Posts Tagged ‘Apuzzo’

Commander Fitzpatrick Free For Now – Natural Born Citizen – Where Is The American Jewish Community? – Obama Care Injunctions Sought – Black Conservatives Standing Tall – Atty Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner on Radio Today – The BOPAC Report

April 7, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

From – Live Free or Die!:

Commander Fitzpatrick: As Corrupt As Corrupt Can Be.

“As corrupt as corrupt can be.” Those are the words of Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick on BLOG TALK RADIO tonight after he was released from the Monroe County Jail in Madisonville, Tennessee earlier today. Commander Fitzpatrick is a very brave man and he is absolutely right. We agree with him completely.

Monroe County Tennessee is a microcosm of what is going on all over America today. We are a nation under seige from corruption at all levels of government; federal, state and local. The system of checks and balances against corrupt government officials throughout our legal processes and the citizen’s grand juries have been dismantled or rendered completely impotent. Every American should be extremely concerned about this because it effects ALL OF US….Continue Reading

Important announcement from one of CitizenWells readers:

Jacqlyn Smith // April 7, 2010 at 12:46 am

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Atty Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner on Revolution Radio Show hosted by Dr. Kate – Wed, 07 Apr 2010, 9:10 p.m. EST
Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner will be guests on Revolution Radio Show hosted by Dr. Kate on Wednesday, 7 April 2010, at 9:10 p.m. EST.

Direct link to Revolution Radio show at

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired), Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please if you can, see this site and help the cause:


Ji’Obama’had –


Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

I was struck by Ahmadinejad comment displayed on Drudge this morning.

Ahmadinejad ridicules Obama's strategy: 'Wait until your sweat dries and get some experience'...



Why is Ahmadinejad ridiculing Obama?  Obama is playing into Ahmadinejad’s hands.  Israelis are certainly aware of whose side Obama is on!  It’s not Israel’s nor America’s.

American Jewry’s deafening silence

05/04/2010 16:11

If Obama gets 20% of Jewish votes in 2012, it proves we can’t defend ourselves.

When it came to protecting the right of the Libyan Ambassador to the UN living immediately next door to me in Englewood, my Democratic Congressman, Steve Rothman, found his voice, issuing a three page press release about a deal he had brokered with the State Department 27 years ago for the Libyans to bizarrely remain in a New Jersey suburb. But when I asked Rothman, who is Jewish, to comment on US President Barack Obama’s degrading treatment of Israel’s elected officials recently and the administration’s opposition to Jews building in all parts of Jerusalem, his chief of staff sent me an email that said the congressman was “away for the holidays so we won’t be able to provide you with a statement.”

Attitudes like these on the part of influential Jewish members of the American establishment explain why Obama has been allowed to get away with his treatment of Israel. Yes, it is we Jews who allow it, afraid to take a stand against a president who is rapidly emerging as the new Jimmy Carter.

Don’t think Obama isn’t listening.

When it came to endorsing a recent Congressional vote to label the Turks’ slaughter of over one million Armenians during the first World War a genocide, Obama quickly broke a campaign pledge, and a moral duty, to do just that and publicly distanced himself from the term genocide in order not to offend the Turkish government. And when it came to hosting the Dalai Lama at the White House, the president quickly bowed to Chinese bullying, not only refusing to greet the great humanitarian publicly but sending him out through the service entrance of the White House where he was photographed surrounded by giant bags of garbage. But when it comes to treating America’s most reliable ally like a pariah nation, Obama has no fear of the American Jewish community because he’s convinced there will be no price to pay. The Jews are too timid to react.

HOW SAD that we Jews have become so politically pathetic. Although there were grave suspicions about Obama’s position on Israel before the campaign, greatly compounded by his having sat through 20 years of vitriol toward Israel from his own pastor, American Jewry gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. Nearly eighty percent of American Jews voted for him against a proven friend of Israel in John McCain.

But as they say, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Amid the Jewish propensity to blindly pull the Democrat lever in every vote without even thinking, if Obama gets anything more than twenty percent of the Jewish vote in 2012 it will be a manifestation of a community which simply doesn’t know how to stand up for itself and has contempt for its own interests….Continue Reading


ObamaCare Deform-

 I’ve been wondering what was taking so long.  Excellent!

From World Net Daily:

Injunction sought to halt ‘Obamacare’

‘The term ‘nanny state’ does not even begin to describe what we will have wrought’

Posted: April 06, 2010
8:47 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A legal team of experts on civil liberties and human rights is asking a federal court in Michigan to grant a preliminary injunction preventing the implementation of the “individual mandate” in “Obamacare,” warning that if imposed, it effectively will destroy the nation.

“The term ‘nanny state’ does not even begin to describe what we will have wrought,” argues the brief filed by the Thomas More Law Center.

The organization previously filed a lawsuit on behalf of four Michigan residents who object to the government’s plan to force them to buy health-care insurance and pay for abortions – or be penalized.

The case was brought to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, seeking a halt to the legislation.

Named as defendants in the lawsuit are President Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Now the law firm has filed a request for a preliminary injunction to prevent the imposition of the financial demands on private citizens….Continue Reading


Tea Party On-

 The state run media has been on a mission to portray the Tea Party as representative of the most vile members of society.  99.9% of thinking Americans recognize this effort as a manufactured smear campaign.

Regrettably, there is a lot of pressure on African Americans to support everything Obama.  I truly admire those brave souls confronting the headwinds coming out of the valley of Sheeple.  Everyone is welcome and the media just can’t handle the truth!

From Brietbart:

Black conservative tea party backers take heat

Apr 6 06:07 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

“I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks,” he said.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black—or that most tea partyers are white—should have nothing to do with it, they say.

