Posts Tagged ‘Ahmed Hashim Abed’

Constantly Ignored by Congress, Americans Left Little Choice but to Shut Washington, D.C. Down!

December 23, 2009

Constantly Ignored by Congress, Americans Left Little Choice but to Shut Washington, D.C. Down!

(I would like to suggest a date – the day of the 2010 State of the Union Address)

Today I was listening to Rush Limbaugh’s radio program when one of his listeners shared an interesting idea that got my attention.  The listener was a small business owner, 30 years in business, who was fed up with Congress not listening to the wishes of the American People.  He was calling for all small business owners to fire half of their employees (for a few weeks?) and the resulting loss of tax withholdings and concurrent demands for unemployment benefits, food stamps, etc. by the fired workers would overwhelm the system.

Rush immediately recognized that this idea was actually the same idea that Obama and the left are employing, the Cloward-Piven strategy

…”The Cloward/Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their goal is to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change….”

It is an interesting concept of turning a wholly leftist/fascist strategy for radical change back on the instigators.  Naturally, the caller understood that his idea would involve substantial “short-term pain for long-term gain” and would require a lot of employers taking part to be effective.

What’s obvious is that Rush’s caller was basically expressing the extreme frustration that millions of Americans are feeling right now. How can ordinary citizens get the attention of Congress when they are taking the phone off the hook and locking their doors?

Even though it’s probably not ripe today, the Rush caller idea is simple, powerful, and definitely would get Washington and the media’s attention.  However, I believe the pain to the “innocent” temporarily unemployed would be too much.  It might be something to try next year during hunting season for hunters looking for some time to hunt and draw a check; or when school’s out for summer so they can go on family vacation.  By summer, prior to the 2010 elections, both the to be laid off employees and millions of stressed employers could be eager to take part in such an act of political disobedience.  I’m ready now but later might be better.

So what can be done now to get the attention of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Congress?  What if for the days before and the night of the next Presidential State of the Union at the end of January another “Tea Party”/strike is organized to descend on Washington, D. C.?  Trucks, RV’s, Cars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Strollers, Wheel Chairs, Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, 9/11 Families, Navy Seals’ families, College Students, High School Students, Elementary School Students, Lawyers, Judges, former AARP members, Ordinary Americans carrying bull-horns, cowbells, bag pipes, drums, and every other manner of noise making device imaginable coming to Congress to be HEARD!  Wow!

Maybe, everyone could ask his or her Congressional Representative to boycott the 2010 State of the Union Address. (Are you there Representatives Bachmann and Wilson?)

Even though previous D.C. Tea Party demonstrations have had over a million participants, the media have found ways to ignore/ridicule/minimize them.  What if 2 or 3 million Americans came to Congress to be heard – could the media ignore that?  I don’t think so!  What if the sound could be heard when Obama begins spinning his lies and misrepresentations – could the media ignore that?  I don’t think so!  What if traffic is tied up for days – could the media ignore that? I don’t think so!

Americans are upset and frustrated because they are not being listened to by Obama or the Congress.  If fact even Blue Dog Democrats are frustrated.  The level of frustration must be extremely high to cause a Freshman Democratic Representative from Alabama, Parker Griffith, to switch parties today.

Why are they so upset and frustrated?  Let me count the ways:

Obama and Eric Holder are planning to have 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial in NYC!  Polls show that 59% of Americans are opposed to this travesty.  Congress has power to prevent it but again they choose not to listen the American people.

Obama is closing GITMO and bringing the terrorists to Illinois (within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant).  When you ask Americans you find that 64% are opposed to bringing GITMO terrorists to America.  Is Obama or Congress listening? No.

Three Navy Seals are being prosecuted for allegedly giving Islamic terrorist, Ahmed Hashim Abed, a fat lip during his capture.  Abed was the mastermind of the brutal attack in Falluja in 2004 where 4 Blackwater security contractors were hung on a bridge and burned.  Where is Obama and Congress?  AWOL.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are ignoring the very real possibility that Obama is not a “natural born citizen” and is therefore not eligible to serve as President or Commander in Chief.  Are they listening? No.  Is Congress listening? No.  All that is happening is that Obama has/is spending over 2 million dollars trying to keep his school records, long form birth certificate, bar application, college papers, etc. hidden.

