thereupon, will be the most exciting part of this guilty victory, inasmuch as we will proceed to court testing the constitutionality of the 10th Amendment established by our Founding Fathers,” said Manning, adding, “I expect the courts to be careful in their decision not to injure the rights of ‘We the People.’”

Attorney John Hemenway, the attorney of record in Hollister v. Obama/Soetoro, which was dismissed by U.S. District Judge James Robertson for the District of Columbia, who called the case frivolous, claiming the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility had been “blogged” and “twittered,” made some observations after watching the video of Manning’s press conference.

He wrote, “What a superb presentation the Rev, James Manning made during his press conference on May 21, 2010! It was a superior gathering together of the evidence that establishes without doubt that Obama-cum-Soetoro is simply a congenital liar with the Chicago gangster-type skills to maneuver his criminal propensities into successful (and illegal) capture of the White House.”…Continue Reading 

 Brothers and Sisters in the Military – When are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

If your Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the military oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.


Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other  News –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

From Hot Air:

Video: The obligatory “Christie tells teacher to find a new job if she doesn’t like her pay” clipMay 26, 2010 by Allahpundit

Obama court nominee: Serial killer’s sexual sadism is a mitigating factor

From CitizenWells:

Jobless claims May 27, 2010, Labor Department report 8:30, Claims drop?, College graduates, College students, Real unemployment number, Open thread discussion

From PostEmail:

Obama plans to dispatch 1,200 troops to U.S.-Mexico border


by Sharon Rondeau

From World Net Daily:

Rush Limbaugh: I know I’ll be destroyed eventually

Radio giant fears not only for his life, but also his wealth, accomplishments

Sestak-gate: You can affect possible impeachment

Congressional office accepts reports of misbehavior from public

From Michelle Malkin:

Look who’s behind the White House/Sestak stonewall

By Michelle Malkin  •  May 26, 2010 09:25 AM

My column today focuses on the White House lawyer behind the Sestak stonewall: Bob Bauer — a familiar figure if you’ve been reading this blog closely. He’s the hubby of former White House Fox-basher-in-chief Anita Dunn and a veteran Democrat legal fixer.

In related news, here’s a new video contrasting Sestak’s accusations with Team Obama’s blubbering denials….

From Free Republic:

Feds Issue Terror Watch for the Texas/Mexico Border

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 3:12:52 PM · by Doogle · 84 replies · 2,172+ views

FOX NEWS ^ | 05/26/10 | By Jana Winter

The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico, a security expert who has seen the memo tells

From MilitaryTimes:

Couple may face eviction over flag display

The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday May 26, 2010 12:13:19 EDT

I wonder how long it will be before Obama removes the American flags from the White House

When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

Natural Born Citizen Defined – Private Citizen Health Care Litigation – Hill Buzz – Oath Keeper Announcement – Obama’s Gift to Radicals – YNetNews – The BOPAC Report

April 3, 2010


The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

From Mario Apuzzo:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Founder and Historian David Ramsay Defines a Natural Born Citizen in 1789

In defining an Article II “natural born Citizen,” it is important to find any authority from the Founding period who may inform us how the Founders and Framers themselves defined the clause. Who else but a highly respected historian from the Founding period itself would be highly persuasive in telling us how the Founders and Framers defined a “natural born Citizen. ” Such an important person is David Ramsay, who in 1789 wrote, A Dissertation on the Manners of Acquiring the Character and Privileges of a Citizen (1789), a very important and influential essay on defining a “natural born Citizen.”

David Ramsay (April 2, 1749 to May 8, 1815) was an American physician, patriot, and historian from South Carolina and a delegate from that state to the Continental Congress in 1782-1783 and 1785-1786.  He was the Acting President of the United States in Congress Assembled. He was one of the American Revolution’s first major historians. A contemporary of Washington, Ramsay writes with the knowledge and insights one acquires only by being personally involved in the events of the Founding period. In 1785 he published History of the Revolution of South Carolina (two volumes), in 1789 History of the American Revolution (two volumes), in 1807 a Life of Washington, and in 1809 a History of South Carolina (two volumes). Ramsay “was a major intellectual figure in the early republic, known and respected in America and abroad for his medical and historical writings, especially for The History of the American Revolution (1789)…” Arthur H. Shaffer, Between Two Worlds: David Ramsay and the Politics of Slavery, J.S.Hist., Vol. L, No. 2 (May 1984). “During the progress of the Revolution, Doctor Ramsay collected materials for its history, and his great impartiality, his fine memory, and his acquaintance with many of the actors in the contest, eminently qualified him for the task….” In 1965 Professor Page Smith of the University of California at Los Angeles published an extensive study of Ramsay’s History of the American Revolution in which he stressed the advantage that Ramsay had because of being involved in the events of which he wrote and the wisdom he exercised in taking advantage of this opportunity. “The generosity of mind and spirit which marks his pages, his critical sense, his balanced judgment and compassion,” Professor Smith concluded, “are gifts that were uniquely his own and that clearly entitle him to an honorable position in the front rank of American historians.”

