Not Natural Born Citizen Ad Running in DC Today – Judge Suggests Dr. Orly File Suit In Florida For Damages – Israel Now Has Green Light? – Larry Sinclair Says Thank You – ObamaCare Not Good Enough For Congress – TexasDarlin – The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Obama’s Birth Certificate –

Where's the Birth Certificate?

Where's the Birth Certificate?

Get your Washington Times National Weekly today!  Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen is on Page 9.  From CitizenWells:

Washington Times, July 20, 2009, Charles Kerchner, Weekly edition ad, Obama when born in 1961 was a British Subject, Kerchner v Obama

July 19, 2009 ·

From Charles Kerchner of the Kerchner V Obama lawsuit, a new ad placed in the weekly edition of the Washington Times for July 20, 2009:

“The below linked advertorial is running tomorrow in the Washington Times National Weekly edition on page 9.  Introduced to the readers of that national newspaper with this issue is an additional key point about Obama and one more of his many flaws in his exact citizenship status, i.e., that:

“Obama when born in 1961 was a British Subject”.

And of course, as a British Subject at birth, Obama is not eligible to be President and the Commander-in-Chief of our military forces since he is not, and never can be, a “natural born citizen” of the USA as is required under Article II of our Constitution, per the intent of the founders of our nation and framers and legal scholars of our Constitution such as Franklin, Jay, and Washington, and per legal constitutional standards.

If you can, please give some coverage of this new key point in this newer version of the advertorials I have been running, i.e., that Obama was born a British Subject when born in 1961 no matter where he was born. His father was a British Subject and thus under the British Nationality Act of 1948 Obama was a British Subject at birth too.

While we who have been fighting this battle may clearly know and understand that point, most in America do not, nor do they understand the importance of that point as to natural born citizenship status under Article II of our Constitution, to constitutional standards.

Also if you can, please point out that if your readers wish to see more of this type of advertising in a national newspaper on the issue of Obama’s citizenship flaws, that they can now help the cause and contribute to funding the advertorials at: I thank all the patriots who have contributed to-date to make this latest advertorial insertion possible. With help, more will be done.  Thank you.”


Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
CDR USNR Retired
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

Vistit CitizenWells’ site

Run It Up a Flagpole and Sees Who Salutes It –

If Obama is Not Eligible to Serve, He Cannot Issue "Lawful Orders"

If Obama is Not Eligible to Serve, He Cannot Issue "Lawful Orders"

Dr. Orly Taitz continues her fight to make sure members of the United States Military are only following “lawful orders!” Judge recommends Dr. Orly file an action for damages in the Middle District of Florida. Thank you Dr. Orly and Major Cook for your sacrifices for this country.

Press Release- Update on Major Cook’s case

July 19th, 2009

I was asked to provide an update and explanation in regards to Major Cook’s case. At the hearing the  main point that the Judge brought forward, was the fact that since the military caved in and revoked Major Cook’s orders to go to Afghanistan, he will not be deployed from Fort Benning, GA, and Judge Land in GA no longer has jurisdiction over the case. He recommended that I refile in the Federal Court in the Middle district of Florida, where Major Cook resides and where his employer, Simtech, inc is located. The judge recommended that I file a legal action for damages, as the military has applied enormous pressure on the owner of Simtech, Larry Grise , to fire Major Cook in retaliation for him asking a question about the legitimacy of Obama for position of the Commander in Chief.

I am currently redoing the pleadings and I will refile in Florida.


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

Obama’s Israel Policy –

Jibamahad Policy - Israel Loses Everything

Jibamahad Policy - Israel Loses Everything

Is the green light on for an Israeli attack against Iran?  Green light, Red Light, I wonder if Netanyahu asked Obama to see his Birth Certificate or maybe he held up a copy of Larry Sinclair’s book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

Maybe Obama had no choice but to fold.  Whatever decision Israel comes to I wish them the absolute best. Good Luck!

Report: Israel Preparing to Strike Against Iran

July 19th, 2009 | By: Michael van der Galien

Arutz Sheva reports that the Israeli army is preparing to strike against Iran’s nuclear installations later this year. It quotes sources telling the British daily The Times that Europe and the US have reluctantly given Israel the green light in exchange for a settlement stop in the Palestinian territories and Israeli support for a Palestinian state.