“You have to be honest and true to yourself. What am I supposed to do, vote Democratic just to be popular? Just to fit in?” asked Clifton Bazar, a 45-year-old New Jersey freelance photographer and conservative blogger.

Opponents have branded the tea party as a group of racists hiding behind economic concerns—and reports that some tea partyers were lobbing racist slurs at black congressmen during last month’s heated health care vote give them ammunition.

But these black conservatives don’t consider racism representative of the movement as a whole—or race a reason to support it.

Angela McGlowan, a black congressional candidate from Mississippi, said her tea party involvement is “not about a black or white issue.”

“It’s not even about Republican or Democrat, from my standpoint,” she told The Associated Press. “All of us are taxed too much.”

Continue Reading


Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Why is the Supreme Court failing to uphold the Constitution?

April 7th, 2010


Letter from Arnie Rosner, an American Grand Jury member….


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Brothers and Sisters in the Military – When are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?   Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin, Commander Charles Kerchner and Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III.

Why don’t we just change the military oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

If the oath of allegiance is changed, maybe the members of our military won’t have to deal with their consciences for following the ‘unlawful orders’ of Mr. Obama.

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle!

Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.

99% of Health Insurance Companies Have 2 to 3 Years of Viability Left – RUSH LIMBAUGH Insurance Caller – Kerchner v Obama – CitizenWells – Ji’Obama’had – 9/11 Mastermind to be Freed from GITMO – The BOPAC Report

March 24, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Obama’s Health Care Deform  –

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


Yesterday I heard a Rush Limbaugh called who I have heard several times on his show.  She is an insurance company insider and the beginning of the media screw up saying Rush would move to Costa Rica if Health Care Deform passed.  He (in context) said he would seek medical treatment in Costa Rica.

This is a long interview so I urge you to listen to it.  Rush’s caller’s comments reflect the TRUE intention of this legislation and what we all need to question at every TOWNHALL over the Easter Break.  This is powerful ammunition.

The caller makes reference to an industry term, the 65-45 rule, that needs some clarification.  If you add these numbers, they add up to 110 percent.  I think the answer is that each number can vary a few percentage points but the total can’t be more than 100%.  Maybe the rule represents the outside limits? Maybe the numbers reflect some things that apply to both.  Bureaucracies work in mysterious ways. I hope Rush will clarify this.   

This is very important for everyone to be aware of.

This Obama Care will cause a 100 to 200 percent insurance rate increases are coming in January 2011 (past the election).

Most insurance companies will be out of business in 2 to 3 years.

Stacy, Our EIB Insurance Expert

March 23, 2010

Listen To It! WMP | RealPlayer 


RUSH: Stacy in hiding… is this our insurance babe?  Stacy, welcome back.  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush.

RUSH:  Do you know you have gotten me into so much fun hot water?

CALLER:  I know, I’ve heard!

RUSH:  Do you know how you did that?

CALLER:  I did by coming on about Costa Rica.

RUSH:  You came on and you told me that your insurance company was setting up medical operations in Costa Rica, you’re going to take the doctors and everything down there and you’re going to sell insurance policies if this thing all happened to your customers, and included in the premium would be trips to Costa Rica for medical treatment and so forth.  So after having heard you say that, another caller asked me, “What are you going to do if it passes?”  “I’m going to go get treated in Costa Rica.”  And so now everybody thinks I said I’m leaving the country for Costa Rica.  So I need to ask you, how soon are you going to get those clinics set up so I can go?

CALLER:  Well, I’m afraid that even that’s not going to save us.

RUSH:  Oh, no.

CALLER:  I’ve gotta revise my estimate.  We may last two to three years, tops, and let me tell you why.  The 85-15 provision that has just been signed into law an hour ago —

RUSH:  Yeah?

CALLER:  — by definition of every state and federal insurance regulator makes us financially unsound.

RUSH:  All right, now, I have to take a break here and I want to ask you if you can hold on ’til the top of the next hour where we will get your details on this without any time constraints.  Can you hang on?

CALLER:  I’ll skip a bit of a meeting, sure.

RUSH:  You tell ’em it will be worth it.

CALLER:  Okay.

RUSH:  Tell ’em it will be worth it, and if you can’t, you tell Snerdley and we’ll call you back when you have time, okay?

CALLER:  Okay, thank you, dear.

RUSH:  You bet. 


RUSH:  Now, we welcome back from “in hiding” in Atlanta Stacy, who works for an insurance company who’s been keeping us updated throughout this past year on the fate of her industry should this thing pass.  Now it has passed.  Give us the lowdown, Stacy.

CALLER:  Um, we’re going to make it two years, three tops.

RUSH:  Explain why and start at the beginning.

CALLER:  Okay.  For time immemorial, both state and federal regulation — and also just the industry standard — has been a 65-45 percentage arrangement: 65 in claims payment and 45 for administration and claims expense. Withholding that you store for, you know, a major catastrophe or something.

RUSH:  This is to pay your claims?

CALLER:  No, 65% is to pay the claims.  Forty-five percent is for everything else.

RUSH:  That means 45% is salaries, administration costs, and the offices, all the paperwork, that kind of thing?

CALLER:  It’s that as well as, you know, we are required to keep a certain amount of cash on hand as a percentage of our claims exposure to pay claims.

RUSH:  I got you.

CALLER:  So, for example, if you have a disaster and you suddenly had 400,000 claims come in, you’ve gotta have the money to be able to pay those claims immediately.

RUSH:  Now, I just want to make sure I understand here.  State and federal regulations set those percentages?

CALLER:  State and federal regulations, yes.

RUSH:  So if you wanted to have 85% set aside for claims, you couldn’t. You had to go at 65%?

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  If you wanted 30% set aside for claims and the rest were administration, you couldn’t do it. It had to be 65%.

