Larry Sinclair’s Allegations Regarding Obama and Murdered Donald Young Find Support – Obama Criminal Violation of Logan Act – Black Tea Partiers Rebut NAACP – The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Larry Sinclair's story will be told and I'm confident he will be vindicated - The pieces of the story continue to unfold.

Well, well…looks like more and more of Larry Sinclair’s allegations about Obama et. al. are being backed up.  Thanks CitizenWells for staying on top of this issue!

Donald Young’s mother speaks out, Donald Young murder, Norma Jean Young, Afirms Larry Sinclair book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine Sex Lies & Murder?

July 15, 2010 ·

Donald Young’s mother speaks out, Donald Young murder, Norma Jean Young

From Larry Sinclair.

“Norma Jean Young, mother of the MURDERED Donald Young Speaks Out: Mother Affirms What Is Written In Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

Published July 15, 2010

Norma Jean Young speaks out about the murder of her son, Donald Young, former Choir director of Obama’s Church Trinity United in Chicago.  Mrs. Young  “What was the cause of my son’s death? I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama.” “Donald and Obama were close friends.”

Asked who benefited from a cover-up, Norma says, “it could be anyone, including Obama.”

There is more from Donald’s mother that everyone should read.”

Read more:

Ji’Obama’had –

Prime Minister Netanyahu, you have millions of American's behind you. Ignore Obama's theatrics and protect Israel!

Just like Larry Sinclair’s allegations about Obama are being substantiated – the allegations that Obama violated the Logan Act and the State Run Media covered for him are being substantiated.

Ex-prosecutor: Obama’s Kenyan activities may be ‘criminal’

McCarthy says Obama’s foreign dealings as senator possibly illegal

Posted: July 15, 2010
11:45 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

In a new best-selling book connecting Islam and Obama-style socialism, a former top terrorism prosecutor chides the national media for failing to investigate Barack Obama’s “borderline criminal” activities in Kenya as a U.S. senator.

Andrew C. McCarthy, the former U.S. attorney who investigated the American embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, charges that Obama interfered in Kenya’s internal politics possibly in violation of the Logan Act.

The centuries-old law bars Americans who are “without authority of the United States” from conducting relations “with any foreign government … in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States.”

In “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America,” McCarthy says Obama undermined U.S. relations with a strong anti-terrorism ally in an African region where al-Qaida operates. In 2006, he details in the book how Obama…Continue Reading

ChiBama Politics –

Unfortunately, I don't have to make a big leap to believe something like this actually exists in the Obama White House basement! Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, The Constitution, our freedoms, etc. all appear to be in the BOPAC Administration's and their friends' (State Run Media, NAACP, Black Panthers, Ayers, Rev. Wright) sights.

I hope the State Legislators in Missouri are paying attention to this evidence of the Secretary of State’s selective enforcement of their election laws.  Do they have a law in place requiring their Secretary of State to apply election laws to everyone equally ready for the 2012 Presidential Election?

July 16, 2010

Exclusive: Why Was Senate Candidate Forced to Prove His Citizenship?

Margaret Hemenway

Adding to the long-running Obama eligibility dispute, Army veteran and naturalized American Hector Maldonado, recently pointed out in a Branson, MO radio interview that the State of Missouri demanded he prove his citizenship status in order to be permitted to run for Senate from the “Show Me” state. Maldonado was asked by the Office of the Missouri Secretary of State to prove his citizenship status and was threatened via certified letter with being removed from the ballot if he did not comply by a deadline of May 12. …Continue Reading

And then there’s this story.  I’m glad there are experts who can discover when images have been faked.  Everyone is aware Obama and his supporters are willing to go to any length to silence opposition. Be careful Tea Party supporters!

Think Progress Issues Fake Racist Pics To NAACP

In yet another display of disrespect to black people, Think Progress has apparently provided fake pictures of Tea Party ‘racism’ to the NAACP…Continue Reading

As can be seen in the following article, the Tea Party welcomes all who support limited government, fiscal responsibility, the Constitution, and protecting our freedoms.

Black tea partiers rebut NAACP ^ | 7/14/2010 | ANDY BARR

Posted on Friday, July 16, 2010 3:01:38 AM by NotJustAnotherPrettyFace

Some African-American tea party candidates are displeased by a resolution that the NAACP approved on Tuesday calling the grass-roots conservative movement “racist.”

“I have not experienced the charges of racism that the NAACP is touting,” Vernon Parker, an African-American tea party congressional candidate in Arizona, told POLITICO.

Parker, former mayor of Paradise Valley, said that he has never felt out of place at a tea party rally because of the color of his skin.

“When I go to tea party events, people don’t look at me any differently,” he said. “They didn’t judge me on the color of my skin, quite frankly, they judged me on my principles.”

“The NAACP should be concerned about bringing jobs to people in depressed areas,” he added, “not the tea party.”

Tim Scott, a GOP congressional nominee in South Carolina, echoed Parker’s sentiments in a statement.

“I believe that the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference,” Scott said.

“As I campaign in South Carolina, I participate in numerous events sponsored by the tea party, 9/12, Patriot, and other like-minded groups, and I have had the opportunity to get to know many of the men and women who make up these energetic grass-roots organizations,” Scott added.


Commentary –


Coddling Terrorists, Persecuting Navy Seals and CIA, Persecuting Israel, Socialist Takeover of Industry, Political Correctness Allowing Ft. Hood Massacre – Will this be the next thing we see from Obama and Eric Holder?

In support of Lt. Col. Lakin’s courage in seeking the ‘Truth’ (and as a former In-Flight Tech in the Navy), I urge all who have served or have friends/family in the military to ask the following question of those currently serving. 

Brothers and Sisters in the Military, when are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief?  

The military is the only government organization that I continue to have respect for and it pains me criticize those serving.  And I understand the consequences of challenging Obama’s eligibility directly, but the continuing attacks against our Constitution by the left cannot be allowed to pass without objection in some form or another.  Acquiescence is not the only option.

Consider this please.  What if every serviceman or woman went to his or her Chaplin, stated their concerns and provided the basic evidence (direct and circumstantial, links, former statements by NPR etc. indicating a Kenyan birth, etc., etc.) that would cause most reasonable persons to have legitimate questions about Obama’s lack of eligibility to serve and issue lawful orders?  What if requests were made to each Chaplin instructing them to pass these concerns up the Chain of Command?  Would there come a point, a number of requests that would cause the leadership to demand proof of eligibility?

Maybe military leadership could utilize the following provision?

§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of inquiry

(a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial or by any other person designated by the Secretary concerned for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry.

If the Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment? 

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Obama Dreams About Government Run Health Care, Larry Sinclair, Birth Certificates, Natural Born Citizens While America Lives in a Nightmare.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein


Other News:

The Permanant Handout Herd is Leading America to Slaughter! Everyone Needs a Hand Up from Time to Time, but Expecting it to be a Permanent Fixture is Distructive to America!


SafeguardOurConstituion – Lt. Col. Lakin’s Site

The Real Barack Obama

The Steady Drip


Official DisclosureJust to be clear, my graphics depict almost all members of the BOPAC Administration as being full of crap.  They do not actually look like turds – one needs special ‘full of crap’ glasses to be able to see the core of those who continually feed America BS.  I treat everyone equally – when Glenn Beck goes off on those who reasonably question Obama’s eligibility, he gets a half-full of crap depiction.

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