Posts Tagged ‘Eligibility’

Representatives of Georgia, Your Time to Stand Up is Here – Presidential Eligibility – Natural Born Citizen – Open Letter to Georgia -The BOPAC Report

March 14, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

No person Except a Natural Born Citizen - Lt. Col. Lakin Remains a Political Prisoner

An Open Letter to Representatives in Georgia Regarding GA HB401 Presidential Eligibility

Dear Representatives of Georgia:

This morning I was thinking about the courageous actions of Lt. Col. Lakin, my service in the Navy in the 70’s, and the men and women currently serving in the United States Military.  Naturally, this led to the many questions regarding Obama’s refusal to voluntarily provide sufficient documentation to establish his eligibility to serve as President and Commander-In Chief. 

Regardless of what I was thinking or believe today, the main reason Obama should rush as fast as he can to provide every document, timeline, explanation, birth certificate, etc., – whatever is needed – is to prevent possible damage to the memory of those serving bravely today!  No one wants historians to decide to attach an asterisk whenever they discuss the service of those in today’s United States military!

The last two posts by Mario Apuzzo, Esq. have been urging support for the GA HB401 Presidential Eligibility proof bill and for it to be effective for the 2012 Presidential election cycle.

I join Mr. Apuzzo and urge support for this bill and for it to be effective for the 2012 election.  It is past time to end this ‘end round’ the Constitution.

It is clear that many millions of Americans are losing faith in their government, judicial system and this “President” because of this issue.  Everything points to a lack of ethics, principles, and courage on the part of politicians and judges. I expected this from politicians but (as a former Criminal Defense Attorney) it hurt to see the judiciary fail in their duty to defend the Constitution for political reasons.  I pray you support this effort for transparency and support of the rule of law.

Doing nothing to correct injustice, or putting action off to a time when not so much scrutiny might come, is not reflective of courage or principles.  Many have already put asterisks on the service of many of today’s politicians; but thankfully, such cynicism has not attached to those serving in the military.

However, several important questions could exist today in the minds of many in the military because of failures of those sworn uphold the Constitution in the civilian world.

Has my military service been tarnished by Obama’s lack of transparency regarding is eligibility to be Commander In Chief? What do older Veterans think of my service? Are my friends, family, and veterans putting an asterisk on my military service?

Could the following changes to one of the most important documents given to servicemen or women at the end of their service become a possibility in the future?  (In reality- or merely in the minds of many ordinary Americans?)

Suggestion –

Because of the existence of a strong likelihood that Obama is not eligible to serve as President, the following is instruction is suggested for inclusion in the military’s DD-214 manual.

The Character of Service for all DD-214 forms issued for service from January 19, 2009 to January 19, 2013 will only read:

  • Honorable But* – This Particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position – but the Joint Chiefs, Senior Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military.
  • Under Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Under Other than Honorable Conditions But* – See Honorable But*
  • Bad Conduct But* – See Honorable But*
  • Dishonorable But* – See Honorable But*
  • Uncharacterized But* – This particular Military Personnel served while Obama occupied the position of Commander-In-Chief.  This period of service is tarnished because there is a strong and reasonable suspicion that said Obama is/was not eligible to serve in that position but the Joint Chiefs, Flag Officers, Junior Officers, Senior Enlisted Personnel, and the Judge Advocate Generals Corps did nothing to insure the honor of America’s military. (Note: This designation is appropriate if the person completing the DD-214 feels terms such as Honorable, Bad Conduct, Dishonorable don’t apply because of the likelihood of that all military were following ‘unlawful orders’.)

The main question is why does Obama continue to hide his records that might establish he is a ‘natural born citizen’? Why does he continue to withhold documents that establish he was born in the U.S. to parents (2) who were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth? Why not do it for the military in the trenches?

 (Readers: Time is of the essence if you would like to add your voices, especially those serving, because the decisions could come this Wednesday.)

Commentary –

Obama's failure to be transparent about his possible lack of eligibility is tarnishing the currently serving military personnel's service! Will there be an update to the DD-214?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

Talk Wisdom

The Post Email

…We are urging Americans to appear on the sidewalk, Tuesday 15 March, in front of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Criminal Division, 500 Indiana Ave. N.W. in Washington, D.C. by at least 8:30-9:00 a.m. to support Theresa, enter the courtroom and to bear witness to what occurs.  This a fight for us all and Theresa implores you to be there…

The Steady Drip

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

PPP Republican Birther Poll – I have a few more Questions – Unknown Eye Witness Allegations Support Larry Sinclair’s Story – The BOPAC Report

February 16, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen –

Selwyn Duke says Obama is a moral relativist – which when it comes to faith wouldn’t make a pimple on a real Christian’s, Jew’s, or Muslim’s butt. Moral relativism does explain Obama’s marriage, rumors of his Man’s Country membership, his fling with Larry Sinclair, his flawed birth narrative, and how the world revolves around Obama. Moral relativist it is - camouflaged by Taqiyya Two Step

The following poll is from Public Policy Polling:

PPP surveyed 400 Republican primary voters nationwide from February 11th to 13th. The

Survey’s margin of error is +/-4.9%. 


Q11 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the

United States?

Yes………………………………………………………… 28%

No …………………………………………………………. 51%

Not sure …………………………………………………. 21%


Q14 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,

somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat

conservative, or very conservative?

Very liberal ……………………………………………… 1%

Somewhat liberal …………………………………….. 5%

Moderate………………………………………………… 15%

Somewhat conservative……………………………. 41%

Very conservative ……………………………………. 39%

 …Continue Reading Complete Poll

That means that 72% of Republicans are not sure if Obama was born in America. How will the Republican candidates handle these results without alienating their supporters? How will Glenn Beck handle this result while continuing to urge America to be true to the Constitution?

I would like to see PPP conduct another poll with the following questions asked:

Do you have a son, daughter or spouse serving in the United States Military?

a)      Yes

b)     No 

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of Democrats as well – the percentage of Republicans with sons, daughters, or spouses serving in the military would be somewhat higher.

            I would suspect that if this question were asked of all liberals, moderates and conservatives as well – the percentage of liberals with sons, daughter, or spouses serving in the military would be extremely low.

See and for some analysis.

If you have a son, daughter or spouse in the military, how would you describe yourself?

a)      Very liberal

b)     Liberal

c)      Moderate

d)     Conservative

e)      Very Conservative


What is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Any ‘naturalized’ citizen of the United States.

b)     Any person born on American soil.

c)      Any person born on American soil to parents who were Citizens or Naturalized Citizens of the United States at the time of the person’s birth.

d)     Don’t know because the Supreme Court has not clarified the definition of ‘Natural Born Citizen’?

e)      Don’t know? 