CALLER:  That’s illegal, yes. It has to be 65-45, and there’s a couple of percentage either way, but generally when an insurance company falls outside of those guidelines, they are considered financially unstable.

RUSH:  Well, who audits you all to make sure you are within the ratio?

CALLER:  We’re audited by the state insurance departments, primarily.  There are some plans that are audited both state and federally, and then you have your private auditors who will come in as part of the stock market and that kind of thing. So we’re audited often.

RUSH:  How often do these audits take place?

CALLER:  At least once a year, you’ll have one from the industry auditors, and every three to five perhaps for federal and state.

RUSH:  Okay.

CALLER:  More often if they think that you’re unstable, they’ll audit you more often.  So what Obama just did an hour and a half ago is make every insurance company in the country financially unstable.  Remember, the 15% (sic) that we are left has not only to pay salaries, maintenance, upkeep of buildings; it also has to pay the 40% increased taxes that we’ve got. I mean, there’s just no way.  You can’t do it.

RUSH:  Well, you’re getting a little bit ahead of me here.  What did Obama sign that changes this 65-45 split? In what way did Obama now sign you into permanent instability?

CALLER:  The provision in the Senate bill requires that all insurance companies pay 85% of premiums collected every year in claims.

RUSH:  So the 65 is now 85?

CALLER:  Exactly. It doesn’t matter how much we increase the premium, it won’t matter.

RUSH:  And just to satisfy my own curiosity, with the mandates that are in this — such as you now being required to insure children on their parents’ policies to age 26 or 27; and now having to insure (or cover) preexisting conditions — what’s that going to do to your current premium structure starting today?

CALLER:  That’s my other fear, Rush.  I don’t know that November is as big a lock as we would hope and here’s why.  Most group plans renew January 1st of every year.  Most people won’t see the dramatic premium increases until January 1st.  So what they’re going to do is all these people who voted for this — and who likely were swayed by this argument — are going to run around and say, “Well, look, nothing happened. You’re not paying any more. You know, everything’s fine. It was just a bunch of, quote, unquote, ‘fearmongering,'” and I’m afraid they’re going to be reelected.

RUSH:  Well, we’ll do with that when the time comes.  I think there’s a lot more in this than just those two provisions that have people outraged and upset, and I know that your fear is that the people that supported this are going to show up in droves and vote for Democrats on the theory that none of the scare stories that were told had happened because this delayed until January, but there are other things that we can work with on this.  The Democrat Party’s damaged itself in the sense.  They just inflicted great harm on the country. Whenever it shows up, it will be realized.  Now, I want to take you back to the first thing you said: You originally thought that your industry would survive. You’re speaking industry or just your particular company?  

CALLER:  I would say 99% of all insurance companies, health insurance companies in the country.

RUSH:  Okay.  So you originated thought you might have three to five years to stay in business under Obama. Now you said it’s two to three.  Why?

CALLER:  Because of the 85-15.  Plus the additional expenses we’re gonna incur.  Additionally, the mandates, what people don’t understand when CMS (which is the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare) push a mandate down on insurance companies, we have to pay to complement those mandates.  We don’t know how many of those are in this monstrosity.  So we can have our mandate budget doubled, our taxes already up 40% or whatever it is, and our cash flow immediately cut.

RUSH:  Well, how can you know in advance of paying any claims?  Because they’ve now shifted to 65% that you have to set aside for claims to 85%. How in the world can anybody know in advance of paying claims that it’s going to amount to 85%?

CALLER:  Well —

RUSH:  Of course 65%? It seems to be like this is a ridiculous dictate made by people that have no clue how your business works.

CALLER:  Well, they don’t have a clue. But the way that that amount of money is calculated is you look at the past year, past five years, past ten years, and you see what your claims expense have been those years. Then based on your enrollment and your demographics you project forward into what you expect to be paying in the future, in the next year and the next five years.  So you can do that.  It’s not precise to a dollar, but you usually get pretty close.  What he’s done is by saying, for example, the preventative services now —

RUSH:  Those are free.  Those are, quote, unquote, “free.”

CALLER:  Yeah, exactly.

RUSH:  What the hell is a preventative service covered by an insurance company anyway?

CALLER:  Well, that would be your colonoscopies, your mammograms, your yearly physicals, your lab work.

RUSH:  Oh, so those are free now! So if I want to go get a colonoscopy today and I have an insurance policy, I’m not going to pay for it?

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  But you will.

CALLER:  Well, we will.  We’ll pay out the nose for it.

RUSH: (laughing) Well…

CALLER: I know, bad analogy. I’m sorry.

RUSH:  It is Christmas!

CALLER: (giggling) But, Rush —

RUSH:  Well, no, I don’t look at a colonoscopy as Christmas. Don’t misunderstand.

CALLER: (giggling)

RUSH: But it is Christmas in the sense that I’m not paying for it. I don’t know how you can stay in business even two to three years with this kind of thing happening to you this year alone.

CALLER:  I don’t think we will and that’s why I am seriously considering leaving this industry.  I’m updating my resume.  You know, people who I work with — even people who voted for Obama and thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread — are shell-shocked.

RUSH:  That just frustrates the hell out of me.  Anybody with a brain has no reason to be shell-shocked about who this guy is, but it is what it is.

CALLER:  Rush, it’s not him.  I didn’t think Congress would sell us down the river like this, especially given the public opinion.  When have you ever seen a politician just say, “I don’t care that the public doesn’t like it and I don’t care if I’m reelected”?  This is something I have never experienced.  I have never seen this, and people that I work with who don’t follow politics, who don’t know what’s going on necessarily, they had no clue this was coming.  At least I had an inkling!  They had no idea.