In his 1789 article, Ramsay first explained who the “original citizens” were and then defined the “natural born citizens” as the children born in the country to citizen parents. He said concerning the children born after the declaration of independence, “[c]itizenship is the inheritance of the children of those who have taken part in the late revolution; but this is confined exclusively to the children of those who were themselves citizens….” Id. at 6. He added that “citizenship by inheritance belongs to none but the children of those Americans, who, having survived the declaration of independence, acquired that adventitious character in their own right, and transmitted it to their offspring….” Id. at 7. He continued that citizenship “as a natural right, belongs to none but those who have been born of citizens since the 4th of July, 1776….” Id. at 6.

Here we have direct and convincing evidence of how a very influential Founder defined a “natural born citizen.” …Continue Reading

 Obama’s Healthcare Deform –

The Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis with Obama Health Care Reform.

The only solution is to REPEAL this bill, Obama Care. If we, America, are to avoid bankruptcy, there is no other choice.

Here’s an assignment from Hill Buzz:

IMPORTANT READING ASSIGNMENT: First Private Lawsuit Against Obamacare, Attacking “Commerce Clause” Justification for Government Encroachment

Posted by hillbuzz

We believe firmly that all Americans need to read this article at BigGovernment, entitled Liberty in Action. Its author, K. Douglas Lee, includes a copy of the complaint he filed today in Mississippi against the federal government and Socialist-Democrats’ insistence the “Commerce Clause” allows them to mandate the purchase of a product by every living American.

We need as many people as possible to read this article, read the complaint, and chime in with ideas on how this material can be broken down into understandable bites for Americans who do not follow politics as closely as the rest of us.

What we really need is the material in this article and complaint to be illustrated into a chart that shows, clearly, WHY the Obamacare legislation is unconstitutional.

What would be MARVELOUS is if talented moderates and conservatives could produce a…Continue Reading

Second Amendment –

Pretty soon only the tyrannical members of our government and criminals will be the ones with guns! Protect the Second Amendment to the Constitution with everything you have!

The folks over at Oath Keepers have an announcement:

April 3rd, 2010

URGENT: Calling All Oath Keepers: Time to Take a Stand This April 19 in Washington DC and Virginia in Defense of the Constitution

Special Message from Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers.


There are two upcoming events on April 19, 2010 in the Washington DC/northern Virginia area that I, Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes, will be speaking at.  I urge you to be there as well.

1.  THE RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION RALLY.  This will be an open carry rally at Ft. Hunt National Park, in Virginia (where open carry is legal), right across the Potomac from DC.   Go to for more information.   The organizer is Iraq combat veteran, Daniel Almond.  The event starts at 9am and I’m scheduled to speak there from 11am to 11:25am, and then Army veteran and retired police Capt. Chauncey Normandin (RET), Lowell (MA) PD, the Oath Keepers National Vice President East of the Mississippi, will conduct an oath ceremony.

I will then travel into DC (without firearms) to the other event on that same day:

2.  THE SECOND AMENDMENT MARCH.  This will be an unarmed march on the National Mall in DC itself on April 19, 2010.   Go to for more info.  The organizer is Skip Coryell, Second Amendment activist and author.  Oath Keepers is now a proud sponsor of that march.  I’m scheduled to speak there from 12:45 to 1pm, also conducting an oath ceremony right there in DC.  Depending on the turnout, it has the potential to be the largest oath ceremony in history.  Among the other speakers will be Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Orange County Sheriff candidate Bill Hunt, Sheriff Richard Mack, Suzanna G. Hupp, Pastor Kenn Blanchard, and Michael Bane (some of whom will also speak in Virginia).