Do you believe that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?

a)      Yes

b)     No

c)      Don’t know

d)     Don’t care


Why do you believe that Obama fails the test of Presidential eligibility contained in the Constitution?

a)      He was not born on American soil.

b)     He was born on American soil but his parents at the time of his birth were not American Citizens (native born or naturalized).

c)      I don’t know enough of Obama’s birth narrative to make the determination.

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care 

f)       He doesn’t 

If you have doubts about Obama’s birth narrative, do you believe that your son, daughter or spouse in the military is following ‘unlawful orders’ and/or violating the Oath they took when they enlisted?

a)      Yes

b)     Probably

c)      No

d)     Don’t know

e)      Don’t care 

If someone in the military has doubts about Obama’s eligibility to serve and/or questions regarding the legality of his orders, what should he or she do?

a)      Resign if possible

b)     Talk to legal counsel on base

c)      Talk to Chaplin

d)     Suck it up and pretend it doesn’t matter

e)      Refuse Orders that originate with Obama

f)       Write their elected Representatives

g)     Write anonymous letters to the editors of newspapers explaining situation

h)     Write Obama

i)       Wait until 2012 and work to remove Obama 

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

The following article was posted a few days ago at

Because it seems to support the allegations of Larry Sinclair, it’s better to post it late than never.

The Ulsterman Report: Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama?

A shocking tale of Barack Obama’s behavior following a high profile Chicago gathering of Democratic Party elites shortly before Obama won election to the Illinois State Senate.

From The Ulsterman:  This story came to me via a message to my Facebook account.  Upon reading what the author had to say, and doing some preliminary investigation to attempt at least partial corroboration, I have finally determined, following what appears to be both a sincere and earnest request, to publish this recollection of what they say they saw from Barack Obama and a now deceased man who was in Barack Obama’s presence that night.  The following is their recollection in its entirety – no editing has been done.  I leave it to the readers to determine for themselves the validity of what the author of this story claims to have seen….Continue Reading

 See also:

Commentary –

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.



Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Glenn Beck was right according to the New York Times.


Dr. Kate’s Review

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

The Post Email


 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Sheriff Dupnik Visiting Larry Sinclair’s Site? – Montana Legislation Weighing in on Natural Born Citizen Issue – ObamaCare/Eligibility Lawsuit – Lt. Col. Lakin Remains a Political Prisoner – The BOPAC Report

January 12, 2011

The BOPAC Report

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

Well, well. It seems that Sheriff Dupnik has been visiting Larry Sinclair’s site to see what Mr. Sinclair thinks of him.  It seems that Larry Sinclair has proof.  Larry Sinclair is the man who alleges that he and Obama engaged in consensual sex and drug use in 1999. 

Pima County Sheriff’s Department Busy Doing Google Searches on the Name “Dupnik”Written By: Larry – Jan• 11•11

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (D) of Pima County, Tucson Arizona is accused of not taking the time to investigate threats made by Jared Lee Loughner, the man who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others on Saturday, killing 6. But after Sheriff Dupnik used the tragic event of Saturday to spew his own political rhetoric blaming Talk Radio; Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for Loughner’s actions, he and/or his department seem to be more concerned with what is being posted on the internet about Dupnik…Continue Reading and view Larry’s proof.

See also:

Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey –

No person Except a Natural Born Citizen - Lt. Col. Lakin Remains a Political Prisoner

Yes, Lt. Col. Lakin is still a political prisoner.

Natural Born Citizen –

When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was making a sacrifice for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close. I certainly would not follow someone who would not release every document necessary to prove he is eligible to serve as Commander In Chief.

I would urge the Montana legislature to define the term ‘natural born citizen’ to mean what the Founders meant. The Presidential candidate must have been born in the United States to parents who were both citizens (naturalized or by birth) at the time of the candidate’s birth.  This would ensure a court challenge and get this issue before the Supreme Court of the United States where it belongs.

Resolving Obama’s eligibility now has dollars-and-sense plan

Representative wants president’s docs filed, taxpayers protected from costs of litigation

Posted: January 11, 2011
8:21 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Montana state Rep. Bob Wagner is proposing legislation that would require candidates for president to document their constitutional eligibility in his state, but his plan would take the controversy one step beyond other state proposals.

His outline would set in state law protections for the taxpayers of Montana to prevent them from being billed for “unnecessary expense and litigation” involving the failure of “federal election officials” to do their duty.

“There should be no question after the fact as to the qualifications [of a president],” he told WND. “The state of Montana needs to have [legal] grounds to sue for damages for the cost of litigation.”

Read more: Resolving Obama’s eligibility now has dollars-and-sense plan

The folks at WND have been busy this morning.  It would very interesting if one State Attorney General would ask to join this suit.

Ineligible president cited as reason to kill Obamacare

Lawsuit says it’s not law because ‘the one’ is only ‘statutory citizen’

Posted: January 11, 2011
8:33 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

A lot of court cases have been filed alleging that Barack Obama never qualified to become president, and therefore is occupying the Oval Office as a matter of fact, but not of law. Now there’s a new case that argues since Obama is not legally president, his Obamacare takeover of the nation’s health-care industry should be voided.

“It is indisputable and not denied that Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr.’s father was a citizen of the British Commonwealth,” says the lawsuit, now pending before a federal judge who is awaiting word from the Justice Department on how its lawyers want to defend against the claims.

“By law, it is undeniable Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr. is ineligible to hold the office of president of the United States. The framers of the Constitution when they adopted the requirement they excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born,” the lawsuit says.

“Mr. Obama was born of a father who is a British subject/citizen and Obama himself was the same. The term ‘natural born citizen’ is defined, at least since 1758, as ‘a child born in the country of parents who are citizens.’ Only one of Barack Hussein Obama Jr.’s parents was a citizen at the time of his birth; in this case his mother … was/is a U.S. citizen.”

The focal point of the lawsuit brought by former financial company executive Nicholas E. Purpura and Donald R. Laster Jr., acting as their own attorneys, is a request to invalidate Obamacare.

Read more: Ineligible prez cited as reason to kill Obamacare

See also:

Commentary –

If Gen. George Patton were still around, I would bet that he would be standing shoulder to shoulder with Lt. Col. Lakin!

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News:

Soros keeps popping up over and over. His hand is everywhere in America's destruction.