RUSH:  Well, it’s proof positive is that people who don’t pay attention to politics are now outraged, upset, and don’t quite understand.  It’s time to make ’em understand.  This is who Democrats are.  This is who liberals are.  You realize, too, I’m sure, that the whole purpose of all these new requirements on you is to put you out of business.

CALLER:  Oh, absolutely.

RUSH:  The whole purpose is to make it unable for you to stay in business financially, and so the government can come in and say, “Okay, well, you know, these damn insurance companies! We never could depend on them. They’re nothing but a bunch of frauds and nothing but a bunch of cheats. They’re still cheating people. They’re still raping people.  We’re going to have to do this ourselves.”

CALLER:  And you know how many people are going to die in the interim, Rush?  I say that in all sincerity, because come January 1st you’re going to see 200, 300% increases in premiums and people are going to drop their coverage. So you’ve got the woman who isn’t going to go get the mammogram or the man who’s not going to get the prostate exam.

RUSH:  Wait a minute!

CALLER: People are going to die.

RUSH: I thought the mammogram was free.

CALLER:  Not when you drop the coverage because you can’t afford three times the premium.  Remember, the premiums are going up because of the government, and jobs are being lost because of the government.  If you can’t pay it, you can’t pay it. So people are going to drop it. They’re going to drop their insurance before they drop their mortgage.

RUSH:  They’re going to be clamoring to the government to fix the mean-spirited insurance companies for raising the prices so high and that’s where Obama’s going to step in and say, “You know what? We have no choice here but than to do it ourselves,” and then you get dumped on again first and foremost with Obama portraying the government as the savior.  Look, I gotta take a break. Can you hang on a couple minutes?

CALLER:  Sure.

RUSH:  I still have a couple more questions.  Stacy, our insurance expert, “hiding” in Atlanta to make the call. 


RUSH: We rejoin Stacy in hiding in Atlanta from the insurance industry.  You said just a minute ago that you’re not all that confident about the November election because all these premium increases, group rates, group policy don’t renew ’til January so all of your out-of-pocket expenses are going to start relatively soon but you can’t raise premiums until January to recoup them, correct?

CALLER:  Correct.

RUSH:  All right, we just got a story here from The Politico: “Timing Right for Democrats’ Midterm Election Hopes — Voters will get their first taste of the benefits of health care reform only a few short weeks before the November midterm elections.  They won’t have to swallow most of the bitter pills until much later — well after President Barack Obama faces voters again in 2012.  Match the effective dates of key reform provisions against the election calendar, and it becomes clear that Democrats were as focused on writing a legislative overhaul of the health care system as they were on devising a political road map for selling it to voters.”  Now, of course, this story is celebrating the brilliance of the Democrats here. Basically this story is, “Okay, yep, Americans you got screwed, but you’re not going to know it in time to vote the Democrats out,” which is essentially your fear.

CALLER:  Yeah, and, you know, Rush, Costa Rica is not going to save us because it doesn’t matter where services are rendered, the law is going to cover any policy sold within the United States.  So even though we can send folks down to Costa Rica for care, we’re still going to be under the 85-15 rule, we’re still going to have the additional taxes.

RUSH:  Look, all this is academic. You’re not going to be in business.

CALLER:  I don’t think it is.  That’s why I’m leaving it.

RUSH:  Are you the only one that realizes this in your immediate orb within your company?

CALLER:  No.  Most of us recognize it.  The question is, are you willing to move out of state, you know, go somewhere else to find a comparable job, that’s the question now for a lot of us.

RUSH:  What comparable job?

CALLER:  The technology aspect.  The technology that we work with is not used commonly in small shops around or whatever.

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  So if we want a position using the technology we use today, we’re going to have to leave, and I don’t know where I’m going to go.

RUSH:  Well, it’s a shame.  And it’s a shame because all of this was predictable based on the details of the legislation.  Stacy, feel free to stay in touch any time to update us on this.  We really do value your input on this.  You sound very confident and know what you’re talking about.  Well, in fact, you know what, Snerdley has a great idea and we’re going to do this.  We are going to start collecting our own sob stories, and Stacy you might want to be one of our sob stories.  Instead of bringing up individuals who have supposedly been treated harshly because of an unfair country and an unfair insurance industry what we’re going to do is create our own roster of sob story people, small businesses who have been put out of business; small business people whose taxes have been raised making it impossible to stay in business for very much longer; people like you, whose entire industry is being targeted for eventual destruction.  We’re going to do people genuinely hurt by the legislation.  And believe me, there will be no shortage.  If you want to be one of our sob stories, I hope you’re not, but if a sob story happens to you, we, the EIB Network, will happily be your outlet.  


RUSH:  So I got this e-mail question from the subscriber list:  “After listening to Stacy, why aren’t the insurance companies not taking out full-page ads detailing all of these deceptive lies to the American people?  Why are Wall Street companies not doing the same?  Why are they continuing to allow these liberals to demonize them and not fight back?”  I can only take a guess, and as far as the insurance companies are concerned, take a look at the stocks.  Insurance company stocks right now are skyrocketing and so are drug company stocks because the original few years of this bill mandates 32 million more customers, and the insurance companies are going to pay for them somehow, some way, so they’re excited about this.  You jump in on the bubble and you cash out.  I mean, even if you think you got five years left in business, maximize it all you can and then get the hell out if you don’t think you can stop it.  Anyway, my guess.  What do I know?



Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

CitizenWells has another update about the Kerchner v Obama lawsuit.  CitizenWells – I hope you will study the transcript from Rush Limbaugh’s show and forward it to those who can verify and clarify.

Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, March 24, 2010, Charles Kerchner comments on Appellant’s Reply Brief, Mario Apuzzo attorney

March 24, 2010 ·

Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, March 24, 2010, Charles Kerchner comments

From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“For immediate release – 23 March 2010

Commander Kerchner’s comments on the Appellant’s Reply Brief filed today by Atty Apuzzo in the Kerchner v Obama & Congress Lawsuit Appeal

By now many of you have likely had time to read Attorney Mario Apuzzo’s outstanding Appellant’s Reply Brief filed today with the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA. The closing two paragraphs sum up the issues and consequences and the duty of the federal court’s role in resolving the core constitutional legal question of this lawsuit very well. Imo, Atty Apuzzo’s words will live in history. The federal courts must take this case or our Constitutional Republic is doomed and on its way to the scrap heaps of history.

Atty Apuzzo writes on pages 29 & 30:
“The Supreme Court has warned us what can happen to our republic if its government does not observe the laws of the land. …Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

9/11 Mastermind To Be Freed From Guantanamo

Last Updated: Tue, 03/23/2010 – 3:16pm

A federal judge has ordered the Al Qaeda operative who recruited most of the 9/11 terrorists to be released from Guantanamo Bay prison though he is considered a “high value detainee” by the U.S.

The perplexing decision has been classified so there is no explanation why U.S. District Judge James Robertson granted the habeas corpus petition of Mohamedou Slahi, an Osama bin Laden confidant who is considered among the worst terrorists held at the military prison since the nation was brutally attacked nearly a decade ago.  
It marks the 34th time that a U.S. judge frees a Guantanamo terrorist since the Supreme Court ruled that detainees could challenge their incarceration in federal court. Slahi arrived at the military compound in 2002 and claims he was tortured, threatened with death, sleep deprived and moved around the base blindfolded. 

Slahi’s terrorist activities are extensive and detailed in the 9/11 Commission report, which explains how he recruited four of the September 2001 conspirators from the renowned Hamburg Germany cell. They include Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah, the suicide pilots of American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and United Airlines Flight 93….Continue Reading

Providence- is it God or government? Dr. Keyes – Ji’Obama’had – Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb – Dershowitz – The Handout Herd – IRS is Coming to Steal From YOU! Ron Paul – Kerchner & Apuzzo – CitizenWells – The BOPAC Report

March 23, 2010

The BOPAC Report

2010 Year of the Turdnado –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Can you hear this message? If you voted yes on Obama's Socialist takeover of health care, don't say you haven't been warned.


Dr. Alan Keyes is a true American hero and all around great guy!

Providence- is it God or government?

March 22, 2010

Between now and the midterm elections in November, the battle for the constitutional liberty of the American people will be decided. From day one, Obama’s behavior and that of his factional cohorts, has confirmed that the “change” they intend to impose on the United States is a change of regime- from a constitutional government that recognizes and respects the sovereignty of the people to an elite party dictatorship that imposes its will regardless of their consent.

Though some are still blind enough to believe that Obama is the cause and focus of this battle, others are finally waking up to the reality that Obama is simply an historical figurehead. He embodies the spirit of elite domination that transcends contemporary lines of party and ideological division. As that astute observer of history Alexis de Tocqueville realized, the United States of America emerged as part of a general movement in which the people as a whole challenged the rule by domineering elites that had been the invariable pattern for government throughout human history. Tocqueville thought that the special circumstances of the Americans, with respect to geography and politics (in the broadest sense), as well as moral and intellectual character, made their assertion of self-government the most promising salient of this democratic movement, which is to say the most likely to produce a stable result, reasonably consistent with justice and basic human decency. Something of the outward luster of human ambition would be lost, but the general material and spiritual contentment of humanity would be well served.

It’s fair to say that until the present day the results far exceeded Tocqueville’s expectations. Keep in mind that Tocqueville was no cheerleader for democracy. He understood its inherent dangers, including especially tendencies that combined the dissolution of natural social institutions (like the family) with a taste for the concentration of political power. This portended a gradual elimination of intermediary human agencies, which would leave isolated individuals helplessly subject to the irresistible power of one pervasive and controlling tyrannical power. Tocqueville saw hope for democracy in America precisely because the religious character, and the social and political habits of its people, worked to mitigate democracy’s decline toward tyranny.…Continue Reading

Ji’Obama’had –


Teleprompter holds Whitehouse Protocol Classes. Will Obama bow at Larry Sinclair's meet and greet in Florida?

 Is Obama Neville Chamberlain?

MARCH 23, 2010

Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb

Neville Chamberlain was remembered for appeasing Germany, not his progressive social programs.


The gravest threat faced by the world today is a nuclear-armed Iran. Of all the nations capable of producing nuclear weapons, Iran is the only one that might use them to attack an enemy.

There are several ways in which Iran could use nuclear weapons. The first is by dropping an atomic bomb on Israel, as its leaders have repeatedly threatened to do. Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president of Iran, boasted in 2004 that an Iranian attack would kill as many as five million Jews. Mr. Rafsanjani estimated that even if Israel retaliated with its own nuclear bombs, Iran would probably lose about 15 million people, which he said would be a small “sacrifice” of the billion Muslims in the world.

The second way in which Iran could use nuclear weapons would be to hand them off to its surrogates, Hezbollah or Hamas. A third way would be for a terrorist group, such as al Qaeda, to get its hands on Iranian nuclear material. It could do so with the consent of Iran or by working with rogue elements within the Iranian regime.

Finally, Iran could use its nuclear weapons without ever detonating a bomb. By constantly threatening Israel with nuclear annihilation, it could engender so much fear among Israelis as to incite mass immigration, a brain drain, or a significant decline in people moving to Israel.

These are the specific ways in which Iran could use nuclear weapons, primarily against the Jewish state. But there are other ways in which a nuclear-armed Iran would endanger the world…Continue Reading

 ObamaCare(Mess) –


The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


The following article lays out the reality that the Handout Herd wants you to ignore.  I don’t agree with everything Mr. Jones says but the name of his site does reflect the direction America is heading. 

