Posts Tagged ‘Health Care Deform’

Mario Apuzzo – Obamacare and the Natural Born Citizen Clause – Obama Dumps Humiliated Netanyahu – The Times – Support Lining Up for Netanyahu – Obama Tied With ‘Nobody’ and ‘Anybody’ in 2012 – Michelle Malkin -The BOPAC Report

March 26, 2010

The BOPAC Report

ObamaCare – 

The Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis with Obama Health Care Reform.

The only solution is to REPEAL this bill, Obama Care. If we, America, are to avoid bankruptcy, there is no other choice.

 I’m glad I haven’t filled in my census form. I think I may start laying some groundwork by identifying my ethnic identity as AMISH!

Health Care Bill Amish exemption, Religious exemption, Tax and control bill unconstitutional, Section 1501, Mennonite and Amish health care sharing plans, Let us pray

March 26, 2010 ·

Health Care Bill Amish exemption, Religious exemption

The tax and control bill referred to as the Health Care Bill by Obama and the Democrat Congress, is clearly unconstutional on many levels. For some reason the word treason also comes to mind.

Reported here, March 25, 2010.

“Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of: The Affordable Health Care
Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of
expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the
proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found
was far worse than what I had heard or expected.
To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is
in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does
provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and
other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants,
free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by
members of the medical profession.
The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business,
and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal
health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them
will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to
physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly
controlled by the government.
However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I
have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing
affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most
massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever
occurred, or even been contemplated. If this law or a similar one is adopted,
major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have
been destroyed.”
Constitutional attorney analysis of Health Care Bill

Will the Amish and other religious sects be exempt from this bill?

Michelle Malkin reported the following on Hanuary 12, 2010.

“There’s a religious exemption from the Demcare insurance mandate”

“I think there’s going to be a wave of religious conversions this year. The Watertown Daily News reported this weekend that Amish families can claim an exemption from the Demcare’s planned government health care insurance mandate as a matter of faith:
Federal health care reform will require most Northern New Yorkers — but not all, it turns out — to carry health insurance or risk a fine.
Hundreds of Amish families in the region are likely to be free from that requirement….Continue Reading


Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Federal Entitlements are meant for control and the creation of American Sheeple. Obama would not be attempting this crap if there were a million or two Americans with the courage of those present at the time of the Liberty Bell! WE NEED MILLIONS TO STAND UP!!!

It is very clear that Obama’s actions are about acquiring more power for the Federal Government and minimizing State Governments to the point of their being nothing more than a face for a complaining public. It may reach a point where State governments are not needed at all. 

From the desk of Mario Apuzzo, Esq.:

Thursday, March 25, 2010Obamacare and the Natural Born Citizen ClauseSome might wonder what does health care and the “natural born Citizen” clause have to do with each other. The answer is the survival of our Constitution and Republic by stopping the usurpation of government power.