American Thinker


Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Natural Born Citizen

Orly Taitz, Esq.

Philip Berg, Esq.

The Post Email

United States Constitution

 Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty – Atlas Shrugs – Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Seeks Evidence of Obama’s Eligibility – WND – U.S. Congressional Representative (Democrat) Worries Guam May Tip Over – Hot Air – Filing Deadline for Larry Sinclair – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

April 1, 2010

The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Where's the documentation that proves that Obama is a 'natural born citizen'

We need to keep this story going strong!  Real courage needs to be saluted and supported.

Army ‘showdown’ at eligibility corral

Top doctor refuses orders, tells Obama to show birth certificate – ‘if you have 1’

Posted: March 31, 2010

By Joe Kovacs
© 2010 WorldNetDaily


A top-ranking, highly decorated officer in the U.S. Army says he’s now refusing all orders until President Barack Obama finally releases his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

“I feel I have no choice but the distasteful one of inviting my own court martial,” said Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an active-duty flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey’s pilots and air crew. “The Constitution matters. The truth matters.”

“For the first time in all my years of service to our great nation, and at great peril to my career and future, I am choosing to disobey what I believe are illegal orders, including an order to deploy to Afghanistan for my second tour of duty there. I will disobey my orders to deploy because I – and I believe all servicemen and women and the American people – deserve the truth about President Obama’s constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief.

“If he is ineligible, then my orders – and indeed all orders – are illegal because all orders have their origin with the commander in chief as handed down through the chain of command.”

In his video message now posted on YouTube, the 18-year veteran personally pleads with the president to stop withholding the key document which would put to rest many of the doubts that continue to linger more than a year into Obama’s term. …Continue Reading


Larry Sinclair’s Journey –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? Talking to you Ben Nelson.

Larry Sinclair’s filing fee deadline is quickly approaching!  The date donations are needed by is April 19, 2010.

  From CitizenWells:

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair, Filing deadline, Obama challenge, Obama impeachment, Larry Sinclair book, Larry Sinclair for Congress

March 31, 2010

Florida district 24 congressional elections, Larry Sinclair

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail…Ancient Proverb

I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night. He reminded me that the deadline for his receiving contributions for the Florida district 24 congressional election filing fee is April 19, 2010. He also wanted everyone to know that without the filing fee, there will be no running for Congress in November. Larry is receiving coverage from some of the big MSM players now. If you cannot contribute, help spread the word. There is strength in numbers.
Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone to expose the truth about Barack Obama. He has been doing so for well over 2 years. His continued presence in the Florida congressional race will bring even more attention to Obama’s past. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine Larry Sinclair in Congress. All of you who want Obama impeached. Sinclair will do what he says. Larry will do everything in his power to get Obama removed from office. Contributing a few dollars seems like a small price to pay for this. Larry has paid the ultimate price.

To help Larry Sinclair and this country, donate here.

More info on Larry Sinclair and his run for Congress…Continue Reading


ChiBama Politics –


Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.

What?  Heaven help us! And these are the people who will be in charge of Health Care? Rep. Hank Johnson needs to find a porch and rocker!

 From Hot Air:

Dem congressman: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over

posted at 9:55 pm on March 31, 2010 by Allahpundit

Via Weasel Zippers, a clip that’s destined to be viral by tomorrow morning. Even so, go easy on him. Yes, he was an Iraq defeatist, and granted, he demagogued Joe Wilson’s outburst in the scummiest way imaginable, but he’s also a guy with a serious illness that affects his mind (“he regularly gets lost in thought in the middle of a discussion”). Although if that’s what’s going on here, a polite question for Madam Speaker arises: What’s he doing at these hearings instead of resting?…Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

Americans need to be on guard every day, every minute, and every second with the Obama Administration. 

 From Atlas Shrugs:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bolton: Nuclear Treaty Threatens American SovereigntyThe crucial existential idea of national sovereignty is under assault around the globe in virtually every realm of Obama’s policy.

Bolton expands upon this in the foreword of my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America — have you ordered it yet?

John Bolton, critical of the  New START, is correct in urging us to pressure politicians on sovereignty issues. “We have to insist on getting clear answers from candidates for Congress, from incumbent members of Congress, from the presidential candidates as we get into the presidential season in the not-too-distant future,” Bolton said, “to make it clear that we view sovereignty and the preservation of American sovereignty as a high priority.”

Bolton belongs in the White House.

If you missed the live broadcast of Ambassador John R. Bolton on Protecting National Sovereignty in the Age of Obama, click on the link.

In an address at the Heritage Foundation John Bolton claims that national sovereignty is undermined by the partnership between the United Nations and the Obama Administration. Bolton argues that policies made under the U.N. impose a foreign influence that weakens America’s ability to govern itself.

Bolton Suggests Nuclear Treaty Threatens American Sovereignty

Accuses Administration of ‘Stunning Naivete’

Bolton, an influential conservative foreign policy official for decades, accused the Obama administration of harboring “a very different view of American sovereignty than a long line of presidents, certainly since Franklin Roosevelt.” Relying on portions of quotes by senior officials and an undefined category of people he characterized as the “international left” and the “academic left,” Bolton said the administration attaches a “near theological significance” to the power of international institutions whose actions threaten the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution. …Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

 From WeThePeopleUSA:

Decorated Military Officer Invites His Own Ct. Martial

Posted by JeanWTPUSA on March 30, 2010 at 11:30pm

From Family Security Matters:

Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born Citizen

Margaret Hemenway

A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his chain of command and his Congressional delegation to force President Obama

to release his original birth certificate.  He is the highest ranking officer to go public over this controversy and in late February, was notified that he is subject to near-term deployment to Afghanistan…. 

From JagHunter:

Army Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

Obama Developing Hit List? – ACORN – Media Blackout of Birth Certificate Issue – Careers Threatened – CFP – Dr. Orly Taitz Comment – Larry Sinclair Book Review – CFP – The BOPAC Report

August 5, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

ChiBama Politics –

Obama Joker Raid On Taxpayor Dollars

Obama Joker Raid On Taxpayor Dollars

From the examiner comes reports that sound like Obama is reading from Nixon’s playbook.

Brother “rat” is lurking at an ACORN office near you…

August 4, 7:12 PM

Watch out for those neighborhood canvassers from “Organizing for America” and “ACORN,” the ones whose stealth, grassroots efforts got Obama elected in the first place.  As very observant reader “Bob” commented on this site earlier today:

“Bob – Today(Aug 3) I heard on Rush’s radio that the W.H. has put out a request for their denizens to report any negative talk about their health plan. Maybe these citizens will be the first to benefit from the plan. Euthanasia is a benefit, right?”