Both events will run all day on April 19, 2010, but the organizers are coordinating so some speakers will be able to speak at both….Continue Reading

Ji’Obama’had –

Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

With friends like Obama, who needs enemies.

 From YNetNews:

Obama’s gift to radicals

Given US president’s policy, it doesn’t pay to be moderate these days

Guy Bechor

Published:                     04.03.10, 13:59 / Israel Opinion

The American president’s tough approach towards Israel and the turning of Jerusalem into a public bone of contention constitute an unexpected gift to the Middle East’s radical regimes. It doesn’t pay to be moderate these days. If the US president is so radical towards Israel, how could the Arabs afford to be more moderate than him?

There was always construction in east Jerusalem, yet the Arab world did not turn it into a major slogan, yet it’s happening at this time because of Obama, among other reasons. The US president also prompted Palestinian positions to get tougher in a hurry. After all, they cannot demand less than he does.

If during the Bush Administration, the Palestinians engaged in negotiations with Israel without addressing the settlements at all, while their construction continued, during Obama’s era they have demanded a freeze, then a full freeze, including Jerusalem, and now they want a complete stop.

This is turning from Palestinian-Israeli negotiations into American coercion vis-à-vis Israel, and the Palestinian demands in respect to borders and refugees will only grow now.

Without noticing it, Obama also internationalized the conflict again and brought in all the Mideast’s troublemakers as partners: The Arab League headed by the radical Amr Moussa, the Arab states’ monitoring committee, and in fact all Arab regimes, with all their animosities and disagreements.

Arab League Secretary General Moussa, a blatant Israel-hater, is now in charge of approving or rejecting Mahmoud Abbas’ moves. The Arab League is now a super-negotiator, against Israel, thereby being granted a veto power. Did Moussa speak of the Iranian nuclear threat in the recent summit meeting in Libya? The opposite was true: He recommended dialogue with Tehran, while warning of Israel’s nuclear threat.

Outdated, false doctrine

This is clearly an Obama mistake, as Arab states will now compete over which one will demand more, be more radical, and exert more pressure. …Continue Reading

Obama is losing Ed Koch:

Is Obama losing the Jewish vote?By E. Thomas McClanahan, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

How many other Jews, like former New York Mayor Ed Koch, are giving up, or close to giving up, on President Obama? That’s a question the White House ought to ponder after Koch’s recent statement that he’s outraged at Obama’s treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

“I have been a supporter of President Obama and went to Florida for him, urged Jews all over the country to vote for him saying that he would be just as good as John McCain on the security of Israel. I don’t think it’s true anymore,” Koch told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto. …
Koch said he believes Obama “orchestrated” what happened in Israel.
“What they did is they wanted to make Israel into a pariah,” he said. “It’s outrageous in my judgment.”
Koch said he’s shocked that Congress, which largely supports Israel hasn’t “stood up and said to the president, ‘you’re wrong on this, Mr. President.'”

Good point. Why haven’t Obama’s fellow Dems in Congress, supposedly supporters of Israel, spoken up?

Read more:


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

 A nice video gem from Hill Buzz:

Question: How often would you see this clip if it was President George W. Bush falling on the ground?

From Stars and Stripes:

Flight surgeon threatens to refuse deployment over Obama birth certificate flap

By Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Saturday, April 3, 2010

WASHINGTON — An Army flight surgeon could face reprimand or dismissal from the service after stating in an online video that he’ll refuse deployment to Afghanistan because of concerns he has about President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, chief of primary care for the Pentagon’s health clinic, released a statement through the American Patriot Foundation saying his decision is based on “pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office.”

Army officials said Lakin has not yet violated any direct orders, but his statements have been brought to commanders’ attention for review.

“They have a wide range of options to consider — no action, administrative action, or even recommendation of dismissal,” Army spokesman George Wright said. “It’s for his command to determine.”…Continue Reading

 From the Telegraph:

Former US enemy in Iraq becomes unlikely kingmaker

Moqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the former Mahdi Army, which led the bloody uprisings against the US forces in Iraq, has become an unlikely kingmaker as the country struggles to form a coalition government.