In the context of speaking about slavery that existed during the Founding era, Obama told us that the Constitution is an “imperfect document.” It has now become apparent that the flaw that Obama sees with our governing document is much more fundamental and goes well beyond what he said related to the early slave experience. For Obama, that flaw is that the Constitution is obligatory, is a strong check on government power, and cannot be changed by just one person.We have seen Obama brazenly ignore the Constitution’s eligibility requirements for the highest and most powerful office in the land, the Office of the President and Commander in Chief of the Military. We have seen how Obama has the audacity to be President and Commander without honoring and respecting the Constitution by showing that he is at least born in Hawaii as he claims and satisfying the definition of a “natural born Citizen” as originally intended by the Framers and Founders. That is a violation of the document he swore twice to “preserve, protect and defend.”Such conduct by Obama lead many to ask if Obama does not respect and defend the Constitution and so publicly defies it once, what will stop him from doing the same a second and third time. These Americans were right in expressing such concern, for now we have Obamacare which is just another example of Obama flouting and ignoring the Constitution.Now he wants to force upon the nation a health care system under the guise that the Federal Government can do so because that system does nothing more than regulate interstate commerce. Additionally, he wants to accomplish his plan without even adhering to legitimate legislative process. How he can honestly believe that a person who does not buy a good or service (such as health insurance) or who the government compels to do so under the threat of a camouflaged income tax is engaged in interstate commerce or gives the government the right to interfere in such personal decisions based on some other constitutional provision defies reason and common sense. Treating people’s refusal to buy health insurance as interstate commerce or triggering some other constitutional governmental power would in effect give Congress unlimited authority to control every aspect of people’s lives. When something defies logic, we have to ask ourselves what is the real motive involved. Upon close circumspection we can see that Obama’s health care plan is nothing more than the government taking more money from productive members of society and giving it to those who need money but do not have it for various reasons, with the central government in the process usurping great powers and control over the people’s lives including but not limited to violating their privacy rights over their own bodies, their medical and financial privacy, their right to decide how much medical care one needs, their right to free speech and association, their right to exercise their religion, doctors’ right to earn a living as they see fit, their right not to be illegally taxed, and their right to make end-of-life decisions. This is nothing but Obama and his Congress declaring a socialist revolution upon the American people and attempting to sneak that revolution right by them by dressing the wolf in sheep’s clothing.There exists proof in the form of Obama’s own words that his health insurance plan is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth which the government has no power to do under our Constitution. Obama made some appearances as a guest on Odyssey, a talk show at Chicago Public Radio. Obama, then a State Senator and Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, was on the program 3 times between 1998 and 2002. Here is an excerpt from the call-in segment for the Slavery and the Constitution show that aired in September of 2001. Here is the transcript from 2001 as posted at Free Republic at“MODERATOR: Good morning and welcome to Odyssey on WBEZ Chicago 91.5 FM and we’re joined by Barack Obama who is Illinois State Senator from the 13th district and senior lecturer in the law school at the University of Chicago….Continue Reading  

Ji’Obama’had –


Coddling Terrorists, Persecuting Navy Seals and CIA, Socialist Takeover of Industry, Political Correctness Allowing Ft. Hood Massacre – Will this be the next thing we see from Obama and Eric Holder?


It may soon be time to engage in some sort of serious Ghandi type resistance against this ineligible fraud.

From The TimesMarch 26, 2010Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama ‘dumped him for dinner’For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”. …Continue Reading


What would happen if Prime Minister Netanyahu says to Obama that he will consider his demands if Obama provides sufficient documentation to establish he is a natural born citizen and therefore eligible to serve as President of the United States?  If Israel does not stand up to Obama soon, his next demand will be for Netanyahu to carve out part of Israel and call it Obamistan. 

Teleprompter holds Whitehouse Protocol Classes. When will Obama ask Israel carve out part of its land to create Obamistan?

Netanyahu convenes inner cabinetBy JPOST.COM STAFF
26/03/2010 12:32PM spokesman predicts senior ministers will support understandings reached in Washington.Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened his senior ministers in Jerusalem on Friday afternoon to discuss the demands made by US President Barack Obama and his overall trip to Washington – a trip that, because of negative atmospherics and amid a paucity of hard information, has been widely characterized as among the most difficult in recent memory….Continue Reading

 2010 Turdnado is Coming –


As Aretha Franklin says: You better think, think, think what you do to me! Obama now tied with 'Nobody' and 'Anyone'!!


Great News from Michelle Malkin: 

In Hypothetical 2012 Matchup, Obama in Statistical Dead Heat Against 2 Republicans: Nobody and Anybody 

By Doug Powers  •  March 26, 2010 08:47 AM


Kind of good news for the GOP — A Republican, Nobody, is in a statistical dead heat with President Obama in the 2012 presidential election:From Andrew Malcolm at the LA Times

Here’s a closeup photo above of the Republican candidate for president who’s currently tied with President Obama for the 2012 White House race. 

No one. 

Or anyone. 