As two Israeli missile-class warships joined a navy submarine in the Red Sea, an Israeli defense source made it clear that the moves are intended as a threatening message to Iran.

“This is preparation that should be taken seriously,” the unnamed source told the London Times. “Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran.”…

The exercises “come at a time when Western diplomats are offering support for an Israeli strike on Iran in return for Israeli concessions on the formation of a Palestinian state,” the Times said. It quoted an anonymous British official as saying that if the deal completed, it would make an Israeli strike on Iran realistic “within the year.”

And so Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu proves to be a pragmatical man….Continue Reading

Speaking of Larry Sinclair –

USS Larry Sinclair on a World-Wide Jouney - Larry Says Thank You!

USS Larry Sinclair on a World-Wide Jouney - Larry Says Thank You!

Larry Sinclair sends his thanks to many:

…Americans and others from the southern most tip of the Keys, to the Northern Border, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Hawaiian Islands, from Canada, Mexico, South Korea, South Africa and the EU have come together and supported the publishing of a TRUE story that the well financed Obama and Daily Kos nuts could not stop.

I want to thank a Canadian Book Seller for not only carrying the Book in their store, but for also making it their Featured Book for the month of August. I urge all Independent Book Sellers to follow the Canadian Book Sellers lead and lets make this book available to as many people (including Obama supporters) as possible. Let people read this book and come to their own conclusions rather than allow the kool-aid drunk media and bloggers tell you what is or is not included in the Book, or what did or did not take place with one Barack Obama….Continue Reading

The United States Congressbowl –

United States Congressbowl of the United States

United States Congressbowl of the United States

If it’s bad enough for the American People, it certainly isn’t good enough for members of Congress and their families. (Hat tip to JJ) From TexasDarlin comes this:

Democratic Senators voted against a proposed Amendment that would require them and their families to join the public plan which Obama wants to impose on the rest of us.

Message to our Senators: If it’s not good enough for YOU, don’t ask us to use it.

In the health debate, liberals sing Hari Krishnas to the “public option” — a new federal insurance program like Medicare — but if it’s good enough for the middle class, then surely it’s good enough for the political class too? As it happens, more than a few Democrats disagree….Continue Reading

Call your Representative and tell them to vote NO on Obamacare!

ObamaCare - Stand in Line and have a Czar Control Your Doctor - Larry Sinclair Has It Nailed

ObamaCare - Stand in Line and have a Czar Control Your Doctor - Larry Sinclair Has It Nailed

Support Freedom – Boycott GM and Chrysler –

Support Freedom - Boycott General Motors (GM) and Chrysler

Support Freedom - Boycott General Motors (GM) and Chrysler

6 Responses to “Not Natural Born Citizen Ad Running in DC Today – Judge Suggests Dr. Orly File Suit In Florida For Damages – Israel Now Has Green Light? – Larry Sinclair Says Thank You – ObamaCare Not Good Enough For Congress – TexasDarlin – The BOPAC Report”

  1. jeanniejo Says:

    Thanks, Zach –

    It’s my pleasure to provide information in the safest, most timely and accurate manner.

    I do like the graphics you have displayed on your website. Certainly different than most and very thought provoking.

    I offer these:

    The Obama Agenda Bogs Down

    Every paragraph in this is spectacular —

    someone in The Dame radio show Sat night posted this one below; apparently they they don’t really have the votes, lol

    Health reform foes plan Obama’s ‘Waterloo’

    another one that is interesting also:

    Barack Obama feels the heat, changes the play

  2. jeanniejo Says:

    here’s another good one —

    Poll: Obama drops on health care

    Poll: Obama drops on health care

    ‘As President Barack Obama begins a week full pushing for health care reform, a new national poll indicates the president is slipping on the issue.’

  3. jeanniejo Says:

    Mike Castle on PeeBo’s Birthcertificate.

  4. jeanniejo Says:

    Memo to CNN: Dump Lou Dobbs NOW!!

  5. jeanniejo Says:

    Barack Obama Says His Health Care Reform Will “bring greater…inefficiencies.” Gaffe or Truth?

  6. jeanniejo Says:

    Dr. Orly Taitz and Major Cook.

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