Yes, and you will even be entitled to a “do-it-yourself” kit, including that quick-acting med “Die-agara,” for when “the moment is right.”

And when grandma goes off her rocker, don’t even bother getting the Fire Dept. to put her back.  Just roll her up in the carpet and put her in the new, red-colored “Comrade Recycling” bins that will be located on every street corner.  After all, you’d hate to have any usable parts go to waste.  She has that beautiful white hair, and it will save you from prying that gold wedding ring from her rigormortis-stiffened finger.  In fact, throw in any of grandma’s belongings that you don’t want, and they’ll recycle that too!

Getting back on topic, if you think someone is eavesdropping…Continue Reading

Update from Michelle Malkin on opposition to ObamaCare topic-

Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets

Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets

Tea Party-bashers gone wild

By Michelle Malkin  •  August 5, 2009 07:01 AM

Tea Party-bashers gone wild
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

The activist Left can’t stand competition. Last week in Long Island, NY, opponents of the Democrats’ government health care takeover legislation outnumbered Obama supporters ten to one. The Tea Party activists toted American flags and signs that read “WE CAN’T AFFORD FREE HEALTH CARE” – prompting one foe to stalk into the peaceful crowd, gesticulate wildly, and shout unintelligible threats at the top of his lungs.

The same Democrat Masters of Astroturf who encouraged their followers to use “in your face” tactics during the campaign season now balk at vocal opposition from their fiscally conservative neighbors and co-workers…. Continue Reading

Media Carrying Water for Obama –

Carrying Obama's Water While Drowning the Truth!

Carrying Obama's Water While Drowning the Truth!

Speaking of Nixon’s playbook.

Teleprompter Lesson on Nixon

Teleprompter Lesson on Nixon

From Canada Free Press comes official word of what anyone with eyes could see, the media is and has been carrying water for Obama.

Canada Free Press & Northeast Intelligence Network Exclusive

Media Blackout on Obama eligibility dates back to November

By Douglas Hagmann & Judi McLeod Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do you remember Watergate? Thirty-five years ago this Sunday, U.S. President Richard M. Nixon submitted his letter of resignation for his role in the scandal. There was the crime – the break-in, and then there was the cover-up by the Nixon administration. There were threats, media manipulation and disinformation. It was the cover-up more than the crime itself in the aftermath of the Watergate break-in that led to the downfall of the Nixon administration. It was a politically critical time for our country, but we survived because of the strength of the U.S. constitution.

Now, we potentially face a new constitutional crisis stemming from the refusal of Barack Hussein Obama to produce a one-page document that would confirm his eligibility to hold the highest office in the land. Eligibility to hold office is not a “fringe” matter, but a core constitutional issue that lies at the very heart of a growing controversy.

Although we do not have the birth certificate or proof of ineligibility, the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press have documentation of a cover-up relating to the issue of Obama’s eligibility to hold office. The proof we possess not only exposes a well orchestrated cover-up, but also provides critical insight into why the topic of Obama’s eligibility has failed to gain traction in the corporate media.

The Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press are in possession of extremely sensitive investigative documents, including a stunning written admission by a nationally known talk show host stating that he was threatened with his career – or worse – should he talk about the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth records to a national audience. This document was obtained on December 10, 2008, and provides explicit detail of a “gag order” imposed on this host before and immediately following the national election last November.

After receiving and authenticating the document, US based veteran private investigator Douglas J. Hagmann opened a full scale investigation into the media blackout, with specific emphasis on tracing the blackout origins to those issuing them. This investigation was conducted in conjunction with Judi McLeod, founding editor of Canada Free Press and Brian Thompson, CFP Information Technology chief following a meeting near Toronto, Ontario last December. At that meeting, it was decided to keep the existence of the document secret until additional evidence could be obtained.

Today, after an extensive eight month investigation, the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press are breaking their silence and revealing explosive information about a widespread cover-up that began at the earliest stages of the Obama presidential campaign. The cover-up traces back to some of the most powerful and influential people in the U.S. and continues today. …Continue Reading

Kenyan Birth Certificate Issue –

Obama's Kenyan Birth Witnessed by His Family

Obama's Kenyan Birth Witnessed by His Family

Right Side of Life has a post up that contains a comment from Dr. Orly Taitz that I thought I would share.

From RightSideofLife:

Comment from Dr. Orly Taitz

Update: Dr. Orly Taitz posted the following on her blog:

Debunking Obama’s thugs in the media

Recently Obama’s thugs in main stream media came up with this Bomford report in order to stop my efforts in exposing and prosecuting Obama. Though typically I don’t have time to waste on each and every dumb obot, since it got to National TV and my children”s friends called my children, I’ll spend a few minutes to debunk the obots:

1. Kenya became an independant country in 1963, not 1964. The seal of Kenya was correct.

2. More then one person had certified copies of this document.

3. the document was not issued at birth, but rather was a certified copy obatained in1964, when Kenya became independent

4. The documents from that time would not show Zanzibar, but rather Kenya

5. Bomford report was created to try to discredit my efforts

6.lastly, I am not supposed to waste my time and money on this issue, Obama us the one who is supposed to provide evidence of legitimacy

7. Kenyan BC provides more info than the piece of garbage Obama posted on the n et, which doesn’t have the name of the hospital, name of the doctor or signatures.

8. Chioumi Fukino and Obama and all their Nazi Brown Shirts in the main stream media need to give it a rest and provide an original hospital BC and the corresponding  big thick hospital Birthing  file from the Kapiolani hospital. If they don’t have such a file, all of them need to resign immediately or they will be prosecuted for massive fraud and treason to this Nation. (in case you didn’t know, treason  carries punishment of  life in prison or death penalty)

….Read Article and Comments

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

USS Larry Sinclair on a World-Wide Jouney!

USS Larry Sinclair on a World-Wide Jouney!

Canada Free Press has a review of Larry Sinclair’s book!

The dearth of fundamental details about most of Obama’s life, leads to supposition

Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair:  Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

By Joy Tiz Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I can’t get a bead on Larry Sinclair.  I’ve read his book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair:  Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?  I’ve watched his videos on YouTube.  My normally dependable women’s intuition is not sending me conclusive cues about Sinclair’s veracity.  On the other hand, I have no question about Barack Obama’s mendacity.