A new CNN / Opinion Research Poll out this afternoon of 953 registered voters nationally finds Obama tied at 47% with any Republican candidate. Gee, if only Wendell Willkie was still around. 

The same poll also finds a clear majority of Americans now believe that Obama is a one-term president. 

Continue Reading  

Other Team FOCOA News –

(Full of Crap Obama Administration)

Obama's Health Care Deform to be Administered by 'Secular Healthcare In Transition' (SHIT)! When the taxes comes and companies start firing people, don't complain if you voted for Obama.

Just wait until Obama’s Health Care Deform taxes and health care increases fully hit American businesses and those expenses are passed on to consumers.  Don’t complain when these companies start laying off more people if you voted for Obama.

MARCH 26, 2010

Personal Income Drops Across the CountryBy SARA MURRAYPersonal income in 42 states fell in 2009, the Commerce Department said Thursday. …Continue Reading 

Dalai Lama has advice for Obama! America Must Demand Proof or Face the Consequences!


Come on Prime Minister Netanyahu, call Obama on his lack of eligibility.  It’s better than bombing Iran without the support of the United States Military!  (Which I’m afraid will be necessary soon.)

Israeli leader gets support in White House disputeAssociated PressJERUSALEM – Members of Israel’s hard-line government are lining up behind embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his dispute with the U.S. over Jewish construction in east Jerusalem.Two Cabinet ministers, including Israel’s vice prime minister, accused the White House on Thursday of unfairly pressuring the Jewish state. …Continue Reading 

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein 

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!

99% of Health Insurance Companies Have 2 to 3 Years of Viability Left – RUSH LIMBAUGH Insurance Caller – Kerchner v Obama – CitizenWells – Ji’Obama’had – 9/11 Mastermind to be Freed from GITMO – The BOPAC Report

March 24, 2010

 The BOPAC Report

Obama’s Health Care Deform  –

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


Yesterday I heard a Rush Limbaugh called who I have heard several times on his show.  She is an insurance company insider and the beginning of the media screw up saying Rush would move to Costa Rica if Health Care Deform passed.  He (in context) said he would seek medical treatment in Costa Rica.

This is a long interview so I urge you to listen to it.  Rush’s caller’s comments reflect the TRUE intention of this legislation and what we all need to question at every TOWNHALL over the Easter Break.  This is powerful ammunition.

The caller makes reference to an industry term, the 65-45 rule, that needs some clarification.  If you add these numbers, they add up to 110 percent.  I think the answer is that each number can vary a few percentage points but the total can’t be more than 100%.  Maybe the rule represents the outside limits? Maybe the numbers reflect some things that apply to both.  Bureaucracies work in mysterious ways. I hope Rush will clarify this.   

This is very important for everyone to be aware of.

This Obama Care will cause a 100 to 200 percent insurance rate increases are coming in January 2011 (past the election).

Most insurance companies will be out of business in 2 to 3 years.

Stacy, Our EIB Insurance Expert

March 23, 2010

Listen To It! WMP | RealPlayer 


RUSH: Stacy in hiding… is this our insurance babe?  Stacy, welcome back.  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush.

RUSH:  Do you know you have gotten me into so much fun hot water?

CALLER:  I know, I’ve heard!

RUSH:  Do you know how you did that?

CALLER:  I did by coming on about Costa Rica.

RUSH:  You came on and you told me that your insurance company was setting up medical operations in Costa Rica, you’re going to take the doctors and everything down there and you’re going to sell insurance policies if this thing all happened to your customers, and included in the premium would be trips to Costa Rica for medical treatment and so forth.  So after having heard you say that, another caller asked me, “What are you going to do if it passes?”  “I’m going to go get treated in Costa Rica.”  And so now everybody thinks I said I’m leaving the country for Costa Rica.  So I need to ask you, how soon are you going to get those clinics set up so I can go?

CALLER:  Well, I’m afraid that even that’s not going to save us.

RUSH:  Oh, no.

CALLER:  I’ve gotta revise my estimate.  We may last two to three years, tops, and let me tell you why.  The 85-15 provision that has just been signed into law an hour ago —

RUSH:  Yeah?

CALLER:  — by definition of every state and federal insurance regulator makes us financially unsound.

RUSH:  All right, now, I have to take a break here and I want to ask you if you can hold on ’til the top of the next hour where we will get your details on this without any time constraints.  Can you hang on?

CALLER:  I’ll skip a bit of a meeting, sure.

RUSH:  You tell ’em it will be worth it.

CALLER:  Okay.

RUSH:  Tell ’em it will be worth it, and if you can’t, you tell Snerdley and we’ll call you back when you have time, okay?

CALLER:  Okay, thank you, dear.

RUSH:  You bet. 


RUSH:  Now, we welcome back from “in hiding” in Atlanta Stacy, who works for an insurance company who’s been keeping us updated throughout this past year on the fate of her industry should this thing pass.  Now it has passed.  Give us the lowdown, Stacy.

CALLER:  Um, we’re going to make it two years, three tops.

RUSH:  Explain why and start at the beginning.

CALLER:  Okay.  For time immemorial, both state and federal regulation — and also just the industry standard — has been a 65-45 percentage arrangement: 65 in claims payment and 45 for administration and claims expense. Withholding that you store for, you know, a major catastrophe or something.

RUSH:  This is to pay your claims?

CALLER:  No, 65% is to pay the claims.  Forty-five percent is for everything else.

RUSH:  That means 45% is salaries, administration costs, and the offices, all the paperwork, that kind of thing?

CALLER:  It’s that as well as, you know, we are required to keep a certain amount of cash on hand as a percentage of our claims exposure to pay claims.

RUSH:  I got you.

CALLER:  So, for example, if you have a disaster and you suddenly had 400,000 claims come in, you’ve gotta have the money to be able to pay those claims immediately.

RUSH:  Now, I just want to make sure I understand here.  State and federal regulations set those percentages?

CALLER:  State and federal regulations, yes.

RUSH:  So if you wanted to have 85% set aside for claims, you couldn’t. You had to go at 65%?

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  If you wanted 30% set aside for claims and the rest were administration, you couldn’t do it. It had to be 65%.

CALLER:  That’s illegal, yes. It has to be 65-45, and there’s a couple of percentage either way, but generally when an insurance company falls outside of those guidelines, they are considered financially unstable.

RUSH:  Well, who audits you all to make sure you are within the ratio?

CALLER:  We’re audited by the state insurance departments, primarily.  There are some plans that are audited both state and federally, and then you have your private auditors who will come in as part of the stock market and that kind of thing. So we’re audited often.

RUSH:  How often do these audits take place?

CALLER:  At least once a year, you’ll have one from the industry auditors, and every three to five perhaps for federal and state.

RUSH:  Okay.

CALLER:  More often if they think that you’re unstable, they’ll audit you more often.  So what Obama just did an hour and a half ago is make every insurance company in the country financially unstable.  Remember, the 15% (sic) that we are left has not only to pay salaries, maintenance, upkeep of buildings; it also has to pay the 40% increased taxes that we’ve got. I mean, there’s just no way.  You can’t do it.

RUSH:  Well, you’re getting a little bit ahead of me here.  What did Obama sign that changes this 65-45 split? In what way did Obama now sign you into permanent instability?

CALLER:  The provision in the Senate bill requires that all insurance companies pay 85% of premiums collected every year in claims.

RUSH:  So the 65 is now 85?

CALLER:  Exactly. It doesn’t matter how much we increase the premium, it won’t matter.

RUSH:  And just to satisfy my own curiosity, with the mandates that are in this — such as you now being required to insure children on their parents’ policies to age 26 or 27; and now having to insure (or cover) preexisting conditions — what’s that going to do to your current premium structure starting today?

