Obama Checks Out 16 Year Old Girl – Larry Sinclair’s Book Going Worldwide – Michelle Malkin – Soros-bots outnumbered at NY health care counterprotest; Update: And in Orlando – The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Larry Sinclair Updates –

USS Larry Sinclair on Course

USS Larry Sinclair on Course

Just a couple of quick updates regarding the Larry Sinclair story:

Larry’s book is making its way around the world.  Here is a comment from one of Larry’s readers.

Yikes! I’m really excited now. I’ve just received my shipping notification and I wasn’t expecting it so soon as I must be a long way down the list for signed copies.

Larry, you must have been doing nothing but packing! I’ll be doing a review for the Pakistani Spectator when I get my book.

It seems that Mr. Obama has a problem keeping focused on the meetings. From Larry Sinclair:

Thursday, July 9, 2009


UPDATED @ 7:18 PM. It has been brought to my attention that the “woman” Obama is checking out is in fact the 16 year old daughter of the President of Brazil, and not a woman at all but a CHILD!
Photo from Reuters
Barack Obama is photographed looking at a woman’s ass in Italy Thursday afternoon one day after copies of the Book, BARACK OBAMA & LARRY SINCLAIR: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? began reaching Americans who had placed advanced orders for it. The book details Barack Obama’s engaging in gay sex and provides a description of his genitals that one can be certain Barack Obama will go to great lengths to avoid responding to in an open and “transparent way.”
Obama supporters talk about how totally in love and happy this guy is with Michelle yet he is photographed starring at another woman’s backside in Italy. Barack Obama is not truly interested in this woman, but needs to project the image as his true colors are about to be disclosed worldwide in the recently released Book.
I am pleased to say that the International customers are looking forward to spreading word of the Book.

Of course, to see what I see, I put on my own truth detector glasses.  They seem to be spot on so far and they work for the entire Obama Administration.

A Beatles Song Comes to Mind - Michelle, ma belle - Sont des mots qui vont trés bien ensemble, Trés bien ensemble.

A Beatles Song Comes to Mind - Michelle, ma belle - Sont des mots qui vont trés bien ensemble, Trés bien ensemble.

ObabaCare –

ObamaCare - Stand in Line and have a Czar Control Your Doctor

ObamaCare - Stand in Line and have a Czar Control Your Doctor

Thank you Michelle Malkin for a little good news on the government health care opposition front.

More Soros-bots outnumbered at NY health care counterprotest; Update: And in Orlando

By Michelle Malkin  •  July 9, 2009 07:00 PM

I said this afternoon in my post on the North Carolina health care counterprotest that grass-roots activists for fiscal conservatism are matching the lefty astroturf crowd person for person and sign for sign. I repeat: It’s happening more often than you’ll see in the NYTimes and on TV.

Here’s another report from an anti-MoveOn/anti-Obamacare counterprotest today — this one in Long Island, NY from Gathering of Eagles member Dan Maloney:

Patriots from the Conservative Society for Action, Gathering of Eagles, Active and the 912 Group rallied in front of the offices of Senator Charles Schumer to counter the staged pro-nationalized healthcare rally planned by MoveOn.org and ACORN.

The first moonbats arrived and almost immediately called the police because they hate free speech and any opposition to their agenda….Continue Reading

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