Posts Tagged ‘Denver’

Obama votes cast him left of his own party (from Washingon Times, Jerry Seper and Joseph Curl) – Abortion Issue article by ZachJones, Larry Sinclair investigation challenge

August 28, 2008

This is from the Washington Times:

Obama votes cast him

left of his own party

Jerry Seper and Joseph Curl
Thursday, August 28, 2008


Sen. Barack Obama will portray himself Thursday night as an agent of change for mainstream America, but his eight-year voting record in the Illinois Senate shows the Democrat was on occasion an agent of isolation who took stands – particularly on anti-crime legislation – that put him to the left of his own party.

Mr. Obama was the only member of the state Senate to vote against a bill to prohibit the early release of convicted criminal sexual abusers; was among only four who voted against bills to toughen criminal sentences and to increase penalties for “gangbangers” and dealers of Ecstasy; and voted “present” on a bill making it harder for abusive parents to regain custody of their children, a Washington Times review of Illinois legislative records shows.

“On the one hand, I give him credit for being true to his beliefs. But certainly with concerns that there were, even for his own party in Illinois, he would be to the left on some of those key votes,” said Illinois state Sen. Dave Syverson, a conservative Republican.

The pattern has continued since Mr. Obama joined the U.S. Senate, according to National Journal magazine.

Its respected legislative scorecard rated the Illinois Democrat, based on his 2007 voting record, as the most liberal member of the Senate, even more liberal than Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a self-described “democratic socialist.” Mr. Obama ranked No. 16 and No. 10 in the previous two years.

His running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, ranked third in the 2007 National Journal survey, with only Sen. Edward M. Kennedy between him and Mr. Obama.

Mr. Obama’s left-leaning pedigree has concerned some of his party’s moderate and conservative members. Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma has publicly refused to endorse Mr. Obama, describing the presumptive presidential nominee as the “most liberal senator” on Capitol Hill. …

Read the Full Article Here:

The Washington Times has made a start in covering some of the negatives of Senator Obama. I hope they will begin investigating the claims of Larry Sinclair that he and Sen. Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex in 1999.

Regarding the abortion issue, I urge you to consider:

Obama Would Evidently Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

Biden Tied to Rezko Fraud Figure, ABC News, Obama- from CitizenWells – Larry Sinclair

August 26, 2008

This is from CitizenWells:

Biden Tied to Rezko Fraud Figure, ABC News, Obama, Rezko, Biden, Joseph Cari, Biden Campaign Advisor, Fundraiser, Chicago lawyer, More Chicago corruption in Obama team

August 26, 2008

“Birds of a feather, flock together.”

“The Chickens are coming home to roost.”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better. Just when you thought the height of lies, deception and corruption had been achieved. Along comes another tie to Tony Rezko and crime and corruption in Chicago and Illinois. We have a balanced ticket in Obama and Biden. They both have ties to Tony Rezko and Joseph Cari.

ABC News has a new article about Joe Biden and his ties to Joseph Cari and Tony rezko. Here are some exerpts from the article:

“Biden Tied to Rezko Fraud Figure
Vice-Presidential Candidate’s Former Campaign Advisor and Fundraiser Aided Kickback Scheme
August 25, 2008

Barack Obama’s vice-presidential pick complicates the Democratic hopeful’s efforts to distance himself from a far-reaching Chicago patronage scandal.

Vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del. (left), has been advised since 1984 by Joseph Cari (right), the Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser who has been tied to the Antoin “Tony” Rezko patronage scandal.”

“Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser Joseph Cari has advised Biden and his campaigns on and off since 1984, serving in posts as varied as a Senate adviser on crime to the Midwest Political Director for Biden’s aborted 1987 presidential bid. In 2005 Cari helped arrange private meetings for Biden with potential supporters, as the senator explored another run for the White House. He has also worked to raise money for Biden . “

“Cari admitted that in 2004 he helped a Rezko associate by making calls in what turned out to be a kickback scheme. The deal was an offshoot of a complex corruption scheme wrought by Antoin “Tony” Rezko , whose ties to Obama have vexed the White House hopeful . Cari has maintained he did not know the details of that scheme or any other.