From Alex Jones’ Prison Planet:

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

Only thing that will repeal Obamacare will be bankruptcy of the United States, warns Congressman

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 22, 2010

Texas Congressman Ron Paul warns that last night’s passage of the health care reform bill will prompt the government to hire thousands of new IRS agents who will be used to steal money from taxpaying Americans to fund the new program.

Paul also told Fox News that the passage of Obamacare will only be repealed once the United States enters bankruptcy as a result of its exploding national deficit and runaway spending.

“Any time a government tries to give you a service or something of substance, they have to steal it from somebody else, so the whole process is immoral because it’s based on government theft, that’s why they’re hiring 16,000 more new IRS agents, because they have to steal more money,” stated the Congressman, referring to an analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee that found “Up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses,” under the health care bill.

Paul said that the passage of Obamacare will precipitate a deepening of the economic crisis that will be “defined by the destruction of the dollar,” meaning government won’t be able to pay for anything….Continue Reading

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!

Good Luck Commander!

Update from CitizenWells:

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010, Appeal Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument, Charles Kerchner, Attorney Mario Apuzzo

March 23, 2010

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010

I received this a few hours ago from Charles Kerchner, lead plantiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“Kerchner v Obama Appeal Reply Brief and Oral Argument Request Filed
I have completed filing the Kerchner Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument. These documents may be accessed at the indicated links. All parties have completed filing all briefs and now we just need a decision from the Court. We will now wait and see if the Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants my request for oral argument and if so when the oral argument will be. If oral argument is granted, it will take place at the United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit, U.S. Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The courthouse is located right across the street from Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell….Continue Reading

Charles Kercher – CitizenWells – ACORN – Michelle Malkin – Larry Sinclair

October 21, 2009

The BOPAC Report:


The Pretender-In-Chief:


Unknow Soldiers!

The Unknow Soldier Who Now Appears to have Died for Facism!


 I woke this morning thinking about the millions of Americans who ignorantly voted to install this fascist administration.  I continue to be in wonder that they have not and do not see through Obama’s subversion of the United States Constitution and the media’s role in this manipulation of America.  They continue to blindly follow Obama even though he is leading to America’s destruction.  They appear blind to those Obama is putting in place to permanently erode our most precious rights so they can now longer be a threat to his plans or administration. I’m fairly certain that one day some (maybe millions) of these people will hold their heads in shame for their role in electing Obama and supporting the dismantling of America.

I for one will continue to do what I can to reverse this travesty of the ignorant marching themselves, their families and their neighbors into bondage.  I am thankful that there are many struggling against this tyranny.  People such as Glenn Beck, Dr. Orly Taitz, Citizenwells, Philip Berg, Michelle Malkin, Charles Kerchner, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, numerous members of our once proud military and many others are sacrificing much to protect this country.   

From Citizenwells:

Charles Kerchner, Sovereign Immunity, October 20, 2009, Kerchner V Obama, Mario Apuzzo, US Constitution, President and Congress not above the law, Quo Warranto charge against a usurper Putative President

October 20, 2009

Just in from Charles Kerchner of Kerchner V Obama, October 20, 2009:

20 October 2009

Kerchner: On the Sovereign and Sovereign Immunity – by CDR Kerchner

Kerchner: On the Sovereign and Sovereign Immunity

In the case of constitutional issues We the People and/or the Constitution created by We the People are sovereign. The fundamental law of our nation, the Constitution, can only be changed by amending it by the process provided in that Constitution, not by a branch of the federal government usurping or ignoring it. Congress cannot amend the Constitution by itself and certainly not with a simple majority vote. It takes a vote of 2/3 the members of Congress to put forward such an amendment to the several states and ratification by 3/4 of the several states of our nation. We are a Constitutional Republic, not a pure democracy. All rights and power not given to the federal government by the Constitution is reserved to the several states and to the People. See the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights for the details on that fact. We the People created the federal government enabled by the founding document, the federal U.S. Constitution. The Congress or the President cannot arbitrarily ignore the U.S. Constitution and those branches of the federal government cannot hide behind sovereign immunity. For if they can the Constitution is then no longer the supreme law of the land and the Congress and the President have placed themselves above that supreme law. We would no longer be a nation of laws if the supreme law of the land can be ignored and not enforced by the whims of the simple political majority in control of Congress….

…I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. We the People retain the ancient right of the sovereign, which is us in our system, to bring a Quo Warranto charge against a usurper Putative President. And I did so in my lawsuit. Any order or law made by Congress or anyone else in our federal government which stands in the way of We the People’s inalienable right to protect our Constitution, which we created, from a usurper must fall. Those laws must fall by the wayside as subservient and that they are not applicable to blocking our inalienable rights and cannot be allowed to block the People getting answers in the federal courts to Constitutional questions. I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I intend to do so.

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

Read the Complete Article with comments at

Michelle Malkin has a story up this morning that captures part of the idea behind the cartoon above.  The military and families of those in the military have a right to be outraged by the direction of Obama’s Ameica.

ACORN Watch: Fight the thugs

By Michelle Malkin  •  October 20, 2009 05:34 PM

Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti

ACORN is a criminal enterprise. It took decades to build up its massive coffers and intricate web of affiliates across the country.

It will take months and years to untangle the entire operation.

And it will take time, money, and and relentless sunshine to dismantle the government-subsidized, partisan racket. It can’t be “reformed.” It is constitutionally corrupt.