Sinclair is conspicuously candid about his ignominious narrative.  He conceded his copious incarcerations early on.  Sinclair has been in and out of jail on assorted charges of bamboozlement—including passing bad checks; about which he has been forthright.

The president, however, has yet to release his college records, medical records, law school records, Illinois State Bar application, early school records, his passport or his birth certificate.…
….But we have far more knowledge about Sinclair’s past than we do about Obama’s.

Sinclair asserts that he met Obama twice in 1999.  Their rendezvous was orchestrated by limo driver, Jagir Multani.  Sinclair avers that Multani may have been in the United States illegally.  Sinclair alleges that Obama smoked crack cocaine and directed Sinclair to administer a Lewinsky—which Sinclair obliged.  According to Sinclair, the following day Obama materialized at Sinclair’s hotel to solicit supplementary Lewinskyization.  That was the entirety of their affair, per Sinclair.  Expecting to be serviced with no impulse to reciprocate is certainly consistent with Obama’s consummate narcissism.

Sinclair has made capacious efforts to get his story out and his narrative has been unchanging.  It would seem the sole witness who could corroborate the limo story would be the missing Multani….

…But he is manifestly more frank about his life story than Obama has been. As with the birth certificate matter, Obama’s lack of candor cannot but lead to supposition….

…Obama has confessed to using illegal drugs his younger days (Dreams, Pg.  93). Much of Dreams is unadulterated fabrication, thus, we have no way of knowing how profligate Obama’s drug abuse was, nor has he released his medical records….

…Non-Obamanutz should find Sinclair’s book a worthy read.…Continue Reading Complete Article and Comments

From Larry Sinclair comes some good news about sales at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair Cracks Top 20,40 & 50 In 3 Categories At

Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? (Hardcover)by Lawrence W Sinclair (Author), Jeff Rense (Foreword) … Continue Reading

Marriage is the Domain of the Church and God – Obama – Gay Marriage – Glenn Beck – Church – Market Risk – Stock Market – Federal Deficit – Social Security – The BOPAC Report

May 13, 2009

Marriage is the Domain of the Church and God –

Market Risk is the Domain of Individuals and Business –

Neither is the Domain of the Federal Government.

This morning I heard Glenn Beck talking briefly about gay marriage, civil unions and the possibility that triad couples (between more than 2 people) could soon start demanding the same rights. After I finished rolling my eyes, I began thinking about the issue and quickly came to the same opinion that I hold concerning gay marriages and marriage in general.  Marriage is an issue for the church, consenting adults, and God.  If there are some churches that recognize gay marriages, fine (as long they are between freely consenting adults).  If there are some churches that recognize marriage between more than two people or communal families, fine (as long as they are between freely consenting adults).  I’m not in the religion or morality business as long as actions don’t hurt others or infringe upon their rights.

Why in the world is the government, any government, state or federal, in the business of sanctifying or recognizing any marriage?  It has always been clear to me that when government makes it possible for people who are “married” to have benefits and rights (social security or medical decision making) different from “non-married” people, it is a violation of both the equal protection clause (14th Amendment to the Constitution) and the prohibition respecting the establishment of religion (1st Amendment to the Constitution).

Social Security benefits accruing to surviving spouses are probably the main reason people are upset about the federal government not recognizing gay marriage in general.  I agree completely that gay and single couples both have a legitimate right to be upset.  Where does the idea and definition of marriage come from?  It comes from the church. (Particularly churches of the Judea/Christian tradition.)

In this country, the Christian church’s biblical interpretation that marriage is only between one man and one woman is engrained in literature and history as the rule.  However today, there are churches that recognize and perform marriages between couples of the same sex, transgender persons, and even between a man and a woman.  So, when official government process bestows benefits to those individuals who are in “traditional marriages”, the definition of which was establish by the Judea/Christian beliefs, there is clearly a preference being made for one religion’s or church’s definition of marriage over those found in other religions or churches.

When government goes down the “we benefit you, but not you” path; it sure seems like government is either involved in establishing  a particular religion or government is not providing equal protection and opportunity for “single” individuals who wish to consolidate and share their resources as “partners” or “significant others” the same as “traditionally married” people.  Government should either benefit people equally or don’t benefit anyone.

If Joe and Mary, or Joe and Sam, or Joe, Mary, & Jane said to the government that we want to pool our social security contributions from this date forward, then every participant’s individual social security contributions would be pooled and the sum would be divided by the number of people involved and that amount would be credited to each person’s individual social security earnings account.

This would allow the stay-at-home mom or dad to make contributions to their individual social security account as if they were “working” (half of the family’s income would be credited to each person in the relationship).  It would work the same way for gay couples or communal families.  Each person in such an arrangement would have some measure of protection vis-à-vis social security.  There would be no surviving spouse benefit because they would have their own social security. Primary income earners or those with a bigger income could direct part of their social security contributions to another’s account because they are committed to the other person (or people) and/or recognize the value of another person(s) non-monetary contributions such as raising children, gardening or taking care of the house.

I would think that most people would not have a problem with such a restructuring of Social Security because the government would be recognizing the limits of its power by saying we are not going to involve ourselves with the definition of the term marriage.  Marriage is within the domain of the church, the consenting individual(s), and their God.

It amazes me that the government doesn’t try harder to stay out of the business of limiting the rights of individuals more.  It seems like politicians want division so they can play each side off the other and maintain their grip on power.  Every time the government and politicians get involved in anything they create fear and uncertainty; and then use that uncertainty to their own advantage.  One only needs to look at the current financial mess that the economy is in.

Obama likes to say that he inherited the mess and he is only doing what has to be done.  However, the truth is that he and many Democrats in Congress share a great deal of the blame for the economic mess and Obama is using this crisis to get his political objectives accomplished.  The entire mess can be traced back to when government (mostly Democrats, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd) decided it wanted to get into the business of setting up regulations that created opportunities for groups like ACORN to pressure banks into lending to people who were not able to afford mortgages. This led to many of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s problems; which coupled with packaging these sub-prime assets into financial bundles and selling them round the world; it caused the global house of cards to collapse.

The government was trying to manipulate business RISK principles and it backfired.  Banks wound up being in the position of making risky loans that could be sold to the government (or guaranteed) and the bank’s RISK of losing its own money was greatly diminished.  It’s a lot easier to play fast and loose with other people’s money.

Market Risk is the Domain of Individuals and Business.