Cari’s sentencing is delayed while he cooperates with the investigation. He testified at Rezko’s trial earlier this year, in which a jury found Rezko guilty on 16 of 24 corruption-related felony charges. Obama, who entered into a complex real estate transaction with Rezko and his wife in 2005 that appeared to aid the senator, has returned nearly $150,000 in donations he received from Rezko and his associates over the years.”

Read more of the article here:

Are you finally seeing a picture of the real Obama? Sign the Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama here:

End of Article

Will the MSM dare to investigate Larry Sinclair’s allegations that he and Sen. Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex in 1999?

Obama, Biden, Obiden, Larry Sinclair – A History of Abuse of Process?

August 24, 2008

This is from CAO2

Bidens’ abusing the powers of office for political favors

Apparently what’s happening in Delaware with Larry Sinclair is not an isolated instance as far as the Bidens are concerned:

“Ultimately, the Bidens threatened to use their alleged connections with a former United States Senator to retaliate against counsel for insisting that his bill be paid, claiming that the former senator was prepared to use his influence with a federal judge to disadvantage counsel in a proceeding then pending before that court,” the Lotito suit says.

Why Obama Really Voted For Infanticide – National Review, Andrew C. McCarthy

August 22, 2008

This is from The National Review:

Why Obama Really Voted For Infanticide

More important to protect abortion doctors than “that fetus, or child — however way you want to describe it.”

By Andrew C. McCarthy

There wasn’t any question about what was happening. The abortions were going wrong. The babies weren’t cooperating. They wouldn’t die as planned. Or, as Illinois state senator Barack Obama so touchingly put it, there was “movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead.”

No, Senator. They wouldn’t go along with the program. They wouldn’t just come out limp and dead.

They were coming out alive. Born alive. Babies. Vulnerable human beings Obama, in his detached pomposity, might otherwise include among “the least of my brothers.” But of course, an abortion extremist can’t very well be invoking Saint Matthew, can he? So, for Obama, the shunning of these least of our brothers and sisters — millions of them — is somehow not among America’s greatest moral failings.

No. In Obama’s hardball, hard-Left world, these least become “that fetus, or child — however you want to describe it.”

Most of us, of course, opt for “child,” particularly when the “it” is born and living and breathing and in need of our help. Particularly when the “it” is clinging not to guns or religion but to life.

But not Barack Obama. As an Illinois state senator, he voted to permit infanticide. And now, running for president, he banks on media adulation to insulate him from his past.

The record, however, doesn’t lie.

Infanticide is a bracing word. But in this context, it’s the only word that fits. Obama heard the testimony of a nurse, Jill Stanek. She recounted how she’d spent 45 minutes holding a living baby left to die.

The child had lacked the good grace to expire as planned in an induced-labor abortion — one in which an abortionist artificially induces labor with the expectation that the underdeveloped “fetus, or child — however you want to describe it” will not survive the delivery.

Stanek encountered another nurse carrying the child to a “soiled utility room” where it would be left to die. It wasn’t that unusual. The induced-labor method was used for late-term abortions. Many of the babies were strong enough to survive the delivery. At least for a time.

So something had to be done with them. They couldn’t be left out in the open, struggling in the presence of fellow human beings. After all, those fellow human beings — health-care providers — would then be forced to confront the inconvenient question of why they were standing idly by. That would hold a mirror up to the whole grisly business.

Better the utility room. Alone, out of sight and out of mind. Next case.

Stanek’s account enraged the public and shamed into silence most of the country’s staunchest pro-abortion activists. Most, not all. Not Barack Obama.

My friend Hadley Arkes ingeniously argued that legislatures, including Congress, should take up “Born Alive” legislation: laws making explicit what decency already made undeniable: that from the moment of birth — from the moment one is expelled or extracted alive from the birth canal — a human being is entitled to all the protections the law accords to living persons.

Such laws were enacted by overwhelming margins. In the United States Congress, even such pro-abortion activists as Sen. Barbara Boxer went along.

But not Barack Obama. In the Illinois senate, he opposed Born-Alive tooth and nail.

The shocking extremism of that position — giving infanticide the nod over compassion and life — is profoundly embarrassing to him now. So he has lied about what he did. He has offered various conflicting explanations, ranging from the assertion that he didn’t oppose the anti-infanticide legislation (he did), to the assertion that he opposed it because it didn’t contain a superfluous clause reaffirming abortion rights (it did), to the assertion that it was unnecessary because Illinois law already protected the children of botched abortions (it didn’t — and even if it arguably did, why oppose a clarification?).

What Obama hasn’t offered, however, is the rationalization he vigorously posited during the 2002 Illinois senate debate.

Read the rest of this article:

Obama, Money Laundering, Acorn, FEC, Article at NOQUARTER

August 21, 2008

This important article is from NOQUARTER:


Note. This article makes serious assertions. Therefore each statement of fact is supported by external sources or references, listed at the end of the article.

Is This a Money Laundering Scandal?

Is the Obama Campaign falsifying its FEC disclosure reports by using a front company to disguise its relationship with ACORN, a controversial group?

By Eastan McNeal on August 20, 2008

Less than one month after admitting that it had received over $30,000 in illegal contributions from Gaza it seems the Obama for America campaign is facing yet another damaging issue related to campaign finance. This time the infraction emerges from potentially shady expenditures or expenditure reporting. It is, however, highly unlikely that the campaign can write this disclosure pattern off as a “technical glitch” or a “clerical error” as the firms involved are much more than just casually linked, and the misrepresentations occur on eleven separate documents.

Why is Barack Obama spending nearly $1,000,000 on a business housed here?According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) financial disclosure reports filed by the campaign earlier this year, between February 25th and May 17th Obama paid $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc. (CSI), one of the nearly seventy Not-for-Profit companies registered at the ACORN New Orleans headquarters on 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue [SEE IMAGE OF THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS of CSI as well as 20 other businesses.]. CSI now also shares an office with ACORN in Chicago at 209 W. Jackson St., home of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union).

On the surface, the 11 separate payments to CSI appear to be for services typically useful to a campaign. However, as confirmed by one of its directors, CSI does not offer the services listed on the Obama campaign expense reports. According to the director, and as found in various disclosure reports from other candidates, CSI specializes in field operations, specifically grass roots organizing for get out the vote efforts. The Obama expense reports list the following payments to CSI: $564,342 for Stage, Sound, Lighting, $138,000 for Advance Work, $18,417 for Polling and $98,451 for Travel/Lodging. There is no “get out the vote” expenditure to CSI in the reports.

After retrieving a copy of CSI’s business registration form from the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office, on July 24th one of our researchers contacted Sunday Alabi, the first Director listed on the corporate filing. Our caller asked Mr. Alabi if CSI could provide Stage, Sound and Lighting for a campaign. Mr. Alabi’s response was that those services are not the nature of CSI’s business and that our caller would need to contact ACORN. The same response was given when questioned about polling and campaign advance work. But those are the services listed by Obama on the FEC reports. Services supposedly performed by CSI.

CSI is supposedly totally independent of ACORN. However, Jeff Robinson, who reportedly heads the company, is listed in his LinkedIn public profile as the National Deputy Political Director-Campaigns and Elections at ACORN and the Political Director at Communities Voting Together which, by the way, contributed $60,000 to CSI. In May of this year he publicly endorsed the Bob Blumenfield campaign by way of his position as a Director of ACORN. Furthermore, all of CSI’s directors are in ACORN leadership. One should ask why there appears to be so much deception and misdirection surrounding a tiny storefront not-for-profit organization from New Orleans.

Do you pay a fast food restaurant to set a broken bone? That is, incredibly, how absurd these election reports are. A brief conversation with an enforcement officer at the FEC, using hypothetical names, yielded the following response.