Published: 7:11PM BST 02 Apr 2010


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty – Atlas Shrugs – Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Seeks Evidence of Obama’s Eligibility – WND – U.S. Congressional Representative (Democrat) Worries Guam May Tip Over – Hot Air – Filing Deadline for Larry Sinclair – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

April 1, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Where's the documentation that proves that Obama is a 'natural born citizen'

We need to keep this story going strong!  Real courage needs to be saluted and supported.

Army ‘showdown’ at eligibility corral

Top doctor refuses orders, tells Obama to show birth certificate – ‘if you have 1’

Posted: March 31, 2010

By Joe Kovacs
© 2010 WorldNetDaily


A top-ranking, highly decorated officer in the U.S. Army says he’s now refusing all orders until President Barack Obama finally releases his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

“I feel I have no choice but the distasteful one of inviting my own court martial,” said Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an active-duty flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey’s pilots and air crew. “The Constitution matters. The truth matters.”

“For the first time in all my years of service to our great nation, and at great peril to my career and future, I am choosing to disobey what I believe are illegal orders, including an order to deploy to Afghanistan for my second tour of duty there. I will disobey my orders to deploy because I – and I believe all servicemen and women and the American people – deserve the truth about President Obama’s constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief.

“If he is ineligible, then my orders – and indeed all orders – are illegal because all orders have their origin with the commander in chief as handed down through the chain of command.”

In his video message now posted on YouTube, the 18-year veteran personally pleads with the president to stop withholding the key document which would put to rest many of the doubts that continue to linger more than a year into Obama’s term. …Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? Talking to you Ben Nelson.

Larry Sinclair’s filing fee deadline is quickly approaching!  The date donations are needed by is April 19, 2010.

  From CitizenWells:

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair, Filing deadline, Obama challenge, Obama impeachment, Larry Sinclair book, Larry Sinclair for Congress

March 31, 2010

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail…Ancient Proverb

I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night. He reminded me that the deadline for his receiving contributions for the Florida district 24 congressional election filing fee is April 19, 2010. He also wanted everyone to know that without the filing fee, there will be no running for Congress in November. Larry is receiving coverage from some of the big MSM players now. If you cannot contribute, help spread the word. There is strength in numbers.
Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone to expose the truth about Barack Obama. He has been doing so for well over 2 years. His continued presence in the Florida congressional race will bring even more attention to Obama’s past. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine Larry Sinclair in Congress. All of you who want Obama impeached. Sinclair will do what he says. Larry will do everything in his power to get Obama removed from office. Contributing a few dollars seems like a small price to pay for this. Larry has paid the ultimate price.

To help Larry Sinclair and this country, donate here.

More info on Larry Sinclair and his run for Congress…Continue Reading


ChiBama Politics –


Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.

What?  Heaven help us! And these are the people who will be in charge of Health Care? Rep. Hank Johnson needs to find a porch and rocker!

 From Hot Air:

Dem congressman: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over

posted at 9:55 pm on March 31, 2010 by Allahpundit

Via Weasel Zippers, a clip that’s destined to be viral by tomorrow morning. Even so, go easy on him. Yes, he was an Iraq defeatist, and granted, he demagogued Joe Wilson’s outburst in the scummiest way imaginable, but he’s also a guy with a serious illness that affects his mind (“he regularly gets lost in thought in the middle of a discussion”). Although if that’s what’s going on here, a polite question for Madam Speaker arises: What’s he doing at these hearings instead of resting?…Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

Americans need to be on guard every day, every minute, and every second with the Obama Administration. 

 From Atlas Shrugs:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bolton: Nuclear Treaty Threatens American SovereigntyThe crucial existential idea of national sovereignty is under assault around the globe in virtually every realm of Obama’s policy.

Bolton expands upon this in the foreword of my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America — have you ordered it yet?

John Bolton, critical of the  New START, is correct in urging us to pressure politicians on sovereignty issues. “We have to insist on getting clear answers from candidates for Congress, from incumbent members of Congress, from the presidential candidates as we get into the presidential season in the not-too-distant future,” Bolton said, “to make it clear that we view sovereignty and the preservation of American sovereignty as a high priority.”

Bolton belongs in the White House.

If you missed the live broadcast of Ambassador John R. Bolton on Protecting National Sovereignty in the Age of Obama, click on the link.

In an address at the Heritage Foundation John Bolton claims that national sovereignty is undermined by the partnership between the United Nations and the Obama Administration. Bolton argues that policies made under the U.N. impose a foreign influence that weakens America’s ability to govern itself.