Now, people are getting excited that the stock market appears to be signaling the end of the crisis.  Think again.  The news of the past few days paints a much bleaker picture.  Consider the following:

With passage of Obama’s budget, the government will have to borrow almost 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year.

The Federal deficit will be greater than 1.8 trillion dollars this year.

Social Security and Medicare financial projections have been revised to reflect that they are going broke sooner than expected.  Medicare is already losing money by the truckloads and Social Security will be sending out payments faster than money coming in by 2016. That’s only 7 years away! Congress is not only spending money like drunken sailors but they are also so afraid of risking the votes of senior citizens that they are unwilling to effectively address the Social Security/Medicare problem.  (That’s the problem with creating dependency for voter loyalty, the bill always comes due. Then it comes down to who can be blamed.  With the American media’s proclivity for supporting Democrats, blame usually finds it way to Republicans regardless of facts to the contrary.)

Last week, the Treasury auction went poorly and Treasury yields soared.  This means that the government has to pay much more interest on the amounts they are borrowing.

This week, the government was buying their own securities to bring the yields back down some.  Where are the funds coming from to for the Fed to do all this buying? They have the printing presses running overtime.  This will, in the not too distant future, damage severely the value of the dollar and cause a substantial rise in inflation.  The price of everything will go up and foreign countries will be reluctant to purchase our debt to keep the charade going.

China, who holds a great deal of our debt, will be looking for treasuries paying higher interest in order to entice them to purchase more debt.

The more the government prints money out of thin air, the more the dollar’s value will be affected.  There will more money available to buy the same number of goods – causing inflationary pressure. Demand will likely take a downturn once consumers figure out they need to be protecting bank balances.  However, with a decline in dollar’s value, it means that many goods will cost more to produce because the materials required for production will cost more. Therefore producers will either need to raise prices, lower profit margins, lower labor costs (lower wages and/or cut jobs), and/or relocate to areas where the costs of production (taxes etc.) are lower.  However, even with these actions, consumers may not buy at higher prices (or even current prices) and businesses will go under.

So why are stock going up? I believe that many people are being led to think the crisis is ending by Obama and the media and they want to be in on the bull market.  I also believe that many people are moving out of U.S. Securities because the yields are relatively low right now, some stocks price/earnings ratios look attractive comparatively and some investors are starting to believe that Treasuries are too risky and could collapse in the future.  I think people are buying stocks because they feel like they are buying something tangible like buildings, machinery, etc. I bet buyers are looking at companies that don’t have high debt to equity ratios.  Stocks just look better than most of the other choices right now.  Now is the operative word because once interest rates on government securities are forced to rise to 6 or 7%, a lot of investors will shift back trying to stay ahead of the calamity that’s nearly certain to come.  This amount of debt and planned taxation is not sustainable.

This crisis can only be overcome by returning to sound economic principles now. Congress and Obama must stop trying to spend and tax our way out of this. The media needs to be telling the story of how to work toward healthy long term economic fundamentals and not just promoting Obama’s plan.  Obama’s massive stimulus is a short-term feel good illusion; but like social security, the bill will come due.

The media should encouraging Tea Parties instead of attacking them.  The media needs to tell the truth about Obama and his real objectives.  The media needs to investigate & report factually about Obama’s eligibility issue, Rezko, Ayers, Larry Sinclair’s allegations, Obama’s associations with ACORN, and the numerous other issues and scandals from Obama’s past. Before America can come together, these questions must be addressed fully. The media generated Obama “fairy tale” must stop because America’s future is at stake. The media needs to tell the truth and report the news.

We need to support companies like Ford who are not feeding off tax payers and taking direction from self-serving politicians.  Boycott companies like GM, Chrysler, Citigroup and others who undermine ingenuity and lead America to mediocrity.

Neither marriage nor market risk should be within the domain of the Federal Government.

A Wink and Nod to Torture – Spain – Obama – Misdirection – Transnationalism – The BOPAC Report

May 7, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

A Wink & Nod to Torture –

Will Spain Genuflect to Obama’s Misdirection?

Recently, I wrote an article concerning the Democratic left’s (Obama & Harold Koh) misguided infatuation with transnationalism, its undermining of American sovereignty and how transnationalism vis-à-vis unforeseen international actions/prejudices could jeopardize Obama’s precarious hold on the Presidency.   I basically warned Mr. Obama that he should be careful what he wished for because he might just get it. Now, the transnational view from the Oval Office reveals more thunder clouds gathering several hundred miles behind the Azores in Spain.

In the Obama Transnational Irony, I recounted…a news article that indicated that “Criminal proceedings have begun in Spain against six senior officials in the Bush administration for the use of torture against detainees in Guantánamo Bay. “  The action appears to be based in part on the fact that the United States is a signatory to the 1984 UN Convention against Torture that requires states to investigate allegations of torture committed on their territory or by their nationals, or extradite them to stand trial elsewhere.  The argument goes that because these six officials were giving critical advice to President Bush, without which “it would have been impossible to structure a legal framework that supported what happened [in Guantánamo]”, they can be held criminally liable.

If Spain does issue arrest warrants for Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, Douglas Feith, William Haynes, John Yoo or Jay Bybee and subsequently seeks extradition, Obama is going to be put in a fairly difficult position.

…If Obama orders or causes a real criminal investigation of these individuals or extradition, surely he will be opening himself up to Dr. Orly Taitz’s eligibility dragon raising its head and talons coming to the aid of these defendants.  Dr. Orly Taitz is one of a number of attorneys across the country who have brought over 50 lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States….

If Obama is in fact not eligible to serve, he cannot legally order extradition and his appointment of Mr. Holder would also be invalid. To date no judge has allowed an evidentiary hearing on the merits of the basic allegation that Obama is not a “natural born citizen” under the Constitution.  However, given that the rights of the criminally accused to be heard, confront their accusers and to due process are paramount in American Jurisprudence that might have to change.

A day or two after writing the Obama Transnational Irony, it began to look like Obama had managed, either through luck or some sort of backroom wheeling and dealing, to avoid the possibility that his probable lack of eligibility to serve as President of the United States would be raised as a defense in a criminal proceeding.  The Attorney General of Spain was recommending that matter be dropped.

However, this week it appears that Spain is continuing on its crusade against anything – anywhere that has even a hint of coerciveness to it, regardless of the views of their Attorney General.  It seems Spain might be suffering from some sort of internalized guilt from their history during the Spanish Inquisition and under Francisco Franco’s rule; and now, they’re assuming the role of Don Quixote de la Mancha.  In my opinion, Don Quixote had a much better grasp of reality and dangers faced in the world than the modern day Spanish judges, who appear only to pander to public opinion of ostridges.   One Spanish judge has recently made a procedurally required inquiry to U.S. authorities seeking to find out if their targets were currently the subjects of judicial inquiry.  A different Spanish judge has started another probe into torture allegations at Gitmo and a third is asking to interrogate eight Chinese officials concerning deaths and/or disappearance of hundreds/thousands of Tibetans.   (I’m only going to address the torture aspect involving Americans.)

Earlier, I had suggested a few options available to Mr. Obama to try to avoid Spain’s pesky transnational interference with the limits of what advisors to the President should be allowed to proffer.  Obama’s Administration has added a clever twist one of these.

…He will need to either start a criminal investigation here in the United States or deal with an extradition request from Spain.   It might be possible for him, with a wink and a nod, to start an investigation and conclude the accused were simply giving advice that every President needs to govern and end it; or he might start an investigation and drag it out until he’s out of office.  I believe the wink and nod would have to be there for Obama to pull that off….

Obama has been in the uncomfortable position of having to placate his mostly irrational Democratic left, trying to keep some level of CIA intelligence coming in from those who do the interrogating, and trying to show Spain that he is handling the matter (providing political cover) so they will drop their investigations.

First, Obama tried to float the let’s just move on argument that it would serve no purpose to pursue criminally members of the Bush Administration. We want to look forward and not back. That blew a fuse with the far left. said move back and think again.

Then, in less than 24 hours, Obama came out and said that the CIA interrogators would not be pursued if they acted within the four corners of the interrogation documents.  But as for others in the Bush Administration, he would leave it up to Holder.  This sent a chill through the CIA and increases the likelihood that we will not be able to discover as many terrorist plots because we now have a gun shy CIA.  (In the Art of War, Sun Tzu expresses his deep awareness that foreknowledge is a critical factor for success in war and that foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits.  It comes from people.)

…Those in intelligence are “gong to become increasingly wary about doing dangerous things,” Lowenthal said. “They feel at the end of the day they won’t be covered. It’s not irreparable right now, but it’s problematic.”…

Now, Obama is allowing the release of many more troubling photographs and refusing to provide any memos/documentation showing how successful these interrogation techniques have been.  In fact, these interrogation techniques have provided critical information that prevented a 9/11 type attack in Los Angeles and another planned attack against the Brooklyn Bridge saving many lives.

Of course, Obama has given several speeches condemning torture, apologizing to the world, saying that Churchill never condoned “torture.”  However, he was totally mistaken.

And finally, we find out that Mr. Holder is not likely to prosecute these former Bush officials, but may try to get several of these individuals (Yoo & Bybee of California) disciplined by their respective Bar Associations.  Disbarment is in fact a very fairly sever punishment for an attorney or Judge.  Lucky for Mr. Gonzales, he is from Texas and Texans seem to use more “common sense” when balancing interrogation and preventing the possible deaths of thousands, if not millions, of Americans.  (This Justice Department inquiry may be released in the coming weeks.)

All of these self-serving actions put America’s security and her troops in greater danger by telegraphing to our enemies just how far we will go (allowing enemies to prepare against our interrogation attempts) and by casting a disparaging light on our military and CIA personnel (undermining moral and resolve). Obama epitomizes the President who looks at the issues of interrogation, “torture”, and war through the lens of one beholding to the people who got him elected.   To appease his supporters and cover his liabilities, Obama seems willing to do whatever he can as quickly as possible.

However, the group most culpable for endangering America’s security is the American media.  Their Bush hating war reporting during the last eight years has emboldened our enemies and caused a concurrent lack of resolve in the American people. The media’s gushing support for and failure to vet candidate Obama brought to power the most divisive and extreme person ever to sit in the Oval Office.  (Rezko, Ayers, Socialism, Larry Sinclair, ACORN, campaign funding issues and lack of “natural born citizen” status should have derailed Obama’s candidacy early on.)

Will America’s enemies respond positively to Obama’s apologies and showings of weakness?  I doubt it and the damage can’t be undone easily.

Will this last step of hoping bar discipline to allow Obama to once again sidestep answering the allegations that he is not a “natural born citizen”- and is therefore ineligible to hold the Office of the Presidency?  Maybe so, since Holder vis-à-vis Obama would not be involved. (Passing the buck to protect the golden goose?)

Will the self-righteous left be placated?  Seems unlikely to me.

However, the bigger question is – Will Spain be placated by this result and submissively genuflect to Obama because he’s basically one of them, a transnationalist, who has gotten himself into a pickle with this whole birth certificate/eligibility mess? It depends if Spanish judges, looking at Obama’s wink and nod of political cover, believe it is sufficient for them.

It’s probably appropriate to share my opinion/bias about war and interrogation.

I am strongly opposed to torture.


With the exception of water-boarding being used only when “ABSOLUTELY” necessary, the interrogation techniques that were described in the memos that Obama released do not constitute “torture during war” if the individuals subjected were legitimately believed to have actionable intelligence that could prevent loss of life at the hands of terrorists and the methods were carefully monitored.  I realize that this is a broad harsh statement and arguments are always present concerning who is defining who a “terrorist” is, what a “legitimate belief” is, what “careful monitoring” is, and what our ethics are.

Interrogations are not pleasant and they certainly should bother everyone involved – the interrogator and the people interrogators are trying to protect.  Harsh interrogation must never become common place; but it must be recognized that under certain circumstances, circumstances where lives are at stake, we must have interrogators who can do what we and they hate.  (I do believe that if an interrogator truly enjoys the rough stuff, they need find some other way to serve.)

Rough techniques, much rougher than those described in the memos, have been used by almost all countries when lives are at stake.  I certainly believe that Obama would try to get CIA interrogators to utilize every technique if people he loved were in imminent danger.  However, considering the recent political actions of Obama regarding interrogation techniques and possible prosecutions, it is possible that interrogators would refuse out of fear Obama would send the Justice Department after them at some later date.

Interrogations are not nice and wars are horrific.  Wars are horrific so as to be avoided if at all possible. However, sometimes both are unavoidable.  It would be great if Obama could get information from terrorists with foot rubs and Jacuzzis; and fight wars with paint balls.  However, when fighting a determined adversary, the only thing such thinking will accomplish is defeat, loss of liberty and even greater loss of life.  We don’t live in a politically correct world and we can’t fight wars that are politically correct on one side and hope to remain free or even survive in the face of the Sharia world as envisioned by people such as the President of Iran.

There is a differentiation between the ethics we have when survival is at stake and those when we are at peace. There are basic survival instincts that shape and compromise our abilities to hold high and ideal ethics. There are also desperate situations that call upon individuals to bend society’s ethics for the moment, regretfully, but resolutely. If your children are hungry or seriously ill, the ethics of taking a loaf of bread that you can’t pay for pales in comparison.  Ethics are struggle. They are not black or white – in life or war.  (Unless you’re a politician or in the main stream media, then your ethics can seemingly go as far as you can get away with.) What would you parents do to keep your daughter from being forced to wear a burka? What would you parents do to keep your son from be forced to change his religion to suit Sharia law? What would you parents do to keep your children alive? Would you say to the interrogator please do what you need to do to stop this – I thank and forgive you?  The interrogators hopefully understand that your children are in jeopardy, that their lives, freedoms and futures are at stake.  Hopefully, with your forgiveness, their own, and their God’s – they will make it though the days remaining to them.

I do realize that there are some who genuinely believe that it is better to perish rather than lift a hand in anger or self defense, and they live that way. Are they walking unattached in this world, unattached to this world, unattached to country, unattached even unto themselves? Christ like? I don’t know. However, it seems that such a position takes a lot of courage and awareness.  I suspect their numbers are very few; and that for most who profess such belief, it is more or less a notion that has not been put to the test. Regarding the far, far left, it seems me that they are mainly dominated by self-righteous, intolerant, arrogant, America bashing elitists. One thing that’s for certain, America can’t count on them to protect our friends, family, freedoms or Constitution.

My thanks go to the United States Military and militaries of our allies.

Unless a person is one of the very few as described above, the following quote sums up my feelings on defense of family, freedom, America and her Constitution:

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill

My fear is that one day many may come to believe that under Obama’s ideology and control, America has ceased to be something that is worth fighting for.  If the people who Janet Napolitano believes could be domestic terrorists won’t fight for America, who will? Barney Frank? Chris Dodd? Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid? Chris Matthews? Katie Couric? ACORN? The extreme left? The Media? George Soros?

We are not there yet, but our rights and freedoms are being quickly eroded by the Obama Administration and Congress.  We need to organize and vote out people who are not fiscally responsible, vote out people who do not adhere to the Constitution, and vote out people who are more concerned with their own power than the people’s power.  We need to boycott companies like GM, Chrysler, Citigroup and others who are acting as parasites clinging to the nation’s teat.  We need to buy from companies like Ford who reject government control of business.

If America ever does become something, whose ideals and values are not worth fighting for, the only advice I can give is to sell your stock in Anheuser-Busch, iron your burkas and grow your beards because life is a changing – for the WORSE!

Obama,Birth Certificate – Eligibility Challenge State-by-State: ACT NOW

August 7, 2008

This is from TexasDarlin:

Eligibility Challenge State-by-State: ACT NOW

August 7, 2008

TD Foreword: It’s time to TAKE ACTION IN YOUR STATE.  Dr. Kate, who’s been researching key questions about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be POTUS, just sent this URGENT-ACTION STORY:

By Dr. Kate, Guest Author

The stunning information recently revealed on Barack Obama forged COLB and potential multiple citizenship suggests that Barack H. Obama is not eligible under Article II of the US Constitution to serve as POTUS.

Because the DNC, and likely our respective state Democratic Committees, have not vetted Obama, it has been up to average American citizens to do so. I’ve put this short guide together based on my experience in my very red state to enable others to do so. This is my story.

For my state, and for others, it looks like the deadline for certifying the eligibility of Presidential candidates “under the constitution” to participate in caucuses, primaries and conventions has passed. Obama had to submit papers by Feb 8th 2008 in my state, as did other candidates. So it is assumed that the candidate the party puts forward is legit.

Now we see what the rush with Obama was. Get every state to certify him before any information came out on the eligibility issue—look at how close we are to the convention and he really has just been busted!

Nevertheless, it looks like challenges to eligibility are still allowed, but it may have to be done by the other party in each state. The time is NOW for everyone to get familiar with their state’s rules, and to call their state’s SOS with a basic outline of information, ask for instructions, and ask if the SOS would be interested in assisting.. Each state’s republican party may or may not be interested.

I initially contacted the state Secretary of State and talked with a staffer about certifying Presidential candidates under the Constitution and how it is done, what role the SOS has, and relevant dates for certification. I mentioned to the staffer that I had information relevant to Obama’s eligibility. I was directed to the state Democratic Party, but when I told the SOS I didn’t think they’d do anything, the SOS indicated they would refer the information to the appropriate individuals.

As predicted, when I contacted the state dem party they told me to go to the DNC or the FEC. Well the DNC won’t do anything, and the FEC really regulates money…so I called the state republican party, who was very interested in the information.

It may be that the best challenge will come from a totally “red” state, where Obama has no chance… a red state SOS challenging Obama’s eligibility under the Constitution—would make news and problems for Obama.

If Obama is found to be ineligible for POTUS under the constitution—the same requirement that each candidate had to participate in caucuses and primaries—then Obama was ineligible to participate in the caucuses & primaries!! The whole primary season would either be thrown out or Clinton would have to be the nominee. In many states, I believe his actions could be considered fraud.

Obama is in Hawaii starting on Friday….of course he will come back with a certified BC that has what he wants on it. Thus it is important NOW to start getting the information out so that the first question he gets when he gets back is, “do you have a new Birth Certificate?”

In summary:

Contact your Secretary of State

Contact Dem/Republican Parties

Write letters to the editor

Keep talking/writing about it NOW!

File information with Secretary of State

TWO ISSUES for ELIGIBILITY:1.  DUAL CITIZENSHIP: Obama likely had, and may still have, INDONESIAN  and/or KENYAN CITIZENSHIP, and therefore is ineligible to be POTUS under Art. II of the Constitution (NOTE:  this is NOT about where he was born or whether he’s a US citizen.  It’s about DUAL CITIZENSHIP, which creates DIVIDED LOYALTIES.

2. PHONY BIRTH CERTIFICATE:  Obama has REFUSED to show a hard copy of his REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE.  Evidence suggests that his BC may be in the name of BARRY SOETORO because he was likely adopted by his step-father LOLO SOETORO.   Has Obama been LYING ABOUT HIS DUAL CITIZENSHIP, LEGAL NAME, AND IDENTITY?

TD Request for Information: If you have state-specific contact information, please put it in a comment.