Americans opposed to Obamacare are being ignored by Congress. The latest Quinnipiac poll show that “53 percent of voters disapprove of plans to make over the health-care system, with 36 percent in support.” Will Congress listen? No.

Shockingly, Reid and Pelosi’s Democrats are putting measures in the Healthcare legislation that tries to make parts of it not subject to repeal.  How’s that for Congress not listening!

No matter what you believe about abortion, the vast majority of Americans (72%) recognize that it is wrong to force taxpayer who believe abortion is wrong to fund abortions.  Will Congress listen? No.

The majority of American small business owners (66 against/24 for) and the public (53 against/37 for) are against Cap and Trade legislation. Is the Congress listening? No.

Americans, who keep their own budgets balanced, expect Obama and Congress to keep America’s budgets balanced!  Do they listen? No.

And there’s Inspector General Walpin’s firing, Obama bowing to every world leader he can find, Obama photo ops with our returning war dead, ACORN, SEIU, Larry Sinclair, attacks of FOX, Obama’s boot licking media, Cambridge Police “acted stupid”, coming attacks on the Second Amendment, not showing proper respect when our soldiers were slaughtered by a terrorist at Ft. Hood, etc., etc., etc.  It never ends.

Americans have been trying hard to have their voices heard vis-à-vis Tea Parties nationwide.  Were they heard? No.  They were ridiculed and vilified by Obama, Gibbs, Pelosi, many Members of Congress and the mainstream media.

Everyday, more Americans are waking up.

It is time to start saying ENOUGH a little more loudly.

Obama’s Tiresome & Dangerous Play – “How can I F$#K The Military Again Today?” – Navy Seal Prosecution – Obama Syndicate ACORN – The Spectator – Army Clamping Down on Free Speech – Master Sergeant C.J. Grisham -The BOPAC Report

December 22, 2009

The BOPAC Report

Navy Seal Prosecution –


Tomb of Unknow Soldiers! WTF is the Obama Administration Doing Prosecuting Our Navy Seals? It's all part of Obama's script in the tiresome and dangerous play - “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

Going on today, another scene in Obama’s tiresome and dangerous play – “How can I F%@K the military again today?”

From the Daily Press:

Navy SEAL from Yorktown to appear in court for terrorist abuse claim

December 21, 2009

NORFOLK – The last of three Navy SEALs charged in relation to the alleged assault of a suspected terrorist is scheduled to be appear in court tomorrow.

Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe of Yorktown is set to be arraigned at Naval Station, Norfolk, at 8:30 a.m….Continue Reading

There are a few people in New Hampshire concerned about Freedom and our Navy Seals. Thank you Selectman Rene Archambault!

Dec 22, 2009 7:40 am US/Eastern

NH Town Official Urges US Rep. Ban Over Navy Case

EPPING, N.H. (AP) ― An Epping selectman wants to prevent his representative to Congress from using the town hall because she won’t support an effort to stop the Navy from prosecuting three sailors charged with mistreating a prisoner in Iraq.

Selectman Rene Archambault says he feels Democratic Rep. Carol Shea-Porter should have signed a letter from some House members who want to stop the prosecution of the Navy SEALS….Continue Reading

The good source of information about the Navy Seals persecution is

Arraignment for Navy SEAL Jonathan Keefe Today

Posted December 22nd, 2009 by USNavySeals

Navy SEAL Jonathan Keefe, one of three SEALs who have been charged in relation to a complaint raised by suspected terrorist Ahmed Hashim Abed, will be arraigned today in a military court on the Naval Base in Norfolk.

25-year-old Special Warfare Operator Second Class Jonathan Keefe, who hails from Yorktown, Virginia, is the last of the Navy SEALs to be arraigned. The other two SEALs, SO2 Matthew McCabe and SO1 Julio Huertas, were arraigned last December 7. Huertas entered his plea during his arraignment, while McCabe deferred. As for Keefe, the expectation is that he will enter a plea of “not guilty” during his arraignment.

Only Matthew McCabe is accused of actually assaulting the prisoner Abed, in addition to being accused of making a false statement and dereliction of duty….Continue Reading

Salem News Reader, Ms. Pino gets it!  Sorry, Ms. Pino, Obama edits the script in his play, “How Can I F$#K The Military Again Today?”