According to the FEC, in a situation where a campaign committee reports that they paid a company for services that the company says they do not provide, there is reason to be suspicious. It was irregular. And, it was inappropriate. To wit in 1997 Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar (OH) was prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department for conspiracy to deceive the FEC as to the true nature of the campaign contributions and expenditures that she was required to report. Falsifying federal disclosure reports is a serious matter and it is a crime. If the FEC chooses to exercise equal enforcement then Senator Obama could very well be subject to prosecution….Read the rest of this article at NOQUARTER

Larry Sinclair, Obama, More Inappropriate Usage of Presidential Seal

August 12, 2008

This is from CitizenWells:

Larry Sinclair in Chicago, Obama doll, Presidential Seal, Obama home for sale, Indictment, Prison, Larry Sinclair article, Did I miss the Presidential Election

August 12, 2008 · No Comments

Larry Sinclair made a stop in Chicago. He noticed two things. An Obama doll with the presidential seal and Obama’s home for sale. Is Obama expecting an indictment? Is Obama expecting expulsion from the Senate? Does Obama have a new home in prison? Here is the article from Larry Sinclair:

“Did I miss the Presidential Election
While in Chicago this evening I came across an interesting item being sold in Obamaland.  According to the packaging of this Obama doll “HE IS ALREADY PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” I find it unacceptable that Barack Obama is using “The Seal of The President of The United States” to sell dolls of his big ears and his forked tongue.  This is an outright illegal and unauthorized use of the Presidential Seal.  I also found something else interesting while in Chicago.  Barack and Michelle Obama seem to have put their Chicago area home up for sale.  I will be posting a new blog article later on Tuesday when I have returned to Duluth on this and what I plan to do to demand Obama admit his acts of crack smoking, cheating on Michelle (who by the way is featured on the cover of Ebony Magazine in an airbrushed photo) and his involvement with Donald Young.”

Read more from Larry Sinclair here:

Make sure you visit the Petition to Impeach Senator Obama site:

Obama, Birth Certificate – ACT NOW: Contact Hawaii Attorney General

August 8, 2008

This is from TexasDarlin:

ACT NOW: Contact Hawaii Attorney General

August 8, 2008 · 1 Comment


Mark Bennett, Attorney General
425 Queen Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Telephone: 808-586-1500
Fax: 808-586-1239


Attorney General Bennett,

This letter requests the attention of your office in the investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

In June, Sen. Obama published an image of a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth (COLB) on his campaign website next to the words “the truth about Barack’s birth certificate.” It is still there (see

Since that time, at least two forensics and documents experts have concluded that this image of a COLB, proferred by Sen. Obama as his true birth certificate, is a forgery (references below). Because these experts are working with an Internet image rather than an actual paper document — their work has been highly technical and difficult to document. Unfortunately Sen. Obama has thus far ignored requests by reporters to produce a certified hard-copy of his COLB, much less a copy of his original birth certificate that includes several additional fields such as name of hospital, parents’ signatures, doctor’s signature, mother’s address, etc.

As you well know, the falsification of COLB-style forms is relatively simple because of technological advancements in digital and computer applications. The very existence of the computer-generated black block where the Certification Number should be is suspect and, in accordance with the document’s own language about alterations, would invalidate the certificate. For this reason alone, investigation is warranted.

While the two experts (combined 50+ years of relevant experience) differ somewhat on the means involved in performing the forgery, they are both unwaivering in their conclusion that the COLB on Obama’s website is fake. Because of the intimidation and threats that Obama’s critics face, these experts have thus far remained anonymous. However, your office should have other means of verifying the authenticity of their reports, and possibly you could consult with them upon request under appropriate conditions.

Researchers believe that Sen. Obama’s birth records in Hawaii may reveal a different legal name, perhaps as a result of an adoption and subsequent Indonesian citizenship, and that Sen. Obama may be intentionally concealing these facts from the electorate.

As Attorney General of the State of Hawaii, please investigate the possible forgery of a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth, and report your findings to the public imminently. In a few weeks, the Democratic National Convention will decide whether Sen. Obama will be that Party’s official nominee for U.S. President. If there is information about Sen. Obama’s truthfulness related to his birth and citizenship, it is in the public’s interest that such information be fully disclosed immediately.

I look forward to your response to this request for investigation.



The work of expert “Ron Polarik” (computer and documents specialist: 20+ years experience):

The work of expert “Techdude” (forensics examiner 25+ years experience):

Larry Sinclair Has Agreed To A Documentary Film

August 7, 2008

This is from Larry Sinclair’s site:

I have been contacted by independent documentary film makers and have agreed to participate in the making of a documentary film on Barack Obama and the events of 1999 and the reactions to my coming forward. The identities of these film makers will not be released out of safety concerns seeing how anything not scripted by the Obama people is threatened and attacked.