Bolton Suggests Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty

Accuses Administration of ‘Stunning Naivete’

Bolton, an influential conservative foreign policy official for decades, accused the Obama administration of harboring “a very different view of American sovereignty than a long line of presidents, certainly since Franklin Roosevelt.” Relying on portions of quotes by senior officials and an undefined category of people he characterized as the “international left” and the “academic left,” Bolton said the administration attaches a “near theological significance” to the power of international institutions whose actions threaten the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution. …Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

 From WeThePeopleUSA:

Decorated Military Officer Invites His Own Ct. Martial

Posted by JeanWTPUSA on March 30, 2010 at 11:30pm

From Family Security Matters:

Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born Citizen

Margaret Hemenway

A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his chain of command and his Congressional delegation to force President Obama

to release his original birth certificate.  He is the highest ranking officer to go public over this controversy and in late February, was notified that he is subject to near-term deployment to Afghanistan…. 

From JagHunter:

Army Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Lt. Col. Lakin – Flight Surgeon Challenges Obama’s Eligibility – Free Republic – Advice From Dalai Lama – Sallie Mae Layoffs Caused by Obama Policy – What of Israel? – Wall Street Journal – The BOPAC Report

March 31, 2010


The BOPAC Report


Natural Born Citizen Issue –



Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!





Important breaking news about another courageous military man.  Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve as President.  I hope he realizes how far Obama will go to hide his past.  Check your brake lines daily Sir!


 From the Free Republic:

Army Officer Seeks Truth About Obama’s Eligibility
Bob McCarty Writes ^ | 3-30-10 | Bob McCarty

Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:15:55 PM by BobMcCartyWrites

The flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s pilots and air crew wants President Obama to prove his eligibility now.

In a news release today, Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin said he is wiling to risk a court-martial in order if that’s what it takes to determine whether or not President Barack Obama is eligible to serve as president of the United States. Not your average officer, Colonel Lakin is the lead flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s pilots and air crew.

The video above provides an overview of his argument.

“I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office”, said Colonel Lakin.

The news release cited (1) Article II, Sec. 1 of the U. S. Constitution which explicitly provides that only “natural born” citizens can serve as president and commander-in-chief and (2) Mr. Obama’s continued refusal to release his original 1961 birth certificate as reasons behind Colonel Lakin reaching the conclusion that his orders are unlawful, and thus MUST be disobeyed. ….

From SafeGuardOurConstitution: 

Press Release


Court Martial Likely, Legal Defense Fund Established

Washington, D.C., March 30, 2010. “I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office”, said active duty Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin. The American Patriot Foundation, a non-profit group incorporated in 2003 to foster appreciation and respect for the U.S. Constitution, immediately announced it has set up a legal defense fund and will provide Lt. Col. Lakin with a top-flight defense team. Details are available on the foundation’s website,

Article II, sec. 1 of the U. S. Constitution explicitly provides that only “natural born” citizens can serve as president and commander-in-chief. Mr. Obama’s continuing refusal to release his original 1961 birth certificate has brought Lt. Col. Lakin to the point where he feels his orders are unlawful, and thus MUST be disobeyed.

Lakin has today informed his superiors that he cannot understand how his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” does not permit military officers to pursue proof of eligibility from his commander-in-chief. Lt. Col. Lakin’s efforts to seek affirmation of the president’s eligibility have been rebuffed with legal evasions. Given the Obama Administration’s “transparency” initiative, many U.S. citizens are also demanding release of the original birth certificate.

Lakin serves as Chief of Primary Care and Flight Surgeon for the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic and is lead Flight Surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General Casey’s pilots and air crew. His numerous awards and decorations include the Army Flight Surgeon’s Badge, Combat Medical Badge, the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, the Armed Forced Expedition Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon and the NATO service medal.




Spread the word but don’t be surprised when you meet some resistance.

From one of CitizenWells’ readers:

Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Interesting FR post regarding the Lt. Col.

I posted this over at Sean Hannity Forums and it got up to ten pages real quick and over 140 posts and now they have deleted it saying it is a non issue.