Letter: President should intervene on behalf of SEALs

To the editor:

What in the name of all that is holy is going on in this country?

The media is reporting, ad nauseum, on Tiger Woods and his bimbo eruptions while three Navy SEALs are fighting for their reputation.

On the ironic date of Dec. 7 — Pearl Harbor Day — three Navy SEALs were arraigned on charges they gave a captured Iraqi terrorist “a fat lip.”

Who was this vermin they captured? One of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq, Ahmed Hashim Abed, the man behind the barbaric March 2004 ambush of four civilian contractors. His victims were burned, then dragged through the streets and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

In my opinion, the charging of these men is an abomination and is a perfect example of the scourge of our times — political correctness run amok.

Intervening now to stop this court-martial from proceeding will send a right message of real leadership. Get with it, President Obama, and do what’s right!

Norma M. Pino


ChiBama Politics & The ACORN Syndicate –


Loyalty is Required in the Obama Cult! Navy Seals surely won't change their oath! It will be a cold day in hell before Gov. Palin gets one.

The ACORN logo will soon be a required tattoo to visit the Obama Whitehouse.

Bigger Than Watergate

By Matthew Vadum on 12.21.09 @ 6:08AM

ACORN critic Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is mystified that both the Democratic-controlled Congress and the Obama administration aren’t doing much about the tax-subsidized organized crime syndicate ACORN even as evidence of its wrongdoing continues to pile up.

In an exclusive interview, the House Judiciary Committee member describes the ACORN saga as “the largest corruption crisis in the history of America.”

“It’s thousands of times bigger than Watergate because Watergate was only a little break-in by a couple of guys,” said King. “By the time we pull ACORN out by its roots America’s going to understand just how big this is.”

Continue Reading

U.S. Army – Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil –

Just like Obama is not Malcolm X - Obama is not a "Natural Born Citizen"! Obama may look like Malcolm X and Obama may be a "Citizen"; but being a "Citizen" does not necessarily mean that Obama is a "Natural Born Citizen"! Joint Chiefs of Staff’s new mottos: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil & Don’t rock the boat!


‘Don’t Rock the Boat’ is the new Army motto!  Unfortunately, it’s the Joint Chief of Staff’s motto, the Navy’s motto, the Marines motto, the Air Force’s motto, the Coast Guards motto and the Supreme Court’s motto.  If they won’t require Obama to demonstrat that he is a “natural born citizen”, why should it surprise anyone when they come down on a military blogger.

“…I think it is pretty easy to say that this situation is highly disrespectful to a patriotic soldier and shows a military leadership that is out of touch with today’s America….”

Army to Iraq Veteran: Don’t Criticize Your Local PTA

December 19th, 2009 | By: Michael Merritt

This story has been simmering for a while now, but I only recently learned of it.  Basically, Army Master Sergeant C.J. Grisham, who has been one of the most prominent military bloggers for five years, found himself in trouble with his superior officers after posting a series of articles earlier this year documenting his attempts to get parents involved in a decision made by the principal of his children’s school to introduce uniforms.  Master Sergeant Grisham was not against the uniforms, per se, but questioned the necessity of introducing them well into the school year, and after an expensive Christmas holiday.

After Grisham posted video of a public meeting on the issue, some school board members called his superiors to complain.  During the next month, he was ordered to remove the video and several posts.  When his wife took over, assuming she wouldn’t be under the same restriction, he was also reprimanded.  Eventually, he decided to close the blog, saying that it wasn’t worth the trouble to continue writing, only to get yelled at by the officers.  Earlier this month, the site was taken over by a retailer serving the military community in order to keep it going.

I think it is pretty easy to say that this situation is highly disrespectful to a patriotic soldier and shows a military leadership that is out of touch with today’s America…

….Meanwhile, bloggers like C.J. Grisham need all the support we can give them, and many military bloggers are doing just that by going silent on their own blogs.  Grisham has served his country in order to allow his fellow citizen a voice, and as long as he isn’t violating national security (which he hasn’t been doing), his own voice shouldn’t be silenced either.

….Continue Reading

 To follow the “natural born citizen” issue, visit: