Posts Tagged ‘Uncle Toms’

Commander Fitzpatrick Free For Now – Natural Born Citizen – Where Is The American Jewish Community? – Obama Care Injunctions Sought – Black Conservatives Standing Tall – Atty Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner on Radio Today – The BOPAC Report

April 7, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!

From – Live Free or Die!:

Commander Fitzpatrick: As Corrupt As Corrupt Can Be.

“As corrupt as corrupt can be.” Those are the words of Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick on BLOG TALK RADIO tonight after he was released from the Monroe County Jail in Madisonville, Tennessee earlier today. Commander Fitzpatrick is a very brave man and he is absolutely right. We agree with him completely.

Monroe County Tennessee is a microcosm of what is going on all over America today. We are a nation under seige from corruption at all levels of government; federal, state and local. The system of checks and balances against corrupt government officials throughout our legal processes and the citizen’s grand juries have been dismantled or rendered completely impotent. Every American should be extremely concerned about this because it effects ALL OF US….Continue Reading

Important announcement from one of CitizenWells readers:

Jacqlyn Smith // April 7, 2010 at 12:46 am

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Atty Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner on Revolution Radio Show hosted by Dr. Kate – Wed, 07 Apr 2010, 9:10 p.m. EST
Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner will be guests on Revolution Radio Show hosted by Dr. Kate on Wednesday, 7 April 2010, at 9:10 p.m. EST.

Direct link to Revolution Radio show at

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired), Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Please if you can, see this site and help the cause:


Ji’Obama’had –


Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

I was struck by Ahmadinejad comment displayed on Drudge this morning.

Ahmadinejad ridicules Obama's strategy: 'Wait until your sweat dries and get some experience'...



Why is Ahmadinejad ridiculing Obama?  Obama is playing into Ahmadinejad’s hands.  Israelis are certainly aware of whose side Obama is on!  It’s not Israel’s nor America’s.

American Jewry’s deafening silence

05/04/2010 16:11

If Obama gets 20% of Jewish votes in 2012, it proves we can’t defend ourselves.

When it came to protecting the right of the Libyan Ambassador to the UN living immediately next door to me in Englewood, my Democratic Congressman, Steve Rothman, found his voice, issuing a three page press release about a deal he had brokered with the State Department 27 years ago for the Libyans to bizarrely remain in a New Jersey suburb. But when I asked Rothman, who is Jewish, to comment on US President Barack Obama’s degrading treatment of Israel’s elected officials recently and the administration’s opposition to Jews building in all parts of Jerusalem, his chief of staff sent me an email that said the congressman was “away for the holidays so we won’t be able to provide you with a statement.”

Attitudes like these on the part of influential Jewish members of the American establishment explain why Obama has been allowed to get away with his treatment of Israel. Yes, it is we Jews who allow it, afraid to take a stand against a president who is rapidly emerging as the new Jimmy Carter.

Don’t think Obama isn’t listening.

When it came to endorsing a recent Congressional vote to label the Turks’ slaughter of over one million Armenians during the first World War a genocide, Obama quickly broke a campaign pledge, and a moral duty, to do just that and publicly distanced himself from the term genocide in order not to offend the Turkish government. And when it came to hosting the Dalai Lama at the White House, the president quickly bowed to Chinese bullying, not only refusing to greet the great humanitarian publicly but sending him out through the service entrance of the White House where he was photographed surrounded by giant bags of garbage. But when it comes to treating America’s most reliable ally like a pariah nation, Obama has no fear of the American Jewish community because he’s convinced there will be no price to pay. The Jews are too timid to react.

HOW SAD that we Jews have become so politically pathetic. Although there were grave suspicions about Obama’s position on Israel before the campaign, greatly compounded by his having sat through 20 years of vitriol toward Israel from his own pastor, American Jewry gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. Nearly eighty percent of American Jews voted for him against a proven friend of Israel in John McCain.

But as they say, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Amid the Jewish propensity to blindly pull the Democrat lever in every vote without even thinking, if Obama gets anything more than twenty percent of the Jewish vote in 2012 it will be a manifestation of a community which simply doesn’t know how to stand up for itself and has contempt for its own interests….Continue Reading


ObamaCare Deform-

 I’ve been wondering what was taking so long.  Excellent!

From World Net Daily:

Injunction sought to halt ‘Obamacare’

‘The term ‘nanny state’ does not even begin to describe what we will have wrought’

Posted: April 06, 2010
8:47 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A legal team of experts on civil liberties and human rights is asking a federal court in Michigan to grant a preliminary injunction preventing the implementation of the “individual mandate” in “Obamacare,” warning that if imposed, it effectively will destroy the nation.

“The term ‘nanny state’ does not even begin to describe what we will have wrought,” argues the brief filed by the Thomas More Law Center.

The organization previously filed a lawsuit on behalf of four Michigan residents who object to the government’s plan to force them to buy health-care insurance and pay for abortions – or be penalized.

The case was brought to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, seeking a halt to the legislation.

Named as defendants in the lawsuit are President Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Now the law firm has filed a request for a preliminary injunction to prevent the imposition of the financial demands on private citizens….Continue Reading


Tea Party On-

 The state run media has been on a mission to portray the Tea Party as representative of the most vile members of society.  99.9% of thinking Americans recognize this effort as a manufactured smear campaign.

Regrettably, there is a lot of pressure on African Americans to support everything Obama.  I truly admire those brave souls confronting the headwinds coming out of the valley of Sheeple.  Everyone is welcome and the media just can’t handle the truth!

From Brietbart:

Black conservative tea party backers take heat

Apr 6 06:07 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

“I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks,” he said.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black—or that most tea partyers are white—should have nothing to do with it, they say.

“You have to be honest and true to yourself. What am I supposed to do, vote Democratic just to be popular? Just to fit in?” asked Clifton Bazar, a 45-year-old New Jersey freelance photographer and conservative blogger.

Opponents have branded the tea party as a group of racists hiding behind economic concerns—and reports that some tea partyers were lobbing racist slurs at black congressmen during last month’s heated health care vote give them ammunition.

But these black conservatives don’t consider racism representative of the movement as a whole—or race a reason to support it.

Angela McGlowan, a black congressional candidate from Mississippi, said her tea party involvement is “not about a black or white issue.”

“It’s not even about Republican or Democrat, from my standpoint,” she told The Associated Press. “All of us are taxed too much.”

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Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Why is the Supreme Court failing to uphold the Constitution?

April 7th, 2010


Letter from Arnie Rosner, an American Grand Jury member….


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Brothers and Sisters in the Military – When are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?   Support Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin, Commander Charles Kerchner and Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III.

Why don’t we just change the military oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

If the oath of allegiance is changed, maybe the members of our military won’t have to deal with their consciences for following the ‘unlawful orders’ of Mr. Obama.

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle!

Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.