The sworn testimony, research, and blogging by former ACORN/Project Vote development associate Anita MonCrief have provided an invaluable amount of fodder for reporters (before their editors “cut bait,” that is) and congressional investigators trying to get to the bottom of ACORN’s tax law-undermining, campaign finance disclosure-evading ways. Most recently, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported this week on how ACORN’s voter drives in Ohio were planned specifically to help Democrat congressional candidates.

The reward for MonCrief’s truth-telling? An intimidation lawsuit to shut her up.

….Continue Reading

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Obama's Reading List - Larry Sinclair, Lenin and Marx

Obama's Reading List - Larry Sinclair, Lenin and Marx

Larry Sinclair is in the process of moving to his new site.

In for a Penny, in for a Pound – Media Viciousness and Obfuscating the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen” – The BOPAC Report

July 29, 2009

The BOPAC Report:

ChiBama Politics –

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics

We are family and we get to choose who's we! Chibama Politics

In for a Penny, in for a Pound – Media Viciousness and Obfuscating the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”

(It’s a “Fukino” Teachable Moment)

Yesterday, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, chose to weigh in on the Obama “Natural Born Citizen” controversy again.  This time Dr. Fukino went much further than she had before. This time Dr. Fukino held herself out as a Constitutional Law Expert by declaring that Mr. Obama is a “Natural Born Citizen.”  I was very surprised by her new statement considering the Supreme Court of the United States has never fully delineated the meaning of the term, “Natural Born Citizen”.

In Minor v. Happersett, decided in 1874, 6 years after the adoption of the 14th Amendment to Constitution, the Supreme Court expressly recognized that doubts (unanswered questions) concerning who is a “Natural Born Citizen” remain and that the Court must look outside the Constitution for its meaning because the phrase is not defined within its boarders.  These doubts remain today (Wong Kim Ark, 1898 notwithstanding, see here). Much to our current chagrin, the facts in Minor did not require the Court to address the unresolved “Natural Born Citizen” issues; so usual, the Court chose not to do so. That is really unfortunate for us. The Court could have saved millions of Americans tons of stress today had they, with perfect 20/20 foresight, simply addressed just a few possible situations.

Supreme Court in Minor stated:

..The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their [88 U.S. 162, 168] parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts…

So what can we learn from Minor v. Happersett? Contrary to what the media would have you believe, the decision in Minor v. Happersett illuminates several key considerations/unknowns regarding who can be a “Natural Born Citizen” that make today’s eligibility controversy an important and legitimate “legal issue” for millions of Americans; and especially, for those in the military who follow the “lawful orders” of the President. Speaking only for myself (though I suspect the same is true for the vast majority of others; especially attorneys, veterans, and military personnel), this has never been a “birther issue”, a “sore loser issue” nor a “racial issue”, it is and has been a legal issue.

And speaking of this as a legal issue – Anyone reading just the quoted paragraph from Minor v Happersett carefully and thinking about it would likely come away with several of the following insights:

1 – There is a difference in meaning between the terms “Citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen”. The Supreme Court would not have said, The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens.”

2 – It is necessary to look outside the Constitution to gleam the framers’ intended meaning. “Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar…” Note: one such reference with which the framers would have been familiar is The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law (1758) by Emmerich de Vattel. See the work of Leo Donofrio for a more complete explanation of who can be a “Natural Born Citizen.” (Linking to Mr. Donofrio’s site just now, I discovered he is also writing about Dr. Fukino today I’ll read it later.)

3 – Given that Minor was decided 6 years after the adoption of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, using a 14th Amendment argument to make Mr. Obama a “Natural Born Citizen” seems disingenuous. If the 14th Amendment had been intended to modify the meaning of the term “Natural Born Citizen”, it would have mentioned it.

4 – There is no doubt that a person born to two “Citizens” of the United States in the United States is a “Natural Born Citizen.”… there have been doubts, but never as to the first.” This is the “first” situation the Court was talking about.

5 – The possibility has not been ruled out (reading the above paragraph) that a person born outside the U. S. to parents who are both U.S. Citizens is not a “Natural Born Citizen”. This is similar to the McCain situation. This question certainly deserves clarification. My gut says such a person would be a “Natural Born Citizen” as long as there are not multiple citizenship possibilities involved.

8 – There is doubt that a person born in the United States to parents, one or both of whom are not “Citizens”, can be a “Natural Born Citizen”.Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their [88 U.S. 162, 168] parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.” Again the issue of multiple citizenships/allegiances arises..

7 – Given the situation above (6), there would be doubts that a person born outside the United States “without reference to the citizenship of their parents” can be a “Natural Born Citizen.”

8 – The Supreme Court in Minor (6 years post 14th Amendment) did not resolve these doubts. “For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts.”

9 – Therefore, even if Obama was born in Hawaii, his eligibility to serve as President has not been resolved, as his father was not a “Citizen” and multiple allegiances could be in play. (Kenya/Indonesia/Adoption/British Law)

As you can see – there are questions, legal questions, legitimate questions, important questions that affect not only Obama, but could affect the political ambitions of people of every party. (I’m thinking about Bobby Jindal, but I don’t know his history.)  It is past time for clarification from the courts.  Who is a “Natural Born Citizen”?

Why did the framers use the term “Natural Born Citizen” instead of the basic term “Citizen”? I believe it was to try, as best they could, to maintain the highest level of certainty that the person occupying the Oval Office would not have divided loyalties to other countries and would have a deep understanding of America values.  I think it was important to them then that the leader of America would not have a conflicted vision when looking out for America’s interests. I think it would be important to them now.

The situation in America today clearly shows that the framers of the Constitution were right in requiring an elevated level of citizenship in order to serve as President; and they were surely aware that, such systems are not fool proof. The framers did the best they could do and now it’s up to the Courts to keep that protection in place.

