Charles Kercher – CitizenWells – ACORN – Michelle Malkin – Larry Sinclair

The BOPAC Report:


The Pretender-In-Chief:


Unknow Soldiers!

The Unknow Soldier Who Now Appears to have Died for Facism!


 I woke this morning thinking about the millions of Americans who ignorantly voted to install this fascist administration.  I continue to be in wonder that they have not and do not see through Obama’s subversion of the United States Constitution and the media’s role in this manipulation of America.  They continue to blindly follow Obama even though he is leading to America’s destruction.  They appear blind to those Obama is putting in place to permanently erode our most precious rights so they can now longer be a threat to his plans or administration. I’m fairly certain that one day some (maybe millions) of these people will hold their heads in shame for their role in electing Obama and supporting the dismantling of America.

I for one will continue to do what I can to reverse this travesty of the ignorant marching themselves, their families and their neighbors into bondage.  I am thankful that there are many struggling against this tyranny.  People such as Glenn Beck, Dr. Orly Taitz, Citizenwells, Philip Berg, Michelle Malkin, Charles Kerchner, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, numerous members of our once proud military and many others are sacrificing much to protect this country.   

From Citizenwells:

Charles Kerchner, Sovereign Immunity, October 20, 2009, Kerchner V Obama, Mario Apuzzo, US Constitution, President and Congress not above the law, Quo Warranto charge against a usurper Putative President

October 20, 2009

Just in from Charles Kerchner of Kerchner V Obama, October 20, 2009:

20 October 2009

Kerchner: On the Sovereign and Sovereign Immunity – by CDR Kerchner

Kerchner: On the Sovereign and Sovereign Immunity

In the case of constitutional issues We the People and/or the Constitution created by We the People are sovereign. The fundamental law of our nation, the Constitution, can only be changed by amending it by the process provided in that Constitution, not by a branch of the federal government usurping or ignoring it. Congress cannot amend the Constitution by itself and certainly not with a simple majority vote. It takes a vote of 2/3 the members of Congress to put forward such an amendment to the several states and ratification by 3/4 of the several states of our nation. We are a Constitutional Republic, not a pure democracy. All rights and power not given to the federal government by the Constitution is reserved to the several states and to the People. See the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights for the details on that fact. We the People created the federal government enabled by the founding document, the federal U.S. Constitution. The Congress or the President cannot arbitrarily ignore the U.S. Constitution and those branches of the federal government cannot hide behind sovereign immunity. For if they can the Constitution is then no longer the supreme law of the land and the Congress and the President have placed themselves above that supreme law. We would no longer be a nation of laws if the supreme law of the land can be ignored and not enforced by the whims of the simple political majority in control of Congress….

…I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. We the People retain the ancient right of the sovereign, which is us in our system, to bring a Quo Warranto charge against a usurper Putative President. And I did so in my lawsuit. Any order or law made by Congress or anyone else in our federal government which stands in the way of We the People’s inalienable right to protect our Constitution, which we created, from a usurper must fall. Those laws must fall by the wayside as subservient and that they are not applicable to blocking our inalienable rights and cannot be allowed to block the People getting answers in the federal courts to Constitutional questions. I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I intend to do so.

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

Read the Complete Article with comments at

Michelle Malkin has a story up this morning that captures part of the idea behind the cartoon above.  The military and families of those in the military have a right to be outraged by the direction of Obama’s Ameica.

ACORN Watch: Fight the thugs

By Michelle Malkin  •  October 20, 2009 05:34 PM

Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti

ACORN is a criminal enterprise. It took decades to build up its massive coffers and intricate web of affiliates across the country.

It will take months and years to untangle the entire operation.

And it will take time, money, and and relentless sunshine to dismantle the government-subsidized, partisan racket. It can’t be “reformed.” It is constitutionally corrupt.

The sworn testimony, research, and blogging by former ACORN/Project Vote development associate Anita MonCrief have provided an invaluable amount of fodder for reporters (before their editors “cut bait,” that is) and congressional investigators trying to get to the bottom of ACORN’s tax law-undermining, campaign finance disclosure-evading ways. Most recently, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported this week on how ACORN’s voter drives in Ohio were planned specifically to help Democrat congressional candidates.

The reward for MonCrief’s truth-telling? An intimidation lawsuit to shut her up.

….Continue Reading

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Obama's Reading List - Larry Sinclair, Lenin and Marx

Obama's Reading List - Larry Sinclair, Lenin and Marx

Larry Sinclair is in the process of moving to his new site.

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