This would indicate to me, it scare the chit out of them and is for real





ObamaNomics –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


The real question is – Is Obama doing this intentionally?  I think so. Think about the job losses coming in banks that currently provide student loans. Think about the millions of jobs that will be lost in the Health Care Insurance sector. The more chaos the better.


From the Free Republic:


Sallie Mae Blames 2,500 Layoffs on Obama’s Student Loan Overhaul

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:31:40 PM · by kristinn · 51 replies · 2,190+ views

Fox News ^ | Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | Kelly Chernenkoff

Powerhouse student loan provider Sallie Mae says layoffs are imminent as a result of President Obama’s new student loan overhaul. “This legislation will force Sallie Mae to reduce our 8,600-person workforce by 2,500,” Conwey Casillas, Vice President of Sallie Mae Public Affairs, said in a statement to Fox News…




Ji’Obama’had –



Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have hundreds of millions behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

As a Navy Veteran, it’s hard for me when I have to question whether the person in the Oval Office is on our side.


From the Wall Street Journal:


MARCH 31, 2010

Iran Sanctions Are Failing. What’s Next?


What of Israel? The mess of U.S.-Israel relations has ironically only bolstered the fears of Arab governments that the current U.S. administration is a feckless ally. If the U.S. won’t stand by Israel, by whom will it stand? Conversely, our adversaries view both the distancing from Israel and the debacle of Iran policy as evidence of American retreat. All the ingredients of a regional powder keg are in place.

Finally, there is the military option. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu left Washington last week befuddled by Mr. Obama’s intentions on Iran. Should Israel decide to attack Iran, the shock waves will not leave the U.S. unscathed. Of course, Mr. Obama could decide that we must take action. But no one, Iran included, believes he will take action…



…What of Israel? The mess of U.S.-Israel relations has ironically only bolstered the fears of Arab governments that the current U.S. administration is a feckless ally. If the U.S. won’t stand by Israel, by whom will it stand? Conversely, our adversaries view both the distancing from Israel and the debacle of Iran policy as evidence of American retreat. All the ingredients of a regional powder keg are in place.

Finally, there is the military option. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu left Washington last week befuddled by Mr. Obama’s intentions on Iran. Should Israel decide to attack Iran, the shock waves will not leave the U.S. unscathed. Of course, Mr. Obama could decide that we must take action. But no one, Iran included, believes he will take action

Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Federal Entitlements are meant for control and the creation of American Sheeple. Obama would not be attempting this crap if there were a million or two Americans with the courage of those present at the time of the Liberty Bell! WE NEED MILLIONS TO STAND UP!!!


From WeThePeopleUSA:


Decorated Military Officer Invites His Own Ct. Martial

Posted by JeanWTPUSA on March 30, 2010 at 11:30pm


From Family Security Matters:


Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born Citizen

Margaret Hemenway

A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his chain of command and his Congressional delegation to force President Obama

to release his original birth certificate.  He is the highest ranking officer to go public over this controversy and in late February, was notified that he is subject to near-term deployment to Afghanistan…. 


From Connecticut Law Tribune:


Monday, March 29, 2010

A “Confused” Judge?By KAREN LEE TORRE

So, I’m asking. What’s happening with Gerald Walpin’s lawsuit against the Obama administration?

Walpin was the former inspector general overseeing the “Corporation for National and Community Service,” the entity that runs AmeriCorps. His job was to detect and eradicate fraud and waste in the spending of nearly one billion taxpayer dollars. Last June, Walpin was suddenly fired by the Obama administration. …Continue Reading




Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Man Making Death Threats Against Rep. Cantor is Obama Donor – Free Republic – Has Obama Declared Diplomatic War on Israel? Prof. Barry Rubin – Bloomberg News Distortion – Doctors Filing Lawsuit Against ObamaCare – The BOPAC Report

March 29, 2010


The BOPAC Report

ChiBama Politics –


Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets. Add Sen. Ben Nelson to the list of those to flush out of the Senate.

If the media continues to try to smear those who disagree with the Obama Administration as …well, maybe they shouldn’t throw stones.

From the Free Republic:

Obama Donor Charged in Death Threat Against House GOP Whip Cantor
Monday, March 29, 2010 | Kristinn

Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 1:46:29 PM by kristinn

h/t Freeper mnehring

Did Barack Obama inspire one of his donors to threaten a top GOP lawmaker?