CALLER:  That’s my other fear, Rush.  I don’t know that November is as big a lock as we would hope and here’s why.  Most group plans renew January 1st of every year.  Most people won’t see the dramatic premium increases until January 1st.  So what they’re going to do is all these people who voted for this — and who likely were swayed by this argument — are going to run around and say, “Well, look, nothing happened. You’re not paying any more. You know, everything’s fine. It was just a bunch of, quote, unquote, ‘fearmongering,'” and I’m afraid they’re going to be reelected.

RUSH:  Well, we’ll do with that when the time comes.  I think there’s a lot more in this than just those two provisions that have people outraged and upset, and I know that your fear is that the people that supported this are going to show up in droves and vote for Democrats on the theory that none of the scare stories that were told had happened because this delayed until January, but there are other things that we can work with on this.  The Democrat Party’s damaged itself in the sense.  They just inflicted great harm on the country. Whenever it shows up, it will be realized.  Now, I want to take you back to the first thing you said: You originally thought that your industry would survive. You’re speaking industry or just your particular company?  

CALLER:  I would say 99% of all insurance companies, health insurance companies in the country.

RUSH:  Okay.  So you originated thought you might have three to five years to stay in business under Obama. Now you said it’s two to three.  Why?

CALLER:  Because of the 85-15.  Plus the additional expenses we’re gonna incur.  Additionally, the mandates, what people don’t understand when CMS (which is the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare) push a mandate down on insurance companies, we have to pay to complement those mandates.  We don’t know how many of those are in this monstrosity.  So we can have our mandate budget doubled, our taxes already up 40% or whatever it is, and our cash flow immediately cut.

RUSH:  Well, how can you know in advance of paying any claims?  Because they’ve now shifted to 65% that you have to set aside for claims to 85%. How in the world can anybody know in advance of paying claims that it’s going to amount to 85%?

CALLER:  Well —

RUSH:  Of course 65%? It seems to be like this is a ridiculous dictate made by people that have no clue how your business works.

CALLER:  Well, they don’t have a clue. But the way that that amount of money is calculated is you look at the past year, past five years, past ten years, and you see what your claims expense have been those years. Then based on your enrollment and your demographics you project forward into what you expect to be paying in the future, in the next year and the next five years.  So you can do that.  It’s not precise to a dollar, but you usually get pretty close.  What he’s done is by saying, for example, the preventative services now —

RUSH:  Those are free.  Those are, quote, unquote, “free.”

CALLER:  Yeah, exactly.

RUSH:  What the hell is a preventative service covered by an insurance company anyway?

CALLER:  Well, that would be your colonoscopies, your mammograms, your yearly physicals, your lab work.

RUSH:  Oh, so those are free now! So if I want to go get a colonoscopy today and I have an insurance policy, I’m not going to pay for it?

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  But you will.

CALLER:  Well, we will.  We’ll pay out the nose for it.

RUSH: (laughing) Well…

CALLER: I know, bad analogy. I’m sorry.

RUSH:  It is Christmas!

CALLER: (giggling) But, Rush —

RUSH:  Well, no, I don’t look at a colonoscopy as Christmas. Don’t misunderstand.

CALLER: (giggling)

RUSH: But it is Christmas in the sense that I’m not paying for it. I don’t know how you can stay in business even two to three years with this kind of thing happening to you this year alone.

CALLER:  I don’t think we will and that’s why I am seriously considering leaving this industry.  I’m updating my resume.  You know, people who I work with — even people who voted for Obama and thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread — are shell-shocked.

RUSH:  That just frustrates the hell out of me.  Anybody with a brain has no reason to be shell-shocked about who this guy is, but it is what it is.

CALLER:  Rush, it’s not him.  I didn’t think Congress would sell us down the river like this, especially given the public opinion.  When have you ever seen a politician just say, “I don’t care that the public doesn’t like it and I don’t care if I’m reelected”?  This is something I have never experienced.  I have never seen this, and people that I work with who don’t follow politics, who don’t know what’s going on necessarily, they had no clue this was coming.  At least I had an inkling!  They had no idea.

RUSH:  Well, it’s proof positive is that people who don’t pay attention to politics are now outraged, upset, and don’t quite understand.  It’s time to make ’em understand.  This is who Democrats are.  This is who liberals are.  You realize, too, I’m sure, that the whole purpose of all these new requirements on you is to put you out of business.

CALLER:  Oh, absolutely.

RUSH:  The whole purpose is to make it unable for you to stay in business financially, and so the government can come in and say, “Okay, well, you know, these damn insurance companies! We never could depend on them. They’re nothing but a bunch of frauds and nothing but a bunch of cheats. They’re still cheating people. They’re still raping people.  We’re going to have to do this ourselves.”

CALLER:  And you know how many people are going to die in the interim, Rush?  I say that in all sincerity, because come January 1st you’re going to see 200, 300% increases in premiums and people are going to drop their coverage. So you’ve got the woman who isn’t going to go get the mammogram or the man who’s not going to get the prostate exam.

RUSH:  Wait a minute!

CALLER: People are going to die.

RUSH: I thought the mammogram was free.

CALLER:  Not when you drop the coverage because you can’t afford three times the premium.  Remember, the premiums are going up because of the government, and jobs are being lost because of the government.  If you can’t pay it, you can’t pay it. So people are going to drop it. They’re going to drop their insurance before they drop their mortgage.

RUSH:  They’re going to be clamoring to the government to fix the mean-spirited insurance companies for raising the prices so high and that’s where Obama’s going to step in and say, “You know what? We have no choice here but than to do it ourselves,” and then you get dumped on again first and foremost with Obama portraying the government as the savior.  Look, I gotta take a break. Can you hang on a couple minutes?

CALLER:  Sure.

RUSH:  I still have a couple more questions.  Stacy, our insurance expert, “hiding” in Atlanta to make the call. 


RUSH: We rejoin Stacy in hiding in Atlanta from the insurance industry.  You said just a minute ago that you’re not all that confident about the November election because all these premium increases, group rates, group policy don’t renew ’til January so all of your out-of-pocket expenses are going to start relatively soon but you can’t raise premiums until January to recoup them, correct?

CALLER:  Correct.

RUSH:  All right, we just got a story here from The Politico: “Timing Right for Democrats’ Midterm Election Hopes — Voters will get their first taste of the benefits of health care reform only a few short weeks before the November midterm elections.  They won’t have to swallow most of the bitter pills until much later — well after President Barack Obama faces voters again in 2012.  Match the effective dates of key reform provisions against the election calendar, and it becomes clear that Democrats were as focused on writing a legislative overhaul of the health care system as they were on devising a political road map for selling it to voters.”  Now, of course, this story is celebrating the brilliance of the Democrats here. Basically this story is, “Okay, yep, Americans you got screwed, but you’re not going to know it in time to vote the Democrats out,” which is essentially your fear.

CALLER:  Yeah, and, you know, Rush, Costa Rica is not going to save us because it doesn’t matter where services are rendered, the law is going to cover any policy sold within the United States.  So even though we can send folks down to Costa Rica for care, we’re still going to be under the 85-15 rule, we’re still going to have the additional taxes.

RUSH:  Look, all this is academic. You’re not going to be in business.

CALLER:  I don’t think it is.  That’s why I’m leaving it.

RUSH:  Are you the only one that realizes this in your immediate orb within your company?

CALLER:  No.  Most of us recognize it.  The question is, are you willing to move out of state, you know, go somewhere else to find a comparable job, that’s the question now for a lot of us.

RUSH:  What comparable job?

CALLER:  The technology aspect.  The technology that we work with is not used commonly in small shops around or whatever.

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  So if we want a position using the technology we use today, we’re going to have to leave, and I don’t know where I’m going to go.

RUSH:  Well, it’s a shame.  And it’s a shame because all of this was predictable based on the details of the legislation.  Stacy, feel free to stay in touch any time to update us on this.  We really do value your input on this.  You sound very confident and know what you’re talking about.  Well, in fact, you know what, Snerdley has a great idea and we’re going to do this.  We are going to start collecting our own sob stories, and Stacy you might want to be one of our sob stories.  Instead of bringing up individuals who have supposedly been treated harshly because of an unfair country and an unfair insurance industry what we’re going to do is create our own roster of sob story people, small businesses who have been put out of business; small business people whose taxes have been raised making it impossible to stay in business for very much longer; people like you, whose entire industry is being targeted for eventual destruction.  We’re going to do people genuinely hurt by the legislation.  And believe me, there will be no shortage.  If you want to be one of our sob stories, I hope you’re not, but if a sob story happens to you, we, the EIB Network, will happily be your outlet.  


RUSH:  So I got this e-mail question from the subscriber list:  “After listening to Stacy, why aren’t the insurance companies not taking out full-page ads detailing all of these deceptive lies to the American people?  Why are Wall Street companies not doing the same?  Why are they continuing to allow these liberals to demonize them and not fight back?”  I can only take a guess, and as far as the insurance companies are concerned, take a look at the stocks.  Insurance company stocks right now are skyrocketing and so are drug company stocks because the original few years of this bill mandates 32 million more customers, and the insurance companies are going to pay for them somehow, some way, so they’re excited about this.  You jump in on the bubble and you cash out.  I mean, even if you think you got five years left in business, maximize it all you can and then get the hell out if you don’t think you can stop it.  Anyway, my guess.  What do I know?



Natural Born Citizen Issue –


Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

CitizenWells has another update about the Kerchner v Obama lawsuit.  CitizenWells – I hope you will study the transcript from Rush Limbaugh’s show and forward it to those who can verify and clarify.

Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, March 24, 2010, Charles Kerchner comments on Appellant’s Reply Brief, Mario Apuzzo attorney

March 24, 2010 ·

Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, March 24, 2010, Charles Kerchner comments

From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“For immediate release – 23 March 2010

Commander Kerchner’s comments on the Appellant’s Reply Brief filed today by Atty Apuzzo in the Kerchner v Obama & Congress Lawsuit Appeal

By now many of you have likely had time to read Attorney Mario Apuzzo’s outstanding Appellant’s Reply Brief filed today with the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA. The closing two paragraphs sum up the issues and consequences and the duty of the federal court’s role in resolving the core constitutional legal question of this lawsuit very well. Imo, Atty Apuzzo’s words will live in history. The federal courts must take this case or our Constitutional Republic is doomed and on its way to the scrap heaps of history.

Atty Apuzzo writes on pages 29 & 30:
“The Supreme Court has warned us what can happen to our republic if its government does not observe the laws of the land. …Continue Reading


Ji’Obama’had –


When I served in the Navy, I understood that I was risking my life for Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution. I would not have joined if I were defending socialism. Have our most revered sacrificed all in vain? Not yet but we are getting close.

9/11 Mastermind To Be Freed From Guantanamo

Last Updated: Tue, 03/23/2010 – 3:16pm

A federal judge has ordered the Al Qaeda operative who recruited most of the 9/11 terrorists to be released from Guantanamo Bay prison though he is considered a “high value detainee” by the U.S.

The perplexing decision has been classified so there is no explanation why U.S. District Judge James Robertson granted the habeas corpus petition of Mohamedou Slahi, an Osama bin Laden confidant who is considered among the worst terrorists held at the military prison since the nation was brutally attacked nearly a decade ago.  
It marks the 34th time that a U.S. judge frees a Guantanamo terrorist since the Supreme Court ruled that detainees could challenge their incarceration in federal court. Slahi arrived at the military compound in 2002 and claims he was tortured, threatened with death, sleep deprived and moved around the base blindfolded. 

Slahi’s terrorist activities are extensive and detailed in the 9/11 Commission report, which explains how he recruited four of the September 2001 conspirators from the renowned Hamburg Germany cell. They include Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah, the suicide pilots of American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and United Airlines Flight 93….Continue Reading