In my last article, I said as an example: “We would not want an arsonist to be able to become a fireman. If a person does not have a clean record regarding arson, he or she should not be allowed to be a fireman.  It’s not a guarantee that a fireman with no criminal record of arson is not an arsonist, but it’s a step that gives an added measure security.” These measures are entirely about trying to ensure the strongest allegiance to the Constitution and the United States possible. Citizenships are only indicators of allegiance, the red flags, and the criminal records.  Just to be clear, it’s not about xenophobia – it’s about non-conflicted allegiance. (I can hear the media spin now.) But, sometimes even people with all the right papers still want to destroy America. I’m not saying Obama has all the right papers, as that remains to be seen.  I’m saying the framers did their job. The rest, it’s up to a free and responsible media to do with proper diligence to keep all the arsonists out of the house.  It’s their job to discover the hidden agendas, the vulnerabilities, the warts.

And I am saying that wouldn’t it be less likely that Obama would be trying so hard to dismantle America and her economic systems, to be replaced with a socialist style system; trying so hard to cut our defenses; trying so hard to alienate our friends and embolden our enemies, and trample our Constitution had he not been so exposed to his fathers’ loyalties and connections in Kenya and Indonesia? Ordinga? Had he not been so exposed to the close circle of radicals his family was involved with? Had he not been so exposed to their loyalties to socialism? Had he not be so exposed to their loyalties to anti-American sentiments? Is there a reason he’s so hostile to Israel? Aren’t all these symptoms of a President with a “conflicted vision” (or worse) when looking out for America’s interests? I hope you all remember the media was completely absent about all this, AWOL, running from and covering up anything critical of Obama during the election. They were running from William Ayers, Tony Rezko, Gov. Blago, Rev. Wright, Farrakhan, the socialist mentor who was a pedophile – Frank somebody, questions about Obama fund raising, lack of patriotism, and ACORN. (Ask Larry Sinclair about how many media people approached him.) They didn’t look for the hidden agendas, the vulnerabilities, the warts. I guess now since they were in for a penny then, they might as well be in for a pound.

When I see the media and others viciously attempt to portray those (especially military personnel) with legitimate questions and concerns about Obama meeting the Constitutional requirements to serve as President of the United States as “fringe”, “zombie birthers”, “right-wing kooks”, “tin-foil hat wearing people”, “fictional nonsense“, “nut jobs” or any other derogatory terms; I find it very troubling.  Don’t people (right, left or center) realize what we are losing when we make it an offense to ask questions in America?

As I watch Lou Dobbs continue to be vilified daily by Obama supporters, I wonder if there are any arenas in America politics where differences can be resolved with civility.  Lou Dobbs has been a respected member of the press for decades.  But let him make one statement that does not conform to the group speak of the left; he is immediately eviscerated in the public square.

I find myself asking, why did Dr. Fukino feel compelled to expand her original statement from October 2008 to include a place of birth for Obama and a legal term describing him as a “Natural Born Citizen”?  Why is she crawling out on this limb?  For months the media has been misrepresenting her October statement to include both assertions as fact. Was crawling further out necessary? Was pressure applied?  Why was pressure applied? Is the pressure directed at U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, presiding judge in Dr. Orly Taitz’s case Alan Keyes, et al. v Barack H. Obama, et al., who has indicated that he will hear this issue on the merits? Is it to the Judge in Kerchner v. Obama? Is it pressure to back off or be ruined?

Here’s Dr. Fukino’s original statement:

For Immediate Release: October 31, 2008 08-93

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai’i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai’i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

Obviously, she could have stated that Obama was born in Hawaii then, but she didn’t. Why not?  Not quite comfortable?

Here’s Dr. Fukino’s statement from yesterday:

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai’i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago….”

This is a very different statement from the one in October 2008.  Additionally, it has been reported that Dr. Fukino denied CNN President Klien’s recent statement that CNN had investigated and found that the originals of Obama’s birth certificate had been discarded in 2001.  Does anyone wonder why the media is not trusted? Why politicians are not trusted? And they keep doubling down with more misinformation – in for a penny, in for a pound.

CNN got caught spinning this time.  But let me be clear (as Obama says), the media in general is always spinning, riding their BOcycles.  Obama is spinning.  Robert Gibbs is trying to spin.  Is Dr. Fukino also spinning? By including the phrase “Natural Born Citizen”, it certainly seems so.

All of the players appear to be involved in trying to obfuscate and blur the meanings of the terms “Citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen” to shape public opinion and to make it unacceptable to ask questions critical of the Obama Administration.  In for a penny, in for a pound! I do believe people will eventually see through this slight of hand trick and start paying more attention.

They say that everything has a good side. It’s probably true here too. With the media’s exaggerated negative reporting and spin, regular people are more likely to recognize it for what it is and look for places expressing the rest of the story. I bet Lou Dobbs’ ratings have gone up.  When the media takes tones that are unbecoming for professional reporters and journalists; and resorts to name calling, more people read articles like this one. When they make it personal with name calling, people ask why?  That’s a real good question.

Whatever the answer is – it’s when I get to try to explain that this eligibility issue is really just a legal issue, albeit one of great consequence.  It’s when people try to find Dr. Orly Taitz on internet radio explaining her positions.  It’s when the lawyers such as Philip Berg, Leo Donofrio, Apuzzo, Stephen Pidgeon and many others find the opportunity to explain the legal issues and why they matter.

It sure would be nice if the media could refrain from hurling insults, do their jobs, and aid in finding out why Obama is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep so many relevant documents secret.  It sure would be nice if the media were in for a penny and in for a pound for our freedoms.

Oh well, I’ll dream on about that.  But please remember, this is an important issue.  Important to millions of Americans, important to the health and well being of our Constitution and it is vitally important to the members of our military.