Norman Leboon, Sr, the man reported to have been arrested for making a death threat video against House Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Cantor’s family is listed by the Federal Elections Commission as having made two donations to the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in 2008.

According to the FEC, the donations were made on successive days in June 2008, on the 20th for $255 and on the 21st for $250. There are no other federal election campaign contributions listed for Leboon.

Just a week before Leboon made his contributions, Obama spoke in Leboon’s hometown of Philadelphia on June 13, where he urged his supporters to “bring a gun” to the political battles against their opponents:

” If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

In September 2008, Obama told his supporters to argue with his opponents and get in their faces….Continue Reading


Tea Party On –


Harry Potter's Mirror of Erised is in Obama Oval Office!

Maybe Bloomberg is studying at ChiBama U.?

Tea and Mockery The Bloomberg news service takes a cheap shot.


As the mainstream media’s campaign against the tea-party movement has grown more vicious, Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for the Bloomberg news service, decides to take a different approach: (relatively) gentle mockery. “Tea Party Advocates Who Scorn Socialism Want a Government Job,” reads the headline of a dispatch she filed Friday, reporting on a new Bloomberg poll.

There’s just one problem: The headline, which Przybyla herself might or might not have written, is glaringly false. Here’s what the story actually reports:

More than 90 percent of Tea Party backers interviewed in a new Bloomberg National Poll say the U.S. is verging more toward socialism than capitalism, the federal government is trying to control too many aspects of private life and more decisions should be made at the state level.

At the same time, 70 percent of those who sympathize with the Tea Party, which organized protests this week against President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul, want a federal government that fosters job creation.

Is it really possible that Przybyla or her editors can’t imagine ways in which the federal government could foster job creation other than by expanding the government payroll? The headline is designed to portray tea-party sympathizers as hypocrites and losers, but to anyone paying attention, it actually shows Bloomberg to be biased to the point of dishonesty.

Bloomberg is hardly alone in this….Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


Obama Foreign Policy Office

Bingo!!!  Here’s a man with clear vision!  And he even has the same name as our ‘Barry’ – how could that be?

Has the Obama Administration, Against U.S. Interests, Declared Diplomatic War on Israel?

Prof. Barry Rubin – 3/29/2010

Has the Obama Administration, against U.S. interests, declared diplomatic war on Israel? Up to now my view has been that the U.S. government didn’t want a crisis but merely sought to get indirect negotiations going between Israel and Palestinians in order to look good.

Even assuming this limited goal, the technique was to keep getting concessions from Israel without asking the PA to do or give anything has been foolish, but at least it was a generally rational strategy.

But now it has become reasonable to ask whether the Obama White House is running amuck on Israel, whether it is pushing friction so far out of proportion that it is starting to seem a vendetta based on hostility and ideology. And if that’s true, there is little Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or any Israeli leader can do to fix the problem.

A partial explanation of such behavior can be called, to borrow a phrase from the health law debate, a “single-payer option” as its Middle East strategy. That is, the administration seems to envision Israel paying for everything: supposedly to get the Palestinian Authority (PA) to talks, do away with any Islamist desire to carry out terrorism or revolution, keep Iraq quiet, make Afghanistan stable, and solve just about any other global problem.

What makes this U.S. tactic even more absurd is doing so at the very moment when it is coddling Syria and losing the battle for anything but the most minimal sanctions on Iran.

During his visit to Washington, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to defuse the tension. His partners in government, we should never forget, are Defense Minister Ehud Barak, leader of the Labour Party, and President Shimon Peres, who has done more to promote Middle East peace than any other living Israeli leader.

But according to reliable sources, Obama went out of his way to be personally hostile, treating Netanyahu like some colonial minion who could be ordered around. …Continue Reading


Obama’s Health Care Deform –


The Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis with Obama Health Care Reform.

The only solution is to REPEAL this bill, Obama Care. If we, America, are to avoid bankruptcy, there is no other choice.

First the States started filing lawsuits, then some individuals, and now a group of Doctors is jumping on board!  All aboard the Kill The Bill Express! 

First doctors group sue to overturn health care act

By Kerry Picket on March 29, 2010 into Water Cooler

It looks as if it is not just state attorneys general that are filing a lawsuit against the new health care law recently passed by the Democrats and signed into law by President Obama. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) put out the following statement:

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) became the first medical society to sue to overturn the newly enacted health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). AAPS sued Friday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (AAPS v. Sebelius et al.)…Continue Reading

Time to change my census form again.  Ethnicity – Amish Muslim Arab?  I’m a mix of a lot of groups but I do meet the requirements to be a ‘natural born citizen’ – unlike someone in Oval Office.

 From CitizenWells:

Health Care Bill religious exemptions, Muslims, Amish, US Constitution, Lawsuits

March 29, 2010

Health Care Bill religious exemptions, Muslims

I am still trying to get answers on religious exemptions to participation in the so called Health Care Bill. I have been getting feedback that various religious groups getting preferential treatment may be the basis for some of the lawsuits.  The American Thinker site posed this question regarding Muslims several days ago.

“Amish, Muslims to be excused from Obamacare mandate?”…Continue Reading


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

No limit to what Covt can force people to buy.  The next thing Obama will force people to do is procreate only with people of a different ethnic group so America will lose its cultural richness and will be easier to control.  I do think procreating with different ethnic groups is a good idea, but only if all involved are un-coerced. 

From CNSNews:

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy
Monday, March 29, 2010
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter

( – Representative Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told that if the mandate in the health care law requiring individuals to purchase health insurance or be penalized is upheld by the courts, the federal government could mandate anything, such as requiring all Americans to purchase a General Motors car.
On Capitol Hill, asked Representative Burgess, “The Congressional Budget Office has said that never before in the history of the United States has the federal government mandated that any one buy a specific good or service and, of course, the bill includes the individual mandate.  Is there a part of the Constitution that you think gives Congress the authority to mandate individuals to purchase health insurance?”
Representative Burgess, himself a doctor, said, “No, I personally do not, and I think that is exactly right. Never before in the history of this country have we had the ability to coerce American citizens to purchase something and then invoke the Commerce clause after we coerce that purchase.”…Continue Reading


Costs of Obama Deform –


It will suck to be old under Obama Care!

I too am watching the 10 year Treasury. 

From American Thinker:

March 28, 2010

A taste of things to come

Steve McCann

It doesn’t take long to find out what the truth is about a bill written by lobbyists and bureaucrats in the backrooms of the Capital.  Simply look to the world-wide financial markets.

Since the passage and signing of the Heath Care Reform Act, the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasury has shown a dramatic increase.  On Tuesday the yield was 3.65% by Thursday 3.92%.  An increase of that magnitude is very unusual in such a short time.

The much higher than forecast yield sparked an overall selling of U.S. Treasuries.  This will also have an impact of future auctions by the Treasury Department .  Per the Financial Times of London:

“The environment for debt auctions has turned negative” says Rick Klingman, managing director at BNP Parabis. “Long-term rates are rising and it is no coincidence that this has occurred after the passage of healthcare reform and the end of Fed buy-backs.

It is projected that by this summer yields on the 10 year U.S. Treasury will reach 4.5% as investors pull their money from bond funds out of fear of the debt load being incurred by the United States.

The United States Treasury at future auctions will have no choice but to pay these higher interest rates in order to sell its bond issues.  The potential 23% rise in the 10 year yield will have a devastating impact on the interest expenditures, blowing the budget deficit far higher. This is a harbinger of what is to come.

If this bill were in fact what President Obama and the Democrats sold it to be, the market reaction would have not been so negative….Continue Reading


Enemy teleprompters infiltrated the Obama State of the Union - Rep. Joe Wilson relieved he did not have to comment!

Didn’t Obama say something about premiums going down?  Liar!

Health premiums could rise 17 pct for young adultsMar 29 04:20 PM US/Eastern
AP Medical Writer

CHICAGO (AP) – Health insurance premiums for young adults are expected to rise about 17 percent once they’re required to buy insurance four years from now. That estimate is from an analysis by Rand Health.

Young people will need to carry more of the burden of health care under the new health overhaul law. The new law limits an industry practice of charging older customers more. …Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Transparency? Not hardly!

Justice Dept Should Probe Alleged White House Offer to Rep. Sestak, Legal Experts Say

Labor Pains Offset Companies’ Raw Deal

Increasing prices for raw materials reflect a belief in economic recovery but also represent a cost of doing business. Still, it is easy to overstate the impact.

Treasury Market Fires Warning Shot

Indicators of market stress are showing up in the Treasury market, including rising bond yields and lower swap spreads.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein